The Health/Medicine Shelf
Medical Speech-Language Pathology Across the Care Continuum
Alex F. Johnson, et al.
Plural Publishing
9781635502688, $119.95, PB, 378pp p/1635502683
Synopsis: Featuring a comprehensive, engaging, and readable overview to the=
dynamic field of medical speech-language pathology, "Medical Speech-Langua=
ge Pathology Across the Care Continuum: An Introduction" is the first medic=
al speech-language pathology textbook that is not focused on the various di= sorders, but instead examines the scope and key concepts of the profession,=
such as clinical reasoning, interprofessional practice, and the continuum =
of care.
"Medical Speech-Language Pathology Across the Care Continuum: An Introducti= on" provides an in-depth overview of healthcare workplace settings (acute c= are, inpatient rehabilitation, skilled nursing, home health, outpatient car=
e, pediatric service delivery, pharmacology, and neuroimaging. The text als=
o includes numerous case studies that instructors and students can use to e= xplore application of both clinical and setting specific principles as a pr= imer for practice in "the real world".
Key features of "Medical Speech-Language Pathology Across the Care Continuu=
m: An Introduction" include: Chapters are authored by respected experts wit= hin both academia and medical speech-language pathology; Numerous figures, = tables, and photos enhance readers' visual learning experience; Boxed focal=
points highlight areas of emphasis, special practice considerations, compe= tencies, and cases; Case studies, where students are introduced to patient = assessment, treatment, and management examples across the care continuum; A=
n Appendix listing common medical test procedures and reference values; Pow= erPoint lecture slides for instructors.
Critique: Exceptionally well organized and presented, in addition to being =
an ideal curriculum textbook, "Medical Speech-Language Pathology Across the=
Care Continuum: An Introduction" is also helpful for speech-language patho= logists transitioning from a school based or private practice setting into = health care. Collaboratively compiled and co- authored by the team of Alex = Johnson, Barbara Jacobson, Megan Schliep, and Bridget Perry, "Medical Speec= h-Language Pathology Across the Care Continuum: An Introduction" is unreser= vedly recommended as a core addition to personal, professional, medical sch= ool, and academic library Audiology, Speech Pathology, and Occupational The= rapy collections and supplemental curriculum studies lists.
Editorial Note #1: Alex F. Johnson, PhD, CCC-SLP, ASHA Honors, served as Pr= ovost at the MGH Institute (Boston, MA) for 14 years. Prior to that he serv=
ed as department chair at Wayne State University. In 1998, Johnson launched=
the Division of Speech-Language Sciences and Disorders at the Henry Ford M= edical Center i(Department of Neurology) in Detroit, MI. Johnson's academic=
interests have focused on medical speech-language pathology and neurologic=
communication disorders. He has been involved in the development of widely=
used outcome measures in voice and swallowing disorders and communication = quality. He co-edited (with Barbara Jacobson), Medical Speech-Language Path= ology: A Practitioner's Guide, now in its 3rd edition. Johnson is an ASHA F= ellow, has received the Honors of ASHA and NSSLHA, and is a Distinguished S= cholar in the National Academies of Practice.
Editorial Note #2: Barbara H. Jacobson served as Associate Professor at Van= derbilt Bill Wilkerson Center for 9 years working in medical speech-languag=
e pathology administration, clinical education, and as a clinician in acute=
care. Prior to that, she was Associate Professor in the Vanderbilt Voice C= enter. She was a senior staff speech-language pathologist at Henry Ford Hos= pital in Detroit, MI from 1988 to 2003 where she established a Voice Produc= tion Laboratory. Her clinical and research interests are in functional and = patient-reported outcomes, medical speech language pathology, and neurogeni=
c voice disorders. She is co-editor (with Alex Johnson) of Medical Speech L= anguage Pathology, 3rd ed. She is a co-author of the Voice Handicap Index (= 1997) and Dysphagia Handicap Index (2012). She is an ASHA Fellow.
Editorial Note #3: Megan Schliep, PhD, CCC-SLP, MPH, is an Assistant Profes= sor in the Department of Communication Sciences & Disorders at MGH Institut=
e of Health Professions in Boston, MA. She also holds a clinical appointmen=
t as a speech-language pathologist at Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital in = Boston, MA. Her research focuses on post-stroke aphasia and explores the im= plementation of standardized assessment practices across the care continuum=
and identification of clinical predictors to inform recovery trajectory, w= ith a focus on interdisciplinary research-practice partnerships.
