• 3d_os2.zip (13K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:07

    animated icons for webexplorer, 3d rotating os/2 logo.

  • 3dballa.zip (16K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:07

    animated icons for webexplorer, ray traced
    ball, 256 color.
  • acnt021.zip (42K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:07

    acount 0.21 - counter for os/2 web servers.

  • acount02.zip (42K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:07

    acount 0.2 - a counter for os/2 web servers.

  • acro_web.zip (4K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:07

    os/2 web explorer-windows acrobat viewer
    link. files to use adobe windows acrobat
    viewer in combo w/ibm os/2 web explorer.
    allows viewer to run in full-screen session
    or in a seamless window. auxiliary files to
    link acrobat & web explorer.
  • acroweb.zip (4K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:07

    acrorun.cmd runs creates a win-os/2 object
    with the correct parameters for adobe acrobat
    for windows and passes the object the file to
    be viewed in the parameters field.
  • addlines.zip (35K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:07

    addlines v0.04, a program to add lines:
    header to soup e-mail messages.
  • adialin1.zip (187K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:07

    dial-in ppp server package for os/2 - version 1.10.

  • adrstuff.zip (4K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:07

    julian thomas's address book utilities for ice.

  • adrum2ns.zip (2K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:07

    ADRUM2NS  Convert Ultimail Light Addressbook to Netscape Navigator
  • advclc.cmd (1K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:07

    a simple command program which will check how
    much time you have spent on the advantis
    internet connection with os/2 warp -
  • advweb13.zip (289K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:08

    advanced web writer beta 0.13.

  • aicq016.zip (141K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:08

    aicq v1.6(?) nice textmode icq client. some
    bug fixed and new features added
    ("swithback", automaticaly sending messages
    when away,na,dnd, pipepreffix and pipepad).
  • altslp.txt (9K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:08

    use as a guide to write alt slip provider
    script. works for dynamically assigned slip
    accounts. you will have to change the
    information regarding internet service
    provider, phone number, user id, and
  • analg211.zip (233K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:08

    www server log file analyzer (cgi).

  • analg414.zip (1,060K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:08

    analog/2 v4.14 - a http log file analyzer for
    the usage of a web server. see:
    http://www.analog.cx &
    http://www.mentiattive.com/corrado - jan.,
    23th 2001
  • analog30.zip (343K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:08

    www server log file analyzer.

  • animate.zip (4K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:08

    html file and sample bitmaps to change the
    animated icon in the web explorer.
  • animpg14.zip (66K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:08

    animpage v1.4 - create a web-page for your
    webexplorer animations. displays an icon,
    title, author and number of frames for each
  • anlo411.zip (779K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:08

    analog/2 v4.11 - http log file analyzer for
    www servers (nov. 2000)
  • anlog144.zip (8K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:08

    this program will compute the time you spent
    on-line with ibm os/2's iak, based on the
    tcp/ip log file. freeware. supports dialer
    versions up to 1.44.
  • anonmail.zip (176K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:08

    the anonymous mailer for os/2 will email a
    message in a semi-anonymous way.
  • apac1319.zip (2,812K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:08

    the apache web server v1.3.19 (feb. 26th, 2001).

  • apac2045.zip (3,660K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:08

    the apache web server v2.0.45 (apr 4 2003)

  • apac_139.zip (2,278K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:08

    apache_1.3.9-os2.zip apache/2 version 1.3.9.

  • apach139.zip (2,278K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:08

    apache_1.3.9-os2.zip) apache 1.3.9 binaries.
    apache is the most popular web server on the
    internet.  the source code is available for
    you to build customized versions of the
    executables in case the generic binaries
    don't suit your needs.
  • apachej.zip (354K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:08

    apache server with jserv 1.0b4, jsp, xml and gsp support.

  • apachej1.zip (448K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:08

    apache server with jserv 1.1b1.

  • apachssl.zip (3,630K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:08

    apache 1.3.4 with ssleay 0.81b, msql and
    jserv 1.0b2 support.
  • apacm134.zip (1,167K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:08

    apachemt_1.3.4_bin_os2.zip  apachemt/1.3.4
    (alpha) - apache with pthreads.
  • apacssl1.zip (5,485K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:08

    this is my first build of apache 1.3.6
    support of openssl 0.92b, msql, jserv
    1.0b3, gnujsp 0.99, gsp 0.86, java ssi
    1.0,cocoon 1.1.1.
  • apch3up.zip (1,519K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:08

    modules to upgrade apchssl3.zip.

  • apchssl.zip (8,688K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:08

          ServerConfig/2 v1.5
    for Apache, IPS and IBM Firewall
    GUI config util for Apache 1.3.9
    InetPowerServer/2 0.85 and the
    IBM OS/2 TCP/IP Firewall.
    Apache Remote management for
    both OS/2 and UNIX systems.
    IPS user and service management.
    IBM Firewall management, with
    rules, interfaces and more.
    Full on-line help.
    Made by sehh
  • apchssl3.zip (8,544K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:08

          ServerConfig/2 v1.5
    for Apache, IPS and IBM Firewall
    GUI config util for Apache 1.3.9
    InetPowerServer/2 0.85 and the
    IBM OS/2 TCP/IP Firewall.
    Apache Remote management for
    both OS/2 and UNIX systems.
    IPS user and service management.
    IBM Firewall management, with
    rules, interfaces and more.
    Full on-line help.
    Made by sehh
  • apcsslpd.zip (686K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:08

    executable of apachessl with php3.07(msql
    support) and gd1.3.
  • apcsslph.zip (647K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:08

    executable of apachessl with php3.07(msql support).

  • apop3d12.zip (456K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:08

    e-mail server - includes pop3 server, mail
    sorter, automatic mail processor.
  • archie.zip (57K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:08

    command line archie client for os/2. also
    look for pmar12, very nice pm front end for
    this program.
  • archiver.zip (219K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:08

    e-mail archiver + utilities for pmmail,
    version 1.10. pmmail archiver can archive
    messages, reindex the message folders, and
    sort the address book.
  • atibem4.zip (35K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:08

    accessing the internet by e-mail - in os/2's .inf format.

  • autodial.zip (212K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:08

    rexx functions: a. to remote dial up an isp
    on demand, b. to send a dynamic ip to a
    defined address(1997)
  • autoget2.zip (229K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:08

    autoget/2 v0.99.70b. automatess the download
    of files using wget.
  • autoppp.zip (14K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:08

    david forrai's rexx dialer utilities, for mr/2 ice.

  • autorep3.zip (5K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:08

    an autoresponse script for inet.mail.  the
    autoreply.cmd script will send an automatic
    response to the sender of the message based
    on the username the message was sent to.
  • awe0157.zip (132K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:08

    awe0157exe.zip  advanced web editor for os/2
    0.157 upgrade.
  • awe0158.zip (99K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:08

    awe0158from0157exeonly.zip  advanced web
    editor for os/2 0.158 upgrade.
  • awget161.zip (131K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:08

    auto wget daemon v1.6.1 beta (apr. 19th 2001)

  • awget167.zip (150K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:08

    june 10 2001 version of awget--automatically
    loads url into wget for downloading, works
    with curl also. resumes dl after a stop.
  • awget169.zip (163K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:08

    used with wget, drag file links to "todo"
    folder or desktop to be picked up and
    downloaded in background. with resume.
  • awgt1512.zip (78K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:08

    awget1512.zip auto wget daemon (awget) is a
    tool for "bulletproof downloading". if you
    are bored with copying link in netscape
    navigator and manually launching wget then
    awget is what you need. now you canstart
    downloading with drag'n'drop.
  • bagmak10.zip (4K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:08

    for pmmail 1.x, recreates the message index files.

  • banconv1.zip (86K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:08

    bandit convert v1.00. this simple utility
    converts oneline tag files into wysiwyg tag
    files, or the other way around.
  • banditv2.zip (600K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:08

    bandit tagger is a tool to add taglines to
    your outgoing mail, and newsgroups posts. the
    taglines can be selected random or manually.
  • base64.zip (3K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:08

    rexx programs the encode/decode a file in
    base64 for use with mime mailers.  works w/
  • bbs102e.zip (134K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:08

    bbs, version 1.02e, is a freeware os/2
    bulletin board system for the world wide web
    (www). it requires the freeware sre-filter
    www server for os/2; and the free, ibm ews
    goserve internet server.
  • bftp1wb.zip (395K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:08

    BlackRose FTP Client v10.wb: multithreaded
    viewer, multiple files selction, settings book
    for site managment
  • bind494s.zip (998K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:08

    bind v4.94 patch level 1 - os/2 port of bind (sources).

  • bind495a.zip (990K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:08

    bind v4.9.5 ported to os/2.

  • bind812a.zip (777K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:08

    bind is the berkeley internet name daemon.
    some features: dns dynamic updates (rfc
    2136), dns change notification (rfc 1996),
    ip-address-based access control for queries,
    zone transfers, updates may be specified on
    zone-by-zone basis, more.
  • bingrb2b.zip (124K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:08

    news group binaries grabber. grabs uudecoded
    files (multiple and single part) from
    newsgroups then decodes them into executable
  • binsuk18.zip (248K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:08

    all new version of binsuk. now at version
    level 1.80, with many great improvments.
    binsuk now sports an an install routine!
  • bircv02b.zip (71K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:08

    birc-v0.2b.zip birc v0.2b - irc client for rexx.

  • bird.zip (36K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:08

    animated icons for webexplorer, a bird of flight?

  • bkmark01.zip (95K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:08

    a html page for your url's to use in place of
    web explorers quicklist. easy to edit and the
    3d rolling ball animation is included.
  • blink.zip (6K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:08

    animated icons for webexplorer, blinking os/2 logo.

  • bm2wps.zip (87K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:08

    create url folders/objects from netscape's bookmark.htm.

  • bnews96.zip (157K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:08

    Binary News Gatherer v0.96 for OS/2 Warp.
    Downloads selected articles from binary
    newsgroups via NNTP. Vio text mode, fast
    and small. Freeware. C++ Source included.
  • bnr130.zip (276K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:08

    multithreaded newsreader for all these
    alt.binaries newsgroups. delivers
    ready-to-use binaries. features automatic
    subpart detector, filters and blocking lists,
    find and select, script language, timer and
    much, much more..
  • boogrs01.zip (40K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:08

    tcp/ip board game with 2-4 players.

  • bookmark.zip (1K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:08

    rexx program to sort netscape bookmark file.

  • bookpage.zip (85K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:08

    a html page for your url's to use in place of
    web explorers quicklist. easy to edit and the
    3d rolling ball animation is included.
  • bootpd-2.zip (176K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:08

    bootp daemon (port from bsd version, with
    some dhcp support)
  • bos224d6.zip (665K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:08

    xitami/2 web server version 2.4c3.

  • bos225b2.zip (859K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:08

    xitami/2 web server version 2.52 beta.

  • brake718.zip (7,489K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:08

    the brake! v7.18 ftn compatible mail server
    for os/2. source is included(aug 24 1999)
  • bsmtp43a.zip (44K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:08

    BSmtp analysiert Dateien im BSmtp
    (Batch-Smtp) Format und "verfttert" sie
    an einen Smtp-Server.
    Needs: OS/2 with Rexx, RxU (rxu1a.zip),
    RxTelnet (rxtelnet.zip)
    Version 0.43a (07.05.2000)
  • btag201.zip (599K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:08

    bandittagger_v201.zip) bandit tagger v2.01.
    fa partners pm bandit tagger. really neat pm
    based tagger for email and news. full support
    for ice.
  • btelnet.zip (31K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:08

    batch telnet

  • bx75p3.zip (1,128K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:08

    bitchx 75p3 public.

  • by-email.zip (16K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:08

    how to access ftp on internet using only e-mail.

  • cantwait.zip (2K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:08

    can't wait speeds web browsing by decreasing the mtu size.

  • caravan.zip (268K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:08

    an application server which has built-in
    http, smtp, ftp and database engines with a
    scripting language, a dynamic compiler,  and
    a parser for xml documents(nov 11 2002)
  • cart2-04.zip (215K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:08

    webcart/2 - os/2-based internet shopping system v2.04.00

  • cchsr10b.zip (143K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:08

    color chaser is a os/2 program designed to
    ease the pain of chasing hex color
    combinations when designing html pages.
  • ccniak.zip (6K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:08

    this command can be used for starting a slip
    connection to a tia provider from os/2 warp
    internet access kit. this starts slip from an
    os2 window rather than using the pm
  • ccniak2.zip (7K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:08

    this command can be used for starting a slip
    connection to a tia provider from os/2 warp
    internet access kit.
  • ccsoslip.zip (6K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:08

    installing the warp internet connection for
    the uiuc terminal server (dynamic sl/ip) -
  • cdi021.zip (68K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:08

    creates html indexfiles i.e. for mp3 cds.

  • cdipf.zip (2K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:08

    cheap and dirty ip finder. displays dial-up ip

  • cern_os2.zip (375K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:08

    port of cern httpd 3 webserver (req. emxrt.zip).

  • cginb130.zip (28K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:08

    the cgi notebook is a cgi (common gate
    interface) program  which allows you to ask
    users of your  web pages  for some
    information  and records the information to
    desired file(s).
  • cgiscrip.zip (27K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:08

    a collection of cgi scripts in rexx (1997)

  • chang09m.zip (929K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:08

    changi v0.9m dated 10/95 - nntp server for
    os/2 lets you read/write usenet news offline
    using with favourite nntp newsreader.
    compatible with uupc/ex. requires tcp/ip 1.x,
    2.x or warp iak. free cardware, source not
  • chang09w.zip (880K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:08

    Changi v0.9w - Full featured NNTP server 
    for OS/2. Wide beta.
  • changi09.zip (383K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:08

    changi v0.9 - nntp server for os/2 lets you
    read/write usenet news offline using with
    favourite nntp newsreader. compatible with
    uupc/ex. requires tcp/ip 1.x, 2.x or warp
    iak. free cardware, source not included.
  • changi10.zip (2,115K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:08

    changi v1.0 - nntp server for os/2 lets you
    read/write usenet news offline using with
    favourite nntp newsreader. compatible with
    uupc/ex. requires tcp/ip 1.x, 2.x or warp
    iak. free cardware, source not included.
  • chat10.zip (12K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:08

    chat v1.0 : a chat server for os/2
    run this program on your os/2 box,
    and people can telnet in and chat!
    (source included)     * freeware *
  • cheklink.zip (65K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:08

    checklink v1.02, a free, multi-threaded,
    socket aware utility used to create, verify,
    traverse, and index a web-tree. checklink is
    written in rexx, and can be run as an addon
    for the sre-http web-server, or as a cgi-bin
  • chkurl16.zip (39K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:08

    checkurl v1.6. rexx program that parses html
    or text files to check if the urls contained
    are correct, i.e. if they exists.
  • chpat09n.zip (160K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:08

    changi patches to level v0.9n dated 10/95 -
    nntp server for os/2.
  • chpat101.zip (445K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:08

    Changi 1.0 - Corrective Service 000001. 
  • circle2.zip (1,008K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:08

    ###### CircleMUD 2.2 for OS/2 ######
    This is a port of the original
    CircleMUD code ported to OS/2.  It
    requires OS/2 2.1 and IBM TCP/IP 2.0
    Includes source code.
  • cis2pm.zip (4K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:08

    convert compuserve addressbook to pmmail.

