From National News Broadcast Email List@3:633/280.2 to All on Fri Feb 3 19:55:49 2023
    Reply-To: nationalnews@wia.org.au

    Weekly news from the WIA:
    MP3 edition of news available at: http://www.wia-files.com/podcast/wianews-2023-02-05.mp3 Text edition:

    2023 FEBRUARY 05 VK NATIONAL NEWS BROADCAST ON VK1WIA ------------------------------------------------------------*





    ( 1937 in a mention we've come across relating to weekly
    broadcasts of information prepared by VK4 was a plea to
    restart the weekly news service which was on air in the
    late 1920's )


    WIA's Vice President Lee Moyle VK3GK. -
    President Scott Williams VK3KJ. -
    Editor-in-Chief Amateur Radio magazine, Roger Harrison VK2ZRH. - -
    From Amateur Radio Victoria, Peter Cossins VK3BFG.-

    Also our weekly reminder that all points of contact and more
    information including links to our stories sources are best
    read in the text edition of this news service on wia.org.au



    Hi there, this is WIA Director and President Scott WilliamsVK3KJ
    and nice to be appearing on the broadcast for the first time in 2023.

    After a few weeks break over the Christmas / New Year holiday period,
    the board is now fully back on deck and already has held two Board
    meetings in January and a special meeting last Tuesday night, which
    I will talk about a little more shortly.

    The board throughout 2022 met generally twice a month, Board meetings
    are split in two halves, with 2 hours set aside each fortnight to
    cover various items of business.sometimes a little longer. In
    addition to Board meetings, the Board will also meet informally
    from time to time with various committees and individuals to
    workshop and discuss items which need a little more focus or

    From February, the Board has resolved to meet once a month and we
    will continue to hold others special meetings as necessary, however
    frequent they need to be to ensure we address all items that need

    In regard to our special meeting last Tuesday night, this was with
    John Seamons (VK3JLS) who is the National and Inwards QSL Manager.
    John had tabled an excellent report to the Board covering all
    aspects of the QSL bureau for last year, including sharing some
    observations and insights to some of the issues that are being

    In no particular order the observations are:

    1. The bureau distributed 64820 cards for 2022 with NSW 15730,
    Victoria 13500, QLD 11,801, WA 9000, SA 6540, TAS 3870, ACT 2830
    and NT 1540.

    2. There were 1234 cards for VK9s, VK0s and special event calls.

    3. The amount of cards distributed in 2022 was just ahead of the
    63270 cards distributed in 2019. (Due to Covid, number in 2020
    and 2021 were significantly less).

    4. The amount of misdirected cards in 2022 was 680. These are cards
    sent to Australia by mistake from other overseas bureaus.

    5. Disappointingly, there were 960 cards that were binned in 2022.
    This is mainly due to individuals not been a member of the WIA,
    not having an arrangement with one the State / Territory QSL
    bureaus, not informing the National & Inwards QSL Manager of
    special event calls and where cards should be directed.

    John reported that he had a database of over 78 special event
    callsigns and needed to continually search QRZ and other callsign
    databases to try and identity where to direct cards. Generally, any
    card that cannot be identified where to send it or that there is no
    arrangement in place, is held up to 12 months and then is destroyed.

    Other issues highlighted included the escalation of bureau postage
    costs with cards generally being bulk packaged and distributed every
    3 months to help minimise cost.

    The recent meeting also discussed the amount of expected QSL cards
    over the next few years given the additional activity on the bands
    due to Solar Cycle 25 and the amount of special event callsigns,
    contest callsigns (2x1s) and cards received under the AX prefix.

    Discussion occurred around callsigns for life where of course today
    a VK2 call sign could be used in VK4, therefore a VK2 QSL card will
    always end up in the VK2 QSL Bureau, which of course means on some
    occasions could be incorrect.

    In summary, there is no doubt we are facing a few challenges with
    the Bureau, and I know there is consultation occurring with all
    bureaus around Australia to gain feedback and look at ways to create efficiencies.