Editorial Note #4: Bridget Perry, PhD, CCC-SLP, is an assistant professor i=
n the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders and the program di= rector of the Clinical Doctorate in Speech Language Pathology program at MG=
H Institute of Health Professions. Her research is focused on improving pat= ient-centered management of swallowing and speech impairments for patients = diagnosed with serious illness through the use of novel assessment and inte= rvention methodologies.
Prediabetes: A Complete Guide, second edition
Jill Weisenberger, MS, RDN, CDCES
BenBella Books
9781637743607, $19.95, PB, 320pp 1637743602
Synopsis: When your doctor announces that you have prediabetes it can be sc= ary -- but it also comes with a silver lining. It means that you have caugh=
t the condition just in time-- before it has become a lifetime condition re= quiring daily treatment to survive. It means that it is your best chance to=
reverse prediabetes starting now!
Now in a fully updated and expanded second edition, "Prediabetes: A Complet=
e Guide - Your Lifestyle Reset to Stop Prediabetes and Other Chronic Illnes= ses" reveals in detail what these actions are to reverse a prediabetic cond= ition and empower yourself to find the healthy eating and lifestyle changes=
that work best for you to help you achieve your health goals.
This new, updated edition includes even more proven tools to make healthy e= ating easier than ever -- including simple tips for foolproof meal planning=
, plus even more tasty recipes and meal ideas to cover breakfast, lunch, di= nner, and snack time.
Critique: Simply stated, this new and expanded edition of "Prediabetes: A C= omplete Guide - Your Lifestyle Reset to Stop Prediabetes and Other Chronic = Illnesses" is comprehensive DIY guide carefully leading you through the doz= ens of concrete steps that you can take to reverse prediabetes, reduce the = risk of developing type 2 diabetes, as well as other lifestyle-related chro= nic diseases. by: Identifying your risks for developing type 2 diabetes; Se= tting personalized and meaningful behavioral goals; Eating for weight loss = and greater insulin sensitivity; Tweaking your favorite recipes to include = wholesome foods; Starting or improving upon an exercise plan; Reducing sede= ntary time; Organizing and tracking your progress.
Taking an individualized approach to your lifestyle "reset," it allows you =
to choose your own path to wellness, and maintain a healthful lifestyle so = that you can feel better than you have in years.
Critique: Impressively 'user friendly' in organization and presentation, th=
is newly published second edition of "Prediabetes: A Complete Guide - Your = Lifestyle Reset to Stop Prediabetes and Other Chronic Illnesses" is an idea=
l DIY instructional guide and 'how-to' manual and should be considered mand= atory reading for anyone having a prediabetes diagnosis. It can also prove =
to be a life-saving read for anyone having to deal with diabetes 1 or 2. Wh= ile having the highest possible recommended for personal, professional, and=
community library Health/Medical collections, it should be noted that "Pre= diabetes: A Complete Guide" is also readily available in a digital book for= mat (Kindle, $11.99).
Editorial Note: Jill Weisenberger ( is an inte= rnationally recognized nutrition, diabetes, and prediabetes expert. She has=
worked as a clinical dietitian and diabetes educator in a variety of setti= ngs, including hospital inpatient and outpatient programs, private practice=
, and research clinics. She currently works with people with prediabetes th= rough her original digital course Prediabetes Turnaround. Through coaching,=
speaking, and working with the media, Jill empowers people to grab control=
of their health one lifestyle habit at a time. Additionally, she is the au= thor of four well-received health and nutrition books, a freelance writer, =
a consultant and spokesperson to the food industry, and a panelist for the =
US News & World Report Best Diet Rankings.
101 Tips for Better And More Healthy Sleep
Alan E. Smith
Loving Healing Press
5145 Pontiac Trail, Ann Arbor, MI 48105
9781615997183, $24.95, PB, 56pp
Synopsis: All of your physical and mental health are founded upon getting a=
good night's sleep. We all love waking up without an alarm, feeling rested=
and refreshed, right? Unfortunately, many people don't sleep enough or sle=
ep well, or both. It may feel like your sleep is a combination lock and you=
can't figure out all the right numbers in the right sequence.