  • cis_ppp.zip (4K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:08

    this file contains 3 text files from
    compuserve on how to use os/2 with their new
    ppp service (req. os/2 warp internet ppp).
  • cisppp.txt (18K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:08

    configure ppp for cis internet access
    (rev1216). general step by step instructions
    for configuring the dial other internet
    provider dialer for connecting to
    compuserve's internet service. extensive help
    and problem resolution is included.
  • ckurl162.zip (14K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:08

    checkurl 1.6.2 - parses html or text files,
    checking if the url they contain are correct.
  • cleanuud.zip (12K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:08

    removes '>' and leading spaces from quoted encoded files.

  • cntrl.zip (28K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:08

    cntrl.exe - control program. a fix for mpts
    v5.5 within ic27336(jan.31th 2001)
  • colormap.zip (16K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:08

    animated icons for webexplorer, rotating colors on a ball.

  • connex13.zip (162K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:08

    connextion collection allow you to group your
    favourite web sites into categories.
  • converse.zip (207K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:08

    ka9q nos converse client for tcp/ip.

  • countv01.zip (6K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:08

    statistics calculation script (perl) for
    powerweb log file parsing.
  • cplk11.zip (115K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:08

    cplk11.zip - HTML ColourPlucker for OS/2
    Allows HTML colour selection
    and previewing
    Mr Antonino Iannella
  • cpyiak.zip (6K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:08

    copy-iak v1.01 --small rexx script to
    duplicate slippm dialer entries.
  • cpymsg.zip (3K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:08

    copy message, for mr/2 ice. julian thomas's
    rexx script to append msg to file. usage is
    cpymsg outfile infile. can be called from
    msgutil or used standalone.
  • crazyn10.zip (31K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:08

    crazynews10.zip send messages to multiple
    newsgroups from commandline.
  • crsos2.zip (4K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:08

    info & script for iak access 94/11/26. script
    and help file to get connected to cris at a
    $30.00 monthly flat rate.
  • crswrp.zip (3K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:08

    iak alternate provider script & info
    94/11/28. script and information for
    connecting to an alternate provider using the
    warp iak.
  • csime.zip (63K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:08

    Client-Side Image Map Editor - Written complete in Java, this editor is an outstanding example of the power of this new programing tool.  Will run on any OS that supports JAVA, to run in OS/2 type "java MainShell" at the prompt.
  • curl741.zip (222K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:08

    This is an OS/2 Port of curl. Version 7.4.1. Curl is a tool for getting a file using URL syntax. It supports HTTP, FTP, DICT, TELNET, HTTPS(*), LDAP(*), FILE and GOPHER as well as HTTP-post, HTTP-put, cookies, FTP upload, passwords, portnumbers and proxies. (*) - These features are not supported by this port yet.
    ported to OS/2 by
                         TEAM OS/2 Russia
      http://teamos2.ru/, mail@teamos2.ru
  • custtool.zip (270K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:08

    the customer care package for better
    websphere(v3.5+) diagnostics(mar 21 2002)
  • cvtaddr.zip (4K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:08

    cvtaddr v1.00 - os/2 iak utility to convert
    lamail/ulti-mail lite address files to pmmail
    format. requires os/2 2.1+, rexx support
    installed. includes sample address files.
  • cw3251b.zip (2,342K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:08

    cw3 (former ww2htm) beta v2.51 cleans html
    files and corrects common errors & mistakes
    in the html source code.
  • cw3252u.zip (286K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:08

    cw3 beta v2.52 (update from v2.51 only!) cw3
    cleans html files and corrects common errors
    & mistakes in the html source code. along
    with the ability to replace text & tags it
    provides the check of links and the removal
    of "dead" files.
  • cwetag11.zip (62K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:08

    cwetagger/2 is a small "fortune cookie" or
    "tagline" program. it can be used for adding
    taglines in the signature of your email
    software, and/or randomly appending any text
    to any text file.
  • cwsguide.zip (1,249K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:08

    the ifs customizable web server(cws) guide as
    4th edition. gsview is required(april 2002)
  • cyiak101.zip (6K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:08

            -- COPY-IAK v1.01 --
    Small REXX script to duplicate SlipPM
    dialer entries (contained within
    TCPOS2.INI.) Public Domain.
  • dance414.zip (335K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:08

    dancer irc bot 4.14.

  • dancr412.zip (223K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:08

    dancer irc bot version 4.12

  • daytime.zip (284K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:08

    This package contains a time (RFC 868),
    daytime (RFC 867) and SNTP (RFC 1361)
    server and client for OS/2 and NT.
    Author: Kai Uwe Rommel 
  • ddup301.zip (72K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:08

    ddup_3_0_1.zip) dyndns.org updater v3.0.1.

  • delivery.zip (50K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:08

    simple email client to access domino mail servers.

  • depca13c.zip (19K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:08

    depca driver w/nif working w/laps in ibm
    tcp/ip 1.2.1, 2.0.
  • dgclk12.zip (45K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:08

    configurable gif web clock program displays
    current time on web page
  • dhcp31.zip (448K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:08

    a dhcp server configuration with a dhcp
    system administration guide(1995)
  • dhcpcd.zip (101K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:08

    dhcpcd.exe - the dhcp client program
    (ic28924) for mpts v5.3 (apr. 20th 2000)
  • dhcpcd53.zip (102K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:08

    dhcpcd.exe - dhcp client program(ic26165) for
    mpts 5.3(dec. 31th., 1999)
  • dhcpcd60.zip (102K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:08

    dhcpcd.exe for mpts v6.01 - the dhcpclient
    program (sept., 17th 2001) ic32777 - resolv
    file was not getting created by dhcp client
    for dos session.
  • dial2190.zip (152K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:08

    dialer/2(v1.90) beta 4- a 32 bit pm
    multithreaded dialing program(apr. 12th 2001)
  • dialer.zip (80K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:08

    modified version of the "dial other internet
    providers" application. the only change is a
    "cleaned up" interface.
  • dialer04.zip (240K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:08

    modified versions of the "dial other internet
    providers" application (revision 1.16) to
    "clean up" the interface.
  • dialip2.zip (1,359K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:08

    an os/2 pm 32-bit internet connecting and
    email transferring program.  can be used with
    a scheduler to automatically connect to the
    internet, send email, get or check for email
    for 1 or more users, notify of email, hangup,
    and exit.
  • dialp132.zip (343K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:08

    dialup132.zip) interface to injoy and/or at&t dialers.

  • dialppp.zip (3K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:08

    a rexx procedure to remote a dial up on an
    isp on demand(1997)
  • dialu131.zip (342K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    dialup131.zip) interface to injoy and/or at&t dialers.

  • dig20.zip (91K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    dig v2.0, domain name query utility (req. emxrt.zip).

  • dir2html.zip (13K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    directory to html converter.

  • dirmap10.zip (25K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    dirmap - directory overviews as html file.

  • disdns.zip (5K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    disdns speeds net access by bypassing dns.

  • djin2g1.zip (39K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    vassago's djinn. ported script for ircii v3.08.

  • dlgt5912.zip (359K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    delegate(v5.9.12) is a multi-purpose
    application gateway(proxy server with many
  • dlgte586.gz (777K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    delegate5.8.6.tar.gz  a multi-purpose
    application level gateway, or a proxy server
    which runs on multiple platforms (unix,
    windows and os/2). delegate mediates
    communication of various protocols (http,
    ftp, nntp, pop, telnet, etc.), etc.
  • dmi125.zip (40K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    DMI (Deek's Mutant IceBerg) 1.25, IRC script for:
     * GammaTech IRC 2.0 and higher
     * Internet Adventurer 0.22 and higher
     * IRC/2 0.75 and higher
     DMI is the best script available for IRC clients
     supporting the RxScript (IrcRexx) API. Includes
     aliases, detailed help, AutoMode, XDCC, more!
     New in 1.25: Bugs fixed, new help system.
     (C) Copyright 1996 Dusk To Dawn Computing, Inc.
  • dn104os2.zip (10K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    dyn 1.0.4 for os/2. dyn is a simple client
    program for the monolith coalition's dyndns
    service.  it creates a connection to the
    monolith server and sends the new information
    for your dynamic connection so that the dns
    files can be updated.
  • dnew54c3.zip (918K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    dnews v5.4 c3 - a news server

  • dnrd129.zip (163K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    dejanews news reader v1.29.  this is a usenet
    news reader like none before.  it uses the
    immense resources of the deja news web site,
    but handles them as if it were dealing with a
    simple, text-based, standard news server.
  • doip9601.zip (39K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    january 96 release of the frequently asked
    questions list for setting up and using the
    ibm dial other internet providers
  • dongrovs.zip (38K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    don grove's rexx utility scripts, for mr/2 ice.

  • dragen1.zip (530K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    dragen ftp ver 1, shareware.

  • dragurl.zip (231K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    dragurl handles your urls in a nice tree.
    (800 urls already included).
  • drnknbrd.zip (32K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    this file and bitmaps will change the loading
    animation on webexplorer for os/2 to a
    drinking bird.
  • dsptcha1.zip (539K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    utilities for smtp pop and nntp transfers.
    needs warp 4 or orexx.
  • dsptchb1.zip (427K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    nntp/smtp mail dispatching program.

  • dtf5.zip (50K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    dtf5.exe - a trace formatter for ethernet &
    tokenring netbios, 802.2, ndis, mpts,
    odi2ndi, lan distance traces, and trace dump
    from a kernel debug session(oct 8 1996)
  • dtrace43.zip (41K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    dtrace v4.3 - a tool to create a dynamic
    trace using the option with a rpn program
  • dtracesa.zip (1K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    a simple example how to use dtrace with an rpn file

  • dtracewo.zip (2K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    sample files(cmd,rpn,tsf) how to work with dtrace

  • dumpgrp.zip (95K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    dumps newsgroups to file; req. ibm tcp/ip,
    nntp server. this is the beta1 release. it
    fixes some minor bugs and provides utilities
    and a sample rexx script to automate decoding
    binary newsgroups. replaces the alpha 3
  • dumpt12b.zip (176K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    dumpit v1.2b is a nntp compatible, binary
    retrieval program for os/2. dumpit runs in pm
    mode allowing a simple binary retrieval of
    various files from multiple newsgroups and
    news servers.
  • dyn210p.zip (17K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    dyn 2.1.0 - monolith dyndns client. dyn 2.1.0
    works with the new ms3 interface. requires
    emx 0.9c runtime dlls, full source included.
  • dyndd.zip (9K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    dyndd - sample dynamic trace device driver
    kernel exit for os/2 warp 3.0 with fp 35 or
    higher(dec 1st, 1997).
  • dyndns2.zip (749K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    dyndns/2 version 4.0 for dyndns.com ml.org and dynip.com.

  • dyndns30.zip (317K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    dyndns v3.0 as gui for ddup 3.0.1. supports
    all well-known ddup attitudes up to 10 hosts
  • eftp507.zip (398K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    emtec ftp v5.07, full-featured ftp client for
    os/2 pm.  standalone version.  also available
    as part of the emtec network suite. powerful
    ftp client for os/2 presentation manager.
  • egg1323.zip (787K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    eggdrop 1.3.23 release 2. irc program?

  • ehtmlb9.zip (69K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    EHTML v.90 beta OS/2 PM HTML tag language
  • elm23-2.zip (928K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    elm 2.3 mail user agent for os/2.

  • elpop102.zip (3K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    a description of how to setup elm with pop
    using the os/2 iak, new version 1.02 (march
    8, 1995).
  • elron.cmd (13K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    elronet script. a rexx script for logging
    onto the elronet service provider in israel.
  • emer121i.zip (1,292K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    emerald mail v1.21. java, multithreaded,
    internet e-mail client. designed from the
    ground up for maximum configurablity and ease
    of use. features include: multiple account
    support, nested folders, mail filtering, and
    mime compliance.
  • ens46b.zip (1,713K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    emtec network suite: newsreader, ftp and gopher clients.

  • ep102.zip (3K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    the elm+pop faq: how to install, setup, configure.

  • erotore.zip (159K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    erotore11.zip e-rotor v1.10, e-mail
    monitoring tool. checks presence of new
    e-mail in your mailbox. supports unlimited
    number of mailboxes. visual and audio
    notification after any message received.
    setup are individual for each mailboxes.
  • exim173.zip (1,331K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    exim(v1.73) - a mail transfer agent ported from unix.

  • extract4.zip (250K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    extract/merger 4.0: fully-automated
    usenet-to-files processor. move articles
    directly into binary files. requires tcp/ip,
    and rexx.
  • extractr.zip (5K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    cyno's mail extractor 1.0 alpha.

  • ezirc12o.zip (132K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    ezirc v1.2o, a free, simple and fully
    functional pm irc client. featuring: - easy
    to use pm interface - font and color support
    - manage multiple channels and private
  • f_order.zip (24K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    v1.0 this program reorders a folder in yarn/2
    (tested with version 0.83) by date as is in
    the message header. for safety reasons the
    old folder is renamed.
  • face.zip (14K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    animated icons for webexplorer, someones face.

  • faq2html.zip (30K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    an os/2 faq to html conversion utility. this
    utility will convert a frequently asked
    questions (faq) document in standard format
    into a very nice html document for use on
    world wide web.
  • faster10.zip (41K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    faster is designed to make your web pages
    load up...well faster. :)
  • fbrowse9.zip (619K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    fbrowser.zip) file browser v1.0beta9. file
    manager with integrated web browser, graphic
    viewer, netscape plug-in viewer and wps
  • fetchml.zip (443K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    fetchmail is a free, full-featured, robust,
    well-documented remote mail retrieval and
    forwarding utility
  • ffemal06.zip (46K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    ffemail06.zip fetch & forward email - pre beta.

  • ffeml074.zip (48K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    ffemail074.zip fetch & forward email - pre beta.

  • ffeu101.zip (111K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    ffeu is a gui to the ibm tcp/ip finger.exe
    program.  timed fingering, searching for
    specified text and more! u/l by author.
  • fiaw112.zip (91K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    (v1.12) Finger-In-A-Window - PM finger prgrm.
    OS/2 PM program that will allow you to store
    a list of frequently finger addresses and 
    display the finger output in a scrollable 
    window.  The address list can be saved, 
    sorted, and arranged and the program's size, 
    position, and font may also be saved. 
    Freeware by Greg Kondrasuk (gregk@cvfn.org).
  • fibstf0b.zip (283K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    tinyfugue backgammon server client - req. emx
    runtime support (with 2nd fix package!),
  • filter20.zip (3K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    filter data base for pmmail.  filter v2.0 is
    a data base of strings that are used in
    advertisement emails. this data base can be
    installed in pmmail.
  • findit.zip (444K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    vxrexx version of a online time finder for
    the warp iak package.
  • fingd105.zip (9K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    finger server daemon.

