• Re: mail not tossing

    From Wilfred van Velzen@2:280/464 to Oli on Sun Jan 8 13:36:37 2023
    Hi Oli,

    On 2023-01-08 12:30:12, you wrote to Rick Smith:

    05 Jan 06:42:59 [46710] Running nice -n 19 /usr/local/bin/hpt toss
    afix 05 Jan 06:42:59 [46710] executing `nice -n 19 /usr/local/bin/hpt
    toss afix' 05 Jan 06:42:59 [46710] rc=17664

    Btw, how does this exit code happen? Is the script / hpt really returning this value or is it some weirdness in binkd? (I don't know if values > 255 can be returned at all).

    It seems not possible to return values over 255 with bash, a little experimenting shows:

    # bash -c 'exit 256'; echo $?
    # bash -c 'exit 17664'; echo $?
    # bash -c 'exit 0'; echo $?
    # bash -c 'exit 1'; echo $?
    # bash -c 'exit 3'; echo $?
    # bash -c 'exit 255'; echo $?

    Bye, Wilfred.

    --- FMail-lnx64
    * Origin: FMail development HQ (2:280/464)
  • From Michael Dukelsky@2:5020/1042 to Rick Smith on Sun Jan 8 18:34:42 2023
    Hello Rick,

    Thursday January 05 2023, Rick Smith wrote to All:

    I noticed on my new setup (working almost perfectly) that binkd starts
    to execute my toss command but I get the rc code

    05 Jan 06:42:59 [46710] Running nice -n 19 /usr/local/bin/hpt toss
    05 Jan 06:42:59 [46710] executing `nice -n 19 /usr/local/bin/hpt
    toss afix'
    05 Jan 06:42:59 [46710] rc=17664


    The exit code returned by hpt is the higher byte, that is 0x45. Something was wrong.
    Could you please set the log levels in your hpt config:
    LogLevels 1-90A-Za-z
    and specify the path to your hpt config on the command line:
    /usr/local/bin/hpt -c /path/to/config toss afix


    ... node (at) f1042 (dot) ru
    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20180707
    * Origin: Moscow, Russia (2:5020/1042)
  • From Rick Smith@1:105/10 to Michael Dukelsky on Sun Jan 8 10:42:38 2023
    Greetings Michael!

    Sunday January 08 2023 18:34, you wrote to me about an urgent matter!:

    * Forwarded from area 'BINKD'
    Hello Rick,

    Thursday January 05 2023, Rick Smith wrote to All:

    I noticed on my new setup (working almost perfectly) that binkd
    starts to execute my toss command but I get the rc code

    05 Jan 06:42:59 [46710] Running nice -n 19 /usr/local/bin/hpt
    toss afix 05 Jan 06:42:59 [46710] executing `nice -n 19
    /usr/local/bin/hpt toss afix' 05 Jan 06:42:59 [46710] rc=17664


    The exit code returned by hpt is the higher byte, that is 0x45.
    Something was wrong. Could you please set the log levels in your hpt config: LogLevels 1-90A-Za-z and specify the path to your hpt config
    on the command line: /usr/local/bin/hpt -c /path/to/config toss afix

    I did as you suggested, I still have to run the script manually. I will send you a netmail with the hpt.log attached.


    Rick Smith (Nitro)

    ... Reality is for people who can't handle BBSing
    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20220504
    * Origin: ----> Abacus BBS! --->>>>bbs.abon.us:2323 (1:105/10)
  • From Michael Dukelsky@2:5020/1042 to Rick Smith on Sun Jan 8 22:52:16 2023
    Hello Rick,

    Sunday January 08 2023, Rick Smith wrote to Michael Dukelsky:

    I noticed on my new setup (working almost perfectly) that binkd
    starts to execute my toss command but I get the rc code

    05 Jan 06:42:59 [46710] Running nice -n 19 /usr/local/bin/hpt
    toss afix 05 Jan 06:42:59 [46710] executing `nice -n 19
    /usr/local/bin/hpt toss afix' 05 Jan 06:42:59 [46710] rc=17664


    The exit code returned by hpt is the higher byte, that is 0x45.
    Something was wrong. Could you please set the log levels in your
    config: LogLevels 1-90A-Za-z and specify the path to your hpt
    config on the command line: /usr/local/bin/hpt -c /path/to/config
    toss afix

    I did as you suggested, I still have to run the script manually. I
    will send you a netmail with the hpt.log attached.

    Everything looks good in the log I've received from you. So, when you run the script manually, it works. And what happens if you put the following line to your binkd config:
    exec "/usr/local/bin/hpt -c /path/to/hpt/config toss afix" /mystic/echomail/in/*.[STFWMstfwm][ouaherOUAHER][0-9A-Za-z]

    BTW, if SELinux is on, it is better to switch it off for now.


