From National News Broadcast Email List@3:633/280.2 to All on Fri Jul 14 09:28:15 2023
    Reply-To: nationalnews@wia.org.au

    Weekly news from the WIA:
    MP3 edition of news available at: http://www.wia-files.com/podcast/wianews-2023-07-16.mp3 Text edition:

    2023 JULY 16 VK NATIONAL NEWS BROADCAST ON VK1WIA ------------------------------------------------------------*





    Getting it on and all together this week,

    WIA Vice President Lee Moyle VK3GK. -

    Marty VK4KC who last week reported from 'the beach' with BOTA news
    reaches moves inland and goes 'parking' with POTA. -

    John Knox VK4FJRK takes us to Ireland and another REWIND story.



    The SARL Secretary has been informed of a pirate station operating
    on 17 metres using ft8 and using the call sign ZS8C.

    Carson McAfee, ZS8C was active from Marion Island in 2013 and 2014
    and the licence was cancelled in 2015.

    It has been confirmed that there are no radio amateurs on
    Marion Island, Gough Island or at the SANAE Base.

    (sarl news)


    This is WIA Vice President Lee Moyle VK3GK

    WRTC is an international event held every four years that brings together
    teams of Amateur Radio contesters to compete against each other on a level playing field. The 2022 event was held in Italy last weekend (a year later
    than scheduled due to COVID).

    2026, the next WRTC will run in the UK. The organising committee will be inviting around 50 international teams of two people to come to the UK in
    July 2026. Most of those teams will gain a right to compete through their success in a number of qualifying contests between October 2023 and March

    Many visitors also attend the event, so this will be an amazing social
    occasion for all of the international contesting community as well as being
    the most intense test of the competing teams operating skills. A great competition environment will give them the opportunity to use equivalent
    sites and antennas scattered across East Anglia in order to compete fairly
    and evenly amongst themselves in the usual 24 hour intensive operating marathon.

    More details on websitewrtc2026.org

    For now, 73 From Lee VK3GK ------------------------------------------------------------*
    Radioworld.com and the World Wide sources of the WIA.


    ITUR Working Party 4C meeting #30 could not agree on the technical and operational measures required to ensure the protection of the RNSS (radio navigation satellite service) in the amateur 23cm band. (Relating to WRC-23).

    The group struggled to find consensus amongst the RNSS community on the measures it could propose to WP5A.

    The outcome of the discussion and final elements of the ITUR Recommendation remain uncertain and work on this topic will continue at the next ITUR WP5A meeting in September with some urgency to finalise ahead of the WRC.

    In other IARU news, the 58th meeting of the IARU Administrative
    Council (AC) was held in person at Friedrichshafen, Germany, during HAMRADIO 2023.

    On the subject of strategic planning, preliminary results from the work of
    the Relationship Working Group, Legal Working Group, and Finance Working
    Group were approved. Their work will continue to address a planned restructuring of IARU. An initial report will be presented at the Region 1 Conference in Serbia, in November.

    The AC received a report on the completion of the IARU officer consultative process regarding nominating candidates for the offices of President and Vice President for the 2024 - 2029 term. The nominees will be formally submitted
    to member-societies for ratification later this year.

    Reports were also received from IARU Beacon Project International Coordinator Peter Jennings, AB6WM/VE3SUN; Electromagnetic Compatibility Coordinator
    Martin Sach, G8KDF; Satellite Advisor Hans Blondeel Timmerman, PB2T, and Emergency Communications Special Advisor Rod Stafford, W6ROD.

    Preliminary thoughts on how to celebrate the 100th anniversary of IARU,
    founded in Paris in 1925, were exchanged and nominations for the IARU Michael J. Owen, VK3KI, Award and the IARU Diamond Award were received.

    German entry level "N class" amateur radio licence.

    Amateur Radio NewsLine are reporting the regulations will come into
    force on the 21st of June 2024, the week before next years
    "Ham Radio" event 28 to 30 and indeed the very first examinations
    for this new class of licence will take place at "HAM RADIO 2024."
    The new licence will allow access to 70cm, 2m and 10m running a
    maximum of 10 watts and will conform to CEPT specifications for an
    entry level licence.


    George, UY5XE, was a friend and an advocate to many.

    A number of reports are circulating advising George recently became
    a Silent Key.

