The Christian Studies Shelf
Henry Cloud
Worthy Books
c/o Worthy Publishing
Blackstone Audiobooks
9781546003373, $28.00, HC, 304pp
Synopsis: Trust (noun): Reliance on the integrity, strength, ability, suret=
y, etc., of a person or thing; confidence. The confident expectation of som= ething -- hope.
Trust is the fuel for all of life. We are wired biologically, neurologicall=
y, emotionally, spiritually, and psychologically to trust. Trust is the cur= rency that drives every relationship, beginning with the foundational bond = between infants and their mothers, extending to the trust networks that und= ergird every human endeavor (art, science, commerce) and binding together e= very relationship we have ever had or ever will have. Nothing in our world = works without trust.
It is tempting to think that trust is simple, that we should be able to spo=
t a lack of trustworthiness relatively easily. But we all have our stories = about misplaced trust. We either missed clear or subtle warning signs or th= ere just were not any warning signs to see. Everything looked good on the s= urface, and maybe it was. But we got burned anyway.
And sometimes we struggle to earn and keep the trust of those around us whe=
n trust bonds fail to form or are broken. When trust breaks down, so does o=
ur ability to move forward.
With the publication of "Trust: Knowing When to Give It, When to Withhold I=
t, How to Earn It, and How to Fix It When It Gets Broken", Dr. Cloud explor=
es from a Christian perspective the five foundational aspects of trust that=
must be present for any relationship to function successfully and helps us=
to understand how to implement them. He also guides us through the difficu=
lt process of repairing trust when it has been violated and broken, even wh=
en restoring trust feels impossible.
Rich with wisdom drawn from decades of experience in clinical practice, bus= iness consulting and research, Trust is the ultimate resource for managing = this most complex and fundamental of human bonds, allowing us to experience=
more fruitful and rewarding relationships in every area of our lives.
Critique: Deftly organized into five major sections (Trust Makes Life Work;=
The Five Essentials of Trust; Growing in Trust; The Model for Repairing Tr= ust; Moving Forward), "Trust: Knowing When to Give It, When to Withhold It,=
How to Earn It, and How to Fix It When It Gets Broken" will have a very sp= ecial value for readers with an interest in Christian oriented personal gro= wth, and transformative self-help. While especially and unreservedly recomm= ended for personal, professional, community, seminary, and academic library=
Christian Studies and Self-Help/Self-Improvement collections, it should be=
noted that "Trust" is also available in a digital book format (Kindle, $14= ..99) and as a complete and unabridged audio book (Blackstone Audio, 9781668= 630549, $40.00, CD).
Editorial Note: Dr. Henry Cloud is ( us an acclaime=
d leadership expert, a clinical psychologist and a New York Times bestselli=
ng author. His 45 books, include the iconic Boundaries. He has an extensive=
executive coaching background and experience as a leadership consultant, d= evoting the majority of his time working with CEOs, leadership teams, and e= xecutives to improve performance, leadership skills and culture.
Acts: A Commentary for Biblical Preaching and Teaching
David Gentino, author
John Harvey, editor
Kregel Ministry
c/o Kregel Publications
9780825458293, $41.99, HC, 576pp 58293
Synopsis: With the publication of "Acts: A Commentary for Biblical Preachin=
g and Teaching" author David Gentino and editor John D. Harvey tease out th=
e multifaceted yet compatible purposes apparent in Acts: showing God the Ho=
ly Spirit in action as Jesus's disciples undertook the commission that he g= ave them; presenting Jesus as Messiah and the source of salvation for all p= eople groups; addressing objections to and accusations against the Christia=
n movement; validating the Gentile mission; and providing models for public=
proclamation and apologetical defense. Their preaching commentary explores=
contrasts and corollaries between the church in Acts and the church today,=
encouraging believers who have the same commission, same empowering Spirit=
, and same challenges of opposition to the faith and cultural boundaries as=
did the early church.
Critique: Offering a complete course of instruction that will have a very s= pecial value for seminary students and clergy, "Acts: A Commentary for Bibl= ical Preaching and Teaching" is exceptionally well written, organized and p= resented, making it ideal as a DIY independent studies or formal classroom = textbook -- as well as being unreservedly recommended for personal, profess= ional, community, church, seminary, college, and university library Christi=
an Theology collections in general, and New Testament curriculum studies li= sts in particular.
