• March 2023 MBR The Christian Studies Shelf

    From Midwest Book Review@3:633/280.2 to All on Mon Apr 3 05:05:58 2023
    The Christian Studies Shelf

    Peace in the Midst of the Storm
    Kaleb Thompson
    Resource Publications
    c/o Wipf and Stock Publishers
    9781666733990, $28.00 Hardcover/$11.00 Paperback/$6.99 Kindle


    Peace in the Midst of the Storm will appeal to Christian readers and collec= tions interested in literary connections to faith. It focuses on overcoming=
    obstacles that impede faith and confidence, on adopting a selfless behavio=
    r set that approaches both mortal and spiritual life with hope and proactiv=
    e thinking, and it solidifies the kind of faith that connects individuals t=
    o the freedom of choice they must maintain to strengthen their spiritual bo= nds: "I choose to live the rest of my life in peace/Through my battles and = mistakes, I'm forgiven..."

    From acknowledgement of the spiritual presence left behind by a dearly depa= rted one in 'Heavenly Shadow' ("The battle you fought was won and the race = you partook in was gracefully completed/Another angel was chosen; no need t=
    o tirelessly be included with a world deemed so shallow and dense/Our minds=
    have processed that you are no longer with us, but with our hearts, you wi=
    ll never be deleted...") to a foray into another's egotism and the karma it=
    transmits into the world in 'Broken Mirror', Kaleb Thompson's strength lie=
    s in an ability to connect daily life events with ethereal considerations o=
    f growth and Christian perspective.

    These elements weave through every poem to solidify its spiritual and emoti= onal draw. Whether discussing imperfection and humility or "...the importan=
    ce of spiritual and mental release as I am no longer held captive to an una= pologetic nightmare...", Peace in the Midst of the Storm depicts a variety =
    of life-inducing storms and the methods by which peace (both emotional and = spiritual) are derived from closer inspections of choice, consequences, and=
    paths towards enlightenment. Peace in the Midst of the Storm will especial=
    ly appeal to readers of faith, who will find within its poetic notes a wisd=
    om about how to approach life and its deepest currents of challenge, and co= nnections to spiritual thinking.

    Christian collections, in particular, will find it both literary in form an=
    d filled with food for thought and debate in its subjects.

    The Greatest Love Story Never Told
    Avi Raa
    Nirvana Foundation
    9798374196740, $18.95


    The Greatest Love Story Never Told: Liberating Jesus and Mary from Christia= nity should be a mainstay in any Christian collection not because it explor=
    es the usual contentions of Christian history; but because it defies many o=
    f these traditional perceptions. Its controversial message won't be for eve=
    ry Christian -- but it should be, because within its challenge of Church do= ctrine and the extreme efforts made over history to rewrite the image of Je= sus the man lies an intention to place Jesus in the kind of perspective tha=
    t makes him even more of a spiritual figurehead: "When it comes to understa= nding Jesus, the single most important question humanity has failed to ask = is, 'What did this young man find within him that he was willing to sacrifi=
    ce everything for the sake of sharing it?'

    If only Christians had asked this one question, without supplying it with a=
    two-thousand-year-old stale biblical answer that he was a "Messenger of Go= d", they would have discovered an entirely different Jesus -- one more aliv=
    e and vibrant than he who hung on the cross."

    Vibrant, uplifting, and filled with reworkings of traditional Christian his= tory, The Greatest Love Story Never Told indeed walks the dangerous path of=
    revisionary works in challenging some of the most closely-held legends of = Christian belief. From Mary Magdalene's real role as the wife of Jesus and = one of his apostles to her very human broken-heartedness over his crucifixi=
    on and the roots of why he was envisioned as rising from death after three = days,

    The Greatest Love Story Never Told not only adopts a broader perspective in=
    re-interpreting the life of Jesus, but does so with fiery passion. This of= ten translates to condemnations of not just Church doctrine, but challenges=
    to the form of history that it created in the name of not God, but its own=
    special interests.

    Many of these passages will offer much food for thought in other ways, envi= sioning possibilities that could have stemmed from events if they were inte= rpreted and presented differently: "...there is no Christianity without Mar=
    y and her internalization of Jesus' truth. If Mary Magdalene had been a man=
    , in all likelihood her Christianity would have replaced that of Jesus'."

    By now, it should be evident that, inherent in the controversial reworking =
    of Christian history, there is enlightenment in the discovery of a living m=
    an who was something even more intriguing than the mystical figure the Chur=
    ch created from his life. Christian collections willing to consider this bo= ok's revolutionary and outspoken revisionist approach to Christian history = will find it sparks not only debate and food for thought, but a different, = more revealing appreciation for the path Jesus walked.