    He has clearly left his mark:
    In 1993, while attending the IOTA convention in Spain, George
    encouraged the creation of what became the Russian Robinson Club,
    a group of adventurous amateurs who would come to operate out of
    particularly challenging locales in the polar regions. He later
    became QSL manager for many of the Russian expeditions in both
    Antarctic and the Arctic

    He had also served as the president of the UDXC and vice president of
    the Robinson club. One of his DXpeditions was EM2YU, in which he
    activated the Chernobyl exclusion zone in 2006 with Boris UT7UT.

    Licenced in 1966, he was an active ham whose contesting activity had
    won him many awards and plaques. He was also a published author and
    had been a correspondent for a number of amateur radio magazines,
    including Radio and RadioMir, both in Moscow and RadioHobby, in Kyiv.

    George was 75.


    W 1 VCM Receives Grant for the Vintage Radio and Communications
    Museum from the ARDC


    W1VCM is the amateur radio club station of the Museum in Connecticut.

    The museum is run by volunteers and it opened in 1990. It is
    dedicated to the preservation of old-time communications equipment
    and to educating the public about communication systems of the past.

    Vintage Radio and Communications Museum Director John Ellsworth
    emphasized the importance of the amateur radio club as part of the
    story of communications, stating, "During our tours, we discuss the
    history and development of radio and television. Having a working
    radio station available reinforces many of the topics discussed."

    Later in todays WIA National News we'll 'rewind' to another
    Museum and that one features a Spark Gap Transmitter amongst its
    Youth on the Air Camp 2023 is a camp for young amateur radio operators
    in North, Central and South America.

    The youth will operate the special event station VE 3 YOTA while camp
    is in session with a special focus on satellite operations occurring
    Wednesday, July 19. Additionally, an ARISS contact with the
    International Space Station is scheduled to take place on Tuesday,July 18. youthontheair.org
    The ad hoc group Shortwave Modernization Coalition has petitioned
    the Federal Communications Commission in the USA to allow data
    communications on multiple bands within the HF 2 25 MHz range with
    up to 20 KW, including in bands immediately adjacent to spectrum
    allocated to the Amateur Radio Service.

    This group appears to represent high-speed stock trading interests.

    The FCC has asked for comments by July 31, and reply comments by August 15.

    While the petitioners exclude the amateur bands, high power operations
    on immediately adjacent bands are proposed hence the ARRL is
    reviewing the petition.


    Well maybe not WEIRD but WONDERUL they are and the tech behind them
    has been reversed engineered in a recent Hackaday release.

    We are talking about LED wristbands.

    LED wristbands are becoming more of a common feature of large arena
    concerts and events, with a variety of capabilities and technical implementations. If you havent yet worn one ask your kids or grandkids, Im
    sure they'll have at least one stashed away as a souvenir

    LED wristbands are in fact wearable light shows..yes..on your wrist.
    Some events use them to flash in time with the music on stage, some can highlight a section of the audience. Much light when we used to

    go to the Royal Shows and the ring announcer would get the crowd to sing out the next colour the sky rockets would be.

    Some large outdoor (and indoor) events use pan-tilt IR emitters
    mounted on lighting towers, the operators can sweep across the
    audience controlling colour and light levels or activating pre-programmed sequences.

    Individual control is also available to signify winners of give aways at

    The three main control technologies are Infrared light, RF radios, and Bluetooth. The IR-controlled ones are the simplest, and Hackaday have
    covered a teardown, a reverse engineering effort and reflash of the Pixmob IR armbands.

    (hackaday.com) -------------------------------------------------------------------*



    JULY 15 - Trans Tasman Low Band Contest on NOW.
    Low Band activity between VK and ZL
    160 80 and 40M

    JULY 15-16 UTC

    Also taking place this weekend is CQ Magazines World Wide VHF
    Contest. It's running from 18:00 UTC on July 15th until 21:00 UTC on
    July 16th.

    The contest promotes VHF activity on the six and two-meter bands
    with participation from around the world.

    The objectives of this contest are for amateurs around the world to
    contact as many amateurs as possible in the contest period, to
    promote VHF and for interested amateurs to collect VHF Maidenhead
    grid locators for award credits.

    All amateur radio frequencies on 50 MHz and 144 MHz may be used as
    authorized by local law and license class.

    JULY 22 The second leg of the 2023 Youth on the Air Contest
    is on the air from 10:00 to 21:59 UTC on Saturday 22
    July with CW and phone activity on 80, 40, 20, 15 and
    10 metres.

