• July 2023 MBR The Education Shelf

    From Midwest Book Review@3:633/280.2 to All on Tue Aug 1 14:34:51 2023
    The Education Shelf

    How to Enable the Employability of University Graduates
    Saskia Loer Hansen, editor
    Kathy Daniels, editor
    Edward Elgar Publishing
    9 Dewey Court, Northampton, MA 01060-3815
    9781803926506, $185.00, HC, 392pp

    https://www.e-elgar.com/shop/usd/how-to-enable-the-employability-of-univers= ity-graduates-9781803926506.html

    Synopsis: Students invest significant resources in coming to university and=
    universities play a crucial role in enabling their students to benefit fro=
    m this investment and to be employable once they have finished their degree=
    .. Giving a platform to the debate about graduate employability from the stu= dent, university and employer perspectives, "How to Enable the Employabilit=
    y of University Graduates"is innovative addition to the Edward Elgar Publis= hing's 'How To Guide' series and explores the challenges associated with en= suring the employability of university graduates.

    In defining the nature of employability, "How to Enable the Employability o=
    f University Graduates" discusses how the concept is a shared responsibilit=
    y dependent on individual capabilities, the labour market and social capita=

    Considering what employers want from graduates, "How to Enable the Employab= ility of University Graduates" examines how universities can provide strong=
    graduate outcomes and inclusive career opportunities irrespective of stude=
    nt background. It also illustrates ways to embed employability across the c= urriculum, suggesting innovative approaches to careers guidance and specifi=
    c employability initiatives, while upholding the benefits of entrepreneuria=
    l activities and widening participation opportunities.

    With insights from around the world, "How to Enable the Employability of Un= iversity Graduates" concludes by thinking about the institutional response =
    to the challenges faced by the employability agenda, reflecting on how rese= arch has developed over the past 20 years.

    Interdisciplinary and comparative in scope, "How to Enable the Employabilit=
    y of University Graduates" is a compendium of international case studies of=
    employability approaches across a wide range of educational institutions a=
    nd will prove an engaging resource for students and scholars of business, e= ducation management, and teaching methods. Its exploration of regulatory en= vironments will also prove useful for policymakers working in education.

    Critique: Collaboratively compiled and deftly co-edited by Saskia Loer Hans=
    en and Kathy Daniels, "How to Enable the Employability of University Gradua= tes" is comprised of 36 insightfully informative contributions and features=
    figures, tables, a list of abbreviations, a listing of the contributors an=
    d their credentials, and a seven page index. "How to Enable the Employabili=
    ty of University Graduates", a seminal and timely work, is impressively org= anized and presented, making it an essential and unreservedly recommended a= ddition to personal, professional, college, and university library Educatio=
    n Counseling collections, and supplemental curriculum Career Development/Vo= cational Guidance studies lists.

    Editorial Note: Saskia Loer Hansenis the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Internatio= nal and Engagement), RMIT University, Australia.

    Editorial Note #2: Kathy Daniels (https://research.aston.ac.uk/en/persons/k= athy-daniels) is the Associate Pro-Vice Chancellor (Engagement), Aston Univ= ersity, UK.

    Positive Behavior Supports in Classrooms and Schools, third edition
    Keith Storey
    Charles C. Thomas, Publisher
    2600 South First Street, Springfield, IL 62704
    9780398094065, $46.95, PB, 300pp

    https://www.amazon.com/Positive-Behavior-Supports-Classrooms-Schools/dp/039= 8094063

    Synopsis: Now in a fully updated third edition, "Positive Behavior Supports=
    in Classrooms and Schools: Effective and Practical Strategies for Teachers=
    and Other Service Providers" continues to be a unique and instructive guid=
    that provides teachers and other service providers the knowledge and skill=
    s for Positive Behavior Supports in school settings, thereby improving the = academic and social skills of their students.

    As with previous editions, "Positive Behavior Supports in Classrooms and Sc= hools" is written in an informational format that teachers and other servic=
    e providers can immediately put to use. The text is generic across K-12 gra=
    de levels and focuses on Positive Behavior Supports in school settings.

    Each chapter begins with Key Point Questions, followed by two Window to the=
    World Case Studies, information on the Key Point Questions, Discussion Que= stions, and Suggestions for Classroom and School Activities.