  • finger4.zip (47K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    tcp/ip finger daemon for os/2.

  • fingercl.zip (32K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    partial port of gnu finger.

  • fingerd.zip (25K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    a finger server for os/2, version 1.1. (req.
    tcp.ip & rxsock dll).
  • fingerd2.zip (51K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    a finger server (req. ibm tcp/ip & rxsock dll)

  • fixit.zip (314K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    changes pmmail v1.92's icons to use the old v1.91 icons.

  • fla.cmd (10K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    script for connecting iak to florida online.
    connects the os/2 internet access kit (iak)
    to florida online using the "dial other
    internet providers" application (slippm).
  • fltintch.zip (12K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    julian thomas's filter import/export utility for ice.

  • fn145os2.zip (318K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    fortify v1.45 for netscape is a program that
    provides world-wide, unconditional, full
    strength 128-bit cryptography to users of
    netscape navigator (v3 and v4) and
    communicator (v4).(netscape v2.02, v4.04,
    v4.61. only).
  • fngpng10.zip (126K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    fingping v1.0 - pm finger & ping will allow
    you to store a list of frequently fingered
    and pinged addresses and display the output
    in a scrollable window.
  • forlog1.zip (48K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    a nothing program to keep a modem internet
    connection active.
  • fp30b4.zip (202K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    filepage v3.0(beta-4) web based
    file-distribution site indexer/preprocessor.
    generate and maintain custom www based html
    file download sites. fast, and flexible via
    command line or through a feature-rich
    configuration file.
  • freetcp.zip (117K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    Use Warp's Internet Access Kit (Red/Blue box) on LAN
  • frmck112.zip (31K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    formcheck v1.12beta - tool to process
    html-forms and send input to a email or fax.
  • fsp2-10a.zip (266K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    fsp is a protocol, a bit like ftp, for moving
    files around.  it's designed for anonymous
    archives, and has protection against server
    and network overloading.  it doesn't use
    connections, so it can survive things falling
  • ftl08.zip (9K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    ftl - ftpd tracefile logger - generates usage
    reports from ftpd -t tracefiles.
  • ftnsoup1.zip (77K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    tnsoup is a mail packet tosser/scanner which
    provides a conversion between internet
    soup-style mail packets and fidonet *.msg
  • ftp-it.exe (798K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    excellent, new ftp app.  extremely well
    integrated with the wps.  try it!
  • ftp_www.zip (1K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    starter list of sources for os/2 on the internet.

  • ftpbr171.zip (465K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    ftp browser v1.71 - powerful and intuitive.
    ftp browser is a powerful and intuitive ftp
    solution that features drag and drop, server
    to server and directory tree transfers across
    a variety of hosts.
  • ftpdc2.zip (2K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    add welcome messages, user limits to ftpdc.

  • ftpdebug.zip (91K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    a debug version of ftpd.exe for tcp/ip v4.3(jan 7 2003)

  • ftpdfix.zip (74K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    fix of ftpd.exe for tcp/ip v4.21 (nov. 17th, 2000)

  • ftpdpkgu.zip (261K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    neologic ftp daemon.

  • ftpgw011.zip (61K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    joe's ftp proxy/gateway v0.0.11 - a full
    version of a ftp proxy server. emx v0.9d is
    required(dec. 2000)
  • ftpifs4.zip (118K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    ftp client made as os/2 file system driver. version 0.04.

  • ftpit23.zip (860K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    FTP_It! Installation Diskette #1
    Version  2.3   Production
    Build    02    03/08/97
    Multithreaded FTP Client
    Fully-functional shareware for 28 days, then must register.
  • ftpme.zip (5K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    ftp mirroring tool, rexx script.

  • ftpmgd31.zip (41K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    ftp manager control system is a front end
    interface to ibm's ftp-pm application.  adds
    a more flexable way to select ftp sites as
    apposed to to using multiple icons.
  • ftpmgr40.zip (52K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    front end manager for ibm's ftp-pm application for os/2.

  • ftpmn12a.zip (199K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    lists new files at an ftp site.  download,
    view. auto refresh.
  • ftppipe.zip (36K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    ftppipe-1_00.zip ftppipe 1.00 - pipe to/from
    ftp servers from command line.
  • ftps090.zip (563K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    ftp server v0.9.0 by peter moylan (dec. 2000)

  • ftpser07.zip (520K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    FtpServer 0.70: an FTP daemon for OS/2.
    Lets you control which drives and
    directories the users are allowed to
    see.  Also has controls on which IP
    addresses a client is allowed to
    connect from.
  • ftpsr085.zip (694K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    an ftp daemon for os/2. of course you could
    always use the ftpd that comes packaged with
    warp connect and warp 4, but this one has
    better security controls, together with extra
    features such as symbolic links.
  • gatd3510.zip (1,300K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    gated v3.5.10 - a modular program of core
    services, a routing database, and protocol
    modules support muliple routing protocols:
    rip versions 1 and 2, dcn hello, ospf version
    2, egp version 2 and bgp version 2 through 4
  • gbook1_3.zip (98K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    cgi guestbook program written in c.

  • gcpchg10.txt (1K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    text file describing gcpchg10.zip.

  • gcpchg10.zip (35K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    gibbon file changer changes text or data in
    ascii or binary files.
  • gcpfng10.txt (2K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    text file describing gcpfng10.zip.

  • gcpfng10.zip (499K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    (v1.0) Gibbon Finger
    The Gibbon Finger package includes both a
    finger client and a finger daemon.  The
    daemon is fully configurable, so you can
    customize it. It can display custom messages
    as well as plan and project files.
    Shareware (US $30/$20/$15 - MC/Visa)
    From Gibbon Computer Products, Inc.
    support@gibbon.com 74266.2661@compuserve.com
  • gcpftp10.zip (494K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    (v1.0) Gibbon FTP
    The Gibbon FTP is a graphical FTP client.
    It is easy to use, yet powerfule and highly
    configurable.  Features include multiple
    server connections, a transfer queue, a
    transfer status, and drag-and-drop.
    Shareware (US $20 - MC/Visa/AmEx)
    From Gibbon Computer Products, Inc.
    support@gibbon.com 74266.2661@compuserve.com
  • gcptlk11.txt (3K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    text file describing gcptlk11.zip.

  • gcptlk11.zip (623K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    gibbon talk.  pm talk program that is
    compatible with *nix talk and ntalk.
  • gecko003.zip (2,535K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    os/2 version of mozilla's nglayout browser
    with support for html 4, css, dom, javascript
    1.4, xml etc. open-source freeware.
  • genppp.txt (15K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    configuring ppp for general isp internet
    access. general instructions for configuring
    the dial other internet provider dialer for
    connecting to an internet service provider.
    extensive help & problem resolution included.
  • get-ip1a.zip (3K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    rexx script to generate a file containing ip
    address and connect speed.
  • get107.zip (41K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    fastest, smallest os/2 ftp program on the planet.

  • gethbi21.zip (324K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    GETHBI - Get the Bins
    an easy-to-use, multithreaded,
    on-/off-line PM Binaries-News-
    Reader (NNTP) for OS/2.
    (i think, it is the best)
    req. vrobj.dll
  • getstats.zip (188K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    produce detailed, concise, monthly, weekly,
    daily summary, daily, hourly summary, hourly,
    domain, request, directory tree, and error
    reports from your world-wide web or gopher
  • gettcp.zip (199K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    gettcp - a procedure for the tcp/ip retrieval
    test for os/2 client and server (oct 29 1996)
  • geturl.zip (127K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    GetURL (1.0) 
    OS/2 program for retrieving
    URL- specified files from
    the Internet. Supports HTTP,
    FTP, NNTP, GOPHER, and Local
    File Transfers.
    Shareware ($30.00 U.S.)
    Decker Automation
  • getwp02b.zip (4K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    getwebpics 0.2b - rexx program for retrieving
    all pics from a specified www page. freeware.
    needs geturl.
  • gh01.zip (15K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    gen html v0.1 converts 00index.txt
    (00indexd.txt, files.bbs,... ) filelists to
  • gibbon.cat (10K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    catalog of available gibbon computer products software.

  • globdial.zip (740K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    the attglobal dialer(alias ibm global dialer)
    - feb., 29th 2000
  • globe.zip (14K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    animated icons for webexplorer, rotating globe.

  • gmc2.zip (77K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    grobi's mail converter, version 2. converter
    to exchange form post mails to readable
    format. very easy to use. ideal for
    webmasters, using ourworld and forms.
  • gn140.zip (402K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    gn v1.4 - gon's news reader  which supports
    nntp protocol with simple user's interface.
    source is included(apr 1 1997)
  • gohttp.zip (71K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    revised filter for goserve by donald meyer.
    supports a number of enhancements including
    common log format logging, imagemap support,
    forms support (cgi 1.1), basic
    authentication, and more..  ver 2.01.9p
  • goinf252.zip (76K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    the goserve web and gopher server v2.52 reference(1998)

  • golfa.zip (25K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    animated icons for webexplorer, golfer on golf course.

  • goodies.zip (64K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    a package made up of the following ice
    addons: autoppp, jksigfil, myfilter,
    timezn_c, and tzvarbl.
  • gopher.zip (431K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    gopher v1.9915 is an os/2 presentation
    manager client for the internet gopher
    protocol, v1.62 dated 11/10/94.  originally
    developed at the university of minnesota. you
    must have os/2 tcp/ip (version 1.2.1 or
    later) to use gopher.
  • gophern.zip (89K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    list of text files for using gopher on the internet.

  • goremote.zip (16K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    the goserve goremote remote control add-on
    which can be used with the sre-filter(1995)
  • goserv.zip (322K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    goserve webserver for os/2 2.52. ibm ews webserver.

  • gosrv250.zip (321K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    goserve webserver for os/2 2.50. ibm ews webserver.

  • gostats.zip (57K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    goserver statistics generator.

  • gostools.zip (33K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    goserve tools.  includes .cmd files for
    generating statistics pages for goserve
    servers.  also includes .cmd files for
    mirroring web pages.
  • goswi161.zip (315K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    goswish v1.61 - a search engine for os/2 web
    sites with v1.3 of the swish "web indexer", a
    script to automate it's use, and a script to
    provide a front-end to www clients.
    see:http://www.srehttp.org/apps/goswish/ -
    april, 17th 2001
  • goswish5.zip (307K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    goswish ver 1.48: a web indexing system
    goswish is a free search engine for os/2 web
    sites. goswish consists of the swish "web
    indexer", a set of programs to automate it's
    use, and a set of scripts to provide a
    front-end to www clients.
  • gpo1144.zip (900K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    golded+ v1.1.4.4 - the successor of the
    golded mail/news reader (april 2000)
  • grab10.zip (9K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    grab all the files off of a specific
    newsgroup and decode them. needs uudeview.
  • grabsite.zip (14K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    grabsite:copy a www site to your local hard disk.

  • green.zip (8K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    animated icons for webexplorer, cycling green block.

  • gscr20.zip (74K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    scripts for gammatech irc v2.0.

  • gse086r.zip (100K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    check updated homepage utility.

  • gse101r.zip (140K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    check updated homepage utility.

  • gsm214r.zip (98K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    gismo is the unique color coordinating
    utility for those who use editors to make
    html documents with various color rgb codes.
  • gtirc301.zip (612K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    demo release of gammatech irc.

  • gtirc306.zip (616K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    demo release of gammatech irc.

  • guest1.zip (84K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    a simple cgi guestbook for ibm www server.

  • guest10.zip (17K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    guestbook cgi for os/2.

  • guestbk.zip (59K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    a basic guest book for your web page.

  • gz-311a.zip (199K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    GemZ v3.0 script for OpenChat/2
  • h2t.zip (19K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    hex-to-text formatting util for tcp/ip 1.2.1
    telnet tracefile/netdata. replaces
    hex2tx.zip. allows cr/lf toggle, paragraph
    formatting, stripping of redundant spaces,
    insert break on user supplied string, and
  • hand10b2.zip (325K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    the handyftp v1.0 beta 2 (2002)

  • hconv_13.zip (37K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    htmlconv - converts text/html emails to
    text/plain. can be called from a pmmail
    filter for incoming text/html emails. can
    also be used as a command line utility. c
    source is included in the distribution.
  • helix.zip (5K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    login script and readme for slip connecting
    os/2 to helix in vancouver, bc, canada
  • hihoteln.zip (391K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    this an os/2 2.x program that list several
    internet services & sites.
  • hjavaos2.zip (4K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    hotjava 1.0 for os/2 (req. hotjava for
    solaris and os/2 jdk).
  • hjb30os2.zip (1,666K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    hotjava 3.0 web browser.

  • hmail013.zip (80K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    a utility remailer for neologic inet.mail server for os/2

  • homer.zip (42K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    animated icons for webexplorer, homer simpson swings club?

  • host.zip (20K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    the host program is an internet utility that
    is used to retrieve information from a domain
    name server (dns) about a particular host
    name or ip address.
  • hostmgr.zip (47K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    host manager for receive&send mail via
    pop3/smtp or fido netmail (more features).
    documentation only russian.
  • hourglas.zip (70K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    animated icons for webexplorer, 3d rotating hourglass.

  • howslp.zip (7K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    how to connect to another internet prov.
    95/03/15. explains how to configure warp iak
    "dial other internet providers" dialog to
    connect to a provider other than advantis.
    works with colorado supernet. instructions
    apply to most providers.
  • hpbdemo2.zip (2,842K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    ibm homepage builder 2.0 for os/2 demo
    (full-featured wysiwyg).
  • hpp210b.zip (4,350K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    homepage publisher v2.1b.  "wysiwyg" web page
    editor for os/2, allowing users to create or
    modify html pages without knowledge of html
    tags or syntax. with hpp, users can make
    changes by simply clicking toolbars, etc.
  • hrxmail.zip (45K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    neologic hrxmail.dll functions.

  • hrxpass.zip (41K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    hrxpass - a rexx dll interface to inet.mail

  • hstd10b2.zip (1,401K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    html studio public beta.  32-bit
    multi-threaded pm html development
    environment.  create html documents w/o
    having to know html.
  • ht2_20.zip (41K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    httptunnel creates a bidirectional virtual
    data path tunnelled in http requests. the
    requests can be sent via an http proxy if so
  • htm2ipf1.zip (113K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    convert html pages to ipf format (for inf creation).

  • htm2txt1.zip (23K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    html to plain-text converter. small rexx
    program to convert html source to plain
  • htmck111.zip (101K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    html check v1.11 - process a web http server
    and verify links and files.
  • html2ipf.zip (52K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    html2ipf - ipf2html 
    Converts between HTML and IPF tags and symbols
    Antonino Iannella
  • html2rea.zip (26K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    rename html files to long filenames (32bit).