    The exchange for a Single operator is a RS or RST
    report and your age 1 January 2023.

    ham-yota.com/contest (sarl)

    The next RSGB IOTA Contest is 29-30 July 2023 (iota website) --------------

    AUGUST 12 - 13 Remembrance Day Contest

    This contest commemorates the Amateurs who died
    during World War II and is designed to encourage
    friendly participation and help improve the
    operating skills of participants. It is held on the
    weekend closest to the 15th August, the date on
    which hostilities ceased with Japan in the
    southwest Pacific area.

    A perpetual trophy is awarded annually to the
    Australian state or territory with the best
    The name of the winning State or Territory is
    inscribed on the trophy, and that State or Territory
    then holds the trophy for 12 months. The winning
    State or Territory is also given a certificate, as
    are leading entrants.


    August 26 - 27 A.L.A.R.A. CONTEST

    Contest is always on the last FULL weekend of August.

    All licensed operators throughout the world are invited to
    participate. Scout and Girl Guide groups are encouraged to
    participate using their Club's equipment and callsign.

    YLs work everyone; OMs work YLs only.

    Combined phone and CW run over 24 hours:
    Saturday 0600 hours UTC till Sunday 0559 hours UTC
    All HF Bands except 160m & WARC Bands.
    ECHOLINK will also be accepted.

    (alara web site)

    OCTOBER - Oceania DX (OCDX) Contest

    Contest Dates/Times:

    PH - The first full weekend in October each year 0600 UTC
    Saturday to 0600 UTC Sunday

    CW - Second full weekend in October from 0600 UTC Saturday to
    0600 UTC Sunday

    Log deadline for PH and CW logs - 31 October.

    Managed by the Oceania DX Contest Committee.
    info@oceaniadxcontest.com ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    DX WINDOW --------------

    4 W 6RU from near Dili until July 20.
    QSL via R7AL using Club Log's OQRS, or, LoTW.

    Special event station CR 6 J will be QRV in observance of the
    41st International Faro Moto (motorcycle) Gathering in Farofrom July 17 to

    Activity will be on 80 through 6 meters on SSB, CW and Digital.

    QSL via CT 1 EHX.

    E 6 AM from October 10 to 23.
    CW, SSB, FT8 and maybe some RTTY on 160 to 6 meters.
    QSL via Club Log's OQRS (preferred), LoTW, or via LZ1GC, direct or bureau. (arrl)


    BM 0 QSO until December 31, using mostly digital modes.QSL via BM 2 JCC.


    SUNSPOT COUNTS HIT A 21-YEAR HIGH: The sun is partying like it's 2002. That's the last time sunspot counts were as high as they are now. The monthly
    average sunspot number for June 2023 was 163, according to the Royal Observatory of Belgium's Solar Influences Data Analysis Centre.

    Solar Cycle 25 wasn't expected to be this strong. When it began in Dec. 2019, forecasters believed it would be a weak cycle akin to its immediate
    predecessor Solar Cycle 24.

    Instead, 25 has shot past 24 and may be on pace to rival some of the stronger cycles of the 20th century. The last time sunspot numbers were this high, the sun was on the verge of launching the Great Halloween Storms of 2003, which included the strongest X-ray solar flare ever recorded (X45), and a CME so powerful it was ultimately detected by the Voyager spacecraft at the edge of the solar system.



    September 1st & 2nd deemed to be the first World HEMA day

    HEMA is a summit awards scheme which started in the UK but has
    spread across Europe and into Australia.

    It is a scheme more for the hillwalker than the mountaineer.
    Leisurely exercise, fresh air and good radio contacts make up the
    typical HEMA activation.

    Dare I point out SO leisurely that this World HEMA Day actually takes
    TWO DAYS to complete! What? Why does it start on Friday, when many
    are still working? Well actually it IS one day but only if you live
    in New Zealand, I'm not going to try and work this out but this
    story, sent in by Ron VK3AFW does point us to the HEMA website.

    So for the leisurely 'walkers' amongst us just remember -
    September 1st & 2nd will be the first World HEMA day


    Now if even a little hill or hummock has you stumped never fear POTA
    is here, as is Marty VK4KC.

    Parks on the Air update!

    The Parks on the air admin team in Australia and New Zealand have
    been hard at work adding parks into the POTA database. New Zealand
    now has over 600 parks and Australia over 7000.

