From National News Broadcast Email List@3:633/280.2 to All on Sat Apr 13 07:41:08 2024
    Reply-To: nationalnews@wia.org.au

    Weekly news from the WIA:
    MP3 edition of news available at: http://www.wia-files.com/podcast/wianews-2024-04-14.mp3 Text edition:


    2024 APRIL 14 VK NATIONAL NEWS BROADCAST ON VK1WIA ------------------------------------------------------------*





    Director Steven VK2TSG. -

    WIA AR Magazine Editor in Chief Roger vk2zrh. -

    King gets an upgrade. -

    Marconi Birthday Celebrations gather momentum. -

    and in the final final this week. News on the ILLW. -

    AND AND AND....

    Well if news were socks, we'd have more than enough to outfit a





    Hello, this is Steven Green VK2TSG, one of your National WIA Directors
    with the board comment for this week...

    I'm looking forward to seeing many of you in Bundaberg for the upcoming
    AGM at the start of next month where I'll be a speaker. If you have
    not registered yet, please take a look at the WIA or Bundaberg club
    websites for event links as soon as possible to avoid disappointment.



    My fellow Board members and I were looking over recent nominations for
    WIA awards and were pleased that many of you have nominated fellow
    Amateurs. Please think now about those who you might like to nominate
    next year, or even with your local council, or other organisations -
    this not only recognises the individual, but also brings attention to
    Amateur Radio and promotes our pastime with locals.

    Many of our WIA affiliated Amateur Radio Clubs and Societies are called
    upon to assist the families of recently deceased members, advising and
    often assisting with their Amateur Radio, electronics, and related
    items. My own club has assisted with the sorting, removal, and sale of equipment passing on the proceeds to the family, whom sometimes donate
    a percentage to the group for their time and labour.

    This leads me to the thought of what arrangements would I like to occur
    if I was to be incapacitated or pass; would I like to gift any
    particular books, equipment, files or computers, to individuals;
    what might my club find useful, and what should be sold, donated, or

    Many clubs and societies, or the WIA for that matter, accept donations
    from the estates of passed members, and this can be considered too.
    While this news item is not here to elicit donations, some people do
    like to contribute to these or charitable groups. Perhaps this is a
    good time to discuss with your loved ones what you would like to
    occur, explain how to power down or disconnect your equipment, provide
    contact information of a trusted friend or a local affiliated club who
    could help. A list of items or preferences in an easy to reach
    location might also be of use. Sometimes, there might be a family
    member or close friend who would like to take-up Amateur Radio to
    continue their loved ones legacy; they might benefit from friendly
    advice, a book or selected equipment from the estate which is not only
    a good way to get started, but is also an important part of grieving
    and remembering.

    More next time, from Steven VK2TSG ".

    Next time, I will have a message about making things easier for
    newcomers to AR.

    Many thanks and Kind regards... Steven

    This is Editor-in-Chief of Amateur Radio magazine, Roger Harrison

    Listen closely, folks. I have a little secret.

    A little bird has told me that Issue 2 is in circulation. If it hasnt
    yet landed in your letterbox or PO Box or local newsagent, then it will
    appear real soon now.

    The theme for this issue is one weve never done before
    Station Innovation!

    Now, rhyming words like that are all very well, but what do they mean?

    Well, something old station and something new innovation!

    Three innovative projects to consider for your station.

    First up is a project from Lou Destefano VK3AQZ rig control by voice
    and gesture. Yep. Lou shows you how you can control a rig by speaking
    given words and / or by waving your arm. Whats more, he does it using
    low-cost, off-the-shelf pre-built modules.

    At the other end of your station, there are always antennas.
    Doc Wescombe-Downe VK5BUG describes a pair of co-sited vertical
    antennas for QRP operation on the 17 metre and 12 metre bands
    that easily fit within a suburban backyard.
    The principles, of course, can apply to verticals for other bands.

    Then we have an article by Paul McMahon VK3DIP describing a
    GPS-controlled frequency reference for use in your shack or in the
    field. When operating with certain digital modes these days, you need
    to know that your transceiver is on-frequency exactly on-frequency.
    Known as a G P S D O GPS disciplined oscillator such devices have
    been around for a while now, but Paul takes a new approach.

