• Re: Toxic fandom

    From The Last Doctor@3:633/280.2 to All on Tue Jun 11 08:17:23 2024
    Blueshirt <blueshirt@indigo.news> wrote:
    The Doctor wrote:

    RTD not retconning the Timeless Child is the ultimate recipe
    for toxic fandom.

    Parts of Doctor Who fandom have been toxic long before the
    Timeless Child was thought of...

    Pretending it only happened in 2017 is revisionism.

    The sort of people who rant “Retcon the Timeless Child” and “Doctor Who ended in 2017” and similar stuff, instead of either walking away or finding things still to enjoy about the show, ARE the toxic fandom.

    “Most of the Universe is knackered, babes.” - The Doctor

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.4 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: A noiseless patient Spider (3:633/280.2@fidonet)
  • From Blueshirt@3:633/280.2 to All on Tue Jun 11 10:43:42 2024
    The Doctor wrote:

    In article <v47u1j$lf9s$1@dont-email.me>,
    The Last Doctor <mike@xenocyte.com> wrote:
    Blueshirt <blueshirt@indigo.news> wrote:
    The Doctor wrote:

    RTD not retconning the Timeless Child is the ultimate
    recipe for toxic fandom.

    Parts of Doctor Who fandom have been toxic long before the
    Timeless Child was thought of...

    Pretending it only happened in 2017 is revisionism.

    The sort of people who rant “Retcon the Timeless Child” and
    “Doctor Who ended in 2017” and similar stuff, instead of
    either walking away or finding things still to enjoy about
    the show, ARE the toxic fandom.

    Says a toxic fan.

    Says a fan. You know, the people who try and see the best about
    a TV programme they like and don't spend the entire episode
    hating and looking for agendas and [non-existent] sexual
    grooming messages...

    The Timeless Child is going nowhere, you'd want to start getting
    used to it... move on.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.4 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Eweka Internet Services (3:633/280.2@fidonet)
  • From Blueshirt@3:633/280.2 to All on Tue Jun 11 10:35:42 2024
    The Last Doctor wrote:

    Blueshirt <blueshirt@indigo.news> wrote:
    The Doctor wrote:

    RTD not retconning the Timeless Child is the ultimate recipe
    for toxic fandom.

    Parts of Doctor Who fandom have been toxic long before the
    Timeless Child was thought of...

    Pretending it only happened in 2017 is revisionism.

    The sort of people who rant “Retcon the Timeless Child” and
    “Doctor Who ended in 2017” and similar stuff, instead of
    either walking away or finding things still to enjoy about the
    show, ARE the toxic fandom.

    They can't walk away Mike, they have to watch is so nobody else
    has to. They are providing a service for fandom. The people on
    YouTube even agree with them. So we must be the ones doing
    something wrong!

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.4 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Eweka Internet Services (3:633/280.2@fidonet)
  • From The True Doctor@3:633/280.2 to All on Tue Jun 11 12:39:21 2024
    On 10/06/2024 23:11, Blueshirt wrote:
    The Doctor wrote:

    RTD not retconning the Timeless Child is the ultimate recipe
    for toxic fandom.

    Parts of Doctor Who fandom have been toxic long before the
    Timeless Child was thought of...

    Pretending it only happened in 2017 is revisionism.

    It happened at the end of Series 8 when Moffat turned the Master into a
    woman, insulted the memory of Nicholas Courtney by turning the Brigadier
    into a Cyberman, and turned the series woke. The ratings collapsed in
    half immediately afterwards, and there's no bullshit excuses like people turning to streaming. Steamed woke shows have no more viewers than my
    YouTube gaming channel which only has 200 subscribes.

    The True Doctor https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCngrZwoS0n21IRcXpKO79Lw

    "To be woke is to be uninformed which is exactly the opposite of what it stands for." -William Shatner

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.4 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: A noiseless patient Spider (3:633/280.2@fidonet)
  • From The True Doctor@3:633/280.2 to All on Tue Jun 11 12:41:56 2024
    On 10/06/2024 23:17, The Last Doctor wrote:
    Blueshirt <blueshirt@indigo.news> wrote:
    The Doctor wrote:

    RTD not retconning the Timeless Child is the ultimate recipe
    for toxic fandom.