    Additionally, an overview of Positive Behavior Supports is provided, which = includes Measuring Behavior, Functional Assessment and Analysis, Reinforcem= ent, Punishment, Classroom Structure, Preventative Procedures and Intervent= ions, Cooperative Learning and Peer Tutoring, and Family and Agency Involve= ment.

    The Self-Management Strategies, Social Skills Instruction, and School-Wide = Positive Behavior Supports are vital areas of knowledge. This "How To" book=
    is written for teachers and other direct service providers in a non-techni= cal manner with specific real-world examples.

    Critique: An ideal textbook for school district in-service training program=
    s and a core addition to college and university library Teacher Education c= ollections and supplemental curriculum studies lists, "Positive Behavior Su= pports in Classrooms and Schools: Effective and Practical Strategies for Te= achers and Other Service Providers, third edition" is especially informativ=
    e and effectively 'reader friendly' in organization and presentation.

    Editorial Note: Keith Storey (https://tu-ca.academia.edu/KeithStorey) is a = Professor Emeritus at Touro University California in Vallejo, California. K= eith has over forty years' experience working with individuals with disabil= ities, including six years as a classroom teacher. His professional and res= earch interests include transition from school to adult life, functional an= alysis and positive behavioral supports, supported employment, inclusion, a=
    nd curriculum development. Keith is the recipient of the 1988 Alice H. Hayd=
    en Award from The Association for Persons with Severe Handicaps; the 1996 H= au-Cheng Wang Fellowship from Chapman University, which is presented for ex= ceptional merit in scholarship; and the 2001 Robert Gaylord-Ross Memorial S= cholar Award from the California Association for Persons with Severe Disabi= lities.

    Opening Doors to Ambitious Primary English
    Bob Cox, et al.
    Crown House Publishing
    81 Brook Hills Circle, White Plains, NY 10605
    9781785836671, $24.95, PB, 160pp


    Synopsis: With the publication of "Opening Doors to Ambitious Primary Engli= sh: Pitching high and including all" co-authors Bob Cox, Leah Crawford, Ang= ela Jenkins and Julie Sargent, provides both big principles and a toolkit o=
    f strategies all carefully selected to support the design of a deeper, more=
    creative and more expansive English curriculum.

    "Opening Doors to Ambitious Primary English: Pitching high and including al=
    l" is rich resource, enhanced with vivid illustrations by Victoria Cox, and=
    intended to help classroom teachers enhance their student's engagement wit=
    h challenging texts and develop their writing skills as budding wordsmiths.=
    Working in association with the Opening Doors network of schools, the auth= ors address the vital concept of pitching high but including all pupils and=
    how this approach can be delivered in practice.

    "Opening Doors to Ambitious Primary English" also explains and models top q= uality ways of thinking, planning and teaching. The resources, case studies=
    and authors' innovative ideas on theory will help you to make primary Engl= ish vibrant, creative and challenging in your school. It also provides fram= eworks and principles for any school wishing to be more ambitious in develo= ping pupils' speaking, listening, reading, writing and thinking with a grea= ter sense of curiosity and more originality.

    Of special note is that "Opening Doors to Ambitious Primary English" contai=
    ns chapter by chapter explanations of how English in primary schools can be=
    developed in ambitious ways. Supported by research references, examples of=
    pupils' work and illuminating case studies, "Opening Doors to Ambitious Pr= imary English" provides teachers with a toolkit of strategies which schools=
    can adapt and apply to their own contexts.

    "Opening Doors to Ambitious Primary English" is supported by the Opening Do= ors series of books which contain units of work based around selected texts=
    .. The authors hope "Opening Doors to Ambitious Primary English" will act as=
    a starting block from which to develop an Opening Doors approach to Englis=
    h, and have suggested key concepts around which the curriculum can be built=
    , with the units providing examples to work from.

    Critique: Especially suitable for teachers and curriculum leads in primary = settings, "Opening Doors to Ambitious Primary English: Pitching high and in= cluding all" is enhanced for the reader with the inclusion of a ten page Bi= bliography, a two page End Note, a two page List of Online Resources, and a=
    two page List of Downloadable Resources. Exceptionally informative, impres= sively organized, and thoroughly 'reader friendly' in presentation, "Openin=
    g Doors to Ambitious Primary English: Pitching high and including all" is s= olidly recommended for personal, professional, school district, college, an=
    d university library English studies collections and supplemental curriculu=
    m lists. It should be noted that "Opening Doors to Ambitious Primary Englis=
    h: Pitching high and including all" is also available in a digital book for= mat (Kindle, $23.70).