    Not only that, we have much-much, much more in Issue 2 of Amateur Radio magazine.

    More guts, less gab.

    This has been Editor-in-Chief, Roger Harrison VK2ZRH, for VK1WIA News.


    King gets a boost.

    Telstra and Ericsson have completed a major upgrade to King Islands
    mobile network infrastructure, announcing a close to 10-fold capacity
    boost for the islands community thanks to an over-water microwave telecommunications link with a throughput capacity of 9.8 Gbps with99.99% availability.

    The upgrade sees a 116 km microwave link deployed across the Bass Strait
    from the Australian mainland to King Islands Cape Wickham believed to
    be the longest over-water link of its kind in Telstras national mobile
    network, and the longest 10 Gbps microwave link in the world. The
    project was funded through a $9.8 million investment by the Australian Government, Telstra, the Tasmanian Government and King Island Council,
    which was announced in 2021 to deliver valuable infrastructure to rural
    and regional communities.

    The upgrade was made possible with the deployment of Ericssons
    MINI-LINK 6200 long-haul microwave technology, providing essential
    backhaul support for the deployment of Ericsson 5G mobile on the island, helping Telstra expand its network and deliver better connectivity for
    regional Australia. The King Island MINI-LINK 6200 microwave link
    operates using 16 channels in the 6 GHz band to achieve a peak
    throughput of 9.8 Gbps a significant upgrade from the previous link
    providing ~1 Gbps, making it ideal for delivering backhaul for
    high-performance 4G and 5G mobile broadband networks. Ericssons radio
    link bonding technology with quality of service meanwhile provides
    ongoing performance in all environmental conditions.

    The deployment is set to transform connectivity on King Island, with
    local consumers and small business customers benefiting from increased
    mobile coverage, efficiency, capacity and data speeds, along with
    greater network resilience. This means King Island residents now have
    access to network capacity and reliability that is similar to that
    enjoyed by metro customers. Telstra now plans to use Ericssons
    MINI-LINK 6200 long-haul microwave solution to extend its mobile
    coverage in other remote areas.


    (via vk7wi news)


    Hello, I'm Richard VK2SKY in Sydney.

    It's that time of year again, when Amateur Radio operators throughout
    the world celebrate the ritual mangling of the name of one of Radio's
    best known pioneers.

    Yes, it's April, the month we celebrate International Marconi Day.
    April 27 this year is the Saturday closest to the birthdate of
    Guglielmo Giovanni Maria Marconi in Bologna, Italy, in 1874.

    Guglielmo is the Italian equivalent of the English name, "William".
    Had Marconi's Irish mother, Annie Jameson just named him "Liam",
    the world might have been spared the annual abomination of English
    speakers trying to pronounce his name and failing miserably.

    Perhaps Annie's being of the Irish whiskey distiller Jameson family
    might have played a role here. We will never know for sure.

    To set the record straight: "our" Marconi has never been "Googly Elmo",
    so please stop calling him that. The letter "g" in the middle of an
    Italian word is not pronounced as it is in English. Instead, it
    modifies the sound of the letter that follows it. Think of the "g" in
    the middle of the word "lasagne".

    Recently, I consulted with fellow Manly-Warringah Radio Society member, Clifford VK2CLF, who can speak with some authority on this matter,
    having some Italian background himself and fluency in the language.

    A decent approximation to the correct pronunciation is "GOO YELL MO".
    It's not perfect, but it will do, especially over an HF radio link.
    Please try it, and (in a nod to Quentin Tarentino) let's Kill Bill, or
    at least Kill "Googly Elmo"!

    For WIA National News, I'm Richard VK2SKY in Sydney. ------------------------------------------------------------*
    Radioworld.com Hackaday and the World Wide sources of the WIA.

    As one Cat Stevens once sang, Leapin' and hoppin' on a moonshadow
    Moonshadow, moonshadow. And that they did earlier this week
    particularly in the USA.

