The Metaphysical Studies Shelf
Pagan Portals: The Norns: Weavers of Fate and Magick
Irisanya Moon
Moon Books
c/o Collective Ink Books
9781789049107, $12.95, PB, 112pp
Synopsis: The Norns are the deities in Norse mythology who are responsible = for shaping the course of human destinies.
With the publication of "The Norns: Weavers of Fate and Magick", Irisanya M= oon introduces the ones who weave, measure, and cut at the base of the Worl=
d Tree. With Urd, Verdandi, and Skuld, we travel across time and meet ourse= lves as part of fate. In this meeting, we will join the Norns, weavers of d= estiny, and encounter the wyrd.
Critique: An invaluable and succinctly informative introduction to Norse my= thology, "Pagan Portals: The Norns: Weavers of Fate and Magick" is a brilli= ant and informative read from cover to cover. A welcome addition to persona=
l, professional, community, and academic library Metaphysical Studies and N= orse Mythology collections, it should be noted for that "Pagan Portals: The=
Norns: Weavers of Fate and Magick" is also available from Moon Books in a = digital book format (Kindle, $6.49).
Editorial Note: Irisanya Moon ( is an author, = witch, international teacher, poet, and Reclaiming initiate who has practic=
ed magick for 20+ years. She has written several books: Pagan Portals (Recl= aiming Witchcraft - 2020, Aphrodite - 2020, Iris - 2021, Norns - 2023); Ear=
th Spirit (Honoring the Wild - 2023, Gaia - 2023); and Practically Pagan: A=
n Alternative Guide to Health & Well-being - 2020. Plus, she has written es= says, articles, poems, and blogs for Witches & Pagans, Pagan Dawn Coreopsis=
Journal, Moon Books, Revelore Press, Llewellyn, Epona Muse Publishing, and=
Pagan Portals: Planetary Magic
Rebecca Beattie
Moon Books
c/o Collective Ink Books
9781803411767, $12.95, PB, 152pp 3411767
Synopsis: At the core of modern pagan witchcraft is a knowledge system conc= erning traditions of nature, connection, and embodiment to the astrological=
planets. Throughout magical history, practitioners of magic have looked to=
the planets for inspiration and magical help.
From the earliest beginnings of written magical texts (known as the Grimoir= es) magical systems were based on the seven planetary powers that were visi= ble in the night sky. The Grimoires were then studied by practitioners of f= olk-magic (called the Cunning Folk) and by influential groups from the Herm= etic Order of the Golden Dawn, as well as practitioners of Modern witchcraf=
Pagan Portals: Planetary Magic is an accessible and practical introduction =
to pre-modern planetary magic. It details with each of the planets, what it=
s magical qualities are, and how to work practical magic with each.
Critique: Featuring numerous b/w illustrations, and offering a 'user friend= ly' introduction to creating modern magic with the seven planetary energies=
, "Pagan Portals: Planetary Magic" by Rebecca Beattie is an extraordinary a=
nd highly recommended pick for personal, professional, community, and acade= mic library Metaphysical Studies, Paganism, Astrology, and Magick collectio=
ns and supplemental curriculum studies lists. It should be noted that "Paga=
n Portals: Planetary Magic" is also readily available in a digital book for= mat (Kindle, $6.49).
Editorial Note: Rebecca Beattie ( has a PhD in Cre= ative Writing and has previously written two novels, a book of short storie=
s, and her first Moon Books title Pagan Portals: Nature Mystics. Rebecca ha=
s been a regular teacher at Treadwell's Books in Bloomsbury for many years.
A New Science of the Afterlife
Daniel Drasin
Park Street Press
c/o Inner Traditions International, Ltd.
One Park Street, Rochester, VT 05767
9781644116814, $16.99, PB, 128pp 812
Synopsis: Sharing his more than thirty years of research into the afterlife=
and paranormal phenomena, with the publication of "A New Science of the Af= terlife: Space, Time, and the Consciousness Code", Daniel Drasin shows that=
the continuity of human consciousness beyond the physical body and after d= eath constitutes a legitimate area of scientific inquiry and that it can be=
objectively demonstrated.
Drasin begins by revealing how our belief in materialism (through its effec=
ts on our social norms, taboos, and even language) has deeply constrained o=
ur civilization's understanding of the nature of space, time, life, death, = and consciousness. However, as Drasin explains, our deeply ingrained cultur=
al habits tied to materialism have begun to change.
Drasin explores 15 promising post-materialist scientific investigations cur= rently underway, focusing in depth on three examples that offer the most ob= jectively irrefutable evidence for the survival of consciousness, including=
electronic audio and visual communications from the other side, the ground= breaking five-year Scole Experiment in physical mediumship, and the profoun= dly evidential reincarnation case of James Leininger.