    Parts of Doctor Who fandom have been toxic long before the
    Timeless Child was thought of...

    Pretending it only happened in 2017 is revisionism.

    The sort of people who rant “Retcon the Timeless Child” and “Doctor Who ended in 2017” and similar stuff, instead of either walking away or finding things still to enjoy about the show, ARE the toxic fandom.

    You are the toxic fandom. We are not going to turn away and leave the
    room so that disgusting woke perverts can hijack the show and it's
    audience so as to sexually groom children while our back is turned and
    then prey on them.

    The True Doctor https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCngrZwoS0n21IRcXpKO79Lw

    "To be woke is to be uninformed which is exactly the opposite of what it stands for." -William Shatner

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.4 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: A noiseless patient Spider (3:633/280.2@fidonet)
  • From The True Doctor@3:633/280.2 to All on Tue Jun 11 12:47:16 2024
    On 11/06/2024 01:35, Blueshirt wrote:
    The Last Doctor wrote:

    Blueshirt <blueshirt@indigo.news> wrote:
    The Doctor wrote:

    RTD not retconning the Timeless Child is the ultimate recipe
    for toxic fandom.

    Parts of Doctor Who fandom have been toxic long before the
    Timeless Child was thought of...

    Pretending it only happened in 2017 is revisionism.

    The sort of people who rant “Retcon the Timeless Child” and
    “Doctor Who ended in 2017” and similar stuff, instead of
    either walking away or finding things still to enjoy about the
    show, ARE the toxic fandom.

    They can't walk away Mike, they have to watch is so nobody else
    has to. They are providing a service for fandom. The people on
    YouTube even agree with them. So we must be the ones doing
    something wrong!

    The people on YouTube also have more viewers than this degeneracy of a
    show has on Disney+.

    The True Doctor https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCngrZwoS0n21IRcXpKO79Lw

    "To be woke is to be uninformed which is exactly the opposite of what it stands for." -William Shatner

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.4 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: A noiseless patient Spider (3:633/280.2@fidonet)
  • From The True Doctor@3:633/280.2 to All on Tue Jun 11 12:46:03 2024
    On 11/06/2024 01:43, Blueshirt wrote:
    The Doctor wrote:

    In article <v47u1j$lf9s$1@dont-email.me>,
    The Last Doctor <mike@xenocyte.com> wrote:
    Blueshirt <blueshirt@indigo.news> wrote:
    The Doctor wrote:

    RTD not retconning the Timeless Child is the ultimate
    recipe for toxic fandom.

    Parts of Doctor Who fandom have been toxic long before the
    Timeless Child was thought of...

    Pretending it only happened in 2017 is revisionism.

    The sort of people who rant “Retcon the Timeless Child” and
    “Doctor Who ended in 2017” and similar stuff, instead of
    either walking away or finding things still to enjoy about
    the show, ARE the toxic fandom.

    Says a toxic fan.

    Says a fan. You know, the people who try and see the best about
    a TV programme they like and don't spend the entire episode
    hating and looking for agendas and [non-existent] sexual
    grooming messages...

    Non-existent? Gatwa was written as a common slut and made to kiss
    another man. And you say that's non existent?

    The audience of Doctor Who is male and heterosexual. Why has the show
    been hijacked and the fake imposter Doctor been turned gay, written as
    an over emotional women, with no sign of intelligence whatsoever, and
    used to propagate homosexuality which the adults in the room are not interested in and never will be, and has absolutely nothing to do with
    the character of the Doctor?

    The Timeless Child is going nowhere, you'd want to start getting
    used to it... move on.