    A couple of little reminders are:

    Make sure you are a member of the WIA and help support this
    wonderful service

    Make sure if you are not a member you have an alternative
    arrangement in place.

    Make sure if you are using special event callsigns you notify the
    National Bureau (this is the first-place cards arrive).

    Make sure special event callsigns and contest callsigns are listed
    on the QRZ database with any special instructions just in case.

    And finally, if you are using a VK9 or VK0 callsign, make sure you
    notify the National Bureau. We have had several DX operations of
    recent time which have not notified the Bureau and we have hundreds
    of cards just waiting for distribution.

    That old saying rings true, sometimes you have to help yourself
    before you expect others to help you.

    Finally, thank you to all the wonderful volunteers that assist with
    the Bureaus around the country. I dont think people realise the
    effort and amount of work that goes into sorting and distributing
    cards, both at the national Bureau and each state / Territory Bureau.

    I would also like to make a special mention of long standing
    VK4 QSL Manager Mrs June Sim who has decided to retire. Thank you,
    June, for your tireless work over the years and years and making
    sure cards are sorted and distributed in QLD. Also, thank you to
    Laurie Pritchard (VK4BLE) who has been appointed the new VK4
    QSL Manager.

    On behalf of the Board, thank you for supporting the WIA and best
    wishes to you all.

    WIA President
    Scott Williams VK3KJ

    This is Editor-in-Chief of Amateur Radio magazine,
    Roger Harrison VK2ZRH.

    Last Tuesday, the files for the latest edition of A R Issue Number
    1 for 2023 were uploaded to the printer's server in Bairnsdale,

    Look out for the issue landing in your letterbox, your Post Office
    Box, or your local newsagency, late next week.

    The theme for this issue is Antennas and Propagation.
    Never mind, Ill get back to that shortly.

    Here is the BIG news this year, marks 90 years of continuous
    publication for Amateur Radio magazine. Were going to make a bit
    of a song and dance about it. 90 years serving Australias radio
    amateurs in the guise of The Journal of the Wireless Institute of

    Matters were rather volatile in the lead-up to the WIAs magazine
    venture in 1933.

    The youthful WIA had survived 20 years, the Great War, the Roaring 20s
    and global depression, during which many commercial magazines
    catering to audiences interested in the new wireless and radio
    technologies came and went, it is indeed a wonder the WIAs magazine
    venture got any sort of start.

    Well how DID Amateur Radio magazine come into being?
    WIA Historian, Peter Wolfenden VK3 R V, kicks off Part 1 of a
    two-part feature article written in his trademark thoroughgoing

    Justin Giles-Clark VK7 T W gets down and dirty or, maybe that
    should be up and dirty with building a multi-band portable linked
    dipole. Talking about antennas always raises the subject of antenna
    tuners. This issue, Lou Destefano VK3 A Q Z returns with a cunningly
    conceived and constructed homebrew ATU rated to handle 400 watts.
    Not to be missed.

    Poignantly, this issue we have a feature article from a well-known
    author who is now a silent key. Titled How Radio Australia reached
    the world, a concise historical overview of the life and service of
    Radio Australia from 1944 through 2017 it was written by
    Rodney Champness VK3 U G, who died in late October last year.
    We also include a comprehensive obituary on him, compiled by his
    friend and colleague, Vic Pleuger VK2 V P.

    Amateur Radio magazine, Volume 91, Issue Number 1 for 2023.
    Serving Australian radio amateurs since 1933. Available in print
    and online. Always published to a schedule, never random.

    This has been AR magazine Editor-in-Chief Roger Harrison VK2ZRH
    for VK1WIA News.