With the publication of "101 Tips for Better And More Healthy Sleep: Practi= cal Advice for More Restful Nights", Alan E. Smith provides a compendium of=
practical tips specifically designed to help you find the rest you deserve=
in the best way possible. You will walk through all of the various factors=
in getting a good night's sleep, from your bed and bedroom to relaxing bef= ore bed to solving several sleep problems.
While some of these tips have been around for hundreds or thousands of year=
s, some are as new as they can be. We even talk about the progress that's b= een made in the medical field regarding sleep in past few decades.
Whatever your sleep situation, you will probably find something here that c=
an help you sleep even better and longer. You just have to have the patienc=
e and dedication to solve your own sleep problems.
"101 Tips for Better And More Healthy Sleep: Practical Advice for More Rest= ful Nights" will enable you to: Discover your best sleep possible; See new = ways to sleep better, longer; Realize all of the ways to improve your sleep=
; Explore techniques from ancient to modern; Understand the real importance=
of sleep.
Critique: Exceptionally well organized and thoroughly 'user friendly' in pr= esentation, "101 Tips for Better And More Healthy Sleep: Practical Advice f=
or More Restful Nights" should be considered mandatory reading for anyone s= truggling with insomnia, having to shift their sleep schedule due to change=
s in their work schedule, or simply wanting to improve how well and reliabl=
e they can fall sleep and stay asleep for good physical and mental health. = While unreservedly recommended for community library Health/Medicine collec= tions, it should be noted for personal reading lists that "101 Tips for Bet= ter And More Healthy Sleep: Practical Advice for More Restful Nights" is al=
so available in a paperback edition (9781615997176, $12.95) and in a digita=
l book format (Kindle, $3.95).
Editorial Note: Alan Smith discovered amazing therapies to improve his own = health. The more he learned the more he wanted to share the hope for better=
health with others so he wrote the award-winning book UnBreak Your Health.=
Featuring over 300+ therapies in more than 138 different categories, testi= monials and some of the most interesting recent scientific developments thi=
s is the place to begin a journey of healing. You can hear him hosting the = free podcast program at
Biomedical Device Technology: Principles and Design, third edition
Anthony Y. K. Chan
Charles C. Thomas, Publisher
2600 South First Street, Springfield, IL 62704
9780398093921, $79.95, HC, 912pp 9809392X
Synopsis: With the publication of this newly revised and expanded third edi= tion of "Biomedical Device Technology: Principles and Design", Dr. Anthony = Chan provides a comprehensive approach to studying the principles and desig=
n of biomedical devices and their applications in medicine.
Written specifically for engineers and technologists who are interested in = understanding the principles, design, and use of medical device technology,=
"Biomedical Device Technology: Principles and Design" is also intended to =
be a textbook or reference for biomedical device technology courses in univ= ersities and colleges.
Dr. Chan focuses on the applications, functions and principles of medical d= evices (which are the invariant components) and uses specific designs and c= onstructions to illustrate the concepts where appropriate. Indication of us=
e as well as common problems and hazards for each device type are included.
"Biomedical Device Technology: Principles and Design" selectively covers di= agnostic and therapeutic devices that are either commonly used or whose pri= nciples and design represent typical applications of the technology. For th= ose who would like to know more, a collection of published papers and book = references has been added to the end of each chapter.
In this third edition of "Biomedical Device Technology: Principles and Desi= gn" many chapters have gone through revisions, some with significant update=
s and additions, to keep up with new applications and advancements in medic=
al technology. A new appendix on infection prevention and control practices=
relating to medical devices is included. Based on requests, review questio=
ns are added for each chapter to help readers to assess their comprehension=
of the content material.
Critique: Comprehensive, informative, and impressively organized, this new = third edition of "Biomedical Device Technology: Principles and Design" is a=
n ideal curriculum textbook and professional reference with respect to cont= emporary biomedical device technologies and unreservedly recommended for pe= rsonal, professional, college, university, and medical school library Conte= mporary Medical Technology collections.
Editorial Note: Anthony Y. K. Chan worked for a number of years as a projec=
t engineer in the field of electrical instrumentations, control, and system=
s, and was the director and manager of biomedical engineering in a number o=
f Canadian acute care hospitals. He is currently the Program Head of the Bi= omedical Engineering Technology Program at the British Columbia Institute o=
f Technology and is an Adjunct Professor of the School of Biomedical Engine= ering at the University of British Columbia. Dr. Chan is a Professional Eng= ineer, a Chartered Engineer, and a Certified Clinical Engineer. He is also =
a fellow member of CMBES, life senior member of IEEE, member of IET and HKI=
Deep Fitness
Philip Shepherd, author
Andrei Yakovenico, author
North Atlantic Books
2526 Martin Luther King Jr. Way, Berkeley, CA 94704-2607
9781623176679, $19.95, PB, 224pp ll-Being/dp/1623176670
Synopsis: Clinical research shows that we lose muscle mass as we age, and t= hat preventing muscle loss through strength training (more than cardio, str= etching, or flexibility) is the key to staying active, healthy, and well.