Looking at how language frames our perceptions about life and death, Drazin=
also presents thought experiments and simple exercises to help us see thro= ugh materialist ideology and perceive a broader landscape of reality. He pr= ovides a succinct account of the experience of transition to the "next life=
" and explores what the afterlife is made of, where it's located, how it wo= rks, and what it's for.
Finally, Drasin shows how, by thinking and speaking about death and the sur= vival of consciousness in new ways, we can facilitate a clearer, more relax= ed, comfortable, and rational conversation about what awaits us all sooner =
or later on the other side of life.
Critique: An original and seminal study that will have immense interest to = readers focusing on New Age Channeling, Reincarnation, and the 'Sociology o=
f Death', "A New Science of the Afterlife: Space, Time, and the Consciousne=
ss Code" is an extraordinary, ground-breaking, inherently fascinating, and = genuinely thought-provoking read. While an unreservedly recommended additio=
n to personal, professional, community, college, and academic library Metap= hysical Studies collections and supplemental curriculum studies lists, it s= hould be noted that "A New Science of the Afterlife" is also readily availa= ble in a digital book format (Kindle, $11.99).
Editorial Note: Daniel Drasin ( is an award-winni=
ng documentary filmmaker and has been a photographer and media producer for=
more than six decades. Since the early 1990s, as featured in his documenta=
ry Calling Earth, Drasin has been actively investigating the field of after= life communication through traditional mental and physical mediumship as we=
ll as modern electronics.
On Her Silver Rays
Frances Billinghurst
Moon Books
c/o Collective Ink Books
9781803411491, $23.95, PB, 256pp
Synopsis: The moon and Wiccan witchcraft go hand in hand. Lady Lunar has lo=
ng been both a guide and a companion, a sign by which we mark time, all the=
while she gently aids us in our explorations into the self and magical wor= kings. She is a reflection of not only the sun's light but also the endless=
cycle of birth, life, death and rebirth. The ebbing and flowing energy of = the moon influences our thoughts and emotions.
Many people believe that this energy can also bring change and enhance our = own lives, through knowing when and how to use it. "On Her Silver Rays: A G= uide to the Moon, Myth and Magick" by Wiccan author Frances Billinghurst is=
a collection of science, myth, poetry, and ritual. It will guide you throu=
gh working with the different phases of the moon in order to gain a better = sense of wellbeing.
You will discover how best to harness the lunar energies for healing and em= otional strength, as well as physical and mental wellness. Deepen your conn= ection with Lady Lunar through making your own 'moon water', prayer beads, = incense and anointing oils. Through the keeping of a lunar diary, you will = learn how to effectively manifest and release with the endless changing ene= rgies of the moon.
With "On Her Silver Rays: A Guide to the Moon, Myth and Magick" you will le= arn how to create your own unique moon names regardless of where you live. = When you are ready to take your moon magick deeper, this instructive guide = will take you through the differing astrological signs, cosmic events, incl= uding Blue and Black Moons, as well as working with both solar and lunar ec= lipses, and even how to make your own Kamea of the Moon.
More than just another book about working with the moon, "On Her Silver Ray=
s: A Guide to the Moon, Myth and Magick" is an informative guide to develop= ing a deep ultimate connection with our night time companion.
Critique: "On Her Silver Rays: A Guide to the Moon, Myth and Magick" is a m= etaphysical volume of folklore, poetry, science, myth, and rituals. It is w= ritten in a way that makes it accessible for readers of all levels. Providi=
ng information from philosophers, ancient astronomers, and modern scientist=
s, 'On Her Silver Rays' is an invaluable reference book covering a diverse = range of fields such as astronomy, astrology, mythology, healing, and divin= ation. Additional, "On Her Silver Rays" has a comprehensive list (and descr= iption) of the lunar gods and goddesses, explaining the importance of this = heavenly body to the esoteric practices of modern pagans and witches. While=
also available in a digital book format (Kindle, $10.99), "On Her Silver R= ays: A Guide to the Moon, Myth and Magick" is recommended as an essential, = core addition to personal, professional, community, and academic library Wi= ccan and Metaphysical Studies collections and studies lists.
Editorial Note: Frances Billinghurst (
https://francesbillinghurst.blogspot.= com) set herself the task of writing a book to honour the moon, and she sho= uld be proud of what she has achieved.
Phoenixes & Angels
Carmen Turner-Schott, MSW, LISW
c/o Collective Ink Books
9781803410807, $23.95, PB, 290pp 803410809
Synopsis: With the publication of "Phoenixes and Angels: Mastering the Eigh=
th and Twelfth Astrological Houses", author and astrologer Carmen Turner-Sc= hott gives practical advice and tips on how to implement self-care strategi=
es to overcome challenges and help the reader gain greater self-awareness.