    Amateur Radio Victoria is about to run two different on line

    The first is for Foundation level and commences Monday 13th February
    7 9 PM for 3 nights. The recommended text is Your Entry to
    Amateur Radio available on line from the Wireless Institute of
    Australia or Amateur Radio Victoria websites.
    The charge for the Tutorial is $60 and enrolments via the Amateur
    Radio Victoria website are now open.
    An Advanced Tutorial commences Wednesday 1st March 7 9 PM for
    12 nights. The charge for this is $150.00 and enrolments are also
    open via the Amateur Radio Victoria website.
    Recommended texts are Radio Theory Handbook for Amateurs by
    Fred Swainston or Radio Theory Handbook Beginner to Advanced by
    Ron Bertrand.

    Enrolment numbers are limited due to the fact that an assessment
    service is offered at the end of each Tutorial.

    The Tutorials are conducted via Zoom from the Ham Shack of
    myself, Peter Cossins VK3BFG and includes various live presentations
    and short videos.

    73 Peter VK3BFG

    pcossins@bigpond.com ------------------------------------------------------------*
    Radioworld.com and the World Wide sources of the WIA.


    Resignation of the President of the IRTS

    The IRTS Committee have received a letter of resignation from the
    President of the IRTS, Larry EI9CN. The Committee thanked Larry for
    his hard work and offered him best wishes for the future.

    Further information will be provided when it becomes available.

    As part of the Charles 3 Coronation celebration activities, Ofcom
    has approved R as the optional Coronation regional secondary
    locator prefix for all UK radio amateurs.

    They will be able to use this for the whole of May and June 2023.

    More information will be reported closer to the date of the


    YOTA Summer Camp 2023.

    This is the 11th year and this year it's in Hungary.

    The event itself will be held from 5th to 12th August.

    100 ambitious youngsters from around IARU Region 1 including guest
    teams from Regions 2 and 3 have been invited.



    An amateur astronomer from southwestern Nova Scotia has captured a
    dazzling time-lapse of the green comet that's making a rare pass
    near Earth.

    The last time the comet was this close to our planet was
    50,000 years ago. Many Canadians are looking up at the stars
    this week.

    Tim Doucette with the Deep Sky Eye Observatory near Yarmouth, N.S.,
    is among them. He took a two-hour time-lapse of the comet during
    the early-morning hours of Jan. 28.

    "If you've got a telescope, are in Canada and you look closely at
    the comet and the background stars, it's travelling relative in our
    sky about one-quarter degrees per hour," he told CBC Radio's
    Mainstreet Halifax. "So within a few minutes you can see that the
    comet's actually making motion in the night sky."


    A truck-sized asteroid that suddenly loomed out of the darkness
    with the Earth in its sights then sailed harmlessly past us on
    Thursday 26th.

    Asteroid 2023 BU whizzed past without incident and back out into
    the blackness of space.

    The rock, which was spotted by an amateur stargazer in Crimea, came
    closest to the southern tip of South America at around 0029 GMT
    Friday, according to scientists who were tracking it.


    Morse Code is making a comeback!

    Children as young as FIVE are learning the once ground-breaking form
    of communication - spurred on by K-Pop bands who use it to leak
    hints about upcoming songs to fans

    Now whist the youngsters are learning CW do you need to learn what
    K-PPOP is?

    K-pop or Korean Pop is the internationally popular, aesthetic-driven, style-bending, trendsetting, music genre of the 21st century.
    Originating in South Korea, K-pop draws influence from a range of
    genres like pop, experimental, rock, hip-hop, R&B, electronic, and

    South Korean boy bands NU'EST and TXT have both used Morse Code
    within their music videos, and even communicate hints about
    upcoming songs to fans.

    At the start of TXT's song Crown, Morse Code is used to spell out
    the title before the song gets underway.

    Similarly, NU'EST's song Help Me spells out its title at the start
    of the song. NU'EST even had flashing lights, communicating in
    Morse on their website to reveal the titles of their upcoming songs.