    Libraries appealing to Christian readers and thinkers will find The Greates=
    t Love Story Never Told: Liberating Jesus and Mary from Christianity essent= ial for reading groups interested in different views of how Christian fact = and fancy evolved. The book encourages reflection and debate as it forms an=
    unusual perspective on Jesus' life and the way it was taken over and inter= preted by the special interests of a Church undertaking to cement its power=
    in the world.

    How to Human
    Carols Whittaker
    WaterBrook Press
    c/o WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group
    10807 New Allegiance Drive Suite 500, Colorado Springs, CO 80921 http://waterbrookmultnomah.com
    9780525654025, $18.00, PB, 240pp


    Synopsis: The Covid-19 Pandemic, white cops shooting down black men, a war = breaking out between Russia and the Ukraine, an attempted overthrow of a fr= eely elected American government, rising numbers of the homeless and the hu= ngry, climate change based disasters world wide and here at home (and more!=
    ) -- these are crazy times. We are more agitated than ever. We're fighting.=
    Wrestling with big issues. Less connected than ever to one another and to = God. It's a perfect storm: debilitating anxiety, crashing relationships, an=
    d forgetting what it feels like to, well, be human.

    With the publication of "How to Human: Three Ways to Share Life Beyond What=
    Distracts, Divides, and Disconnects Us", author, speaker, and social-media=
    personality Carlos Whittaker offers a fresh vision for becoming the best v= ersions of ourselves. We can refuse to let disagreements define us. We can = say no to becoming upset, rage-filled humans and say yes to fuller, happier=
    lives. It begins as we make the shift from "me" to "we" to "everybody" in =
    a three-part journey to be human, see fellow humans, and free those around = us.

    A practical guide which reveals how to help others, how to hope fiercely, a=
    nd how to experience the thrill of being fully human, in the pages of "How =
    to Human", Carlos describes a radical path of love -- one that requires us =
    to become builders rather than destroyers. One that gets personal. One that=
    moves toward others in faith rather than away in fear. One that, when time=
    s get crazy, is willing to get crazier (in a good way). One that understand=
    s the big joy of how to human.

    Critique: Written from a Christian perspective, "How to Human: Three Ways t=
    o Share Life Beyond What Distracts, Divides, and Disconnects Us" by Carols = Whittaker is especially and unreservedly recommended reading for anyone in = need of a Christian based Self-Help/Spiritual Growth instructional guide th=
    at is 'real world practical', motivationally inspirational, and thoroughly = 'reader friendly' in organization and presentation. While highly recommende=
    d for church, seminary, community, and academic library collections, it sho= uld be noted for the personal reading lists of seminary students, clergy, a=
    nd all members of the Christian community that "How to Human" is also avail= able in a digital book format (Kindle, $12.99).

    Editorial Note: Carlos Whittaker (https://www.carloswhittaker.com) is a spe= aker, social media personality, and author of Moment Maker, Kill the Spider=
    , and Enter Wild. A self-professed "hope dealer," he frequently speaks at s= ome of the nation's largest churches, corporations, and culture-shaping con= ferences as well as events such as Orange Conference and MOMcon. Carlos is =
    a People's Choice Award winner and host of the popular Human Hope podcast.


    The Midwest Book Review is an organization of volunteers committed to promo= ting literacy, library usage, and small press publishing. We accept no fund=
    s from authors or publishers. Full permission is given to post any of these=
    reviews on thematically appropriate websites, newsgroups, listserves, inte= rnet discussion groups, organizational newsletters, or to interested indivi= duals. Please give the Midwest Book Review a credit line when doing so.

    The Midwest Book Review publishes the monthly book review magazines "Califo= rnia Bookwatch", "Internet Bookwatch", "Children's Bookwatch", "MBR Bookwat= ch", "Reviewer's Bookwatch", and "Small Press Bookwatch". All are available=
    for free on the Midwest Book Review website at www (dot) midwestbookreview=
    (dot) com

    Anyone wanting to submit books for review consideration can send them to:

    James A. Cox, Editor-in-Chief
    Midwest Book Review
    278 Orchard Drive
    Oregon, WI 53575-1129

    To submit reviews of any fiction or non-fiction books, email them to Frugal= muse (at) aol (dot) com (Be sure to include the book title, author, publish= er, publisher address, publisher website/phone number, 13-digit ISBN number=
    , and list price).

    James A. Cox, Editor-in-Chief
    Midwest Book Review

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