    The True Doctor https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCngrZwoS0n21IRcXpKO79Lw

    "To be woke is to be uninformed which is exactly the opposite of what it stands for." -William Shatner

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.4 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: A noiseless patient Spider (3:633/280.2@fidonet)
  • From Ubiquitous@3:633/280.2 to All on Tue Jun 11 18:30:43 2024
    In article <v47qm6$fpv$3@gallifrey.nk.ca>, doctor@doctor.nl2k.ab.ca wrote:

    RTD not retconning the Timeless Child is the ultimate recipe for
    toxic fandom.


    5* 6* *7
    4* *8
    3* *9
    2* *10
    1* | *stuporous
    0* -*- *catatonic
    * |\ *comatose
    * \ *clinical death
    * \ *biological death
    * _\/ *demonic apparition
    * * *damned for all eternity

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.4 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: A noiseless patient Spider (3:633/280.2@fidonet)
  • From Blueshirt@3:633/280.2 to All on Wed Jun 12 04:59:06 2024
    The True Doctor wrote:

    On 10/06/2024 23:11, Blueshirt wrote:
    The Doctor wrote:

    RTD not retconning the Timeless Child is the ultimate
    recipe for toxic fandom.

    Parts of Doctor Who fandom have been toxic long before the
    Timeless Child was thought of...

    Pretending it only happened in 2017 is revisionism.

    It happened at the end of Series 8 when Moffat turned the
    Master into a woman, insulted the memory of Nicholas Courtney
    by turning the Brigadier into a Cyberman, and turned the
    series woke. The ratings collapsed in half immediately
    afterwards, and there's no bullshit excuses like people
    turning to streaming.

    So... why don't you say Doctor Who finished in 2014 then?

    You tolerated a female Master but drew the line at a female
    Doctor. Was that a pair of tits too far?

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.4 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Eweka Internet Services (3:633/280.2@fidonet)
  • From Blueshirt@3:633/280.2 to All on Wed Jun 12 04:56:41 2024
    The True Doctor wrote:

    On 11/06/2024 01:43, Blueshirt wrote:

    Says a fan. You know, the people who try and see the best
    about a TV programme they like and don't spend the entire
    episode hating and looking for agendas and [non-existent]
    sexual grooming messages...

    Non-existent? Gatwa was written as a common slut and made to
    kiss another man. And you say that's non existent?

    That's called emotional drama, and while I thought that
    'relationship' happened rather quickly I don't believe it was
    written to sexually groom children. You have to have a twisted
    mentality to think that way.

    The Timeless Child is going nowhere, you'd want to start
    getting used to it... move on.


    To you maybe, but then again, you still watch it EVERY WEEK, so
    obviously it's not! So all you are posting is hyperbole.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.4 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Eweka Internet Services (3:633/280.2@fidonet)
  • From Your Name@3:633/280.2 to All on Wed Jun 12 07:26:09 2024
    On 2024-06-11 19:26:32 +0000, Blueshirt said:

    The Doctor wrote:

    In article <xn0omxhmdara3wn005@post.eweka.nl>,
    Blueshirt <blueshirt@indigo.news> wrote:

    The Timeless Child is going nowhere, you'd want to start
    getting used to it... move on.

    The Timeless Child deserved to be rubbished!

    Yes it did. BUT... it was still part of the show.

    The McCoy era deserved to be rubbished, BUT... it was still part
    of the show.

    Like any long running TV show Doctor Who has been good, average
    and bad... that's the way it goes. But even so, it's ALL Doctor

    That's the point that YOU are not getting.

    Yes and no.

    Although "reboots" do usually re-use the same or similar names and are echnically in the same franchise, they are in reality completely
    different shows. The most obvious example being "Battlestar Galactica"
    - there's the real Glen Larson original version, then the horrible
    "Galactica 1980" version, and then there's the awful Moore-Ron "reboot" version. (There is also a planned movie version which will be different
    again, and an even sillier planned movie that will somehow supposedly
    link the two very different versions while ignoring "Galactica 1980").