    This prompted young fans of the bands to scour the internet trying
    to find out the hidden meaning of the beeps - and morse was

    BUT even the Beatles Strawberry Fields Forever has at the beginning
    of the song right after Lennon sings "Let me take you down,
    cause I'm going to" (0:16) a sequence of very faint beeps that
    spell out the initials J.L.

    The B-52s - Planet Claire: -Pretty much the first 30 seconds is
    morse code, which can be translated to

    "NAWS DE CFH II ZKR F1 3394 4156.66238......".

    One theory is that it is a transmission from a Canadian Naval base
    in Nova Scotia signalling to ships. NAWS was the name when signalling
    out to "any or all allied warships", DE means "this is", CFH is the
    call sign of CFS Mill Cove, II signals a hyphen or dash, ZKR means
    "I am listening in and guarding this frequency" and F1 refers to
    radio teletype mode. The numbers that follow are the different
    frequencies. So it would be "To any or all allied warships this is
    Canadian Forces Station Mill Cove - I am guarding the transmission,
    in Radio teletype mode frequencies 3394, 4156, 66238". Or something
    like that.

    Morse does appear inadvertently on a pop track from the early 70's

    Forever immortalized on Tubular Bells: Coastal Radio Station, GBR

    VK3GK Lee Moyle continues our morse in music story:-

    The morse signal from GBR inadvertently entered the Tubular Bells
    recording and can be heard on the CD and decoded today.

    This great story features a radio station called Rugby Radio Station
    (GBR) that was in Warwickshire, in the heart of England, and the
    famous mansion / studio The Manor that Richard Branson of Virgin
    made available to Mike Oldfield for whom he worked at Tubular Bells
    between 1972 and 1973.

    Located 60 kilometres from The Manor, where Mike Oldfield spent long
    months producing his great album, was Rugby Radio, where it was
    built at the end of the Great War and during the Second World War
    it was used as a very low frequency radio station for communication
    with submarines in the North Atlantic and for telephone service
    between England and the United States.

    This station stopped broadcasting in 2003 and closed in 2007.

    See the decoding process on YouTube

    And we couldn't possibly go QRT with this segment without mentioning
    THE TOP TRACK on the Billboard top 100 for the past 6 weeks.

    That's number one with a "bullet" as we old jocks used to say.

    The song? SOS by SZA)

    I'm John VK4JJW






    FEBRUARY 25 - 26

    New Zealands Jock White Memorial Field Day

    This annual ZL contest is named to honour Jock White ZL2GX,
    NZART Contest and Awards Manager for over 40 years, for the
    service that he gave to NZART during that time

    The Jock White is always held the last full weekend in February
    Saturday 1500-2400 NZDT
    Sunday 0600-1500 NZDT
    and on 40 and 80 meters.

    Overseas stations in the South Pacific area are welcome and a
    special category exists for "us".


    MARCH 18 - 19 (the 3rd Weekend) John Moyle Field Day
    UTC 0100 Saturday to 0059 Sunday.

    Youngsters On The Air
    1st round 22nd April 0800 1959 UTC


    MAY 1st Saturday Harry Angel Memorial Sprint 106 mts an annual 80m
    contest event, first established in 1999, to commemorate the life of
    Harry Angel VK4HA who at the time of his becoming a Silent Key was
    the oldest licensed amateur in Australia. (106)
    The duration of the contest is 106 minutes one minute for each year
    of Harry's life. (wia.org.au)


    MAY 20-21 Don Edwards Memorial Slow Morse Contest
    begins the weekend after Mother's Day.

    80m section Saturday 20th May 6 to 9pm Sydney time.
    40m section afternoon of Sunday 21st of May, 1 to 4
    Sydney time. (vk2wi)
    DX WINDOW--------------

    The Special Event Station VI 100 MB is active during 2023,
    celebrating the centenary of VK2's Manly & District Radio Club.

    (Richard Murnane)

    VI 10 SOTA all year from summits in VK1


    In the Gamba operating is C 5 YK until February 24th.

