• Up to date manual for mystic bbs

    From klunk@21:1/124 to All on Thu May 23 23:15:33 2024
    Hi Everyone,
    Is there a more up to date manual for mystic bbs, apart from the online wiki which is incomplete or is out of date with respect to the current version of mystic? I have seen many of Avon's videos on youtube but alas many of these are now out of date, even though they can point you in the right direction.

    ... Marriage is one of the chief causes of divorce

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: Who Dares Wins Amiga BBS (21:1/124)
  • From Avon@21:1/101 to klunk on Sat May 25 02:57:09 2024
    On 23 May 2024 at 10:15p, klunk pondered and said...

    Hi Everyone,
    Is there a more up to date manual for mystic bbs, apart from the online wiki which is incomplete or is out of date with respect to the current version of mystic? I have seen many of Avon's videos on youtube but alas many of these are now out of date, even though they can point you in the right direction. L8rz

    the short answer is no, not really.

    Re the videos, I debate about taking them down as I don't want to lead people totally astray, and yep well aware they should ideally be updated but I'll get to them when I do.

    If there's some specifics you want to know about feel free to ask here and folks will chime in with helpful answers etc.

    If there's something amiss / could be added to the wiki I can help with that.

    If you can find me the extra 25th hour in the day that would be amazing too :)

    Kerr Avon [Blake's 7] 'I'm not expendable, I'm not stupid and I'm not going' avon[at]bbs.nz | bbs.nz | fsxnet.nz

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: Agency BBS | Dunedin, New Zealand | agency.bbs.nz (21:1/101)
  • From TheNerd@21:1/230 to klunk on Thu May 23 17:17:00 2024
    I just ask here.

    Anything in perticular?

    -- NerdRage BBS - SysOp: TheNerd
    -- telnet: nerdragebbs.ddns.net

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: NerdRage BBS -.- telnet: nerdragebbs.ddns.net (21:1/230)
  • From paulie420@21:2/150 to Avon on Thu May 23 15:42:09 2024
    Re the videos, I debate about taking them down as I don't want to lead people totally astray, and yep well aware they should ideally be updated but I'll get to them when I do.

    I was thinking about doing an updated 'how to' setup Mystic & an FTN video, or series... time will tell. (Unless you have desire to doso, of course.)


    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: 2o fOr beeRS bbs>>>20ForBeers.com:1337 (21:2/150)
  • From Avon@21:1/101 to paulie420 on Sat May 25 08:10:58 2024
    On 23 May 2024 at 10:42p, paulie420 pondered and said...

    I was thinking about doing an updated 'how to' setup Mystic & an FTN video, or series... time will tell. (Unless you have desire to doso, of course.)

    Yeah I'm still thinking I'll do something.

    Devil's in the detail.

    Kerr Avon [Blake's 7] 'I'm not expendable, I'm not stupid and I'm not going' avon[at]bbs.nz | bbs.nz | fsxnet.nz

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: Agency BBS | Dunedin, New Zealand | agency.bbs.nz (21:1/101)
  • From klunk@21:1/124 to Avon on Fri May 24 22:15:19 2024
    No leave the videos on youtube, they do help even though they are out of date. They made me make the jump from synchronet to mystic. I am still rewatching them as I rebuild my BBS. In the 90's I did write some bbs software for the Amiga with a friend but then the internet came and killed off the bbs scene.

    ... I don't have the time for a hobby. I have a computer.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: Who Dares Wins Amiga BBS (21:1/124)
  • From paulie420@21:2/150 to Avon on Fri May 24 13:03:05 2024
    I was thinking about doing an updated 'how to' setup Mystic & an FTN video, or series... time will tell. (Unless you have desire to doso, course.)

    Yeah I'm still thinking I'll do something.

    Ok - I WON'T, then. :P (Happily, of course - was just asking so not to step on toes...)


    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: 2o fOr beeRS bbs>>>20ForBeers.com:1337 (21:2/150)