  • html2txt.zip (24K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    Converts HTML files to text
    Antonino Iannella
  • html4ref.zip (518K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    the html 4.0 reference as a tutorial
    introduction(july, 15th 1999)
  • html_gen.zip (22K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    generates html files from source and macros.

  • htmlcon.zip (35K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    ver. 2.2.  converts html/htm files to
    standard ascii making them ready for viewing,
    editing, or printing. dos, os/2, windows.
  • htmle96b.zip (179K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    html-ed v.96b, small, fast, html editor
    w/built-in browser.
  • htmlg120.zip (161K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    htmlgen - 1.20 html script generator for os/2
    also converts htm -> ipf format.  add table
    controls - shareware. american coders, ltd.
  • htmlipfd.zip (129K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    html2ipf - ipf2html 
    Converts between HTML and IPF tags and symbols
    DOS/Windows versions
    Antonino Iannella
  • htmlplot.zip (46K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    a graphic bar for web pages.

  • htmls101.zip (1,617K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    html studio is a 100% 32-bit os/2
    presentation manager application used to
    rapidly design custom world wide web pages.
  • htmls155.zip (655K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    html studio, web page editor.

  • htmltxtd.zip (45K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    Converts HTML files to text
    Antonino Iannella
  • htmlv100.zip (174K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    htmlview 1.0 for os/2 warp 3/4 with iak.
    browser/viewer (like webex) w/ quicklist,
    select link while other loading and more.
    req. webexwin.dll.
  • htmlvw10.zip (505K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    htmlvw is a program that lets you view html
    pages, both on and off line, faster than
  • htmlwiz.zip (1,069K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    html wizard v1.61 makes editing html
    documents much easier by providing a "tagbar"
    that inserts appropriate tags around text.
  • htmtitle.zip (2K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    extract title from html doc. & set file name
    & wps title to match. on fat drive, file name
    won't change, & ignorable sys0206 error will
    be displayed by 'rename'. on fat & hpfs
    drives, .longname ea set to match "title" tag
    & displayed by wps.
  • htpa_111.zip (108K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    realtime stats & reset of access.log file for
    os2httpd.exe program only tested on os2httpd,
    but used standard log format.
  • htpdconf.zip (9K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    httpd.conf - the apache configuration file(feb 26 2003)

  • http_106.zip (379K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    (v a.04) HTTPd - Feb 20, 1996 An OS/2 HTTPd Server.  This program is a direct
    replacement of Frankie Fans OS2HTTPD.
    AB Software
    3109 Village Rd West
    Norwood, MA 02062-2542
  • httpa133.zip (230K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    httpacc v1.33 - reads and resets the
    access.log file that the os2httpd ncsa server
    writes out.
  • httpa200.zip (203K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    httpacc v2.00 - read and reset the access.log
    file that the os2httpd ncsa server writes
  • httpan22.zip (1,608K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    http-analyze-2.2)http-analyze v2.2 for os/2.
    fast log analyzer for web servers. it
    analyzes logfiles and creates a detailed
    summary of the server's access load in
    tabular, graphical and three-dimensional
  • httpd-rb.zip (177K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    addressbook built as a server for usual www
    browsers as clients.
  • httpget.zip (4K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    automatically fetch a html file via http.
    needs object rexx and rxsock.dll.
  • hwifs.zip (191K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    os/2 ftpspy vs2.7. 32-bit pm based tool that
    helps make internet ftp work more
    comfortable. ftp directories are held in tree
    views and can be activated with a click on
    the mouse. requires warp 4.
  • hwiro.zip (202K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    os/2 robot is a 32-bit presentation manager
    based tool for pmmail vs1.9 and beyond. it
    can set up robot lists. users can subscribe,
    unsubscribe, receive articles and more (mar 3
  • hyper1.zip (695K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    generate html tables.

  • hyprmail.zip (69K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    hypermail package, for OS/2
    compiled with emx+gcc
    - very quick and rough port
    - requires emx 0.9c runtime or newer
    - compiled by rommel@ars.de
    - ftp://ftp.leo.org/pub/comp/os/os2/leo/...
  • i2htm091.zip (85K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    inf2html v0.91 translate any os/2 inf or hlp
    file into a set of html files, which you can
    then change and retranslate to inf or hlp
    using andrew pawel zabolotny's html2ipf
  • ia2csv.zip (1K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    convert internet adventurer addressbook to
    csv format for pmmail/2.
  • iab133.zip (29K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    the internet address book for os/2 version
    1.33 (req. vrobj.dll).
  • iacc11b2.zip (1,632K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    iaos2v1.10 b2 - the internet assistent for
    os/2 and ecomstation to allow automatic
    configuration of internet access. supported
    are diverse programs for analogue and digital
    internet dial-in. see:
    www.teamruhr.de/iaos2(mar 22 2002)
  • iakhelp.txt (12K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    detailed description on getting the warp iak
    to work with (r)tin, elm, popclient, ppp or
    slip.  initial draft.  by matt staben
  • iakont.faq (43K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    faq's on os/2 iak & tia. some good info on
    setting up scripts for the iak and other
    access providers.
  • iakprmpt.zip (69K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    prompt for information from slippm dialing scripts.

  • iaktim12.zip (88K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    os/2 warp internet access kit connect time
    calculator v1.2.
  • iaktime.zip (78K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    iak online time calculator.

  • iaktimes.zip (3K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    display slippm connection times from tcpos2.ini.

  • ibm.zip (101K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    animated icons for webexplorer, fading ibm symbol.

  • ic1_0.zip (1,360K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    reliable, full featured ppp server for os/2.
    injoy connect (ic) is modular dial-in
    point-to-point (ppp) software, providing
    remote access for home and business.
  • ic316.zip (684K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    InterCom v3.16 - PM Internet Telephone for OS/2.
    Features such as answering machine, caller ID,
    call blocking, dialing directories, quick dial,
    and VIDEO, file transfers, clipboard text
    sharing. Electronic phonebook server and
    talk servers. Seamless support for dynamic IP
    users. Fully functional shareware version.
  • ic31976.zip (48K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    ic31976 - nfs client ifs(nfs300.ifs) for
    aurora 4.3.0 (nov. 6th 2001)
  • icast10a.zip (95K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    icecast 1.0.0 port (mp3 broadcasting system).

  • icbrg200.zip (22K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    iceberg v1.10 - rexx scripts for gtirc - the
    gammatech internet relay chat client
  • icbrkr08.zip (370K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    ice broker beta v0.8(?), for mr/2 ice.
    brandon allbery's icbroker acts as an
    intermediary to allow mr/2 ice to handle
    mailto: urls for netscape. this is beta
    debugging version.
  • iccs4217.zip (7,285K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    an internet connection server v4.2.1.7 -
  • ice.zip (5K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    login script and readme for slip connecting
    os/2 to iceonline in vancouver, bc, canada
  • ice2chat.zip (7K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:09

    ice 2 chat, for mr/2 ice. barry adams'
    creates and inserts a prefetch filter to call
    netchat when hailing message is received.
  • ice4ward.zip (4K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:10

    ice forward, for mr/2 ice. script forwards
    everything from a designated folder (which is
    best filled up by a filter, to be sure).
  • icecq201.zip (251K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:10

    icecq_201a.zip icecq (client) 2.0.01a demo version.

  • icetag26.zip (54K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:10

    icetag/2: enhanced random quote generator for pmmail.

  • ico111b1.zip (1,704K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:10

    ibm internet phone (like netmeeting, no video).

  • icol111b.zip (1,704K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:10

    internetconnection phone for os/2 from
    haifa,israel.  ibm freeware.
  • icq2153i.zip (292K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:10

    icq2b153i.zip icq/2 a full 32 bit
    multithreaded os/2 pm icq client application.
  • ict.zip (18K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:10

    show the time of the monthly internet
    connection time with iak.
  • icwatch.zip (101K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:10

    icwatch is a small utility that detects when
    a slip or ppp connection has failed and
    attempts to reconnect you to your provider.
  • ident10.zip (5K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:10

    ident-d v1.0 a small identification server
    for warp. freeware.
  • identd.zip (39K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:10

    yet another identd server

  • identd21.zip (15K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:10

    identification authentication daemon for tcp/ip.

  • idx2html.zip (4K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:10

    convert hobbes ftp 00index.txt files to html
    format for use on web servers.
  • iftp114.zip (279K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:10

    InterFTP v1.14 - PM FTP Client for OS/2.
    Features include: drag and drop, simple
    configuration, address book with support
    for unlimited number of folders and
    entries, ability to save the directory
    tree of an FTP server, scripting,
    firewall support, multiple FTP sessions
    at the same time, server to server
    transfers, and queued get/put.
    Fully functional shareware version.
  • igate110.zip (151K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:10

    internet gate for os/2 - v1.10 is a multiple
    proxy gate and firewall.
  • iglou.cmd (14K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:10

    rexx script for iglou ppp via iak. this
    script negotiates a ppp connection with an
    internet access provider, iglou (louisville,
    ky). redials after busy signals, & it hangs
    up & redials if connection baud rate is below
    acceptable minimum.
  • igos2145.zip (651K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:10

    internet gate v1.45. multiple proxy gate and
    firewall. it can allow users on a local area
    network (lan) without internet access to
    access the internet through a single machine
    on the lan connected to the internet.
  • ij1_12b.zip (229K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:10

    updates injoy internet dialer from version
    1.1 to version 1.12
  • ijb202p.zip (299K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:10

    internet junkbuster proxy compiled with emx
    0.9d, fix02 with pentium-optimization useing
    pgcc from www.goof.com. works good together
    with squid. i.e. netscape -> ijb > squid ->
  • ijfire14.zip (1,467K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:10

    ║          InJoy Firewall for OS/2            ║
    ║      Visit: http://www.fx.dk/firewall       ║
    ║ Designed with Cable Modems and LAN-2-LAN    ║
    ║ connections in mind, the InJoy Firewall is  ║
    ║ a complete Internet Gateway, Firewall and   ║
    ║ IPSec VPN gateway/client in one.            ║
    ║                                             ║
    ║ With minimal effort, you can safely and     ║
    ║ reliably share an Internet connection among ║
    ║ multiple work stations.                     ║
    ║                                             ║
    ║ Support for PPPoE (PPP over Ethernet) adds  ║
    ║ connectivity to industry leading ISP's.     ║
    ║                                             ║
    ║ Support of the IPSec technology provides    ║
    ║ capability of building VPN's and secure     ║
    ║ channels to other major vendors in the      ║
    ║ market or to other InJoy products.          ║
    ║                                             ║
    ║ The Firewall operates beneath the routing   ║
    ║ layer on "raw" packets and totally out-     ║
    ║ performs application oriented proxies.      ║
    ║                                             ║
    ║ FEATURES: IPSec; PPPoE; Superior performance║
    ║ NDIS Protocol Engine; RFC 1631-NAT support; ║
    ║ Direct Internet Access for your LAN PC's;   ║
    ║ Packet Filtering; Traffic Accounting, Port  ║
    ║ Redirection; Rule Based Access Control;     ║
    ║ Identd support; No reconfiguration of       ║
    ║ software; Great step-by-step docs; YK2; PM  ║
    ║ & text GUI; DHCP support; On-the-fly updates║
    ║                                             ║
    ║   Quality Software by F/X Communications    ║
    ║       sales@fx.dk - http://www.fx.dk        ║
  • ijgwy1_0.zip (164K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:10

    ║  InJoy Firewall for OS/2 - December 1, 1998 ║
    ║ Designed with Cable Modems in mind, the     ║
    ║ InJoy Firewall is a complete Internet       ║
    ║ gateway and firewall security system in one.║
    ║                                             ║
    ║ With minimal effort, you can share one      ║
    ║ Internet connection among multiple work     ║
    ║ stations, reducing the number of ISP        ║
    ║ accounts you'll need while lowering your    ║
    ║ monthly costs.                              ║
    ║                                             ║
    ║ Visit www.fx.dk/firewall to find out more.. ║
    ║                                             ║
    ║        Software by F/X Communications       ║
    ║        sales@fx.dk   http://www.fx.dk       ║
  • ijlog_10.zip (91K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:10

    user accounts w/web frontend for in-joy 2.0

  • ilink1_2.zip (322K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:10

    ilink/2 v1.02 is a pm drop-in replacement for
    ibm's 'dial other internet provider'.
  • ilnk111s.zip (324K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:10

    ilink/2 v1.11 is a pm drop-in replacement for
    ibm's 'dial other internet provider'.
    includes redial, reconnect, multiple numbers,
    cps/bytes meters and more.
  • ilog12.zip (4K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:10

    warp internet connection connect times
    summarizer (rexx) when using ibm as provider.
    bug fix to ilog11.zip.
  • imagemap.zip (8K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:10

    rexx imagemap subsystem for use w/ goserve v1.20

  • imaghtml.zip (8K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:10

    a rexx utility to build a html catalog of gif
    and jpg images.
  • imghtml.zip (49K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:10

    IMGHTML 1.2 - Create Web-page for your
    .GIF or .JPG-images. Useful for getting
    support in writing own HTML-pages or to
    simply use the web-browser as an alternate
  • imgmaped.zip (205K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:10

    imgmaped creates a client-side imagemap for web creators.

  • inadv150.zip (2,508K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    internet adventurer v1.50 os/2's premier
    internet suite http://www.inetadv.net
  • incpam09.zip (27K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    front-end for ibm ppp driver. beta version
    0.9. will run after a mailer and control
    access to ppp driver.
  • incppp09.zip (27K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    front-end for ibm ppp driver. beta version
    0.9. command modem and control access to ppp
  • inet134.zip (174K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    inetmail-1.3.4.zip) inetmail v1.3.4.

  • inet134p.zip (215K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    inetmail-1.3.4.pro.zip) inetmail v1.3.4 pro.

  • inetd10.zip (87K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    os/2 port of bsd inetd (internet super server)

  • inetlg71.zip (101K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    connection log analyzer for ibm global
    network and/or injoy dialers.
  • inetlog3.zip (20K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    reports dailt/monthly timeons, analyzing
    warp's internet dailer's connect.log file.
  • inetm130.zip (1,392K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    inet.mail(tm) v1.3.0 for os/2. full featured
    smtp/pop3 server. pm interface,
    multi-tasking, multi-threading. replaces
    traditional sendmail. demo registration key
    of demolicense.
  • inetma.zip (1,436K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    inetmail-1_5_6_pro.zip) inet.mail pro 1.56 for os/2.