With the publication of "Deep Fitness: The Mindful, Science-Based Strength-= Training Method to Transform Your Well-Being in Just 30 Minutes a Week", co= -authors Philip Shepherd and Andrei Yankovenko introduce a proven, new appr= oach to building strength and whole-body health: Mindful Strength Training =
to Failure (MSTF). This science-based method reverses muscle loss and impro= ves overall strength in just one or two 30-minute sessions a week.
MSTF exercises are simple and effective, and can be done at home with resis= tance bands and bodyweight, or with the machines at your local gym. Using s= low reps, MSTF marries mindful body awareness with proven strength-training=
techniques to help you become stronger at any age.
With more than 30 full-color exercises, "Deep Fitness: explains the science=
behind MSTF. It shows how the program boosts longevity and healthspan; aid=
s weight loss and fat reduction; increases overall wellness and mental heal= th; and can improve or reverse symptoms of: Prediabetes and diabetes; Cardi= ovascular disease; Metabolic syndrome; Alzheimer's and dementia; Chronic in= flammation; Osteoporosis and other chronic illnesses.
Appropriate for people of all ages and activity levels, the exercises and t= echniques in "Deep Fitness" are effective, straightforward, and sustainable=
, helping men and women of all ages to enjoy the vibrant, fit, whole-body h= ealth they deserve.
Critique: Impressively effective and throughout 'user friendly' in organiza= tion and presentation, "Deep Fitness: The Mindful, Science-Based Strength-T= raining Method to Transform Your Well-Being in Just 30 Minutes a Week" is e= specially and unreservedly recommended for personal, professional, and comm= unity library Health & Exercise collections. It should be noted that this D=
IY exercise instruction manual is also available in a digital book format (= Kindle, $12.99).
Editorial Note #1: Philip Shepherd is recognized as a leader in the global = embodiment movement. He is the creator of The Embodied Present Process (TEP= P), a modality that uniquely combines the two resources necessary for embod= iment: effective practices (TEPP has over a hundred), and a deep understand= ing of our culture's blind spots, which tend to keep us in our heads. TEPP =
is based on Shepherd's two books - Radical Wholeness and New Self, New Worl=
d - and his forty years' experience teaching embodiment techniques. He curr= ently travels the world sharing workshops, and running year-long Facilitato=
rs Trainings with his co-director and wife Allyson Woodrooffe. (
Editorial Note #2: Andrei Yakovenko ( -andrei) is the founder of New Element Training and the creator of the NET = Method training, which took him years of practical experience and multidisc= iplinary exploration of various scientific fields to develop. The NET metho=
d is the foundation of the book. Yakovenko holds an Honors B.Sc. degree fro=
m University of Toronto.
The Midwest Book Review is an organization of volunteers committed to promo= ting literacy, library usage, and small press publishing. We accept no fund=
s from authors or publishers. Full permission is given to post any of these=
reviews on thematically appropriate websites, newsgroups, listserves, inte= rnet discussion groups, organizational newsletters, or to interested indivi= duals. Please give the Midwest Book Review a credit line when doing so.
The Midwest Book Review publishes the monthly book review magazines "Califo= rnia Bookwatch", "Internet Bookwatch", "Children's Bookwatch", "MBR Bookwat= ch", "Reviewer's Bookwatch", and "Small Press Bookwatch". All are available=
for free on the Midwest Book Review website at www (dot) midwestbookreview=
(dot) com
Anyone wanting to submit books for review consideration can send them to:
James A. Cox, Editor-in-Chief
Midwest Book Review
278 Orchard Drive
Oregon, WI 53575-1129
To submit reviews of any fiction or non-fiction books, email them to Frugal= muse (at) aol (dot) com (Be sure to include the book title, author, publish= er, publisher address, publisher website/phone number, 13-digit ISBN number=
, and list price).
James A. Cox, Editor-in-Chief
Midwest Book Review
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