    No 2 ways about it, it was a Spectacular Display and Gathering

    Millions gathered along the path of totality - the section where the
    sun is fully blocked by the moon - to witness something that happens,
    on average, once every 375 years for any place on our planet.

    This year, the moon's shadow path began, closer to home, over the
    South Pacific Ocean, and then crossed into North America, passing over
    Mexico, the United States, and Canada. The first location in
    continental North America that experienced totality was Mexico's
    Pacific coast. The shadow exited continental North America on the
    Atlantic coast of Newfoundland, Canada.

    Ham radio was there - operators participating in scientific
    experiments, serving local communities that were overrun with
    hundreds of thousands of visitors,
    - Is but 18 months.

    After negotiations with the Spanish Telecommunications administration,
    by the Spanish Amateur Radio body, URE, a Resolution of the Spanish
    Secretary of State for Telecommunications and Digital Infrastructures
    has been published, authorizing holders of Spanish amateur radio
    licenses to transmit, from fixed stations only, in the 40.650 40.750
    MHz band, with a maximum peak envelope power of 25 W, for a period of
    eighteen months.

    Effective 15th April, Radio 4 will no longer be available on
    medium-wave from the UK. Medium-wave listeners there will need to
    retune their radio to alternative platforms.

    With these two terse sentences at the bottom of a related announcement,
    the BBC signalled the end of BBC Radio 4s service on medium-wave, AM
    as we here in Australia know it as. The service will still be available
    on FM, DAB, digital TV and online.

    The frequencies were only being used to support its longwave service,
    which has been scheduled for closing this month since May of last year.

    MW transmission of Radio 4 is ending as there will no longer be a
    longwave variant of Radio 4s schedule. Theres no Radio 4 service on
    MW, it has always been there to support LW. There are only nine
    transmitters in total providing very little coverage, and affected
    listeners will have access to Radio 4 on FM even if they dont have a
    digital radio. says the Communiqu.
    Each week VK4FUQ provides us with contest and DX news, often the QSL
    route is mentioned as M 0 OXO,

    M0OXO is the call of Charles Wilmot a ham who certainly gives!

    Behind the scenes it's worth a look at just what his, i.e. the M 0 OXO
    QSL service costs the UK amateur financially

    Overall 28,936 items of mail were posted at a cost of just over
    26,000 pounds sterling.

    They post QSL Direct cards, bureau parcels and magazines.

    With 13,751 more items posted this year, with Solar Cycle 25 this last
    12 months providing much increased propagation on HF its quite

    So well done Charles.

    What is the state of broadcast radio in U.S. vehicles today?

    According to Quus 2024 In-Vehicle Visuals Report released this past
    week, its pretty much ubiquitous.

    But radio no longer has a monopoly as the average number of audio
    sources in a vehicle. The era of two knobs, six pre-sets, and a
    CD player is in the rear-view mirror, says Fred Jacobs, who contributed analysis and commentary to the report.

    Among the 100 best selling vehicles in 2023, 100% are equipped with
    FM, and 98% have AM radio. In one of the studys big surprises,
    70% of new vehicles are equipped with HD ( here would be DAB+ ) Radio.

    Radio now shares the dashboard with Android Auto and Apple CarPlay,
    found in 98% of vehicles.

    In other words, these dashboard apps are as ubiquitous as
    AM radio and almost as ubiquitous as FM.
    Still talking radio, in the US their FCC has received fresh comments
    from the aviation industry regarding a proposal that would allow more
    U.S. FM stations to increase HD Radio digital power levels.

    The aviation industry says it needs further clarifications from the
    FCC before it can begin collaborative testing with the broadcast
    industry to identify any possible interference in adjacent aviation
    radio bands that a power increase might cause.

    Members of the aviation community previously submitted comments raising concerns about the potential for harmful interference to aviation
    VHF receivers operating in the 108-118 MHz Aeronautical Radio
    Navigation Service allocation, immediately adjacent to the
    FM broadcast radio band at 88-108 MHz. -------------------------------------------------------------------*

    Don Edwards memorial slow Morse contest

    The St. George Amateur Radio Society will again be holding the
    Don Edwards memorial slow Morse in 2024. The contest is held on the
    weekend after Mother's Day, this year it will be on Saturday 18th and
    Sunday 19th May.