    Editorial Note #1: Bob Cox (http://crownhousepublishing.com/bob-cox) has ta= ught English for 23 years and is now an independent education consultant, w= riter and teacher coach who works nationally and internationally to support=
    outstanding learning. Bob also delivers keynotes for national associations=
    , multi-academy trusts and local authorities, as more schools integrate Ope= ning Doors' strategies into their curriculum design.

    Editorial Note #2: Leah Crawford (http://leahcrawford.com/opening-doors) ha=
    s 15 years' experience as a local authority English inspector and adviser, = working across both the primary and secondary phases, and now leads the Thi= nktalk education consultancy. She is an associate tutor on King's College L= ondon's Let's Think in English cognitive acceleration programme and also wo= rks in support of a European Erasmus project on the assessment of thinking = skills.

    Editorial Note #3: Angela Jenkins (http://www.angelajenkinsconsulting.com/a= bout) has extensive experience in English education and school improvement = having worked as an adviser in three different local authorities and two mu= lti-academy trusts in the last 20 years. As well as providing link adviser = support for individual schools she also took strategic responsibility for E= nglish and assessment. Recently, Angela has worked as an independent consul= tant, providing specialist advice and support for the development of except= ional curriculum, pedagogy and assessment both in primary and secondary set= tings. She is currently co-chair of the National Association of Advisers in=
    English (NAAE).

    Editorial Note #4: Julie Sargent (https://www.innovateducation.co.uk/about-= me-2) has over 10 years' experience of working across the whole of the prim= ary sector as an English Consultant. This includes developing bespoke CPD f=
    or individual schools, multi-academy trusts and local authorities. She has =
    a particular interest in Early Years/KS1 and using high-quality texts to pr= omote and develop all aspects of English.

    The Assistant Principal Identity
    Baruti K. Kaffle
    1703 North Beauregard Street, Alexandria, VA 22311-1714
    9781416632269, $27.95, PB, 124pp

    https://www.amazon.com/Assistant-Principal-Identity-Protecting-Authenticity= /dp/1416632263

    Synopsis: Given the demands placed upon our public schools today, the job o=
    f a school leader is more challenging and important than ever. To be effect= ive, administrators need to support their students and staff, but they also=
    need to take care of themselves. With the publication of "The Assistant Pr= incipal Identity: Protecting Your Leadership Mindset, Fervor, and Authentic= ity" by seasoned public education leader Baruti K. Kafele brings this motiv= ational message to the pivotal members of the leadership team who are too o= ften overlooked: assistant principals.

    Kafele explains that even as assistant principals gain knowledge and build = their leadership identity, their leadership values and skills can be compro= mised or lost without intentional care. Along with stories from his own yea=
    rs as a transformational school leader, Kafele also offers assistant princi= pals 35 thought-provoking questions for reflection and conversation centere=
    d on the idea of protection, from How am I protecting my leadership purpose=
    ? to How am I protecting my leadership optimism? and How am I protecting my=
    leadership integrity?

    Whether you are a new or experienced assistant principal, "The Assistant Pr= incipal Identity: Protecting Your Leadership Mindset, Fervor, and Authentic= ity" is an insightful and instructional guide will help you hold a mirror u=
    p to your own practice and more effectively navigate your powerful role in = improving outcomes for students and schools.

    Critique: Expertly written, deftly organized, exceptionally comprehensive, = impressively well presented, "The Assistant Principal Identity: Protecting = Your Leadership Mindset, Fervor, and Authenticity" is especially and unrese= rvedly recommended for personal, professional, community, school district, = college and university Education Leadership collections and supplemental Ed= ucation Administration curriculum studies lists. It should be noted that "T=
    he Assistant Principal Identity: Protecting Your Leadership Mindset, Fervor=
    , and Authenticity" is also available in a digital book format (Kindle, $20= ..49).