  • inetp130.zip (1,577K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    inet.mail(tm) pro v1.3.0 for os/2 is a full
    featured smtp/pop3 server for the os/2
    environment. it features a presentation
    manager interface for all functions and has
    been designed to take advantage of os/2's
    multi-tasking, etc.
  • inettime.zip (12K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    summarize internet connect time by month for
    ibm.net (advantis) users. small rexx
    procedure summarizes \tcpip\etc\connect.log
    into monthly one line summaries, quickly
    showing you how many hours:minutes you've
    been on internet this month.
  • infhtm9b.zip (285K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    set of utilities to provide an interface
    between inf/hlp files and a webserver;
    conversion of inf/hlp files to html; a
    debugging mechanism.
  • infine.cmd (14K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    infinet iak script. script for connecting to
    infinet through dial other providers. written
    for infinet in roanoke, va, you may need to
    change addresses if you connect to infinet
    elsewhere. written based on script provided
    by infinet support.
  • infomt16.zip (17K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    infomatch internet slip connection script (v1.6)

  • infomtch.zip (58K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    sl/ip dialing script, with patch to allow iak
    dialer to recognize busy etc.
  • ini2url.cmd (1K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    explore ini file to url object conversion.

  • ini2urls.zip (104K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    ini2urls - create workplace shell url objects
    from your webexplorer quicklist. organize
    your url objects in folders. synchronize your
    url folders and quicklist. freeware from jim
  • injofw14.zip (1,652K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    injoy firewall v1.4 with ppp over
    ethernet(pppoe) support(sept. 2000)
  • injoy1_1.zip (605K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    injoy internet dialer for os/2 version 1.1.
    os/2 slip/ppp dialer with dial on demand and
    ip masquerading.
  • injoy23.zip (2,010K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    injoy v2.3 for os/2 warp 4 and ecs. this is
    no freeware(jul 6 2002)
  • injoy2_0.zip (734K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    ║   InJoy 2.0b for OS/2 - September 1, 1998   ║
    ║ InJoy is an UNBELIEVABLY feature rich, fast,║ 
    ║ rock solid and EASY to use SLIP/PPP dialer. ║
    ║                                             ║
    ║ New in v2.0b: New Dial On Demand, Filtering,║
    ║ Firewall, NAT support for IRC SEND/DCC,     ║
    ║ TCP/IP 4.1 support, NAT support for PING,...║
    ║                                             ║
    ║ Proven value: Awarded "Five Cows" by TUCOWS;║
    ║ nominated as the best Internet utility;     ║
    ║ stayed as one of the top 3 most sold OS/2   ║
    ║ shareware programs for over 24 MONTHS!      ║
    ║                                             ║
    ║ Use it alone or share a dial up connection  ║
    ║ with Win3.x/Win9x/NT and Mac's on your LAN. ║
    ║                                             ║
    ║ FEATURE RICH: Dial On Demand; Re-Dial, Re-  ║
    ║ Connect; Network Address Translation; High  ║
    ║ Speeds; Phone Number List; Scripts, Auto-   ║ 
    ║ Learned; Connection Log; Terminal Mode; PAP ║
    ║ CHAP; MS-CHAP; Filter Plugin; F/X Firewall  ║
    ║ plugin; TCP/IP v4.1 support; Trace; more..  ║
    ║                                             ║
    ║       ShareWare by F/X Communications       ║
    ║        injoy@fx.dk  http://www.fx.dk        ║
  • injoy2_2.zip (817K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    injoy 2.2 adds a number of new facilities to
    the fine internet dialer, firewall, etc. new
    june, '99.
  • injoy2_3.zip (1,412K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    ║              InJoy 2.3 for OS/2             ║
    ║ InJoy is an UNBELIEVABLY feature rich, fast,║ 
    ║ reliable and EASY to use SLIP/PPP dialer.   ║
    ║                                             ║
    ║ New in 2.3: Supports IPSec, the standard for║             
    ║ interconnected, secure networking devices   ║
    ║ and the predominant technology in Virtual   ║
    ║ Private Networks (VPNs).                    ║
    ║                                             ║
    ║ Awarded 5 Cows by TUCOWS, nominated as best ║
    ║ Internet utility across all platforms;      ║
    ║ Awarded Reader's Choice by OS/2 OS/2 eZine. ║
    ║ Has stayed in the top-3 of BMT's sales list ║
    ║ for more than 3 years!                      ║
    ║                                             ║
    ║ The Firewall and Packet Filter plugins found║
    ║ at the Professional and SOHO level turn     ║
    ║ InJoy into an extremely powerful and secure ║
    ║ gateway product, capable of handling an     ║
    ║ almost infinite number of network users.    ║
    ║                                             ║
    ║ FEATURE RICH: Dial On Demand; Re-Dial, IPSec║
    ║ VPN support; Network Address Translation;   ║
    ║ High Speeds; Phone List; Auto-Scripts;      ║ 
    ║ Connection Log; Terminal Mode; Dynamic DNS; ║
    ║ PAP/(MS)CHAP; Filter Plugin; InJoy Firewall ║
    ║ plugin; TCP/IP v4.1 support; Trace; more..  ║
    ║                                             ║
    ║       Software by F/X Communications        ║
    ║        injoy@fx.dk http://www.fx.dk         ║
  • injoycl1.zip (4K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    monthly time calculator for use with in-joy
    internet dialer (rexx)
  • intrnx.cmd (15K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    dialup: auto redial & multiple number
    support. extension of the annex.cmd script
    supplied with os/2 warp. will redial until
    connection completed. customized for internex
    in toronto, but can be modified for any
    slip/cslip internet provider.
  • intrt211.zip (244K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    intertag/2 version 1.1: now supports
    delimited tagline files.
  • io.zip (45K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    animated icons for webexplorer, rotating i/o.

  • ipcfg12.zip (2K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    tool to display os/2 tcp/ip configuration.

  • ipmon102.zip (43K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    yet another tcpip monitor for os/2!

  • ipop3d10.zip (68K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    freeware pop3 daemon with c sources.

  • iprates.zip (10K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    rexx command graphical display of tcp/ip
    connection rates (req: vrexx).
  • iprout10.zip (1,084K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    on floppy os/2 ip router v1.0 with a rexec
    client for remote controlling(jan.,12th 2000)
  • ips081b2.zip (364K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    inetpowerserver is a enterprise level
    multiprotocol internet server supporting ftp,
    pop and smtp protocols.
  • ipspeed4.zip (48K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    ipspeed 1.02 - a small pm app to measure the
    speed of your tcp/ip connection.
  • ipspy140.zip (64K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    ip packet monitor.  a dll which allows to
    monitor all the packets, ip and arp ones,
    incoming and outgoing. it also provides the
    ability to write raw packets to your net.
  • ipsta01a.zip (18K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    IPStat subsystem for OS/2.
  • ipv4addr.zip (189K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    demystifying subnetmasks in tcp/ip(ipv4
    addressing) with detailed calculation and
    exercises (2000)
  • irc10h.zip (32K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    internet relay chat client (req. ibm tcp/ip).

  • irc282.zip (831K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    ircii 2.82, text client for internet relay chat.

  • irc2_080.zip (1,628K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    irc/2 multi-threaded client for internet
    relay chat. supports ircii's command set and
    partial irc scripting.
  • ircd-hyb.zip (382K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    ircd-hybrid6b118.zip ircd 2.8/hybrid-6b118.

  • ircd28.zip (765K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    ircd for os/2 warp 4 fp 6 and emx 0.9c fix 4.

  • ircd2821.zip (511K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    ircd for os/2 and emx 0.9c fix 4.

  • ircd4652.zip (644K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    a new port of ircd dalnet df 4.6.5 for os/2.

  • ircd52p1.zip (691K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    a new port of ircd 2.8/hybrid-5.2p1 for os/2.

  • ircd_os2.zip (488K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    internet relay chat.

  • ircii30.zip (787K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    ircii/os2 beta 3.0

  • ircu210.zip (309K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    port of undernet irc server v2.10.00.

  • irmand.zip (304K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    irman daemon for os/2 - a program to use the
    irman device. it is controlled through the
    built-in rexx support and is fully nls
    enabled. see: http://vanenckevort.net/index.p
    hp?pagina=irman and
    6th 2002)
  • irot.zip (46K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    animated icons for webexplorer, individually
    rotating os/2.
  • isdnpm29.zip (180K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    pm-program for tcp/ip-connections over isdn
    with a 'capi.dll'. you can use
    x.75,x75_slip,ppp,hdlc,cisco-hdlc and m-lapb
    version 2.9.
  • island.zip (7K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    animated icons for webexplorer, person stranded on island.

  • itrafic.zip (45K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    this application automates the logon / logoff
    to the internet via a cable modem. the
    application uses a socks server, that keeps
    track the need for internet trafic.
  • j2eewebs.zip (464K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    documentation: the j2ee v1.3 application for
    websphere. an introduction(aug 2002)
  • j2ejunop.zip (5,849K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    the j2ee juno client and enterprise ejb/web
    projects(dec 12 2002)
  • jabber05.zip (105K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    jabber 0.5.  jabber is a net-based messaging
    server in early development.  it uses an
    xml-based protocol over tcp/ip, and an
    extensible "reflection" server engine.  it's
    small, fast, and adept at fitting almost any
  • jatelnet.zip (632K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    javatelnet - the java telnet application
    version 2.5 beta as telnet client. source
    code included. the wpi istaller is
    required(jan 2003)
  • jib1622.zip (238K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    jib162_2.zip)  jitterbug cgi-bin tool for
    problem reporting and tracking.
  • jigsw202.zip (5,604K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    jigsaw_2.0.2.zip the jigsaw www daemon.

  • jigswcmd.zip (10K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    jigsawcmd.zip rexx add-on for the jigsaw www daemon.

  • jjcris.txt (4K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    this is the neccessary setting to logon to
    the concentric network with ppp and os/2 warp
    and warp connects iak.
  • jkflters.txt (6K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    description of jerry koret's filter setup for ice.

  • jksigfil.zip (7K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    jerry koret's signature tag file utility for
    ice. new method eliminates the need for a
    filter. simple and very useful.
  • joyup111.zip (385K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    interface to injoy dialer ala linkup.exe.
    joyup provides an interface to the injoy
    dialer that is similar to but more powerful
    than ibm's linkup.exe.
  • jpop100.zip (137K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    pop3 server with gui, written entirely in java.

  • js10.zip (726K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    junk spy v1.0 includes a comprehensive
    database to determine which messages are junk
    mail. junk spy's database is provided for you
    by sundial systems.
  • jsc058.zip (593K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    jsecurecom connects two people up directly
    (without using the irc channels, servers, ip
    servers, etc.) for a one-on-one personal text
    mode chat.
  • jsm290r.zip (329K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    jasmine, auto ftp uploader.

  • jsm331r.zip (800K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    jasmine v3.3.1r - a ftp front-end using of
    the os/2 warp genuine part for ftp to
    maintenance web pages as shareware (sep 15
  • jsmutils.zip (70K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    j street mailer utilities.

  • jstreet.zip (3,016K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    innoval's j street mailer, a (now) free java
    e-mail client.
  • junbu202.zip (157K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    junkbuster v2.0.2 - a simple and fast proxy
    server with powerful filtering
    features(removal of banners, ad's, cookies) -
    jun 5 2001
  • kabki622.zip (132K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    kabekiller v0.622 - a japanese pm mail
    program as nifty-server gbc01001. source is
    included (jul 21 1997)
  • kcg.zip (10K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    determine precise isp time-out interval;
    retain dial-up connections using ftp or ping.
  • kilroy.zip (2K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    animated icons for webexplorer, a running kilroy.

  • kkmail01.zip (77K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    kkmail v0.1 - a japanese mail program with
    source. includes pcm/2 as os/2 rexx v0.60
    (oct 23 1996)
  • knews.zip (243K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    newsreader for x (os/2 binaries).

  • knights.zip (4K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    animated icons for webexplorer, some football team.

  • lampop11.zip (89K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    os/2 lamail pop interface for ibm tcp/ip

  • lanscan.zip (351K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    lanscan v4.2(and +) - a pm program scan any
    addresses range for any class tcp/ip
    networks/subnetworks. scanning using either
    icmp echo request (ping) packets or arp
    requests. a product of vac 4.0 and toolkit
    4.5(feb., 26th 2002)
  • ldaptool.zip (221K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    univ. of michigan ldap commandline tools
    ported to 32-bit os/2.
  • lfb_2_4.zip (212K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    filelist builder and html pages generator.
  • lgoph11b.zip (225K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    la gopher 1.10b gopher client for ibm tcp/ip

  • libfiles.zip (114K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    ircii v3.08 - required library files.

  • libstock.zip (115K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    libstocks - a library for retrieving stock
    quotes across the internet.  original source
    can be obtained from
    libstocks.sourceforge.net. this version has
    additions to compile and work with os/2 warp
    4.0 with visualage c++ 3.0 compiler.
  • licq-070.zip (785K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    licq-0.70.1a-os2-bin.zip licq port icq clone for os/2.

  • licq081.zip (2,544K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    licq v.081 with plugin ported to os/2(jul 30 2000)

  • light.zip (4K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    animated icons for webexplorer, animated lighthouse.

  • limewire.zip (1,856K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    limewire - an advanced gnutella client. java
    v1.3.1+ is required(feb 18 2002)
  • lin21pr7.zip (7,228K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    links v2.1 prev 7 - a graphics and text mode
    web browser. source is included. see: http://
    ks/(feb 1 2003)
  • link.zip (26K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    animated icons for webexplorer, continual link of chain.

  • listnews.cmd (1K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    newsgroup lister for netscape/2. rexx script
    to decode \netscape\news\news.rcg file into
    individual newsgroups and list to screen.
  • litehse2.zip (4K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    animated icons for webexplorer, a remake of
    the lighthouse.
  • livecnt.zip (2K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    server side script for live java www counter.

  • lm2pmm.zip (21K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    this set of object rexx programs migrates
    lamail-folders, lamail-messages and lamail
    nicknames (addresses) to the pm-mail 1.9x
  • logenh11.zip (86K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    login, passwd, and cnvtunix: a suite of
    programs to secure and enhance os/2 2.x
    tcp/ip telnetd. version 1.1.
  • login.zip (59K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    replacement login.exe for telnetd.

  • loginenh.zip (82K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    flexible login for telnet: unix passwords,
    logging, shells.
  • look101.zip (608K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    lookout is an internet notifier. it will
    watch web, ftp and gopher sites, and tell you
    if they have changed.
  • lookupi.zip (6K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    a /lookup command for ircii/os2. shows the
    domain name/ip of specified user.
  • lpcap04a.zip (164K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    libpcap 0.4 is a port of packet capturing library.

  • lpopper.zip (113K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    little pop3 server.

  • lpr32.zip (156K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    lpr32.exe as an replacement for lpr.exe. an
    installer for the lpr port driver. for tcp/ip
    4.21+ - source is included(june, 14th 2001)
  • lprportd.zip (59K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    configuration of lprportd with screenshots
    for tcp/ip v4.1 or higher.
  • ltimes33.zip (214K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    latimes usenet news reader for os/2, pm
    interface, very slick. much nicer than the
    newsreader in tcp/ip v2.0.
  • ltv02.zip (70K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    utility to read listserv or majordomo digest
    files by thread.
  • lwpftp11.zip (279K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    a new approach to ftp that is fully
    integrated with the workplace shell.
    configure an ftp folder to point to an ftp
    site, open it up, and you're on your way!
    browsing ftp sites has *never* been easier.
    registerable here with "!" command.
  • lwpip11a.zip (143K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    lwpchart is a tcp/ip and cpu monitor utility
    providing throughput and error indications in
    small, unobtrusive windows on your desktop.
    if you've wondered just what your internet
    link was doing when things seem slow, this
    could be for you.
  • lynx272o.zip (568K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    lynx 2.7.2 www client for users running
    cursor-addressable, character-cell display
    devices (e.g., vt100 terminals, vt100
  • lynx2_8.zip (1,373K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    lynx 2.8 for os/2.