"Phoenixes and Angels" will benefit astrology students, seasoned astrologer=
s, beginners in the craft, and those who want to learn how to counsel indiv= iduals with eighth and twelfth house planets.
The eighth house is the most powerful house in astrology. It rules death, r= egeneration, rebirth, healing, transformation, sexuality, behind-the-scenes=
energy, power, and secrets. All the energy of Scorpio and Pluto brings a h= eightened awareness of the deep things in life from which most people hide.=
Eighth house people share similar life experiences. "Phoenixes and Angels"=
highlights actual stories from eighth house people, which can help those i= nterested in learning more about themselves and helping others.
The twelfth house is the most spiritual and mystical house in astrology. It=
rules cosmic consciousness, oneness with God, compassion, service to other=
s, psychic abilities, imagination, sleep, dreaming, addiction, secrets, and=
much more. All the energy of Neptune and Pisces brings a heightened awaren= ess of the spiritual world and the divine. Twelfth house people share simil=
ar life experiences. "Phoenixes and Angels" highlights actual stories from = twelfth house people, too, which can help those interested in learning more=
about themselves and helping others.
Critique: A valued and informative contribution to personal, professional, = community, and academic library Astrology/Metaphysics collections, "Phoenix=
es and Angels: Mastering the Eighth and Twelfth Astrological Houses" is a s= eminal and unreservedly recommended acquisition selection.
Editorial Note: Carmen Turner-Schott ( is a = practicing licensed clinical social worker, astrologer, writer, and teacher=
with a national and international clientele. She has worked with victims o=
f trauma for over 25 years. Since 2010 she has managed several Facebook Ast= rology groups which have over 50K members from all over the world.
Maximize Your Healing Power
Sharon E. Martin, M.D., PhD
Findhorn Press
c/o Inner Traditions
9781644116609, $18.99
Maximize Your Healing Power: Shamanic Healing Techniques to Overcome Your H= ealth Challenges blends allopathic medicine with shamanic and energy medici=
ne techniques, and will appeal to libraries and readers interested in new a=
ge and alternative medicine and spirituality blends.
Scientific and spiritual insights merge in a playing field that proposes ne=
w applications for symbolic medicine wheels, intuitive explorations, amplif= ications, and rituals -- techniques that will prove especially effective fo=
r those already involved in visualization and symbols of awareness and mind= ful thinking. This audience, especially, will appreciate the focus on energ=
y healing which lends a different flavor to the process, considering ways o=
f connecting consciousness to spirit in an effort to boost inherent healing=
power and overcome conscious and subconscious barriers to physical healing=
and mental growth.
This duality creates a powerful interplay of healing potentials from intern=
al and disparate resources that are reinforced by case history and personal=
examples that will sound familiar to many: "For a long time, one of my bes=
t friends would start her conversations with why she didn't want to work an= ymore -- because she was too old. What she meant was she had progressed far=
enough in her life to deserve retirement, but what she stated was that she=
was growing old. After a few years of these kind of statements, and of me = grumbling that she should stop saying these things, she developed an autoim= mune disease that significantly limited her movement and functionality. She=
acted as if she was old and felt old.
Shifting your perception of disease and limitation so that it is a conditio=
n you are living with, not a defining issue that is core to your identity, = will go a long way in helping you to shift your health challenge." The exer= cises and case history examples which support examples of such shifts and p= rocesses will prove invaluable to self-help readers interested in applying = shamanic healing techniques to support health regimens and efforts.
Maximize Your Healing Power's step-by-step approach to supporting one's hea= lth makes it a practical recommendation for new age and alternative health = libraries, as well as spiritual collections looking to solidify connections=
between psychic, spiritual, and physical conditions.
The Midwest Book Review is an organization of volunteers committed to promo= ting literacy, library usage, and small press publishing. We accept no fund=
s from authors or publishers. Full permission is given to post any of these=
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The Midwest Book Review publishes the monthly book review magazines "Califo= rnia Bookwatch", "Internet Bookwatch", "Children's Bookwatch", "MBR Bookwat= ch", "Reviewer's Bookwatch", and "Small Press Bookwatch". All are available=
for free on the Midwest Book Review website at www (dot) midwestbookreview=
(dot) com
Anyone wanting to submit books for review consideration can send them to:
James A. Cox, Editor-in-Chief
Midwest Book Review
278 Orchard Drive
Oregon, WI 53575-1129
To submit reviews of any fiction or non-fiction books, email them to Frugal= muse (at) aol (dot) com (Be sure to include the book title, author, publish= er, publisher address, publisher website/phone number, 13-digit ISBN number=
, and list price).
James A. Cox, Editor-in-Chief
Midwest Book Review
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