    The focus for Australia has been on adding state forests. Many state
    forests have good vehicle access, camping facilities and are dog

    To find parks near you go to the web site POTA.app and click on the

    All licensed hams are welcome to participate in the POTA program as
    activators and/or as hunters.

    To see the program in action visit Peter VK3YE's YouTube channel and
    view his most recent videos on activating POTA parks.

    This is Marty VK4KC saying POTA on!

    The camp for young amateur radio operators in Region 2 is upon us as
    Jason has reported in todays News from your WIA and it includes a
    Parks on the Air activation.

    Neil Rapp the Camp Director says 15 QRP stations will activate a
    two-for-one POTA location, Central Experimental Farm National
    Historic Site (VE-5095) and Rideau Canal National Historic Site
    (VE-4882) on 40m, 20m, 15m, and 10m.

    Weather permitting, the activation will be on the air on Tuesday,
    July 18 from 1900Z to 2100Z and Thursday, July 20 from 1300Z to 1600Z
    AMSAT-VK Secretary - secretary@amsat-vk.org

    Ham radio operators are picking up a strong signal from space.
    It's NASA's STEREO-A spacecraft returning home after 17 years.

    "I'm having fun with STEREO-A," reports Scott VE 7 TIL of
    British Columbia. "The spacecraft is coming close to Earth this
    northern summer, and I can now receive its signal using a small
    26-inch dish in my backyard."

    Spaceweather.com says STEREO-A left Earth in 2006, launched from
    Cape Canaveral with its sister ship STEREO-B. Both spacecraft were
    on a mission to the far side of the sun. Over the years, they would
    circle behind the sun, beaming images back to Earth so
    scientists could make 3D models of solar activity.

    In 2014, STEREO-B failed and was not heard from again.

    STEREO-A kept going, and now it is on its way back.

    Ham radio operators are picking up signals from STEREO-A at
    8443.58 MHz
    Ariane 5 Rockets into Retirement:

    Europes workhorse rocket has completed its final mission, launching
    two satellites into orbit before retiring after an illustrious
    27-year career. The Ariane 5, known for its power and reliability,
    took off from Europes Spaceport in French Guiana on July 5, marking
    its 117th and last orbital lift-off.


    Be listening for a six-member team of activators using the callsign
    RI 1 OR (R Eye One Oh R) from Bolshoy Solovetsky Island, IOTA number
    EU-066, from the 25th to the 29th of July. They will operate CW, SSB and digital modes on 160-10 metres. Send QSLs via RZ3EC.


    Schouwen-Duiveland (EU-146) in the RSGB IOTA Contest. This will be a
    multi-two effort. QSL via PA3EYC.

    During the RSGB IOTA Contest, Jeff, W7BRS plans to operate from the NN7SS station located on Vashon Island (NA-065). This will be a

    single op, hi-power effort. QSL via K6UFO.

    8 Q 7 HU on air until Tuesday July 11-18 on 40 - 6m.QSL via EB 7 DX.
    (dx world)

    A reminder now that International Lighthouse and Lightship Weekend is
    coming up soon, the event is usually held on the third weekend of
    August which in 2023 is 19 and 20 August.

    It is one of the most popular amateur radio events in the calendar,
    and in past years there have been more than 500 entries from over
    40 different countries.

    To date WIA news has not received details of any activations planned
    for VK - ZL

    More details about the event and a registration form can be found at

    (details sourced to rsgb news)

    Brett Nicholas VK2BNN Scouts Australia National co-ordinator
    for JOTA.
    Lorraine OHare VK2FICQ is Girl Guides Australia National
    JOTA-JOTI Co-ordinator.

    Jota always 3rd weekend in October so 2023 = October 20 - 22

    Please QSY off the calling frequency after establishing

    Australian voice calling frequencies:
    3.650, 7.090, 14.190, 21.190, 28.590, 52.160

    World CW calling frequencies:
    3.570, 7.030, 14.060, 18.080, 21.140, 24.910, 28.180, 50.160

    World voice calling frequencies:
    3.690 & 3.940 MHz, 7.090 & 7.190, 14.290, 18.140, 21.360,
    24.960, 28.390, 50.160

    Calling frequencies for Slow Scan TV (SSTV):
    3.630, 7.033, 14.227

    Calling Frequencies for PSK31
    For this report we are off to Ceylon, thanks to ARNewsLine.

    An introductory lecture on Amateur Radio was held at S. Thomas'
    Preparatory School, organized jointly by The Scouts of the school
    and the Radio Society of Sri Lanka. Many Old Timers tuned today
    will have known Sri Lanka by the name Ceylon.

