• Superstorm Sunspot Return

    From Dumas Walker@21:1/175 to All on Tue May 28 04:54:00 2024
    Space Weather News for May 24-27, 2024

    ROCKS AND SOIL ELECTRIFIED BY THE SOLAR SUPERSTORM - Electric fields in the United States were "very high": The May 10th solar superstorm did more than spark worldwide auroras. It also electrified rocks and soil. NOAA and USGS models of the storm reveal "very high" geoelectric fields in parts of the United States.

    HISTORIC SUNSPOT RETURNS - It announced itself with an X-flare: Could it happen

    again? Sunspot AR3664, which caused the historic May 10th superstorm, is returning following a two-week trip around the farside of the sun. It announced

    itself today with an X2.8-class solar flare.

    Full stories @ Spaceweather.com (https://spaceweather.com) .


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