    Listen on 20, 17, 15, 12 and 10m, mostly using the digital modes.

    QSL via Logbook Of The World and eQSL, or to home call ON 7 YK
    direct or via the bureau.




    Again active from Timor-Leste (OC-148) is 4W / JH 2 EUV until
    March 3rd. Activity 10-12-15-17-20m FT8.
    QTH is the Palm Beach Hotel, Dili.
    QSL via LoTW, buro.




    QRV is N 7 JVJ until April 28 on 40 to 10 meters using SSB and FT8.
    QSL via operator's instructions.




    Many Special event stations with prefix and numeral TC 100 are on air
    all year long.

    TC100TC, TC100TA, TC100TR, and TC100YEAR are celebrating the
    centenary of the Turkish Republic.

    QSL via bureau.




    Jean-Gabriel, F4CIX, signing FW 1 JG until January 2024.
    He is active on 40 to 6 meters using SSB and FT8.
    QSL via LoTW.


    WIA ARDF COORDINATOR VK3WWW Jack vk3www@wia.org.au users.mackay.net.au/~ron/homingin.com
    Kraken Direction Finding SDR

    If youre in the Hobart region save the date of 1st March 7:30pm
    for Ollie VK7NFI who will be presenting and demonstrating the
    crowdsupplied (funded ) Kraken Software Defined Radio that is built specifically for direction finding.

    He will be in the REAST club grounds

    Five antennas are placed into a circle and used to direction find
    using a notebook or the smart phone application which integrates
    nicely with Google Maps to let you know what the closest driven
    path to the radio (FOX) is.

    Ollie will be showing REAST the hardware and demonstrating the
    software and if lucky, there may be some Amateur Radio Direction
    Finding around the Queens Domains Clubrooms.


    (vk7wi news)
    WW SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS ATV (Every pixel tells a story) - tinyurl.com/WIA-News-Videos


    The IRTS (Irish Radio Transmitting Society) are reporting the SSTV
    unit aboard the ISS has completely failed.

    The interface card connecting the radios with the computer suffered
    damage beyond repair. New laptops are also being used, which
    require a new interface components from the ARISS-Russia team.
    ARISS-Russia is developing this new interface and is consulting
    the ARISS-International hardware and software team.

    Sergey Samburov, RV3DR stated that they don't expect to complete
    the SSTV development efforts until early 2024 and the hardware will
    be transported to the ISS on a Progress flight later in 2024.

    Until then there will be no more SSTV broadcasts.

    AMSAT-VK Secretary - secretary@amsat-vk.org


    An educational satellite built by Swiss students is being prepared
    for an important launch in February

    With the help of a ham radio antenna donated by the Vaudois Amateur
    Radio Club, HB 9 MM, high school students in Switzerland will be
    learning how to download telemetry data and photos from a satellite
    they have helped build in a laboratory at Orbital Solutions in

    They will be able to send commands to the CubeSat to select
    telemetry and picture download or to switch it into its VU
    transponder mode so that amateurs around the world will be able to
    communicate over the small satellite. The downlink using BPSK and
    AX25 is on 436.825 MHz and when the transponder is enabled, its
    uplink will be on 145.850 MHz.

    The launch is expected to take place on the 14th February at the
    Vandenberg Space Force Base in California.

    RoseyCubesat-1 is the first educational satellite of its kind to be
    created through the companys STEMSAT programme. Le Rosey is the
    name of the Swiss learning institute that the students attend.

    SpaceX successfully performed the first WDR of Starship Booster 7
    and Ship 24 on Monday. This is a major milestone in any rockets
    march towards a first launch, especially for a super heavy lift
    monster like Starship, which will have more than twice the thrust of
    the Saturn V.

    SpaceX loaded 4.5 million kg of cryogenic propellant into the fully
    reusable, two-stage rocket (causing it to shrink noticeably) and
    performed a countdown as it would on launch day.