    The lecture, delivered by RSSL secretary Victor, 4 S 7 VK and
    Bharat 4 S 6 ABC, provided the young scouts with valuable insights
    into our amateur radio world and its various aspects. The scouts were
    then given hands-on training on operating an amateur radio station,
    guided by experienced Hams from the RSSL, focusing on operating
    procedures and etiquette.

    The session concluded with a demonstration of Slow Scan Television
    and its practical applications, including the transmission of
    weather data through WEFAX.

    The event showcased the potential of amateur radio to support the
    scouts' mission, fostering a desire to participate in future events
    such as the Jamboree on the Air, or JOTA.

    The Radio Society of Sri Lanka hopes that this event will inspire
    more young voices to engage in amateur radio activities in the

    Emergency Centre of Activity (CoA) frequencies
    3.600, 7.110, 14.300, 18.160 and 21.360 MHz
    Region 1 3760 7110 14300 18160 21360 kHz

    Region 2 3750 3985 7060 7240 7275 14300 18160 21360kHz

    A radio wireless system, co-ordinated under the Revenue department
    in Thrissur has been used to effectively coordinate relief and
    rescue work during floods and natural calamities.

    The system emerged as both a multiplier and a fallback for the
    disaster management force when power outages and remoteness render
    other communication systems defunct.

    The network of some 35 amateur radio operators can be integrated
    into the system in case of emergency.

    Their service was used recently for official communication during the
    Thrissur Pooram when all the mobile services got jammed as thousands
    of people gathered in the city.

    The Thrissur Pooram is the annual Hindu temple festival held in
    Thrissur, Kerala, India. It is held at the Temple when the moon
    rises with the Pooram star in the Malayalam Calendar month of Medam
    and is the largest and most famous of all poorams in India.

    (eHam - Wiki)


    Its off to Ireland for a look back into our past.

    A Galway museum capturing the technological advancements of the 20th and 21st centuries is to be opened to the public for the first time and its hoped it could become one of the citys leading tourist attractions, so if you are planning a trip to the Emerald Isle, listen up.

    The Computer and Communications Museum of Ireland, based at the University of Galways Data Science Institute in Dangan, was founded in 2009 and has served
    as an important learning resource for schools and colleges over the past 13 years.

    But according to the museums curator and co-founder, Brendan Smith, opening
    the doors to the wider public offers a unique opportunity to learn about the development of digital technologies and electrical communications in what is the only facility of its kind in Ireland.

    While we have rare and noteworthy historical artefacts secured in display cabinets for viewing only, our approach has always been to encourage, where possible, visitor interaction with our exhibits as we see ourselves as a
    living museum with a hands-on approach, said Mr Smith, adding that this would be a major draw for visitors to the city.

    There is a wonderful operational Morse Code-based spark wireless telegraphy transmitter exhibit put together by museum board member Frank McCurry that recreates a Marconi radio system from the 1890s.

    The museum Not 'only' but 'also' boasts a wide variety of games consoles and computers, taking visitors on a journey from the popular 20th century games such as Pacman, Sonic the Hedgehog, Mario, early Fifa and Star Trek, right up to the early 21st century developments including a suite of original
    Microsoft Xbox consoles which were the first to allow multiple users play
    games online.

    My time is up - For WIA National News and REWIND - this is VK4FJRKJohn Knox. ------------------------------------------------------------*

    2023 Social Scene

    Clubs are welcome to submit text with audio for this section

    Details of all WIA affiliated clubs and societies can be found
    on the WIA website, including email addresses and website links.
    VK6 - Northern Corridor Radio Group HamFest 20th August.
    VK4 - SUNFEST SEPTEMBER 9 (vk4an)
    At Mountain Creek State Schools massive air conditioned
    auditorium, just off the Sunshine Motor Way. Mountain Creek
    is tucked in to the west of Mooloolaba
    VK - ALARAMeet2023 4/5 November in HOBART (luther8@bigpond.com)

    This is Linda VK7QP, coordinator of ALARAmeet Hobart which will
    be held 3-6 November 2023

    Registrations close on 26 July, so that we know who is coming
    and we can finalise our bookings. The registration form is on
    the ALARA website ALARA


    Looking forward to meeting old friends and seeing for the first
    time those I have only spoken to on the air.

    Make sure you register by 26 July.