    The contest is to encourage amateurs who rarely use Morse code and
    those who have never used Morse code to get on the air. Code to be sent
    by hand and received by ear and at less than 10 words per minute.
    Saying that, in the last few years, many contacts have been made at
    only 3 or 4 words per minute.

    There are bonus points for those amateurs who have been licensed
    without having sat a Morse code examination. There is also a bonus
    point available for those participants who declare that they had fun.

    The contest is on 80m on Saturday 18th May between 0800 - 1100 utc
    and on 40m on Sunday 19th May between 0300 - 0600 utc.

    Full details on the St. George Amateur Radio Society's website

    IARU HF World Championship the second full weekend of July i.e. 13-14.
    Starts: Zero hours UTC Saturday
    Ends: 2359 UTC Sunday

    Trans-Tasman Low Band Contest

    July 21st 2024

    The Trans-Tasman contest, always held on the 3rd weekend in July,
    aims to encourage Low Band activity between VK and ZL

    Only contest bands 160 80 and 40M are allowed with SSB, CW and
    Digital (i.e. RTTY OR PSK)

    This contest is another official WIA Contest and will count towards
    the Peter Brown Contest Champion Awards.

    YOTA Contest 2024

    The next 2 sessions of this year's YOTA Contest will be from 10:00 to
    21:59 UTC on 21 July and 29 December on the five classic bands
    CW and SSB.

    Everyone can work everyone.

    The complete rules can be found on

    AUGUST 17 - 18

    Remembrance Day Contest.

    This contest commemorates the Australian Amateurs who died during
    World War II and is designed to encourage friendly participation and
    help improve the operating skills of participants.

    It is held on the weekend closest to the 15th August, the date on
    which hostilities ceased in the southwest Pacific area.

    A perpetual trophy is awarded annually to the Australian state or
    territory with the best performance. The name of the winning State
    or Territory is inscribed on the trophy, and that State or Territory
    then holds the trophy for 12 months. The winning State or Territory
    is also given a certificate, as are leading entrants.

    Amateurs will endeavour to contact amateurs in VK call areas,
    ZL and P29 on all bands except WARC bands. Modes allowed are PHONE,
    CW and RTTY as per the era remembered

    Again the 2024 contest is 17th & 18th August.


    44th A.L.A.R.A. CONTEST AND this ALARA contest is ALWAYS held on the
    last FULL weekend of August.


    All licensed operators throughout the world are invited to
    participate. Scout and Girl Guide groups are encouraged to
    take part using their Club's equipment and callsign.

    YLs work everyone; OMs work YLs only.

    CONTEST: Combined phone and CW run over 24 hours:
    STARTS: Saturday 25th August 2024 at 0600 hours UTC
    ENDS: Sunday 26th August 2024 at 0559 hours UTC

    SUGGESTED FREQUENCIES: All HF Bands except 160m & WARC Bands.
    Contacts made on ECHOLINK will also be accepted.

    (alara web page)

    Oceania DX Contest

    This years contest will be held on October 5th and 12th respectively.




    Youth on the air test 3 of 3 will be from 10:00 to 21:59 UTC on
    29 December on the five classic bands CW and SSB.







    RAC official stations will operate across Canada from
    0000Z to 2359Z April 18 and there are some 14 and all end
    with suffix RAC.

    DARC special event callsign DA 24 WARD is on the air through to the
    30th of April, marking World Amateur Radio Day. See QRZ.com for QSL

    The Radio Amateur Association of Greece will be using callsign
    S Z WARD to mark Amateur Radio Day, they will be on air from
    April 15th to the 30th with the BIG day of course April 18.

    The National Trail Amateur Radio Club is participating in a special
    event to commemorate the death of former US. President Abraham Lincoln.