  • lynx2_8s.zip (1,611K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    lynx 2.8 for os/2 (source).

  • lynxmenu.zip (57K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    a menuing system for lynx.

  • lyrisos2.exe (3,679K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    lyris is a program for running and managing
    internet mailing lists.
  • lyrp-inf.zip (139K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    html version of the lyris programmer's guide.
    lyris is a program for running and managing
    internet mailing lists.
  • lyru-htm.zip (2,491K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    html version of the lyris user guide. lyris
    is a program for running and managing
    internet mailing lists.
  • madpop10.zip (5K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    ultra-simple rexx-based pop3 client (requires
    tcp/ip 2.0 with 2nd csd)
  • maextos2.zip (97K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    mailextr v3.x (os/2) for microsoft mail
    mailextr polls ms mail for messages sent to
    it and if it gets one, copys the attachments
    to a directory of your choice and, as an
    option, notify another user via a message.
  • magnifya.zip (28K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    animated icons for webexplorer, magnifying
    glass, 256 colors.
  • mail.zip (12K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    mail.cmd version 1.1, by ruud senden. the
    rexx-script will automatically log on to the
    internet, exchange mail and news and
    optionally hang up afterwards.
  • mail19.zip (13K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    tiny mail allows you to read and write mail
    from your pc without needing lamail. provides
    a bare-bones minimal setup that resembles
    "old" unix line-mode mail readers.
  • mail24.zip (28K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    text mode mail reader for ibm tcp/ip. updated
    to included user requests.
  • mailb102.exe (745K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    emtec mailbell v1.02, watches your email
    accounts and puts your email program just one
    click away when mail arrives.
  • mailcut.zip (64K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    mailcut is a utility for converting
    email-files from netscape, elm and eudora
    into pm-mail format.
  • mailer.zip (2K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    allows slrn to use pmmail for sending mail.

  • mailman.zip (1,624K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    the mailman v2.013 as version for unixos2.
    source is included(dec 14 2002)
  • mailto.zip (62K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    mailto - a simple smtp mailer program for
    automating sending of simple e-mails. source
    is included(jun 24 2002)
  • maisrv11.zip (75K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    replaces umailsrv for use of os/2 machine as pop3 server.

  • major13.zip (226K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    the major major v1.3 mailing list pm manager
    for pop3 and smtp protocols as optional
    shareware(apr., 4th 2002)
  • majrdomo.zip (66K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    majordomo, mailing list processor.  port of
    version 1.93 to os/2.
  • makehtm.zip (54K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    this is a simple command line program that
    converts ascii files to html format suitable
    for www browsers (such as mosaic, netscape,
    and cello).
  • makehtml.zip (20K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    index an entire directory tree using subject
    ea's as a description for each file. makes a
    set of html web pages ready to run off line
    or on your web server. freeware.
  • makeurl.zip (1K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    url folder creator. creates url folder from
    quicklist in webexplorer 1.03+ after running
    this will have a "url folder" on desktop.
    start with this folder & organize w/
    subfolders. from then on drag-n-drop url's
    into those folders.
  • mal2moz1.zip (2K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    pmmail to mozilla v1.0 as a rexx script.
    see:http://www.opweb.de(june, 5th 2002)
  • malm110a.zip (85K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    pmmail for mozilla v1.10a (jan 5 2003)

  • malstest.zip (6K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    a test procedure for the library mailslot.dll
    in x:\muglib\dll (dec 17 2002)
  • masndos2.zip (98K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    mailsend v3.x (os/2) for microsoft mail
    mailsend's purpose is to send ms mail
    messages from the command line or from batch
  • maxiftp3.zip (54K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    maxiftp is an alternate interface to the
    internet standard file transfer protocol.
    the program allows a user to transfer files
    to and from a remote network site.  this
    program offers features that are not found in
    the standard ftp.
  • mbiff101.zip (21K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    mailbiff v1.01 95/09/25. os/2 warp wps aware
    mail notification utility. v1.01 contains
    exhanced error detection.
  • mc_eng.zip (19K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    converting utility for mailfiles (netscape,
    eudora, elm -> pm-mail) (english version).
  • mc_ger.zip (19K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    converting utility for mailfiles (netscape,
    eudora, elm -> pm-mail) (german version).
  • mclst202.zip (397K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    mclist for os/2 v2.02 -- mailing list processor

  • mg025e.zip (890K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    mailgate 0.25. uucp to uucp, internet
    provider to as many as 255 news downlinks.
  • michnet.zip (3K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    slip dialup script for users of michigan's michnet.

  • micq.zip (118K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    textmode icq client

  • micq2.zip (233K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    micq, a free textmode icq clone.

  • mime64.zip (21K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    a mime en-decoder. (emx.dll & emxlibc.dll required).

  • mimefile.zip (98K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    mimefile a *fast* encode/decode program to
    convert to or from mime base 64 format.  incl
    dos, os/2, coherent and bsd unix executables.
  • mindlink.zip (5K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    login script and readme for slip connecting
    os/2 to mindlink in vancouver, bc, canada
  • minuarc.zip (284K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    minuet mail, etc. from the university of minnesota.

  • minuet.zip (249K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    tcp/ip based mail reader with gopher.  exe
    only, no documentation.  anyone know where
    the rest of this package is?
  • mkalb116.zip (8K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    makealbum v1.16 - create online photo album.

  • mlddc320.zip (126K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    mlddc 3.20 for os/2 (ml.org updater). secure version.

  • mlinkpg.cmd (8K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    mindlink logon script for os/2 warp version 3.

  • mlp09.zip (148K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    mailing list processor v0.9

  • mlup152.zip (6K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    free rexx script to update hostname data at
    www.ml.org (monolith), a *free* system that
    enables those having dynamic ips to have a
    *static* domain name.
  • mnog3119.zip (1,450K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    mnogosearch v3.1.19 as a full-featured sql
    based web search engine. emx is required.
    see: www.mnogosearch.org(dec 19 2001)
  • modemiak.zip (5K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    modem list for "dial other provider" dialer
    95/11. updated list of supported modems for
    use w/"dial other provider" (ppp) dialer. all
    modems listed for "ibm internet dialer" in
    format recognizable to the "dial other
    provider" dialer.
  • molecule.zip (27K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    animated icons for webexplorer, molocules
    circling an atom.
  • mosaic.zip (510K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    ncsa mosaic v2.7b5 (req. emx, xfree86).

  • mountfs.zip (3K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:11

    remount nfs drives (for ibm tcp/ip).

  • mozil06.zip (16,687K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:12

    bt mozilla browser v 0.6 (apr. 2001)

  • mozil12a.zip (16,544K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:12

    the mozilla v1.2a browser(sep 14 2002)

  • mozil12b.zip (17,027K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:12

    bt mozilla v1.2 beta as the us browser
    version (oct 20 2002)
  • mozill20.zip (22,031K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:12

    a test version of the mozialla v2.0 web
    browser(feb 10 2003)
  • mozilla1.zip (16,034K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:12

    bt mozilla v1.0 - a new web browser for os/2
    (june, 5th 2002)
  • mozm3ish.zip (2,742K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:12

    m3 level (alpha release) of the mozilla
    web-browser for os/2. this contains a
    high-quality html 4 layout and rendering
    engine, and early versions of bookmarks,
    history and java support.
  • mozos2m6.zip (4,827K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:12

    m6 build of the free mozilla web browser.  an
    alpha build of the os/2 port of netscape's
    free web browser.  includes basic mail and
    news support.
  • mpack15o.zip (78K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:12

    mpack and munpack v1.5 are utilities for
    encoding and decoding (respectively) binary
    files in mime (multipurpose internet mail
    extensions) format mail messages.
  • mping09.zip (48K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:12

    mping is a program for node monitoring through tcp/ip.

  • mr2i160.zip (1,089K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:12

    mr/2 internet cruiser edition v1.60.
    feature-packed internet email client. both
    pop3 and smtp are fully supported.
    configurability is taken to an extreme. mr/2
    ice lets the user select from many options.
  • mr2i162a.zip (1,094K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:12

    MR/2 ICE v1.61 Internet Email Client
    An OS/2 PM reader for internet email.
    POP3 and SMTP support, 32 bit multi-
    threaded, toolbars, multiwindow,
    thesaurus, speller.  Many more
    features with more planned.
  • mr2i201.zip (1,887K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:12

    mr/2 ice v2.01 - internet email for os/2 pm
    (includes newsreader beta)
  • mr2iuucp.zip (27K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:12

    mr/2 uupc/extended support

  • mr_net.cmd (12K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:12

    mrnet.cmd. modification of the annex.cmd
    script to suit the needs of the mrnet
    (minnesota regional network) slip connection.
  • mrtg288.zip (651K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:12

    multi router traffic grapher 2.8.8.

  • mservb2.zip (57K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:12

    a multiserver v1.0 beta2 as e-mail server for
    os/2 which works with most bbs software(feb
    11 1999)
  • mtelb7_2.exe (71K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:12

    mtelnet beta 7 for os/2.  excellent freeware
    telnet client, native os/2 console mode.
    zmodem, color backscroll, doorway mode, and
  • mtelb8.zip (125K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:12

    mtelnet beta 8 for os/2 and windows.
    excellent text-mode telnet client w/ansi and
    zmodem, color backscroll, doorway mode, more!
  • mtelb9.zip (132K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:12

    mtelnet beta9 for os/2 and win32 with telnet
    client features zmodem, phonebook, ansi,
    vt100 & color backscroll(oct 24 2002)
  • mth_31a.zip (135K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:12

    maintenance release for mthreads 3.1 for
    os/2.  mthreads creates the thread database
    for the trn newsreader, version 1.95a
  • muglog.zip (22K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:12

    replace telnetd login uses upm 95/05/19. this
    is a replacement login.exe (with source) for
    the telnet daemon that comes with ibm tcp/ip
    for os/2. this will use upm userids/password
    instead of the environment variable for
  • mumail10.zip (27K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:12

    emaildelivery is a small application which is
    run by ibm's sendmail smtp software.  it
    supports the delivery of mail to different
    folders.  each folder representing a
    different email user.
  • muttos2.zip (627K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:12

    mutt 0.94.15 for os/2 - textmode internet mail reader.

  • muttpop.zip (261K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:12

    mutt.exe with pop3 and imap support, replace
    mutt.exe from muttos2.zip. text mode internet
    mail reader.
  • my2_1b.zip (442K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:13

    my/2 ip protocol analyzer can provide
    statistics for metered lan useage, and
    examine packet contents regardless of
    source/destination address.
  • my2s_1b.zip (442K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:13

    calculating and tax ip-statistic and traffic
    structure, hpfs only (server).
  • my2www05.zip (211K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:13

    web control access / decoder / virtual server
    maker for goweb 4.6.1 (4.6) / my2 server
  • namchang.zip (1K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:13

    name change, for mr/2 ice. julian thomas's
    rexx script to change the fromto: and sig in
    the current message. can be called from
    msgutil or used standalone.
  • named.zip (186K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:13

    a fix for named.exe - dynamic dsn
    nameserver(named) for tcp/ip v4.3 (may, 11th
  • named14.zip (63K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:13

    named v1.4 - a very simple domain name server
    (named.exe, netlib.dll included)- aug., 14th
    2000 see:
  • nameos2.zip (339K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:13

    os/2 dynamic domain name client for dyndns.com.

  • ncbeta02.zip (521K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:13

    new beta release!  direct one-on-one chat
    program os/2 3.x, 4.x and win95.  does not
    use irc channels, servers, ip servers, etc.
  • ncf-1to2.zip (437K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:13

    ncf-1to2, converts ncftp v1.93 ncrecent file
    to v2.3.0 bookmarks file.
  • ncftp19.zip (603K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:13

    ncftp3beta19os2.zip  ncftp 3.0 beta 19 os/2
    binaries and doc.
  • ncftp2r1.zip (437K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:13

    ncftp v2.3.0 release 1, enhanced ftp client
    (w/full source).
  • nchat136.zip (479K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:13

    person to person, direct, personal
    communication program for os/2 3.x, 4.x and
    win95/nt.  this is not and irc program.
  • ncolor13.zip (3K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:13

    channel/nickname message colors for mikh ircii port 3.0.

  • ncr1117.zip (3,274K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:13

    ibm netcomber beta.  internet access suite
    including web browser, news reader, and
  • nerd106.zip (170K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:13

    NerdGrab 1.06
    Binary file grabber from Internet
    News Groups.
  • netbook8.zip (35K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:13

    an interactive web browser home page of 1325
    alphabetized web sites in 40 different
  • netdr201.zip (182K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:13

    netdrive v2.0.1 - a utility to access various
    resources as ftp, a local directory or a
    network resource(.
  • netf135.zip (145K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:13

    netfolder 1.35 is a group of nested folders
    populated with uniform resource locator (url)
    objects that link to lots of information
    about operating os/2 on the www.
  • netlitng.zip (89K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:13

    net lightning release vii -
    see:http://nyti.spaghetti.com/(nov., 26th
  • netslc02.zip (62K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:13

    netselect v0.2 - a parallelizing
    binary-search implementation of "ping."
    netselect determines several facts about all
    of the hosts given on the command line. see:h
  • nettime.zip (28K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:13

    nettime v1.1 (beta) pm 95/08/01. tracks
    internet usage & charges, works with most
    major currencies around the world. uses a pm
    interface, requires the latest vrobj.dll
    (2.0c). will not work with some older
    vrobj.dlls, including 1.0. fixes.
  • netutils.zip (84K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:13

    netutils v1.0 - utilities for tcp/ip and
    cisco routers with (1)subnets  - subnetworks
    calculator , (2) wildcard - wildcard mask
    checker and (3) confreg2 - configuration
    register decoder. source is included(mar 14
  • netwatch.zip (49K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:13

    netwatch.exe - a utility to watch about net
    activities with protocols.
  • netwtch2.zip (624K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:13

    NETWATCH for OS/2 version 2.0
    NETWATCH for OS/2 will allow you to monitor
    your DNS\Gateway\Router\Multi-IP connections
    and log failures.
    Requirements: OS/2 2.1 or higher, and Rexx
  • newgrp14.zip (4K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:13

    retrieve new usenet groupnames in a
    souper/yarn or souper/soup2sq environment
    operating system versions: only tested on
  • news46e.zip (185K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:13

    emtec news reader v4.6e. multi-threaded easy
    to use usenet reader, with many features. for
    years it set the standard for news readers
    and still has many features not found in
    others. shareware demo version.
  • newsbt10.zip (792K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:13

    newsbeat v1.0, internet newsreader.

