• February 2023 MBR The Agriculture Shelf

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    The Agriculture Shelf

    Postharvest Pathology of Fruit and Nut Crops
    James E. Adaskaaveg, editor
    Helga Forster, editor
    Dov B. Prusky, editor
    APS Press
    3340 Pilot Knob Road, St. Paul, MN 55121 https://www.apsnet.org/publications/apspress/Pages/default.aspx
    9780890546673, $195.00 (APS Members, $175.00), HC, 606pp

    https://my.apsnet.org/APSStore/Product-Detail.aspx?WebsiteKey=3D2661527A-8D= 44-496C-A730-8CFEB6239BE7&iProduc tCode=3D46673

    Synopsis: Postharvest pathology is one of the most essential considerations=
    in producing an agricultural commodity and is critical in minimizing not o= nly crop losses but also the entire economic investment related to growing,=
    harvesting, packing, transporting, and marketing a commodity. Understandin=
    g postharvest pathology is crucial for providing fresh, unspoiled produce t=
    o consumers.

    "Postharvest Pathology of Fruit and Nut Crops: Principles, Concepts, and Ma= nagement Practices" from APS is the most complete guide to postharvest dise= ases ever published. This new and comprehensive volume provides current rep= orts of postharvest diseases of fruit and nut crops around the world.

    Part I offers an overview of postharvest pathology principles, concepts, an=
    d management strategies, including alternative approaches that have emerged=
    in response to the increasing number of fungicide-resistant fungal strains=
    and growing concerns about the effects of fungicides on human health and t=
    he environment. Part II discusses postharvest diseases of fruit and nut cro=
    ps of temperate zones, and Part III focuses on fruit crops of semi-arid, su= btropical, and tropical zones.

    The 20 crop-specific chapters in Parts II and III are organized similarly a=
    nd provide descriptions of the importance and cultivation of the crop and r= eviews of related major and minor postharvest diseases, covering the etiolo=
    gy of the causal agent, disease symptoms, disease cycles, and epidemiology.=
    Each chapter concludes with the latest integrated management practices, in= cluding biological, chemical, and cultural treatments. Two appendixes catal=
    og fungal pathogens that cause diseases of selected fruit and nut crops and=
    bacterial pathogens that cause diseases of selected fruit crops.

    Collaborative editors James E. Adaskaveg, Helga Forster, and Dov B. Prusky = have compiled information drawn from 36 researchers with a wide knowledge o=
    f specific crops to complete this study, which serves as a single and singu= lar resource for researchers, growers, and students looking for the most up= -to-date knowledge about postharvest diseases.

    Critique: Informatively illustrated in full color with respect to 270 illus= trations of plant disease symptoms and disease cycles, "Postharvest Patholo=
    gy of Fruit and Nut Crops: Principles, Concepts, and Management Practices" =
    is a fundamental and unreservedly recommended addition to professional and = academic library "Agricultural Studies" instructional reference collections=
    and essential for readers with an interest in the occurrence, spread, and = management of postharvest diseases, the latest nomenclatural information of=
    fungal and bacterial pathogens.

    Editorial Note #1: James E. Adaskaveg received his B.S. degree in agronomy =
    in 1982 at the University of Connecticut, Storrs, and his M.S. and Ph.D. de= grees in plant pathology in 1984 and 1986, respectively, at the University =
    of Arizona, Tucson. He was post-doctoral researcher and subsequently resear=
    ch plant pathologist/lecturer in the Department of Plant Pathology at the U= niversity of California, Davis, from 1986 to 1990 and 1990 to 1995, respect= ively. In 1995, Adaskaveg joined the faculty of the Department of Plant Pat= hology, University of California, Riverside, where he is currently professo=
    r of plant pathology with statewide responsibilities in tree fruit and nut = pathology. He received the Almond Research Appreciation Award in 1997 for h=
    is investigation of almond anthracnose, the Cherry Man of the Year Award in=
    2003 for his pre- and postharvest research on brown rot of sweet cherry, a=
    nd the Albert G. Salter Memorial Award in 2006 for his research on Septoria=
    spot and postharvest decays of citrus. For the last 3 years, he has been t=
    he scientific advisor for USDA-APHIS in negotiations with the Korean govern= ment on the exportation of California oranges to Korea.

    Editorial Note #2: Helga Forster (https://www.zoominfo.com/p/Helga-Forster/= 1242453098) Helga Forster is a Department of Plant Pathology at UC Riversid=
    e based in Riverside, California.

    Editorial Note #3: Dov B. Prusky (https://www.agri.gov.il/en/people/744.asp=
    x) is with the Agricultural Research Organization (the Volcani Center) and = the author of numerous science papers on the etiology and control of postha= rvest losses in deciduous and subtropical fruits by integration of pre-and = postharvest treatments.

    A Farmer's Guide to Wheat Diseases
    Damon Smith, et al.
    APS Press
    3340 Pilot Knob Road, St. Paul, MN 55121 https://www.apsnet.org/publications/apspress/Pages/default.aspx
    9780890546512, $35.95, PB, 168pp

    https://my.apsnet.org/APSStore/Product-Detail.aspx?WebsiteKey=3D2661527A-8D= 44-496C-A730-8CFEB6239BE7&iProduc tCode=3D46512KIT


    Synopsis: With easy-to-use keys and cross-referencing tools that enhance ef= ficient diagnosis, "A Farmer's Guide to Wheat Diseases" helps wheat growers=
    to pinpoint diseases and disorders in the field. The management recommenda= tions offered are intentionally general and meant to give wheat growers and=
    consulting wheat crop specialists a starting place to discuss more localiz=
    ed treatment recommendations with Extension or crop specialists in their re= gion.