    Concluding April 15, special event call sign W9L has been will be in
    operation on 20 - and - 40 meters SSB, each day of the event. The club
    is operating from a recreated log cabin at the Lincoln Log Cabin State
    Historic Site, an 86-acre history park located in Illinois. The cabin
    is where Lincoln's father and stepmother once lived, and Lincoln often
    visited the site.

    President Lincoln died on April 15, 1865, one day after being shot by
    John Wilkes Booth.

    A QSL card will be available from:-
    NTARC/K9UXZ, P.O. Box 903, Effingham, IL 62401.

    (sourced to ARRL)

    will be active from RAF Wyton during the Airfields on the Air event on
    the weekend of the 13th and 14th of April. This is the 12th year that
    the station has put on a special event station for the event.

    The callsign will again be operated by RAF Air Cadet Communication
    Staff and club members from the Huntingdonshire Amateur Radio Society
    from a site just west of the main runway at Wyton.



    QRV is V 51 WH from Omaruru until the end of April.
    Activity is on 160 to 10 meters, including 60 meters for those in the
    world able to use that band.


    QSL to Gunter, home call is DK2WH



    H44MS Bernard, is operating in the Solomon Islands until the end of
    April on HF, using SSB and FT8. QSL via Club Log's OQRS.

    (ARNewsLine 2416)



    HI 180 RD is on the air to celebrate the 180th anniversary of the
    Dominican Republic declaring its independence from Haiti in 1844.

    Listen for activity on all bands and modes until the 30th of April
    when around 25 operators from five radio clubs will be part of the

    For details of a certificate that is available, visit QRZ.com


    active until the 31st of December celebrating the 100th anniversary of
    the beginning of regular radio transmissions in Austria in 1924.

    The station has heard recently on the 40m band using CW.

    QSL via the Bureau.




    Special event callsign EI 80 MB is active until the 31st of May to
    commemorate the 80th anniversary of the rescue of 168 German seamen
    who were rescued from the waters of the Bay of Biscay after a battle
    between British and German naval forces in 1943.

    The men were carried out by a small Irish coaster called Kerlogue
    [KER-LOG] which had the callsign EIMB. The rescue took more than ten

    QSL WI80MB via Club Log's OQRS or via EI6AL



    Hi all this is Nathan VK5OG on behalf of Andrew VK5WX and myself
    from the Adelaide digital linking system (ADLS).

    We have added a new link for the WIA Sunday broadcast so you can now
    listen to the broadcast on YSF-WIRESX & OZ-FREEDMR, through Adelaide
    10G #69159 and YSF-FREEDMR #89821 or for FREEDMR TG5055.

    This joint project has been possible with help from the OZFREEDMR
    Team Ozzie M0GLA in the UK, Phil Kern VK5ZEY ,VK5OG Nathan & Andrew
    VK5WX for more information please visit VK5RDF on QRZ.com

    73 we hope to catch you all on the air soon, Nathan VK5OG. ------------------------------------------------------------*


    Parklands and summits are anything but a wilderness for Sue Southcott,

    For her, inspiration grows abundantly under the canopy of trees.
    The retired computer programmer is the author of a free app in use by
    iPhone and iPad owners in Australia and New Zealand. They make use of
    it to view and create spots, alerts and logging for SOTA, POTA, HEMA,
    WWFF, SHIRES and Silos on the Air. She introduced the app, known as
    Parks & Peaks, at a meeting of the Wireless Institute of Australia in

    Creating it did not come easily at the time for Sue, who was still
    employed as a PC programmer - and whose knowledge of Apple devices only included a few basics about their programming language known as Swift.
    So she did her homework on nights and weekends to learn it, with an eye
    toward filling the need for a complementary app already available to
    Android users.

    She's currently working on Version 4 and at some point would like to
    release an international version.

    Best of all, Sue isn't just a programmer, she's an activator who gets
    to field test her own creation. One of her last activations was near
    the Pinnacles, spectacular limestone structures on VK6's Coral Coast.

    Needless to say, both the app and the activation were a success.