    A 33-engine static fire is now the next dramatic step toward an
    orbital launch



    Hallo everyone, this is Clive VK6CSW reminding you that tomorrow is
    the first Monday of the month, time for the Radio Amateurs Old Timers
    Club of Australia's monthly bulletin to go to air.

    This month as well as the latest Club news

    * I'll be talking about The Super regenerative receiver,

    * This will be followed by Bill, VK3BR who tells us about the almost

    inventor of radio', Canadian born Reginald Fessendon.

    Everyone, RAOTC members and non-Members alike, is most welcome to listen to

    program and join in the call backs afterwards.

    Full details of all transmissions times and modes can be found on the RAOTC website

    at www.raotc.org.au or just Google RAOTC broadcasts.

    If none of the transmission times suit you, you can download the audio file
    at any

    time from today from the club website.

    Members and Friends of the RAOTC in Perth are reminded that the next

    meeting at the new venue, the Woodbridge Hotel,

    East Guildford, will be on Tuesday February 14th. All are welcome; further details

    are published on the RAOTC website, under

    subheading Luncheons.

    Once again, tune in tomorrow for the February RAOTC bulletin, enjoy the
    program and

    please join in the call backs afterwards.
    73 from Clive VK6CSW.

    Troubridge Island IOTA number OC-139.

    Troubridge Island is an island located in the south west corner
    of Gulf St Vincent in South Australia near the eastern edge of the
    Troubridge Shoals.

    Adam, VK2YK, Chris, VK5FR, Ivan, VK5HS and a team of other VK hams
    will be using the callsign VK5TIL from Troubridge Island on the
    7th, 8th and 9th of February.

    They will operate CW, SSB and digital modes on various bands.
    QSL via MOXO's OQRS, LoTW and eQSL.

    (ARNewsLine WIA)
    Recordings of military transmissions can be found on the
    Signal Identification Guide Wiki at

    The RCA CR-88 was a radio receiver made to work in top-secret
    government eavesdropping stations.

    As you might expect, these radios are top-of-the-line, performance
    wise, at least when they are working correctly. Hackaday have a
    story where a Mr. Carlson has one on his bench, and they and now us
    get to watch the show on his recent video that you can see in
    the link we like best read at wia.org.au and click the current news

    Interestingly, Mr. Carlson uses some Sherlock Holmes-like deductive
    reasoning to guess some things about the radios secret history.
    The radios design is decidedly heavy-duty, with a giant power
    transformer and many valves, IF transformers, and large filter
    capacitors. The underside of the radio reveals neat wiring and some
    big metal shields. The metal shields and filters have a very
    specific purpose. The radio was probably in a bank of radios, and
    you dont want them interfering with each other. In addition, you
    might not want someone tracking your super-secret listening post by
    its RF emission.

    hackaday.com/2023/01/30/inside-a-1940s-spy-radio/ ------------------------------------------------------------*
    2023 Social Scene

    Clubs are welcome to submit text with audio for this section

    Details of all WIA affiliated clubs and societies can be found
    on the WIA website, including email addresses and website links.
    VK6 - PARGFEST in Mandurah Western Australia February 11th. (vk6qi)

    Peel Amateur Radio Group - PARGFEST and Raffle.

    Last call for PARGFEST. Come and join in the fun next
    Saturday morning when the Peel Amateur Radio Group in Mandurah
    Western Australia celebrates PARGs 40th Anniversary.

    This year the event will be bigger and better than ever before
    - the huge swap-meet, tech talks by invited presenters, club
    displays and WAs amateur radio vendors will be there. And by
    popular demand, if you get the hungries or need a cuppa, well
    be able to help with that too.

    Plus were running a huge raffle which will be drawn on the
    day. Just think - you could share in $3,300 worth of prizes
    and could walk away as the proud owner of an Icom IC-7300
    HF Transceiver, an IC-2730A, a Hustler 5 Band HF Trap Vertical
    an IC-T10 and other great prizes.