    ... node (at) f1042 (dot) ru
    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20180707
    * Origin: Moscow, Russia (2:5020/1042)
  • From Rick Smith@1:105/81 to Michael Dukelsky on Sun Jan 8 12:43:38 2023
    Hello Michael!

    Sunday January 08 2023 22:52, you wrote to me:

    * Forwarded from area 'BINKD'
    Hello Rick,

    Sunday January 08 2023, Rick Smith wrote to Michael Dukelsky:

    I noticed on my new setup (working almost perfectly) that binkd
    starts to execute my toss command but I get the rc code

    05 Jan 06:42:59 [46710] Running nice -n 19 /usr/local/bin/hpt
    toss afix 05 Jan 06:42:59 [46710] executing `nice -n 19
    /usr/local/bin/hpt toss afix' 05 Jan 06:42:59 [46710] rc=17664

    Everything looks good in the log I've received from you. So, when you
    run the script manually, it works. And what happens if you put the following line to your binkd config: exec "/usr/local/bin/hpt -c /path/to/hpt/config toss afix" /mystic/echomail/in/*.[STFWMstfwm][ouaherOUAHER][0-9A-Za-z]
    OK I add this to binkd will report back

    BTW, if SELinux is on, it is better to switch it off for now.

    I do not have this running I believe.


    ... Teenage Hell: A parent who's into BBSing
    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20220504
    * Origin: Awesome Net- Oregon FTN Hub - www.awesomenet.us (1:105/81)
  • From Rick Smith@1:105/81 to Michael Dukelsky on Sun Jan 8 12:45:02 2023
    Hello Michael!

    Sunday January 08 2023 22:52, you wrote to me:

    * Forwarded from area 'BINKD'
    Hello Rick,

    Sunday January 08 2023, Rick Smith wrote to Michael Dukelsky:

    I noticed on my new setup (working almost perfectly) that binkd
    starts to execute my toss command but I get the rc code

    run the script manually, it works. And what happens if you put the

    Yes works as expected if I just run mail-toss from command line.



    ... TAGLINE A BBS addict is hooked when: you consider BBSing better than chocolat
    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20220504
    * Origin: Awesome Net- Oregon FTN Hub - www.awesomenet.us (1:105/81)
  • From Rick Smith@1:105/10 to Michael Dukelsky on Sun Jan 8 13:21:20 2023
    Greetings Michael!

    Sunday January 08 2023 22:52, you wrote to me about an urgent matter!:

    * Forwarded from area 'BINKD'
    Hello Rick,

    Sunday January 08 2023, Rick Smith wrote to Michael Dukelsky:

    following line to your binkd config: exec "/usr/local/bin/hpt -c /path/to/hpt/config toss afix" /mystic/echomail/in/*.[STFWMstfwm][ouaherOUAHER][0-9A-Za-z]

    this made no difference still not tossing by itself only when I run the script manually


    Rick Smith (Nitro)

    ... Taglines: the <real< reason for BBSing.
    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20220504
    * Origin: ----> Abacus BBS! --->>>>bbs.abon.us:2323 (1:105/10)
  • From Rick Smith@1:105/10 to Michael Dukelsky on Sun Jan 22 06:47:38 2023
    Greetings Michael!

    Sunday January 08 2023 18:34, you wrote to me about an urgent matter!:

    * Forwarded from area 'BINKD'
    Hello Rick,

    Thursday January 05 2023, Rick Smith wrote to All:

    I noticed on my new setup (working almost perfectly) that binkd
    starts to execute my toss command but I get the rc code

    05 Jan 06:42:59 [46710] Running nice -n 19 /usr/local/bin/hpt
    toss afix 05 Jan 06:42:59 [46710] executing `nice -n 19
    /usr/local/bin/hpt toss afix' 05 Jan 06:42:59 [46710] rc=17664


    The exit code returned by hpt is the higher byte, that is 0x45.
    Something was wrong. Could you please set the log levels in your hpt config: LogLevels 1-90A-Za-z and specify the path to your hpt config
    on the command line: /usr/local/bin/hpt -c /path/to/config toss afix

    So rebuilding fixed that mail not tossing from last week on my bbs. I have just in last couple of days setup another instance of hpt and it is producing the exact behavior, not tossing pkt's, same error code reported in binkd.log

    22 Jan 06:33:21 [2018] Running /usr/local/bin/mail-toss.sh
    - 22 Jan 06:33:21 [2018] executing `/usr/local/bin/mail-toss.sh'
    - 22 Jan 06:33:21 [2018] rc=17664

    Should I rebuild again.? This is an exact copy of configs and scripts, both instances have same paths, etc.


    Rick Smith (Nitro)

    ... You know you're hooked when: you consider BBSing better than chocolate
    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20220504
    * Origin: ----> Abacus BBS! --->>>>bbs.abon.us:2323 (1:105/10)
  • From Rick Smith@1:105/10 to Michael Dukelsky on Sun Jan 22 09:11:40 2023
    Greetings Michael!