    Editorial Note: Baruti K. Kafele (www.principalkafele.com) is a highly rega= rded urban educator in New Jersey for more than 20 years. He has distinguis= hed himself as a master teacher and a transformational school leader. As an=
    elementary school teacher in East Orange, New Jersey, he was named East Or= ange School District and Essex County Public Schools Teacher of the Year, a=
    nd he was a finalist for New Jersey State Teacher of the Year. As a middle = and high school principal, he led the transformation of four different New = Jersey urban schools. He is the author of 13 books, including The Aspiring = Principal 50 and his seven ASCD bestsellers: The Assistant Principal 50, Cl= osing the Attitude Gap, The Equity and Social Justice Education 50, Is My S= chool a Better School Because I Lead It?, Motivating Black Males to Achieve=
    in School and in Life, The Principal 50, and The Teacher 50.

    Elevating Co-teaching with Universal Design for Learning
    Elizabeth Stein, EdD
    Cast, Inc.
    9781930583986, $34.00, PB 242pp

    https://www.amazon.com/Elevating-Co-teaching-Universal-Design-Learning/dp/1= 930583982

    Synopsis: Now in a newly revised and expanded second edition, with the publ= ication of "Elevating Co-Teaching with Universal Design for Learning" by El= izabeth Stein delivers a new structure, additional strategies, updated rese= arch, and fine-tuned language to show how best to apply the Universal Desig=
    n for Learning (UDL) principles and guidelines to co-teaching.

    Co-Teaching (the practice of having special education and regular education=
    teachers work together in inclusive classrooms) is a powerful way to ensur=
    e that all students have equal access to academic content. The inclusive fr= amework of UDL offers co-teachers structure and guidance in pursuing their = goal to create successful learning environments for all students.

    How does UDL inform the lesson-planning process? What does UDL look like in=
    the classroom? How do you get buy-in for the UDL approach from administrat= ors, parents, and students themselves? These and other questions are answer=
    ed in "Elevating Co-teaching with Universal Design for Learning" for anyone=
    interested in co-teaching.

    Critique: Exceptionally well written, organized and presented, this new sec= ond edition of "Elevating Co-teaching with Universal Design for Learning" m= ust be considered essential reading and an invaluable informational resourc=
    e for traditional classroom teachers who find themselves working with Speci=
    al Education instructor in a joint school classroom environment. An ideal a=
    nd unreservedly recommended addition to personal, professional, school dist= rict, college, and university library Teacher Education collections, and su= pplemental Special Education/Teacher Certification curriculum studies lists=
    , it should be noted that "Elevating Co-teaching with Universal Design for = Learning" is also available in a digital book format (Kindle, $25.99).

    Editorial Note: Elizabeth Stein EdD (https://www.steinelizabeth.com) has be=
    en a special education teacher, instructional coach, and educational consul= tant for more than 30 years, specializing in universal design for learning = (UDL) and co-taught inclusive practices. She is an adjunct professor at Sto=
    ny Brook University, New York. Elizabeth is a renewed National Board Certif= ied Teacher (NBCT) in literacy and the author of Two Teachers in the Room: = Strategies for Co-teaching Success (Routledge, 2017) and other publications=


    The Midwest Book Review is an organization of volunteers committed to promo= ting literacy, library usage, and small press publishing. We accept no fund=
    s from authors or publishers. Full permission is given to post any of these=
    reviews on thematically appropriate websites, newsgroups, listserves, inte= rnet discussion groups, organizational newsletters, or to interested indivi= duals. Please give the Midwest Book Review a credit line when doing so.

    The Midwest Book Review publishes the monthly book review magazines "Califo= rnia Bookwatch", "Internet Bookwatch", "Children's Bookwatch", "MBR Bookwat= ch", "Reviewer's Bookwatch", and "Small Press Bookwatch". All are available=
    for free on the Midwest Book Review website at www (dot) midwestbookreview=
    (dot) com

    Anyone wanting to submit books for review consideration can send them to:

    James A. Cox, Editor-in-Chief
    Midwest Book Review
    278 Orchard Drive
    Oregon, WI 53575-1129

    To submit reviews of any fiction or non-fiction books, email them to Frugal= muse (at) aol (dot) com (Be sure to include the book title, author, publish= er, publisher address, publisher website/phone number, 13-digit ISBN number=
    , and list price).

    James A. Cox, Editor-in-Chief
    Midwest Book Review

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