  • newsbt99.zip (622K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:13

    bit, pm, multithreaded usenet newsreader for
    os/2 (beta v0.99).
  • newurl.zip (4K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:13

    bjorn fahller's auto url creation utility for ice.

  • nfsd.zip (145K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:13

    nfsd.exe - a version for mpts(ic28455) from oct. 25th 2000

  • nftp162o.zip (699K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:13

    NFTP 1.62: OS/2 version
    Textmode and PM FTP client with 
    interface similar to Norton Commander. 
    Lots of features for power users. 
    20 languages. Shareware.
  • nhv14o.zip (767K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:13

    newsharvest 1.4o. os/2 pm app for automatic
    retrieval of usenet news binary articles.
    os/2 presenation manager 32bit executable.
    fully automatic operation (sutiable for
    batching). encoding methods- mime (base 64),
    uu encoding, and xx.
  • nistime2.zip (53K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:13

    nistime2 v0.2d for os/2 as rfc 867 client for
    nist time servers to update a pc clock.
    backward-compatible upgrade to nistime
    utility provides better accuracy :+/- 0.5
    second.(nov 3 2001)
  • njbridge.zip (149K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:13

    this "bridge" allows netscape to run java 1.1
    applets using the os/2 jdk 1.1.x.
  • nlok224.zip (1,181K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:13

    NetLookout 2.24 - An Internet notifier
    that will watch Web, FTP, and Gopher
    sites for changes. You can specify how
    often you want particular sites to be
    checked. Never miss an update to your
    favorite site, and don't waste time
    viewing unchanged pages.  You can even
    have NetLookout watch for specific
    files.  Frugal Software, Inc.  $20.00
  • nlook224.zip (1,181K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:13

    netlookout for os/2 is a internet notifier.
    it will watch web, ftp and gopher sites, and
    tell you if they have changed.
  • nmail12.zip (11K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:13

    newmail v1.2. lets you know when new mail
    comes in via pop3.
  • nmap254b.zip (1,255K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:13

    nmap v2.54 beta 30 for os/2. nmap network
    security scanner man page. emx is required.
    source is included.see:
    http://www.insecure.org/nmap(feb 25 2002)
  • nnews.zip (123K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:13

    update for netsuite/2's news reader.  fixes
    crashing when populating list of avail groups
    and more.
  • nns21.zip (1,092K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:13

    neologic network suite is a set of tools for
    improving access to the internet from your
    os/2 desktop.  if offers a full featured news
    reader, ftp, and gopher clients.  the suite
    also now includes a full featured ftp server.
  • nns21b.zip (1,096K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:13

    neologic network suite v2.1 neologic network
    suite is a set of tools for improving access
    to the internet from your os/2 desktop.  if
    offers a full featured news reader, ftp, and
    gopher clients.  also includes a full
    featured ftp server.
  • nns45e.zip (2,665K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:13

    neologic network suite v4.5e demo.  netsuite,
    la times news reader, la gopher client and la
    ftp client.
  • noidle13.zip (8K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:13

    no-idle v1.3. utility to keep your slip/ppp
    connection active. freeware.
  • noteinet.zip (2,046K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:13

    internet email support for lotus notesmail.
    adds pop3 and smtp support to the lotus
    notesmail v4.1 package which comes with os/2
    warp 4.
  • notesnet.zip (1,850K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:13

    database to setup the lotus notes client in
    os/2 warp 4.0 as an internet mailer.
  • npgpng09.zip (360K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:13

    png plugin for netscape/2.

  • nplex14.zip (74K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:13

    newsplex allows to access several
    news-servers simultaneously and transparently
    from any news-reader as if they were a single
    server, and to take articles for each group
    from many servers.
  • npmeta.zip (41K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:13

    met-image plugin for netscape/2.

  • nprpwssa.zip (191K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:13

    a netpay report of the websphere site
    analyzer v4.1(oct 23 2002)
  • nr2-19d.zip (306K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:13

    nr/2 newsreader 1.9d 32-bit with new features

  • nr2ascii.zip (19K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:13

    nr/2 ascii creates an ascii list of all
    newsgroups from the file news.all generated
    by newsreader/2.
  • ns2upd1.zip (440K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:13

    netsuite 2.0. update #1 for news, ftp,
    gopher. corrects bugs & adds few
    enhancements. to install, copy ns2upd1.zip to
    nets dir, close nets apps, go to nets dir &
    type this on os/2 command line: tools\unzip
    ns2upd1 also on hobbes and ftp.cdrom
  • nslogo.zip (26K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:13

    changes the action in the ns logo in ns/2 2.02ga.

  • nsnewsyk.zip (273K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:13

    neologic news v4.5 update (beta) (you must be
    a registered user to use this beta, it won't
    update the demo version).
  • nsnewsyo.zip (276K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:13

    neologic news v4.5 update (beta #2).

  • nsos2202.exe (4,366K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:13

    bt netscape for os/2 ga

  • nstomr2.zip (15K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:13

    netscape to ice converter. convert netscape
    navigator for os/2 mail, folders and address
    book to mr/2 ice. easy to use and well
    designed freeware by art heimsoth.
  • nsuite2.txt (4K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:13

    netsuite 2.0 read me file for info. a read-me
    text file that has summary info on netsuite
    2.0., the set of applications for internet
    usage, including greatly improved versions of
    news, (a newsreader), ftp, gopher, etc.
  • nsuite2.zip (921K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:13

    netsuite 2.0 is an update to our popular
    suite of networking applications for os/2
    with tcp/ip or iak.  it features news,
    gopher, ftp client and ftp server.
  • nsuite45.zip (2,654K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:13

    neologic network suite v4.5 demo.

  • ntickos2.zip (967K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:13

    with an active internet connection,
    newsticker provides scrolling news headlines
    across your desktop from various real time
    news feeds.
  • ntp107.zip (23K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:13

    ntp (network time protocol) client for os/2.
    supports many different ntp server types.
  • nukespy.zip (26K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:13

    nukespy v1.0 - program to monitor incoming
    icmp packets. it reports date/time, source
    and type of any packet.
  • nuslip.zip (5K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:13

    revised slipup.cmd for tcpip. some people new
    to ibm's tcp/ip package and/or rexx have
    trouble making their first slip connection.
    this adaptation of slipup.cmd (that comes
    with ibm's tcp/ip), may make it easier.
  • nuts333.zip (202K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:13

    nuts talker server (v3.3.3) for os/2,
    w/source. this is version 3.3.3 of the nuts
    (neil's unix talk server) talker server. it
    includes a pre-compiled os/2 executable.
  • nutsos2.zip (196K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:13

    this is version 3.3.3 of the nuts (neil's
    unix talk server) talker server. it includes
    a pre-compiled os/2 executable. the source
    code required very little modfication.
    requires emx 0.9c,
  • nuweb087.zip (166K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:13

    os/2 web server that supports c or other
    language interfaces.
  • objst11.zip (24K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:13

    (v1.10) Objst: Start WPS program objects
    from the command line.  Primarily
    useful for starting Dos and Windows
    viewers from IBM's Web Explorer.  Can
    also be used to pass programs arguments
    other than filename from Web Explorer.
    Archive contains instructions for setup
    with Web Explorer.
  • objstart.zip (6K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:13

    objstart allows any dos or windows based
    viewer to be executed from within the ibm web
  • ochat107.zip (636K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:13

    openchat/2 v1.07.  openchat/2 is an os/2
    internet relay chat client.
  • oirc103.zip (479K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:13

    openirc/2 - os/2 pm internet relay chat client.

  • ongutils.zip (96K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:13

    ong utilities - to load any http, ftp,
    gopher, news, and telnet address copied into
    the clipboard into your browser of choice.
  • op593231.zip (5,391K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:13

    opera v5.932 beta 31 - a browser application(sep 2002)

  • oper512b.zip (5,429K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:13

    opera v5.12 beta 3 - a browser application.
    mmos/2 and dive is required(mar., 17th 2002)
  • opofdevg.zip (9,933K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:13

    the openoffice developer's guide v1.0.2(jan 2003)

  • os2-ftp.zip (3K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:13

    os2 ftp site list from usenet article

  • os2_2.zip (18K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:13

    animated icons for webexplorer,phycidelic
    rotating os/2 logo.
  • os2_uude.zip (27K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:13

    os2 program (with source) to allow contact
    with unix machines.
  • os2balls.zip (24K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:13

    animated icons for webexplorer, os/2 balls
    randomly bounce.
  • os2bot.zip (96K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:13

    os2bot distribution. from gammatech.

  • os2chat1.zip (41K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:13

    os2chat is a smaller, faster, and easier
    method of communicating via uanet than irc
    and more flexable than talk.
  • os2chat2.zip (41K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:13

    multi-user chat server, basic iak & emxrt.zip required.

  • os2chat3.zip (62K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:13

    multi-user chat server, basic iak & emxrt.zip
    required.  os2chat is a self sustained chat
    server that can accept upto 2000 users.
    anyone can use os2chat, all that is required
    , is the user have a telnet client.
  • os2comm4.zip (1,496K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:13

    communicator 4.04 special report.  a
    collection of htm and picture files, no
    readme, and no obvious starting point.
  • os2dir26.zip (139K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:13

    os/2 world wide web directory.

  • os2enbr.zip (18,333K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:13

    bt os/2 webbrowser as a preview version from
    testcase(feb. 2001)
  • os2igc03.zip (577K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:13

    os2igc - wps object that supplies a graphical
    user interface while connected to the
    internet go server.
  • os2keys.zip (27K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:13

    slrn_os2keys.zip) displays slrn key sequences
    for os/2 keystrokes. (see slrn0956.zip).
  • os2md6.zip (29K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:13

    fast os/2 mime decoder with source

  • os2nosv4.zip (317K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:13

    nos for os/2 (char mode)

  • os2ntp12.zip (59K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:13

    os2_ntpd is a 32-bit, multi-threaded, text
    mode, network time protocol client
    application that runs in a presentation
    manager text window.
  • os2pmail.zip (35K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:13

    pm mailer (pmail) companion to nos for os/2.

  • os2pops.zip (1,340K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:13

    full function pop server for os/2. ver 2.00.
    easy to use and simple to install.  written
    entirely in rexx, with the graphical
    interface provided by vx-rexx, the os2pops
    pop server can handle from 1 to an unlimited
    number of clients.
  • os2syn.zip (195K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:13

    synapse, "a collection of networking software
    designed to extend the built-in tcp/ip
    features of your computer." it includes a
    port redirector, and a port-independent file
  • os2turbo.zip (3K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:13

    os2turbo.exe as tool to load ibm web browser
    modules. usage: os2turbo [-h] [-l | -u] [-p
    path] [-d] - example: detach x:\path\os2turbo
    -l -p c:\os2web(feb 8 2003)
  • os2wais.zip (229K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:13

    wide area information server client (requires tcp/ip)

  • os2web21.zip (15K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:13

    Unpack these files in every
    directory you want...then you
    can use it as your home page
    or open it with your favourite
    browser to navigate in the OS2
  • os2www28.zip (1,999K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:13

    powerweb v2.08beta4 is a multi-protocol
    server (including http, http proxy, ftp and
    pop3) for world wide web services on the
  • os2www31.zip (2,099K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:13

    powerweb for os2www v3.1, rel 1:
    multi-protocol multi-threaded server
    (including http, http proxy, ftp, smtp and
    pop3) for world wide web and other services
    on the internet.
  • os2www32.zip (2,080K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:13

    powerweb for os2www v3.02rel3, os/2
    multiprotocol multi-threaded server.
  • os2www41.zip (2,635K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:13

    os2www v4.01rel6 - os/2 secure multi-protocol
    multi-threaded server.
  • os2www42.zip (2,760K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:13

    powerweb v4.02rel4 - an os/2 secure
    multi-protocol multi-threaded server
    (including http, http proxy, ftp, smtp and
    pop3) for world wide web and other services
    on the internet.
  • osin2742.txt (1K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:13

    trap0003 on startup using an adaptec 2742
    controller. a trap 0003 error occurs after
    the logo screen when starting os/2 warp,
    either from the hard drive or from diskette.
  • ossh31p1.zip (3,471K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:13

    openssh v3.1p1 - a free version of the ssh
    protocol suite of network connectivity tools
    with sftp. supports ssh 1.3, 1.5 and 2.0
    protocols. see:
    http://devcenter.os2.ru/openssh (may, 18th
  • ossl096b.zip (1,652K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    openssl v0.9.6b binary  with libraries
    prepared by vladimir anufriev (avn@nikoil.ru)
    - (aug 8 2001)
  • page11e.zip (1,130K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    page v1.1e - html editor written using
    vx-rexx. functionality includes tag checker,
    table editor, extensive help, relative paths,
    drag and drop.
  • passwd.zip (55K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    password changing utilies for ibm tcp/ip.

  • pbiff3_3.zip (48K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    pop biff utility.

  • pcnet.cmd (14K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    sl/ip script for paradigm comm. (pcnet)
    94/12/01. a working script to log into
    paradigm communications' cheshire and
    hartford terminal servers. hacked up rexx
    script derived from slipup.cmd and annex.cmd,
    it's been wrung out thoroughly.
  • pcnfsd2.zip (66K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    suns pcnfsd for os/2 (req. ibm tcp/ip 2.0)

  • pcnt3v11.zip (21K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    wps desktop control of ppp connections using status icons.

  • pcnt4v11.zip (21K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    warp 4 wps desktop control of ppp connections
    using status icons.
  • pconv_15.zip (7K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    a rexx script that converts the pmmail
    address book to either csv (comma separated
    value) format, html table format, or plain
    text format. groups addresses by book name.
  • pentotal.zip (16K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    file transfer status for penguin ftpd (req. pftd101)

  • pftpd108.zip (116K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    penguin ftp daemon v1.08, enhanced ftpd for tcp/ip.

  • pgpfk004.zip (43K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    shell to let pmmail 1.96 use pgp 5.0 new
    version supports seamless use and support for
    the 2.6.x command line options
  • pgpmr104.zip (296K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    pgp for mr/2 ice: a gui front end for pgp.
    designed to work with mr/2 ice. can be used
    with other e-mailers by using clipboard.
  • phdoc222.zip (2,460K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    a html documentation of phyton v2.2.2(oct 14 2002)

  • phoenx02.zip (11,523K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    bt phoenix v0.2 - a reduced version of the
    browser mozilla(oct 4 2002)
  • phoenx05.zip (12,850K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    bt phoenix v0.5 - a reduced version of the
    browser mozilla(dec 10 2002)
  • phome106.zip (982K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    phonhome 1.06 allows telnet, ftp or any
    communication to occur between two computers
    without permanent ip addresses. using the
    mailboxes it searches out addresses and
    connects the computers via the internet
    bypassing long distance calls.
  • phpmanul.zip (1,534K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    the php manual in html format - start with
    manual.html(mar 9 2000)
  • phvm.zip (221K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    personal hobbes virtual mirror.