    Linda VK7QP

    VK3 - Rosebud RadioFest at Eastbourne Primary School Sunday,
    November 12 (vk3pdg)
    VK5 - Amateur Radio Experimenters Group Radio & Electronics Sale
    November 26 (vk5qi)

    2024 IT'S A DATE

    Clubs are welcome to submit text with audio for this section

    Details of all WIA affiliated clubs and societies can be found
    on the WIA website, including email addresses and website links.

    VK - WIA AGM MAY 4 5 - BUNDABERG. (vk2tsg)
    VK - National Volunteer Week Monday 20 Sunday 26 May 2024.
    National Volunteer Week (NVW) is Australias largest annual
    celebration of volunteers and their important contribution to
    our communities.

    Reception Reports

    WIA News rebroadcasters often give Short Wave Listeners a
    welcome to the broadcast as they commence call-backs
    straight after the Local News. Local news follows National
    news in all states. It would be great if those SWL's would
    email their reception reports and location to
    Submitting news items

    If you would like to submit news items for possible inclusion
    in the VK1WIA broadcasts, please email your item in text to nationalnews@wia.org.au and don't JUST send url's links or
    posters, but take the time to pen YOUR contribution.

    To submit audio, email nationalnews@wia.org.au
    and send BOTH the audio and the text

    We would appreciate items certainly no longer than 1.5 mts in
    length as we only have a half hour.

    Remember the sooner you submit material the more the
    likelihood of it being broadcast in the very next edition of
    WIA National News.

    Each recorded item will only be broadcast once, if you want a couple
    of mentions, please submit different slants to keep your
    event 'fresh' and always if the news room is to read your
    item --- write it in the 3rd person. (First if YOU are
    reading your own item). If you are mentioning your own name / call
    in the story, say something like "and myself, Pat, vk11abc"

    Promote your local rebroadcast; details on wia.org.au/members/broadcast/contribute/

    A reminder when supplying HamFest info we obviously can't
    plug DEALS from commercial traders "on air", but we at the
    WIA will put your supporters 'goods' in this text edition
    "no worries."

    We will not give blatant 'plugs' to raffles, be it raffles
    at the event or "on-line".


    Oh... and to contact us with your news because
    If It Matters To You It Matters To Us!
    Click the links below to download the most recent edition of
    National News, BUT this is ONLY the backup site!

    WIANEWS backup thanks to Brendan VK4BLP can be found on

    BACKUPS OF THE BACKUP!! thanks to Tony VK7AX

    wia.org.au/members/broadcast/wianews/ (This is the link
    to the original text version and original audio on wia site) ------------------------------------------------------------*

    WIANews - we've reported...YOU decide.

    TWITTER twitter.com/VK1WIA

    Societies and Club News Letter Editors can EXCHANGE a feed
    prior to the actual broadcast date, e-mail

    Call-backs follow the RF editions, but also for text readers
    you may lodge a quick reply to let us know you read it, who
    knows, you might even get a "cheerio call".

    Thanks to our dedicated band of broadcast volunteers who
    utilize their time and equipment in bringing you this weekly
    Who and where are they?
    Promote your local rebroadcast; details on wia.org.au/members/broadcast/contribute/
    The purpose of "WIANews" is to rapidly provide news of
    interest to WIA affiliated clubs and active amateurs residing
    in Australia and the globe.

    We strongly encourage membership in the Wireless Institute of
    Australia and participation in the activities of local clubs.
    Opinions expressed in "WIANews" are those of the writers who
    submit material and do not necessarily reflect those of the
    rebroadcasters, nor the National WIA, but IF broadcast, are
    done so in the spirit in which they were submitted."

    If you would like to see the call-backs reported each
    broadcast, OR have call-backs to contribute to the National
    News call back tally then please send through your call-backs
    to callbacks@wia.org.au
    How do I join this National News List?
    (subscribe for an automatic weekly feed.)
    Email to vk1wia-news-join@lists.wia.org.au
    from the email account that you wish the emails to go to.
    How do I leave this National News List? (unsubscribe your
    weekly feed)
    Open mail program which sends mail from the address you want
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    Once your unsubscription has been processed, you will
    probably receive a message confirming your unsubscription
    from the list and at that point you should stop receiving


    Vk1wia-news mailing list
    Vk1wia-news@lists.wia.org.au http://lists.wia.org.au/mailman/listinfo/vk1wia-news

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Wireless Institute of Australia (3:633/280.2@fidonet)