    The problem with Doctor Who is that the main character's ability to
    regenerate so they can replace the actor, makes it harder to spot the
    "reboot" attempts. The gender-swapping and now race-swapping are two
    of the more blatant "reboot" attempts within Doctor Who franchise,
    mainly to appease the Politically Correct / Equality brigade ...
    because as we all "know", there were never any female nor black actors
    on TV shows before about 2010, :-\

    "Reboots" are never a good idea, and simply a sign that the creator
    doesn't really know what to do. Another term covering a simialr sudden
    change is often "jumping ths shark", named after an episode of the US
    sitcom "Happy Days" when they decided to make big changes to the format becauser they had run out of sensibly fitting ideas.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.4 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: A noiseless patient Spider (3:633/280.2@fidonet)
  • From The True Doctor@3:633/280.2 to All on Wed Jun 12 08:59:05 2024
    On 11/06/2024 19:56, Blueshirt wrote:
    The True Doctor wrote:

    On 11/06/2024 01:43, Blueshirt wrote:

    Says a fan. You know, the people who try and see the best
    about a TV programme they like and don't spend the entire
    episode hating and looking for agendas and [non-existent]
    sexual grooming messages...

    Non-existent? Gatwa was written as a common slut and made to
    kiss another man. And you say that's non existent?

    That's called emotional drama, and while I thought that

    No it isn't. It's called syndical manipulation of the audience and
    sexual grooming of children.

    'relationship' happened rather quickly I don't believe it was
    written to sexually groom children. You have to have a twisted

    Of course it was since it has no appeal whatsoever to adults who are heterosexual. Why would a male lead protagonist written as woman appeal
    to more than a faction of a percent of the adult population anywhere?

    mentality to think that way.

    No. RTD is the one who is twisted and gets pleasure everything he hears
    of a boy discovering that his homosexual because of something he made or wrote. That's the perverts own words, not mine.

    The Timeless Child is going nowhere, you'd want to start
    getting used to it... move on.


    To you maybe, but then again, you still watch it EVERY WEEK, so

    I've no watched a single new episode of Doctor Who since 2017 since
    there hasn't been one.

    obviously it's not! So all you are posting is hyperbole.

    Doctor Who ended in 2017!

    The True Doctor https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCngrZwoS0n21IRcXpKO79Lw

    "To be woke is to be uninformed which is exactly the opposite of what it stands for." -William Shatner

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.4 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: A noiseless patient Spider (3:633/280.2@fidonet)
  • From Your Name@3:633/280.2 to All on Wed Jun 12 16:27:07 2024
    On 2024-06-11 23:42:39 +0000, Blueshirt said:
    Your Name wrote:
    On 2024-06-11 19:26:32 +0000, Blueshirt said:
    The Doctor wrote:
    In article <xn0omxhmdara3wn005@post.eweka.nl>,
    Blueshirt <blueshirt@indigo.news> wrote:

    The Timeless Child is going nowhere, you'd want to start
    getting used to it... move on.

    The Timeless Child deserved to be rubbished!

    Yes it did. BUT... it was still part of the show.

    The McCoy era deserved to be rubbished, BUT... it was still
    part of the show.

    Like any long running TV show Doctor Who has been good,
    average and bad... that's the way it goes. But even so, it's
    ALL Doctor Who.

    Yes and no.

    Although "reboots" do usually re-use the same or similar names
    and are echnically in the same franchise, they are in reality
    completely different shows. The most obvious example being
    "Battlestar Galactica" - there's the real Glen Larson original
    version, then the horrible "Galactica 1980" version, and then
    there's the awful Moore-Ron "reboot" version. (There is also a
    planned movie version which will be different again, and an
    even sillier planned movie that will somehow supposedly link
    the two very different versions while ignoring "Galactica

    The problem with Doctor Who is that the main character's
    ability to regenerate so they can replace the actor, makes it
    harder to spot the "reboot" attempts. The gender-swapping and
    now race-swapping are two of the more blatant "reboot"
    attempts within Doctor Who franchise, mainly to appease the
    Politically Correct / Equality brigade ... because as we all
    "know", there were never any female nor black actors on TV
    shows before about 2010, :-\

    "Reboots" are never a good idea, and simply a sign that the
    creator doesn't really know what to do. Another term covering
    a simialr sudden change is often "jumping ths shark", named
    after an episode of the US sitcom "Happy Days" when they
    decided to make big changes to the format becauser they had
    run out of sensibly fitting ideas.