Editorial Note #1: David Gentino (MDiv, Columbia Biblical Seminary) is the = church planting pastor of Columbia Presbyterian Church PCA in South Carolin=
a. David and his wife, Julie, have four children and have served in several=
church plants in the United States and in South Asia and are active in tra= ining planters in the Middle East.
Editorial Note #2: John D. Harvey (ThD, Wycliffe College, University of Tor= onto) professor of New Testament and the PhD program director at Columbia B= iblical Seminary in Columbia, SC. His works include Interpreting the Paulin=
e Letters: An Exegetical Handbook, A Commentary on Romans, Listening to the=
Text: Oral Patterning in Paul's Letters, Greek is Good Grief: Laying the F= oundation for Exegesis and Exposition, and Anointed with the Spirit and Pow= er: A Biblical Theology of Holy Spirit Empowerment. He is an ordained teach= ing elder in the Presbyterian Church in America and has served cross-cultur= ally in Europe and Africa.
An Untidy Faith
Kate Boyd
Herald Press
9781513811802, $31.99, HC, 208pp
Synopsis: In the wake of church scandals, culture wars, and clergy abuse of=
parishioners and children, many Christians are wondering whether the North=
American church is redeemable -- and if not, whether they should even stay=
.. While many are answering no to those questions, "An Untidy Faith: Journey= ing Back to the Joy of Following Jesus" by Kate Boyd is for those who long =
to disentangle their faith from all the cultural baggage and seek to recapt= ure the joy of following Jesus.
Through personal anecdotes, encounters with the global church, deep dives i= nto Scripture, and helpful historical context about Christianity, "An Untid=
y Faith" takes readers on two journeys. The first journey lays out the gran=
d vision of Christianity and the legacy passed on to us by the early believ= ers in hopes of renewing readers' belief in the church writ large. The seco=
nd journey helps believers understand why they feel distant from their chur=
ch settings and provides a reorientation drawn from Scripture of God's visi=
on for community.
A gentle companion, Kate Boyd metaphorically walks alongside those who have=
questions but can't ask them for fear of being labeled by or cast out of t= heir communities. Think of "An Untidy Faith" as a guidebook for those who w= ant to be equipped with practices to rebuild their faith and shape their co= mmunities to look more like Jesus and what He taught.
Critique: Exceptionally inspiring, insightfully informative, motivating and=
faith sustaining, contemporarily relevant, "An Untidy Faith: Journeying Ba=
ck to the Joy of Following Jesus" must be considered essential reading for = all members of the Christian community regardless of denominational affilia= tion. For the personal reading lists of clergy, seminary students, and anyo=
ne who is struggling to maintain their Christian faith when confronted with=
examples of hypocrisy, corruption, and criminality within the Christian ch= urch and community, it should be noted that "An Untidy Faith: Journeying Ba=
ck to the Joy of Following Jesus" is also available in a paperback edition = (9781513811796, $18.99) and in a digital book format (Kindle, $14.99). Inde= ed, if you see a family member, friend, or congregational colleague struggl= ing with disillusionment and trying to rebuild their Christian faith, consi= dering gifting them with a copy of "An Untidy Faith by Kate Boyd -- it coul=
d well be vital for the beginning of their reconciliation with God and the = Church.
Editorial Note: Kate Boyd ( is a writer, speaker, a=
nd Bible teacher. She helps believers who find themselves in the messy midd=
le between conservative and progressive navigate the tensions of the Christ= ian life so they can more confidently walk the lines between doubt and cert= ainty and faith and action with love and grace for all. She graduated cum l= aude with a BS in journalism and soon found her way to marketing and storyt= elling. She has traveled the world to interview and tell the stories of bel= ievers on mission, and she has written copy that has created millions in re= venue for non- profits and small businesses. She is currently studying theo= logy with an emphasis in church history and biblical languages at Perkins S= chool of Theology.
An Orphan In The House of God
Craig Daliessio
Independently Published
9798355458911, $14.99, PB, 232pp
Synopsis: "Jesus said: "Unless you become childlike, you cannot grasp the k= ingdom of God..."
With the publication of "An Orphan in the House of God", author Craig Dalie= ssio shares the intimate details of growing up in a dysfunctional, chaotic = family and his desperate attempt to reach out to a God he didn't understand=
.. As he entered adulthood, he came to realize that a spirit of orphanage wa=
s keeping him trapped and unable to experience the childlike faith and joy = that Jesus taught.