    Critique: Comprehensive, informatively illustrated in full color throughout=
    , "A Farmer's Guide to Wheat Diseases" is expertly compiled by Damon Smith = and features expert commentaries by nine contributors. Exceptionally well o= rganized and presented, "A Farmer's Guide to Wheat Diseases" is a thoroughl=
    y 'user friendly' and recommended addition to personal, professional, colle= ge, and university library Agriculture/Horticultural collections -- and a '= must' for anyone involved with the raising of wheat fields.

    Editorial Note: Damon Smith (https://plantpath.wisc.edu/faculty/damon-smith= -2) is an Associate Professor in the Department of Plant Pathology, Univers= ity of Wisconsin-Madison.

    Compendium of Turfgrass Diseases, fourth edition
    Lane P. Tredway, et al.
    APS Press
    3340 Pilot Knob Road, St. Paul, MN 55121 https://www.apsnet.org/publications/apspress/Pages/default.aspx
    9780890546871, $79.00, PB, 188pp

    https://my.apsnet.org/APSStore/Product-Detail.aspx?WebsiteKey=3D2661527A-8D= 44-496C-A730-8CFEB6239BE7&iProduc tCode=3D46871

    Synopsis: Many advances in turfgrass pathology have occurred since publicat= ion of the third edition in 2005, calling for a revised edition. Approximat= ely half of the fourth edition text is new or revised, with more than 200 n= ew, high-quality figures have been added -- including disease symptom image=
    s, photomicrographs, pathogen drawings, and disease cycle diagrams.

    The new edition of "Compendium of Turfgrass Diseases" is a thorough resourc=
    e on turfgrass diseases, their pathogenic causes, and their effective manag= ement. The editors' combined experience, which exceeds 100 years, paired wi=
    th contributions from 23 U.S. scientists and specialists ensures the utmost=

    While previous editions focused on diseases of cool-season grasses grown in=
    northern, temperate climates, this newly published fourth edition also emp= hasizes warm-season turfgrass diseases, which will benefit scientists and p= ractitioners in all climates. This new edition also covers approximately 75=
    diseases and abiotic disorders, with detailed descriptions of characterist=
    ic symptoms and causal agents. The cycle and the epidemiology of each disea=
    se are described, with emphasis on the conditions that stimulate disease de= velopment -- helping to prevent disease altogether.

    The compendium is organized into four parts: infectious diseases, noninfect= ious agents, disease management, and disease diagnosis. Topics include turf= grass characteristics, the damage caused by noninfectious agents in the tur= fgrass ecosystem, the ecology and taxonomy of fungi pathogenic to turfgrass= es, research-based integrated management approaches (emphasizing the use of=
    resistant cultivars or species, cultural management practices, and proper = timing of fungicide application when necessary), and basic diagnostic proce= dures.

    This extended study also includes an introduction, appendix, glossary, and = index. Plus, references sections throughout the book include key sources fo=
    r further reading on each topic, providing a gateway to the primary literat= ure on turfgrass diseases.

    "Compendium of Turfgrasses" is a practical and technical reference, blendin=
    g descriptive terminology with the technical language of plant pathology to=
    accommodate all knowledge levels within the diverse audience of practition= ers, academics, and industry workers involved in fine turf.

    Critique: The collaborative work of Lane P. Tredway, Maria Tomaso-Peterson,=
    James P. Kerns, and Bruce B. Clarke, "Compendium of Turfgrass Diseases" is=
    now available in a fully updated and expanded fourth addition, making it a=
    must-have reference for golf course superintendents, lawn care professiona= ls, grounds managers, sports field managers, sod growers, agronomists, turf= grass consultants, educators, turfgrass scientists, plant pathologists, Ext= ension professionals, plant disease diagnosticians, undergraduate/graduate = students, postdoctoral research associates, R&D scientist sales representat= ives, technical representatives, technical managers, brand managers, and tu=
    rf fertilizer and turf products marketing managers.

    Editorial Note: For more than a century, members of APS have been making an=
    d sharing significant breakthroughs, both for science and society. APS is d= riven by a distinctive community of scientists, whose energy and commitment=
    ensure the global advancement of agricultural science. APS members represe=
    nt a broad range of specialties, from pushing frontiers in the accuracy and=
    speed of field diagnosis, to increasing our understanding of plant patholo=
    gy through laboratory research. Members come from academia, government, ind= ustry, and private practice. The diversity of the members and science makes=
    the society pertinent to a multitude of research areas, while the internat= ional involvement ensures that the latest innovations from around the world=
    are available to all.


    The Midwest Book Review is an organization of volunteers committed to promo= ting literacy, library usage, and small press publishing. We accept no fund=
    s from authors or publishers. Full permission is given to post any of these=
    reviews on thematically appropriate websites, newsgroups, listserves, inte= rnet discussion groups, organizational newsletters, or to interested indivi= duals. Please give the Midwest Book Review a credit line when doing so.

    The Midwest Book Review publishes the monthly book review magazines "Califo= rnia Bookwatch", "Internet Bookwatch", "Children's Bookwatch", "MBR Bookwat= ch", "Reviewer's Bookwatch", and "Small Press Bookwatch". All are available=
    for free on the Midwest Book Review website at www (dot) midwestbookreview=
    (dot) com

    Anyone wanting to submit books for review consideration can send them to:

    James A. Cox, Editor-in-Chief
    Midwest Book Review
    278 Orchard Drive
    Oregon, WI 53575-1129

    To submit reviews of any fiction or non-fiction books, email them to Frugal= muse (at) aol (dot) com (Be sure to include the book title, author, publish= er, publisher address, publisher website/phone number, 13-digit ISBN number=
    , and list price).

    James A. Cox, Editor-in-Chief
    Midwest Book Review

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