    Canadian Radio Amateur Peter Fairlie has been experimenting with
    Meshtastic, the open source decentralized mesh communications network
    platform, in order to improve reception by building and deploying a high-altitude relay station.

    "I got to tell you, Meshtastic's been actually pretty incredible,"
    Peter says of his initial experimentation with the platform, using just
    a roof-mounted omnidirectional antenna. "You won't believe all the
    people I'm getting right now. Even got a guy that was about 70km away."

    That's a decent long-range reception, but Peter was looking for more
    and set about turning two Heltec LoRa 32 V3 boards into a relay
    station. "The idea here is to set two of these up on my tall tower,"
    he explains. "One is going to point down towards Toronto, and the
    other one is going to point the other way and these two radios will
    mesh with the current radio, relaying between 2 very distant stations."


    AMSAT-VK Secretary - secretary@amsat-vk.org

    AMSAT's AO-109, also known as Fox-1E, has recently achieved a
    remarkable milestone.

    Launched in January 2021, this satellite operates with an 8 mW signal,
    best suited for CW and FT4 communications among amateur radio
    enthusiasts. Recent telemetry data from the Dwingeloo Radio telescope
    in The Netherlands has revealed an impressive feat:

    AO-109 has set a new record for processor uptime.

    This information was gathered by Alan Biddle, WA4SCA, who has
    meticulously monitored telemetry reports on a daily basis and
    calculated the duration of each reset, allowing for precise correlation
    of telemetry frames with UTC time.

    The Fox satellites are designed to undergo on board computer resets
    triggered by factors like radiation exposure and low battery voltage.
    Time on these satellites is measured by counting resets plus the
    duration since the last reset. It is common for the Fox satellites to
    reset every few days or weeks, especially when passing over the
    South Atlantic Anomaly.

    However, the processor on AO-109 has been running continuously since
    September 2023, accumulating over 18 million seconds of uptime-far
    surpassing any other Fox satellite.

    With its anticipated re-entry into Earth's atmosphere in the coming
    weeks, users are encouraged to make the most of AO-109 while it's still operational. Current reports suggest the satellite's altitude is around
    300 km, which is lower than the ISS orbiting altitude of 370-460 km.

    Despite facing numerous challenges, including malfunctioning
    temperature sensors and unused battery cells, Japan's SLIM Moon lander
    has defied expectations by surviving a second lunar night, despite
    being in a precarious position with its thrusters pointed upward and
    solar arrays facing away from the Sun.

    The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) received a signal from
    the lander indicating it had restarted after hibernating to avoid
    freezing temperatures on the Moon's surface. Initially forced to shut
    down due to insufficient electricity generation from its solar cells,
    SLIM has persisted against the odds, reviving itself twice since its
    landing on January 19.

    Although not designed to endure the Moon's harsh conditions, the lander
    has continued to function, prompting uncertainty about JAXA's future
    plans for the resilient spacecraft after it successfully achieved its
    primary mission goal of a precise lunar landing within a 328-foot


    Baffin island - IOATA NA-047 - WE9G/VY0

    Rikk, WE9G will be active from Iqaluit, Nunavut, Baffin island NA-047
    as WE9G/VY0 during April 11-16, 2024. QRV on 80-10m; SSB, FT8, FT4
    using G5RV / sloper. QSL via LoTW.
    Pitcairn Island - IOTA OC-044 - VP6G

    This DXpedition is/was planned for first couple of weeks in April,
    ending today April 14.


    It's worth a listen as we hear the trials and tribulations of Gerben
    PG5M as he "set sail" or is that "set flight" to Pitcairn.

    update April 1 by Gerben PG5M

    When I was planning this trip, I built-in time buffers, just for the
    worst case. Well the worst case happened. In Los Angeles I learned that
    one of my suitcases was still in Paris.

    The trackers I placed in the suitcases also showed one still in
    Charles de Gaulle airport. What I had in LA was one suitcase with
    SPE amplifier, DX Commander materials and a power supply. My golf bag
    contained the Spiderpole for the DX Commander, the HexBeam and 100
    meters of coax.

