• ba2110a.zip (531K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:59:46

    back again/2 personal backup software for
    os/2 - hpfs, ea, 32-bit, standalone restore.
    updated demo version 1.10a
  • ba2pr31d.zip (911K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:59:46

    back again/2 professional ver 3.1 demo
    95/10/16. supports backup to atapiide tape
    drives in addition to scsi tape, hard drives,
    removable cartridges, & floppy disk. full
    command line utilities for complete recovery.
  • ba2pr40d.zip (1,257K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:59:46

    back again v4.0 evaluation edition.  back
    again/2 may be purchased here and downloaded
    immediately.  please see the marketplace
    section of the bbs.
  • backprn.zip (26K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:59:46

    a tool to backup printer device information
    and job properties as build 9.28(oct., 15th
  • backup02.zip (22K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:59:46

        BackUP! v0.2 by cheba
    A very versitile script driven
    backup program.
  • bacrest.zip (4,261K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:59:46

    a program to back/restore os/2 warp(a french
    version - 1998)
  • bak2111.zip (17K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:59:46

    bit floppy disk back up using pkzip/pkunzip
    for os/2 or dos or zip/unzip.  bug fix.
  • bares601.zip (9,426K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:59:46

    update warp server backup/restore v6.01.0 (mar. 1999)

  • biaf100d.zip (214K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:59:46

    demo version of a 32-bit backup program for
    os/2 2.1.  new.
  • bm3demo.exe (1,374K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:59:46

    backmaster 3.0 for os/2 (demo)

  • bminfo.zip (132K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:59:46

    backmaster(tm) updated help, information, and
    readme files. contains updated backmast.hlp,
    backmast.inf, readme.inf,  readme.txt, and
    techsupp.frm for backmaster 2.0.
  • bmrest.zip (1,499K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:59:46

    backmaster 2.0 disaster recovery diskette
    images. contains images of backmaster's
    bootable disaster recovery diskettes - if you
    are having problems creating bootable
    diskettes via backmasters disaster recovery
    diskette utility.
  • bmrest40.exe (2,264K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:59:46

    backmaster recovery diskettes for warp 4.0

  • bmschedc.zip (488K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:59:46

    backmaster scheduler 1.0c beta, allows you to
    schedule unattended daily backups. (install
  • bmutl134.zip (413K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:59:46

    backmaster front-end utility - v1.34 -
    enables use of multiple drives and fss's
  • bnf100.zip (592K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:59:46

    back & forth personal backup software for
    os/2 2.1 featuring 32-bit speed, compression,
    hpfs, ea, and multithreaded backup support
  • dbd5dsw.zip (293K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:59:46

    dreckbak, v5.d german. simple utility to make
    it easy to establish a backup strategy for
    your os/2 machine. the program will write to
    any device that can be seen by the system as
    a drive letter.
  • dem20.zip (579K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:59:46

    backmaster v2.0 demo. up to 30% faster data
    transfer rate. multiple drive backup from the
    presentation manager. scsi tape drive support
    from hp, tandberg, & colorado. support for
    .fss files with file filtering & multiple
    drive backup & more.
  • drekbk5d.zip (288K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:59:46

    dreckbak, v5.d english. simple utility to
    make it easy to establish a backup strategy
    for your os/2 machine. the program will write
    to any device that can be seen by the system
    as a drive letter.
  • dtb.zip (371K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:59:46

    desktop backup (31 oct 1999 release). desktop
    backup is a simple tool that works with
    infozip's zip (v2.2) and unzipsfx to build a
    self-extracting zipfile containing your
    essential desktop and other configuration
  • dtsaver.zip (5K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:59:46

    this utility creates discrete archives every
    time it runs. you can set the number of
    archives to accumulate before clean-up.
    dtsaver also creates a report file that you
    can use to track changes in the size of the
    .ini and config.sys files.
  • fileup01.zip (112K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:59:46

    maintain backups of directories (with source).

  • oback209.zip (132K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:59:46

    bit multi-threaded backup/compression program.

  • pcbax230.zip (1,485K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:59:46

    pc-bax 2.30 backup & recovery software for
    os/2. this is a 30 day trial version.
  • pcbax_v3.zip (1,519K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:59:46

    cristie pc-bax v3.00 backup & recovery
    software for os/2 (30 day trial)
  • psnsdemo.zip (571K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:59:46

    personally safe'n'sound is ibm's 32-bit os/2
    backup solution. this demo version includes
    both 16-bit and 32-bit versions of psns and
    full documention in inf format. files can
    only be restored on the day they are backed
  • psnsg601.zip (3,845K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:59:46

    the wseb backup/restore v6.01 as german
    version (jul 5 2000)
  • qik4c.zip (1,618K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:59:46

    os/2 system file backup utility.

  • qikbac3.zip (6,715K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:59:46

    the latest version of qikbac, qikview/2 also
    is packaged with this version of qikbac,
    support for all versions of qikbac will
    continue. qikbac gives you an easy way to
    backup system files without using the boot
    time archives.