    Sunday January 08 2023 22:52, you wrote to me about an urgent matter!:

    * Forwarded from area 'BINKD'
    Hello Rick,

    Sunday January 08 2023, Rick Smith wrote to Michael Dukelsky:

    I noticed on my new setup (working almost perfectly) that binkd
    starts to execute my toss command but I get the rc code

    05 Jan 06:42:59 [46710] Running nice -n 19 /usr/local/bin/hpt
    toss afix 05 Jan 06:42:59 [46710] executing `nice -n 19
    /usr/local/bin/hpt toss afix' 05 Jan 06:42:59 [46710] rc=17664


    The exit code returned by hpt is the higher byte, that is 0x45.
    Something was wrong. Could you please set the log levels in your
    config: LogLevels 1-90A-Za-z and specify the path to your hpt
    config on the command line: /usr/local/bin/hpt -c
    /path/to/config toss afix

    I did as you suggested, I still have to run the script manually.
    I will send you a netmail with the hpt.log attached.

    Everything looks good in the log I've received from you. So, when you
    run the script manually, it works. And what happens if you put the following line to your binkd config: exec "/usr/local/bin/hpt -c /path/to/hpt/config toss afix" /mystic/echomail/in/*.[STFWMstfwm][ouaherOUAHER][0-9A-Za-z]

    got it working by adding config path to the script.. I have an "export FIDOCONFIG=/etc/ftn/config" in .bashrc is that not sufficient?


    Rick Smith (Nitro)

    ... Hmmm ... isn't BBSing just full of surprises?
    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20220504
    * Origin: ----> Abacus BBS! --->>>>bbs.abon.us:2323 (1:105/10)
  • From Michael Dukelsky@2:5020/1042 to Rick Smith on Sun Jan 22 20:20:42 2023
    Hello Rick,

    Sunday January 22 2023, Rick Smith wrote to Michael Dukelsky:

    Everything looks good in the log I've received from you. So, when
    you run the script manually, it works. And what happens if you
    put the following line to your binkd config: exec
    "/usr/local/bin/hpt -c /path/to/hpt/config toss afix"

    got it working by adding config path to the script.. I have an "export FIDOCONFIG=/etc/ftn/config" in .bashrc is that not sufficient?

    It should be sufficient. It looks like the environment is stripped. You may check it by printing the FIDOCONFIG variable before calling hpt:

    echo "$FIDOCONFIG" > test.txt; /usr/local/bin/hpt toss afix

    Put that in a script and mention its name in your binkd config

    exec your_script /mystic/echomail/in/*.[STFWMstfwm][ouaherOUAHER][0-9A-Za-z]

    If there is nothing in test.txt, then the value of FIDOCONFIG is lost and you must specify the config path.


    ... node (at) f1042 (dot) ru
    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20180707
    * Origin: Moscow, Russia (2:5020/1042)
  • From Wilfred van Velzen@2:280/464.112 to Rick Smith on Mon Jan 23 08:43:44 2023
    Hi Rick,

    On 22 Jan 23 09:11, Rick Smith wrote to Michael Dukelsky:
    about: "mail not tossing":

    got it working by adding config path to the script.. I have an "export FIDOCONFIG=/etc/ftn/config" in .bashrc is that not sufficient?

    No. From `man bash`:

    "When an interactive shell that is not a login shell is started, bash reads and executes commands from /etc/bash.bashrc then ~/.bashrc when those files exist and are readable. This may be inhibited by using the --norc option. The --rcfile file option will force bash to read and execute commands from file instead of ~/.bashrc.

    When bash is started non-interactively, to run a shell script, for example, ..."


    --- FMail-W64
    * Origin: point@work (2:280/464.112)
  • From Rick Smith@1:105/10 to Wilfred van Velzen on Mon Jan 23 06:07:14 2023
    Greetings Wilfred!

    Monday January 23 2023 08:43, you wrote to me about an urgent matter!:

    * Forwarded from area 'BINKD'
    Hi Rick,

    On 22 Jan 23 09:11, Rick Smith wrote to Michael Dukelsky:
    about: "mail not tossing":

    got it working by adding config path to the script.. I have an
    "export FIDOCONFIG=/etc/ftn/config" in .bashrc is that not

    No. From `man bash`:

    "When an interactive shell that is not a login shell is started, bash reads and executes commands from /etc/bash.bashrc then ~/.bashrc when those files exist and are readable. This may be inhibited by using the --norc option. The --rcfile file option will force bash to read and execute commands from file instead of ~/.bashrc.

    When bash is started non-interactively, to run a shell script, for example, ..."

    Very interesting, thank you wilfred...


    Rick Smith (Nitro)

    ... BBSing and Computers
    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20220504
    * Origin: ----> Abacus BBS! --->>>>bbs.abon.us:2323 (1:105/10)