    The suitcase that was missing contained ALL the radios, cabling,
    power supply, tools, etc. plus my personal stuff.

    When talking with Air France in LAX, they told me the missing suitcase
    would be on the same flight with me to Papeete. When I arrived in
    Papeete, the suitcase was NOT there. So again I went to Air France.
    Now I was told that it would arrive the next day at 05:30 but my
    next flight with Air Tahiti to Mangareva will depart at 06:30 so there
    is a big challenge. Air Tahiti will try to get my suitcase from the
    AF flight into their plane. If they dont succeed or AF arrives late,
    I have to cancel the whole trip.

    I hope for the best.

    In the meantime, heavy storms surround Pitcairn Island and even caused
    some damage to the chalet I have booked.

    So there, when working these dxpeditioners always give some thought and compassion to what they have gone through to give YOU a new call, zone

    (Youngsters On The Air)

    So much YOTA activity in the world, but here in VK?

    Maybe not so. or maybe it's just that our local clubs don't get into
    the bragging rights as much as our overseas contacts.

    I mentioned the other week I'm heading to Bundaberg for our WIA AGM and Convention and I'd love to catch up with YOTA STEM news your clubs or
    you yourself are engaged in.

    So as another great idea for YOOTA, let's "swing the beam" to the USA.

    Members of the Nanticoke Amateur Radio Club and the Sussex County
    Amateur Radio Emergency Service recently attended the ninth annual
    STEM expo at Delaware Technical Community College in Georgetown.

    The free event allowed middle and high school students to experience
    Delaware Tech programs through student-designed activities, build
    connections toward STEM careers, and have fun.

    The operators provided hands-on demonstrations using amateur radio
    equipment. These demos provide valuable insight into radio operations, electronics and radio frequency mysteries. Students were introduced to
    2-meter handheld radios using a repeater, digital voice and a also
    Flex Maestro Control Console to provide remote access to a full
    high-frequency station located in Seaford.

    Again see you in Bundaberg in May and with any and all VK YOTA news
    contact your YOTA Co-ordinators. Steve Kennedy VK6SJ is Co-ordinator
    and myself Alec Cherry VK2MV Deputy Co-ordinator.

    2024 IT'S A DATE

    Clubs are welcome to email text with audio for this section

    Details of all WIA affiliated clubs and societies can be found
    on the WIA website, including email addresses and website links.

    VK - WIA AGM MAY 4 5 - BUNDABERG. (vk2tsg)
    VK2 and 4 - Park-fest 4 & 5 of May Bundaberg AND Dorrigo (vk4kc)

    VK3 - May 11 Moorabbin & District ARC HamFest Kingston City Hall

    VK - National Volunteer Week Monday 20 Sunday 26 May 2024.
    National Volunteer Week (NVW) is Australias largest annual
    celebration of volunteers and their important contribution to
    our communities.

    VK2 - June 8-9. Oxley Region Amateur Radio Club Field Day. (vk2zhe)

    VK5 - Aust. Fox Hunting championships Mt Gambier 8/9 June.(vk5dj)

    VK3 - Bendigo AR & Electronics Club RadioFest August 18 (vk3gtv)

    VK4 - GOLD COAST HAMFEST OCTOBER 31 (QTH to be advised ) (vk4DMH)

    VK5 - Amateur Radio Experiments Group Radio & Electronics Sale
    Saturday 26th October 10AM David Roche Park Kilburn (vk5qi)

    VK7 - Tasmanian Ham Conference November 2 and 3 Hobart. (vk7news)

    VK3 - SPARC Rosebud RadioFest November 17 at Eastbourne Primary
    School, Allambi Ave. Rosebud. (vk3pdg)


    ILLW - 2024

    Word in from Kevin VK2CE that this year's ILLW is on track for
    17-18 August with 125 lighthouses registered so far.

    11 of those are from VK amateurs in every State.

    An unusual entry from a YL, VK2BRE, is Shark Island in Sydney Harbour
    while other regulars are VK7LH at Low head Lighthouse, Tasmania,
    VK6CLL at Cape Leeuwin and VK3ILH at Cape Nelson.