    I know the eras of Doctor Who are vastly different but I don't
    look at Doctor Who post 2005 (or 2023 onwards even) as reboots
    per se, as the Doctor numbering continues... so for me they are
    just jumping on points for potential new fans.

    Had RTD in 2005 started again with a new First Doctor, then yes,
    I would have viewed that as a full reboot. But as it was,
    calling Christopher Eccleston the Ninth Doctor meant us older
    fans of the show could just envisage it as a continuation.

    The Doctor numbering continues mainly because that's a fan-based thing
    .... has the numbering ever been mentioned in-show??

    The season numbering has definitely restarted twice at 1 again.

    Battlestar Galactica OTOH... no, we won't even go there!!! :-(

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.4 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: A noiseless patient Spider (3:633/280.2@fidonet)
  • From The Last Doctor@3:633/280.2 to All on Wed Jun 12 22:19:20 2024
    Hornplayer9599 <Hornplayer9599@aol.com> wrote:
    On 6/12/2024 01:27, Your Name wrote:

    The Doctor numbering continues mainly because that's a fan-based thing
    ... has the numbering ever been mentioned in-show??

    I think Peter Davidson (in character) mentioned in "The Five Doctors"
    that he was the fourth regeneration of the Doctor.

    He does, and the first Doctor responds with “oh, so there are five of me now.”

    And there have been one or two other mentions down the years.

    But it’s a rarity and regardless of whether you accept that the Timeless Children shows a “reset” forgetting an unknown number of previous regenerations, the existence of the War Doctor, David Tennant counting as
    three (two incarnations but three regenerations) and now the insertion
    somehow of not only the Fugitive Doctor but also the Shalka Doctor into the Doctor’s pasts, indicates that any in-universe counting has become meaningless.

    So these days the only place the number has meaning is in fannish
    conversation and used to refer to the precedence of an actor to have had
    the lead role for a season or TV movie - and even there we’re now counting Tennant twice.

    “Most of the Universe is knackered, babes.” - The Doctor

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.4 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: A noiseless patient Spider (3:633/280.2@fidonet)
  • From Blueshirt@3:633/280.2 to All on Wed Jun 12 22:54:42 2024
    Your Name wrote:

    On 2024-06-11 23:42:39 +0000, Blueshirt said:

    I know the eras of Doctor Who are vastly different but I
    don't look at Doctor Who post 2005 (or 2023 onwards even) as
    reboots per se, as the Doctor numbering continues... so for
    me they are just jumping on points for potential new fans.

    Had RTD in 2005 started again with a new First Doctor, then
    yes, I would have viewed that as a full reboot. But as it
    was, calling Christopher Eccleston the Ninth Doctor meant us
    older fans of the show could just envisage it as a

    The Doctor numbering continues mainly because that's a
    fan-based thing ... has the numbering ever been mentioned

    A couple of times, although it's rare, even more so in recent
    years where the numbers are pretty much irrelevant. It is more
    for us to know what Doctor we are talking about.

    The season numbering has definitely restarted twice at 1 again.

    2005 and 2024. Although it was 'Series One' in 2005 and 'Season
    One' in 2024. (Which ironically followed directly on from the
    60th anniversary specials!)

    As I kid I didn't refer to the seasons by number, just the
    stories that I got to see and the relevant Doctor in them... and
    that was probably because we had no videos of past episodes to
    watch, plus the Target novels came out in random order.

    Oh, and we had no internet to keep track of everything!