After years of hurtful relationships with his parents and others close to h= im, Craig came to understand that God's love is beyond what even the best m=
om or dad has ever shown their child.
Critique: Part memoir, part treatise on the healing a faith in Jesus can pr= ovide, "An Orphan in the House of God" is an inherently fascinating and ult= imately inspiring life story that will be of particular and special interes=
t to all members of the Christian community regardless of the reader's deno= minational affiliation. It should be noted for clergy, seminary students, a=
nd non-specialist general readers with an interest in the subject tht "An O= rphan in the House of God" is also readily available in a digital book form=
at (Kindle, $3.99).
Editorial Note: Craig Daliessia ( is the author =
of six previous books including "The Ragamuffin's Christmas," "Nowhere to L=
ay My Head," and "Sometimes Daddies Cry: What a Dad Really Feels about Divo= rce".
The Orthodox Martial Art is Living the Sermon on the Mount
CJS Hayward
CJS Hayward Publications
9798374612257, $19.99 Hardcover/$11.99 Paper/$2.99 ebook
The Orthodox Martial Art is Living the Sermon on the Mount departs from CJS=
Hayward's other works, linking the Sermon on the Mount to Orthodoxy in a m= anner that promotes and links the Sermon to martial arts mastery. Hayward o= pens with many thought-provoking statements, not the least of which is a di= scourse on the belief that Christians need to be more cognizant of catch ph= rases and words that describe their mission.
His attack on the vague "lay down your life for your neighbor" and his cons= ideration of the violence underlying this concept invites further discourse=
and reflection on the notion of Christians killing and fighting. As always=
, Hayward's ability to both analyze and pull no punches in analyzing the be= lief systems and underlying psychological and spirituality which are part o=
f Orthodoxy comes to the forefront in discussions which are as passionate a=
s they are studious.
From his analysis and consideration of "slippery words in Orthodoxy" to dee= per reflections on the gifts of the Sermon on the Mount which appear in dis= parate ways ("It was by the Sermon on the Mount not following protocol that=
an Orthodox elder responded to a subordinate who had let loose a torrent o=
f toxic words against him by giving him a small gift and saying, 'Always ta=
lk to me that way!'"),
CJS Hayward creates discussion points and insights that lend particularly w= ell to debate in Orthodox circles. From what translates to successful and u= ltimate mastery to how intention and spiritual reflection are employed both=
internally and externally, Hayward creates discussions that are passionate=
, vivid, and filled with life. Given how martial arts is reflected in crede= ntials, teachings, and instances in Hayward's life when he was granted extr= aordinary realizations and experiences that reinforced Orthodoxy beliefs an=
d underlying messages, this book is a synthesis of his life work and revela= tions. It invites thinking Orthodoxy readers and Christians alike to recons= ider some of the basic tenets of belief in a new way.
Libraries seeking a contemporary discourse on Orthodoxy's presence in and o= ngoing relevance to current daily living will find The Orthodox Martial Art=
is Living the Sermon on the Mount spirited, wide-ranging, and thought-prov= oking. It's essential reading for those who would link the underlying found= ations of Orthodoxy to modern times.
The Midwest Book Review is an organization of volunteers committed to promo= ting literacy, library usage, and small press publishing. We accept no fund=
s from authors or publishers. Full permission is given to post any of these=
reviews on thematically appropriate websites, newsgroups, listserves, inte= rnet discussion groups, organizational newsletters, or to interested indivi= duals. Please give the Midwest Book Review a credit line when doing so.
The Midwest Book Review publishes the monthly book review magazines "Califo= rnia Bookwatch", "Internet Bookwatch", "Children's Bookwatch", "MBR Bookwat= ch", "Reviewer's Bookwatch", and "Small Press Bookwatch". All are available=
for free on the Midwest Book Review website at www (dot) midwestbookreview=
(dot) com
Anyone wanting to submit books for review consideration can send them to:
James A. Cox, Editor-in-Chief
Midwest Book Review
278 Orchard Drive
Oregon, WI 53575-1129
To submit reviews of any fiction or non-fiction books, email them to Frugal= muse (at) aol (dot) com (Be sure to include the book title, author, publish= er, publisher address, publisher website/phone number, 13-digit ISBN number=
, and list price).
James A. Cox, Editor-in-Chief
Midwest Book Review
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