• UKRNEWS Expiration WARNing #1

    From elistmaint@2:250/1 to Ruslan Suleimanov on Mon Jul 1 23:30:01 2024
    To: Ruslan Suleimanov, 2:467/888

    WARNing 1 of 1: This Echo is expiring, please Update.

    TAGname: UKRNEWS Group: FIDO

    TITLe: News in Ukraine on English

    Language: ENGLISH

    News in Ukraine without censor

    RULEs: {Verified}

    Rules Content:
    The Fidonet UKRNEWS Echo Rules
    Created 19.08.2022
    Moderator: Ruslan Suleimanov (2:467/888, 2:467/4, rs@paket.ua)
    COModerator: Alex Shuman (2:463/877)
    UKRNEWS - News in Ukraine on English.
    UKRNEWS is for the discussion and debate of topical political
    discussions,primarily involving an Ukraine point of view.
    Due to the nature of these discussions, emotions can and will
    run high.
    The following policies are in place to keep the peace in here
    as best as possible.
    Your participating in this echo implies implicit agreement to
    abiding by these policies.
    By your participation in the echo, you agree to the following:

    MODerator: Ruslan Suleimanov, 2:467/888
    COMODerator1: Alex Shuman, 2:463/877

    DISTribution: All Zones

    From: Ruslan Suleimanov, 2:467/888

    Updated on: 2023/08/02 and valid till 2024/06/30


    Produced by Elist v5.4.39

    -=:{ End of Report }:=-

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.8 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: The Elist Maintainer (2:250/1)