    So as usual, the event will be held at the Mandurah Bowling
    Club, 89 Allnutt Street, Mandurah - just a short walk from the
    light rail station. Doors open at 8am for exhibitors and
    sellers, and 9am for visitors - $5 per person for entry and
    theres no table charge.

    PARGs emergency Comms trailer PARG1 will be set up - so call
    CQ PARG on the VK6RMH repeater on 146.850MHz with a 91.5Hz
    sub-tone on the way in or on your way home and chat to VK6ARG
    on the South West AllStar net.

    And what about taking the opportunity to sell some of your
    treasures by booking a swap-meet table or three? For more
    information, email our Secretary Jenny VK6JEN

    Check parg.org.au for details, links to the Raffle and for
    COVID updates on the day.

    PARGFEST - WAs Best. See you there amongst the raffles and
    bargains - Saturday morning February 11th at 89 Allnutt Street
    in Mandurah.

    VK - WIA AGM May 13 at 10:30am AEST proposed for Canberra (vk8zz)
    A hybrid event conducted both in person and by video
    conference and able to be viewed on an internet streaming
    Submitting news items

    If you would like to submit news items for possible inclusion
    in the VK1WIA broadcasts, please email your item in text to nationalnews@wia.org.au and don't JUST send url's links or
    posters, but take the time to pen YOUR contribution.

    To submit audio, email nationalnews@wia.org.au
    and send BOTH the audio and the text

    We would appreciate items certainly no longer than 1.5 mts in
    length as we only have a half hour.

    Remember the sooner you submit material the more the
    likelihood of it being broadcast in the very next edition of
    WIA National News.

    Each recorded item will only be broadcast once, if you want a couple
    of mentions, please submit different slants to keep your
    event 'fresh' and always if the news room is to read your
    item --- write it in the 3rd person. (First if YOU are
    reading your own item)

    Promote your local rebroadcast; details on wia.org.au/members/broadcast/contribute/

    A reminder when supplying HamFest info we obviously can't
    plug DEALS from commercial traders "on air", but we at the
    WIA will put your supporters 'goods' in this text edition
    "no worries."

    We will not give blatant 'plugs' to raffles, be it raffles
    at the event or "on-line".


    Oh... and to contact us with your news because
    If It Matters To You It Matters To Us!
    Click the links below to download the most recent edition of
    National News, BUT this is ONLY the backup site!

    WIANEWS backup thanks to Brendan VK4BLP can be found on

    BACKUPS OF THE BACKUP!! thanks to Tony VK7AX

    wia.org.au/members/broadcast/wianews/ (This is the link
    to the original text version and original audio on wia site) ------------------------------------------------------------*

    WIANews - we've reported...YOU decide.

    TWITTER twitter.com/VK1WIA

    Societies and Club News Letter Editors can EXCHANGE a feed
    prior to the actual broadcast date, e-mail

    Call-backs follow the RF editions, but also for text readers
    you may lodge a quick reply to let us know you read it, who
    knows, you might even get a "cheerio call".

    Thanks to our dedicated band of broadcast volunteers who
    utilize their time and equipment in bringing you this weekly
    Who and where are they?
    Promote your local rebroadcast; details on wia.org.au/members/broadcast/contribute/
    The purpose of "WIANews" is to rapidly provide news of
    interest to WIA affiliated clubs and active amateurs residing
    in Australia and the globe.

    We strongly encourage membership in the Wireless Institute of
    Australia and participation in the activities of local clubs.
    Opinions expressed in "WIANews" are those of the writers who
    submit material and do not necessarily reflect those of the
    rebroadcasters, nor the National WIA, but IF broadcast, are
    done so in the spirit in which they were submitted."

    If you would like to see the call-backs reported each
    broadcast, OR have call-backs to contribute to the National
    News call back tally then please send through your call-backs
    to callbacks@wia.org.au
    How do I join this National News List?
    (subscribe for an automatic weekly feed.)
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