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.4 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Eweka Internet Services (3:633/280.2@fidonet)
  • From The True Doctor@3:633/280.2 to All on Fri Jun 14 22:38:03 2024
    On 11/06/2024 19:59, Blueshirt wrote:
    The True Doctor wrote:

    On 10/06/2024 23:11, Blueshirt wrote:
    The Doctor wrote:

    RTD not retconning the Timeless Child is the ultimate
    recipe for toxic fandom.

    Parts of Doctor Who fandom have been toxic long before the
    Timeless Child was thought of...

    Pretending it only happened in 2017 is revisionism.

    It happened at the end of Series 8 when Moffat turned the
    Master into a woman, insulted the memory of Nicholas Courtney
    by turning the Brigadier into a Cyberman, and turned the
    series woke. The ratings collapsed in half immediately
    afterwards, and there's no bullshit excuses like people
    turning to streaming.

    So... why don't you say Doctor Who finished in 2014 then?

    You tolerated a female Master but drew the line at a female
    Doctor. Was that a pair of tits too far?

    The Timeless Child was a monster to far. The get rid of it everything
    from Whittaker onwards has to go completely.

    The True Doctor https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCngrZwoS0n21IRcXpKO79Lw

    "To be woke is to be uninformed which is exactly the opposite of what it stands for." -William Shatner

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.4 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: A noiseless patient Spider (3:633/280.2@fidonet)
  • From The True Doctor@3:633/280.2 to All on Sat Jun 15 03:29:23 2024
    On 14/06/2024 18:18, solar penguin wrote:

    The True loon lost track of how to type:

    On 11/06/2024 19:59, Blueshirt wrote:

    You tolerated a female Master but drew the line at a female
    Doctor. Was that a pair of tits too far?

    The Timeless Child was a monster to far. The get rid of it everything
    from Whittaker onwards has to go completely.

    Have you been taking typing lessons from the idiot?

    The Timeless Child was a monster too far. To get rid of it everything
    from Whittaker onwards has to go completely.

    The True Doctor https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCngrZwoS0n21IRcXpKO79Lw

    "To be woke is to be uninformed which is exactly the opposite of what it stands for." -William Shatner

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.4 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: A noiseless patient Spider (3:633/280.2@fidonet)
  • From Blueshirt@3:633/280.2 to All on Sat Jun 15 04:50:16 2024
    The Doctor wrote:

    In article <v4hdjc$2sj6e$1@dont-email.me>,
    The True Doctor <agamemnon@hello.to.NO_SPAM> wrote:
    On 11/06/2024 19:59, Blueshirt wrote:

    So... why don't you say Doctor Who finished in 2014 then?

    You tolerated a female Master but drew the line at a female
    Doctor. Was that a pair of tits too far?

    The Timeless Child was a monster to far. The get rid of it
    everything from Whittaker onwards has to go completely.

    Retcon the Timeless Child in full!

    Again, it's not going to happen... so lower your expectations.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.4 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Eweka Internet Services (3:633/280.2@fidonet)
  • From Blueshirt@3:633/280.2 to All on Sat Jun 15 21:50:31 2024
    The Doctor wrote:

    In article <xn0on2hxkg4f0pb002@post.eweka.nl>,
    Blueshirt <blueshirt@indigo.news> wrote:
    The Doctor wrote:
    In article <v4hdjc$2sj6e$1@dont-email.me>,
    The True Doctor <agamemnon@hello.to.NO_SPAM> wrote:

    The Timeless Child was a monster to far. The get rid of it
    everything from Whittaker onwards has to go completely.

    Retcon the Timeless Child in full!

    Again, it's not going to happen... so lower your


    Use your eyes... do you see the legacy of the 13th Doctor being
    undone? Have you seen any sign of it happening? Any sign at all?

    Did you not spot the face of the 'Fugitive Doctor' in last
    week's episode? That's not exactly retconning the Timeless Child
    era is it? So why are you still clinging to this wild delusion
    that RTD is still going to retcon the Timeless Child arc?

    Not only is there no evidence of that happening, if you have
    been paying attention, it seems quite the opposite!

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.4 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Eweka Internet Services (3:633/280.2@fidonet)