• Who's Online

    From dreamchipper@21:1/228 to All on Thu Jul 25 20:49:31 2024
    Has anyone figured out a way when running the "Who's Online" command to show that a user is in a Door game, currently it just shows "Browsing Menus" which is not all that useful. Bonus if you can get it to say what door game they are in.


    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: SDF-1 BBS: bbs.sdf1.net (ssh: 5022, telnet: 5023) (21:1/228)
  • From Bucko@21:4/131 to dreamchipper on Thu Jul 25 19:00:09 2024
    On 25 Jul 2024, dreamchipper said the following...

    Has anyone figured out a way when running the "Who's Online" command to show that a user is in a Door game, currently it just shows "Browsing Menus" which is not all that useful. Bonus if you can get it to say what door game they are in.

    In the menu of where you want to do this you would hit / then settings and in the Node Info box enter in what you want it to say, I haven't seen a way to get the exact door name in there but on my board when a user is at the main prompt it says Hovering at the Main prompt, in the message area it says Trying to read messages etc. In the doors area it says playing some games. etc.. If someone can figure out a way to get it to say which door that would be great. Maybe leave that as a request for g00r00 to add in in the future.

    |11 Bucko |14- |06Wrong Number Family Of BBS' |07- |03www.wrgnbr.com

    ... Do device drivers need a chauffeur's license?

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: The Wrong Number Family Of BBS' - Wrong Number ][ (21:4/131)
  • From Warpslide@21:3/110 to dreamchipper on Thu Jul 25 20:18:14 2024
    On 25 Jul 2024, dreamchipper said the following...

    Has anyone figured out a way when running the "Who's Online" command to show that a user is in a Door game, currently it just shows "Browsing Menus" which is not all that useful. Bonus if you can get it to say what door game they are in.

    Yes, you'd use the NA menu command for this:

    Command : NA
    Description : Set Node Action. This command will set the node action
    which appears when a Who's Online (NW) list is done.
    The Optional Data field is required and holds the text that will appear in the "Action" field of a Who's Online list.
    Optional Data : <Action>

    So for the door menu's Action List you'd have:

    Action List --------------- Access --------- Data ----------
    (NA) Set node action Playing LORD
    (DD) Exec external program ./bbslink.sh lord %#


    ... Never invest your money in anything that eats or needs painting

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2024/05/29 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: Northern Realms (21:3/110)
  • From dreamchipper@21:1/228 to Warpslide on Fri Jul 26 13:49:32 2024
    Awesome! Thanks (to you and everyone else who replied!)


    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: SDF-1 BBS: bbs.sdf1.net (ssh: 5022, telnet: 5023) (21:1/228)
  • From TheNerd@21:1/230 to dreamchipper on Fri Jul 26 12:10:29 2024
    Has anyone figured out a way when running the "Who's Online" command to show that a user is in a Door game, currently it just shows "Browsing Menus" which is not all that useful. Bonus if you can get it to say what door game they are in.

    Easy.. add a command in the menu editor that runs before you run the door. This is found by going into the menu item for the door you want and then tabbing into the action items. / insert a command before the actual door that runs an NA command that tells what door they entered.

    --- TheNerd -/- Sysop: NerdRage BBS -/- telnet: nerdragebbs.ddns.net

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: NerdRage BBS -.- telnet: nerdragebbs.ddns.net (21:1/230)
  • From SirRonmit@21:2/120 to Bucko on Fri Jul 26 13:16:32 2024
    I used that and thanks! I see it in the MIS "Connections" window now.
    Then used the <NA> for each door that I want to keep track of being played.
    I also created an overall for each section of doors as well, so I can see which submenu of doors they are browsing without having to SNOOP. (eg. Sunrise Doors / LORD / etc.)

    Timothy Norris aka SirRonmit
    bbs.f4fbbs.com:2323 or :62323

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: Files 4 Fun BBS (21:2/120)
  • From Bucko@21:4/131 to SirRonmit on Sat Jul 27 08:23:39 2024
    On 26 Jul 2024, SirRonmit said the following...

    I used that and thanks! I see it in the MIS "Connections" window now.
    Then used the <NA> for each door that I want to keep track of being played. I also created an overall for each section of doors as well, so
    I can see which submenu of doors they are browsing without having to SNOOP. (eg. Sunrise Doors / LORD / etc.)

    Yea, I blew that one! LOL Glad you got it going..

    |11 Bucko |14- |06Wrong Number Family Of BBS' |07- |03www.wrgnbr.com

    ... A house is a place to keep your stuff while you go out and get more stuff

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: The Wrong Number Family Of BBS' - Wrong Number ][ (21:4/131)