    Kevin is expecting somewhere between 400 and 500 entries this year.

    See the web site for more info.


    Reception Reports

    WIA News rebroadcasters often give Short Wave Listeners a
    welcome to the broadcast as they commence call-backs
    straight after the Local News. Local news follows National
    news in all states. It would be great if those SWL's would
    email their reception reports and location to
    Submitting news items

    If you would like to submit news items for possible inclusion
    in the VK1WIA broadcasts, please email your item in text to nationalnews@wia.org.au and don't JUST send url's links or
    posters, but take the time to pen YOUR contribution.

    To submit audio, email nationalnews@wia.org.au
    and send BOTH the audio and the text

    We would appreciate items certainly no longer than 1.5 mts in
    length as we only have a half hour.

    Remember the sooner you submit material the more the
    likelihood of it being broadcast in the very next edition of
    WIA National News.

    Each recorded item will only be broadcast once, if you want a couple
    of mentions, please submit different slants to keep your
    event 'fresh' and always if the news room is to read your
    item --- write it in the 3rd person. (First if YOU are
    reading your own item). If you are mentioning your own name / call
    in the story, say something like "and myself, Pat, vk11abc"

    Promote your local rebroadcast; details on wia.org.au/members/broadcast/contribute/

    A reminder when supplying HamFest info we obviously can't
    plug DEALS from commercial traders "on air", but we at the
    WIA will put your supporters 'goods' in this text edition
    "no worries."

    We will not give blatant 'plugs' to raffles, be it raffles
    at the event or "on-line".


    Oh... and to contact us with your news because
    If It Matters To You It Matters To Us!
    Click the links below to download the most recent edition of
    National News, BUT this is ONLY the backup site!

    WIANEWS backup thanks to Brendan VK4BLP can be found on

    BACKUPS OF THE BACKUP!! thanks to Tony VK7AX

    wia.org.au/members/broadcast/wianews/ (This is the link
    to the original text version and original audio on wia site) ------------------------------------------------------------*

    WIANews - we've reported...YOU decide.

    TWITTER twitter.com/VK1WIA

    Societies and Club News Letter Editors can EXCHANGE a feed
    prior to the actual broadcast date, e-mail

    Call-backs follow the RF editions, but also for text readers
    you may lodge a quick reply to let us know you read it, who
    knows, you might even get a "cheerio call".

    Thanks to our dedicated band of broadcast volunteers who
    utilize their time and equipment in bringing you this weekly
    Who and where are they?
    Promote your local rebroadcast; details on wia.org.au/members/broadcast/contribute/
    The purpose of "WIANews" is to rapidly provide news of
    interest to WIA affiliated clubs and active amateurs residing
    in Australia and the globe.

    We strongly encourage membership in the Wireless Institute of
    Australia and participation in the activities of local clubs.
    Opinions expressed in "WIANews" are those of the writers who
    submit material and do not necessarily reflect those of the
    rebroadcasters, nor the National WIA, but IF broadcast, are
    done so in the spirit in which they were submitted."

    If you would like to see the call-backs reported each
    broadcast, OR have call-backs to contribute to the National
    News call back tally then please send through your call-backs
    to callbacks@wia.org.au
    How do I join this National News List?
    (subscribe for an automatic weekly feed.)
    Email to vk1wia-news-join@lists.wia.org.au
    from the email account that you wish the emails to go to.
    How do I leave this National News List? (unsubscribe your
    weekly feed)
    Open mail program which sends mail from the address you want
    to unsubscribe from. Send unsubscribe to the list
    unsubscribe address vk1wia-news-leave@lists.wia.org.au
    You will be sent a confirmation mail and must follow the
    instructions given in that mail to complete the

    Once your unsubscription has been processed, you will
    probably receive a message confirming your unsubscription
    from the list and at that point you should stop receiving


    Vk1wia-news mailing list
    Vk1wia-news@lists.wia.org.au http://lists.wia.org.au/mailman/listinfo/vk1wia-news

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.4 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Wireless Institute of Australia (3:633/280.2@fidonet)