  • pic3v061.zip (226K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    fast, native os/2 html editor.  superb author
    support.  postcardware.
  • pine396.zip (880K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    this is pine for os/2, a text mode
    imap-capable mail and news client for 32-bit
    os/2, including os/2 version 2.0 and later.
  • pine421.zip (1,095K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    os/2 port of the popular text-based e-mail
    and news reader, including the simple text
    editor, pico. supports the pop3, imap and
    nntp protocols; mime attachments; multiple
    accounts; and much else.
  • pine430.zip (1,180K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    pine v4.30 for os/2.

  • ping-w4.zip (56K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    freebsd ping compiled for warp4.

  • ping11.zip (33K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    enhanced ping utility for tcp/ip, emx 0.9a emxrt.zip req.

  • pingal12.cmd (3K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    pings network,shows current stats,alarms if
    stat changes. (rexx .cmd file)
  • pinky.zip (3K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    a little finger client for os/2 (req. emx).

  • pirch.zip (529K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    pirch irc chat program

  • pksnd102.zip (126K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    packet send utility: test network throughput.
    used on ethernet networks to send mac frames
    directly to the nic.
  • pktsend.zip (51K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    ftp packet driver interface used to
    demonstrate ethernet throughput.  uses text
    mode interface, and includes souce code.
  • plasma.zip (47K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    webexplorer animation - plasma.

  • plcode1o.zip (47K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    │  PALCODE/2 (c)1996 G.M.Romanato   │
    │ The friendly uuencoder/uudecoder  │
    │   OS/2 32bit native application   │
    │ Features  multipart  encoding  in │
    │ parts   of  a   specified   size. │
    │ Multipart decoding with a poweful │
    │ algorithm  able to  decode  files │
    │ containing empty  lines  and  any │
    │ kind  of  garbage.  Forced  mode. │
    │ Made In Italy ──- C A R D W A R E │
  • pluginpk.exe (3,357K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    netscape plugin pack for os/2 (apr 1998).
    place this file in a temporary directory,
    from a command line type "pluginpk" to
    extract, then run the install program.
  • plugpack.exe (3,028K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    plugins for netscape navigator for os/2 ga

  • plupac21.zip (2,251K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    plug-in pack v2.1 for ns 2.02

  • plupac30.zip (1,722K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    plug-in pack v3.0 for ns 4.61

  • pluto140.zip (1,185K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    pluto 1.1 ike server. port of linux
    frees/wan.  pluto is a daemon which
    implements the ike protocol (rfc 2409). it
    verifies identities, chooses security
    policies, and negotiates keys for ipsec (rfc
    2401) implementations.
  • pm220pb3.zip (3,363K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    pmmail 2000 professional v2.20.2200 beta 3
    (feb. 27th, 2001).
  • pmarch12.zip (384K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    a os/2 pm front end program for archie.exe

  • pmbiff12.zip (37K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    check for incoming mail, "xbiff for pm" version 1.2

  • pmbot183.zip (336K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    pmbot 1.8.3 - irc bot with full wps
    configuration and interface.
  • pmbx1c16.zip (1,099K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    pmbx10c16.zip)pmbitchx 1.0c16 release 2. os/2
    gui port of the popular unix bitchx client by
    panasync. many of the gui enhancements are
    based on the excellent openchat client by
  • pmbx75p3.zip (1,099K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    pmbitchx 75p3 public release 1. bitchx is an
    innovative and dynamic substitute irc client
    for ircii to be run on unix platforms.
  • pmfd10c.zip (19K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    pm finger daemon v1.0c.

  • pmidemo.zip (2,118K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    pluspak: pminews 1.01a usenet newsreader demo.

  • pmirc12.zip (91K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    pm irc client v1.2 - simple, fully functional
    irc client for os/2.
  • pmlpp220.zip (81K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    little pop peek for pm v2.20. a tiny pop mail
    checker. includes apop capability and source.
  • pmm152.zip (1,196K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    pmmail 1.52.

  • pmm15u11.zip (16K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    PMMail 1.5 Utilities 1.1
      Attachement Stripper
      Status changer for sent mail
  • pmm195a.zip (1,637K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    pmmail v1.95a.  pmmail is a native os/2,
    32-bit, presentation manager (pm) internet
    e-mail client. it has been designed for
    maximum configureability and ease of use.
  • pmm196a.zip (1,645K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    pmmail v1.96a.  pmmail is a native os/2,
    32-bit, presentation manager (pm) internet
    e-mail client. it has been designed for
    maximum configureability and ease of use.
  • pmm200.exe (1,687K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    pmmail v2.0.  pmmail is a native os/2,
    32-bit, presentation manager (pm) internet
    e-mail client.
  • pmm220b2.zip (1,614K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    pmmail 2000 beta 2 (feb. 2001)

  • pmm2elm.zip (3K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    create elm or yarn mail folders from pmmail mail folders.

  • pmma10b4.zip (56K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    address book sorter for pmmail v1.9b4.

  • pmmail11.zip (190K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    pmmail 1.10 (unlimited-use demo version)
    95/05/04. smaller, faster, easier to use than
    ultmail lite that comes w/ the os/2 bonus
    pak. (imho of course). some bug fixes are the
    only changes since 1.05.
  • pmmail15.zip (469K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    pmmail v1.5, os/2 email client by robert novitsky

  • pmmail20.zip (1,585K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    smtp and pop3 mail front end.

  • pmmail21.exe (1,720K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    pmmail210.exe) pmmail v2.10.1999. one of the
    most versatile email software packages
    available today, pmmail is a cross-platform
  • pmmas101.zip (58K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    pmmasort v.1.01. pmmail addressbook sorter
    (for pmmail v.1.9x)
  • pmmfaq.zip (7K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    pmmail 1.52 frequently asked questions

  • pmmfoldr.zip (44K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    pmmail 1.5 replacement icons for new mail.
    two folder icons for pmmail 1.5, instead of a
    checkmark they make the whole folder change
  • pmmidx02.zip (3K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    indexing utility for pmmail.

  • pmmpp101.zip (31K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    pmmpop is a command-line gateway for pmmail
    and uupc/extended.
  • pmmrxtoo.zip (11K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    this object rexx program defines the
    structures for pm-mails database files
    together with routines and methods to dump
    and sort those database files.
  • pmmtag10.zip (19K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    random tag lines for pmmail.

  • pmmtomr2.zip (16K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    converts pmmail addresses, groups, folders,
    and mail to mr2ice format to ease moving from
    pmmail to mr2ice.
  • pmnews.zip (248K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    simple news' is an news add-on for uupc.  it
    is intended for use as a leaf node and
    includes threaded news reading.
  • pmnos11x.zip (412K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    pmnos a pm enhanced version of the ka9q tcpip
    pgm for ax25 and slip. this program
    supercedes any other os2nosv4, pmnos1dx,
    pmnos1ds or pmail files.
  • pmprep.zip (34K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    pmprep" is a pm uudecoder, with can decode
    multiple files at the same time. it ignores
    any non uuencoded data (i.e.mail headers).
  • pmprp210.zip (900K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    PMPrep 2.1 - OS/2 PM uuencoder/uudecoder
    PMPrep uudecodes/uuencodes multiple-part
    files and files which include non-uuencoded
    PMPrep features an easy to use yet powerful
    drag'n drop user interface and utilizes
    multiple threads for best multitasking performance.
    PMPrep works on OS/2 version 2.1 and above.
    Registration fee is 30 USD.
    Knut Radloff, email: knut@krhh.hanse.de
  • pms_124.zip (368K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    pmstripper. a fully functional, os/2 pm
    utility which strips html codes from web
    pages leaving some formatting intact. it now
    translates iso8859-1 character codes
    (windows) to codepage 437 or 850. shareware
  • pmsig_13.zip (4K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    pmsig - script for common pmmail/pminews signatures.

  • pmsock01.zip (15K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    pm sockets alpha test - winsock like api for os/2 & pm.

  • pmspx.zip (282K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    this is version 1.0 of pmspx which is a
    ftp-like application for os/2 that uses the
    novell spx protocol for its transport
  • pmt.zip (16K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    pmt pmmail tagliner. adds single or
    multi-line taglines to e-mails you write with
    pmmail. choose a random tagline from your
  • pmt11.zip (14K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    PMT PMMail Tagliner 1.1
    Adds single or multi-line taglines to E-mails you write with PMMail.
    Choose a random tagline from your collection; no configuration, fast 
  • pmtl11a.zip (20K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    pmtagline v1.1a - rexx scripts for pmmail - a
    rexx script to do taglines on your outgoing
    pmmail messages. (requires vrexx) freeware.
  • pmuucp_1.zip (1,283K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    PMUUCP: UUCP-System for OS/2 PM
    Diskimage (loaddskf) (1/2)
  • pmuucp_2.zip (318K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    PMUUCP: UUCP_System for OS/2 PM
    Diskimage (loaddskf) (2/2)
  • pmuue144.zip (63K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    presentation manager uuencoder/uudecoder.

  • pn2_100.zip (1,382K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    pronews/2 newsreader version 1.0 (ga).
    shareware, register within 45 days.  best
    newsreader for os/2.
  • pn2_15b1.zip (1,527K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    pronews/2 v1.50 beta 1.

  • pn2_15bd.zip (495K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    pn2_15b1_y2k_dll.zip  pronews/2 1.5 beta 1
    replacement dll for y2k problems.
  • pofamu.zip (41K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    pmmail offline folder and maintenance
    utility. pofamu allows a pmmail user to
    programmatically specify routine mail message
    maintenance in an 'off-line' (batch) mode.
  • pofamuup.zip (72K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    the pmmail offline folder and maintenance
    utility(pofamu) update(jun 9 2000)
  • pong.zip (5K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    animated icons for webexplorer, pong, the ole game.

  • pop3d093.zip (99K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    (v0.93) beta release of pop3
    server for OS/2. Request TCP/IP.
    This package includes MAIL.EXE
    (local delivery agent) used by
    sendmail and the INT2FID.EXE
    program, an internet to fidonet
    mail gate.
  • pop3d14a.zip (101K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    pop3d (v1.40) is pop3 server for os/2 which
    allows workstation tobretrieve mail according
    to rfc 1725. includes utility which works
    with sendmail and sorts incoming messages
    into user's directories. demo verion supports
    5 users only.
  • pop3d14b.zip (102K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    (v1.40) pop3d is POP3 server
    for OS/2. It uses IBM's TCP/IP v1.2.1.
    pop3d allows workstation to retrieve 
    mail according to RFC 1725. This 
    package includes utility mailsrt.exe
    which works with sendmail and sorts
    incoming messages into user's directories.
    Demonstration verion supports 5 users only. 
    Andrey Iliynikh, ai@casper.che.nsk.su
  • pop3s105.zip (161K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    pop3 mail server. complete post office
    protocol version 3 server for os/2.  support
    for 'apop' (password encryption derived from
    the rsa data security, inc.  md5
    message-digest algorithm), 'top', and 'uidl'
  • pop3uucp.zip (54K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    POP3D for UUCP/2 v0.6(demo) Last update 27.01.97
  • popbif10.zip (148K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    popbiff v1.0, unix-like biff program for the
    pop3 protocol.
  • popbif11.zip (149K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    popbiff v1.1, unix like biff program for pop3 mail.

  • popc221h.zip (90K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    pop 2/3 mail client (os/2).

  • popcl221.zip (55K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    popclient 2.21 for os/2 - port of the unix
    popclient version 2.21.
  • popdlagt.zip (14K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    alternative pop3 delivery agent to work with os2pops.

  • popit01e.zip (109K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    interactive pop3 client for os/2 tcp/ip,
    requires vrobj.dll 2.1b.
  • popmail1.zip (86K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    os/2 2.0 lamail pop interface for ibm tcp/ip 1.2.1.

  • popml101.zip (73K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    pop client for ibm tcp/ip 1.2.1 and lamail.

  • poprfc.zip (10K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    pop3 protocol def'n (rfc1460) 94/09/06. this
    is rfc1460, the current definition of the
    pop3 protocol.
  • popspy17.zip (98K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    popspy 1.17 - checks your account for
    incoming mail.  checks your e-mail account
    for incoming mail. visual or audio
    notification features. can automatically
    start your e-mail client. multi-account
  • popsrv22.zip (68K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    pop3 server. support: * apop md5 login, *
    posting via pop and * inetd operation. this
    package includes mail.exe (local delivery
    agent) used by sendmail and int2fid.exe gate
    for internet mail to fidonet.
  • popw12.zip (38K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    pop3 mailbox watching util for os/2 tcp/ip, warp iak.

  • portnumb.zip (34K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    a list of port numbers.  ports are used in
    the tcp [rfc793] to name the ends of logical
    connections which carry long term
    conversations. for the purpose of providing
    services to unknown callers, a service
    contact port is defined(may 8 2000)
  • portwin.zip (45K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    uupc port status utility.

  • post199a.zip (1,377K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    the initial beta for the new post mail
    reader.  the current version is 1.99d.  you
    must have 1.99a to load 1.99d.
  • postnews.zip (3K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    postnews.cmd for using the tin newsreader on
    systems using uucp instead of nntp.  this
    program was adapted from the program
    pnews.cmd that comes with uupc, adapted by
    john d. carmack, sysop of mome raths bbs.
  • postroad.zip (1,849K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    post road mailer 3.0 email client for os/2.
    please use serial number 31571728 to
  • posttlbr.zip (149K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    postroad mailer toolbar modifier.

  • postutil.zip (13K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    this is a utilities package for the post road
    mailer - green edition, version 1.03a.
  • powerlv.zip (2,466K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    power listviewer 99 v1.06. organize message
    digests and mailing list messages into an
    easily understandable format.
  • ppdial31.zip (39K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    version 3.1 of pppdial.cmd a ppp/slip dialer
    script. supports redialing when busy etc,
    multiple phone number support,
    post-connection response file. supports
    call-back systems. requires os/2 rexx.
  • ppp.zip (451K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    ppp support for os/2 tcp/ip from ibm.

  • ppp0727.txt (8K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    readme file for ppp0727.zip

  • ppp0727.zip (544K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    ppp support update dated 7/27/95.

  • ppp0816.txt (9K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    readme file for ppp0816.zip

  • ppp0816.zip (561K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    ppp support update dated 8/16/95.

  • ppp118c.zip (92K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    the ibm  ppp.exe as  os/2 tcp/ip
    point-to-point protocol driver v2.00
    revision: 1.18c (nov   24 1997)
  • ppp18.zip (530K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    ppp dialer 2.0 revision 1.8h 95/03/22.
    point-to-point prototol dialer v2.0, revision
    1.h. this is intended for those who either
    want or need a ppp connection to the internet
    instead of slip. please unzip this file into
    \tcpip\bin directory.
  • pppcmdln.zip (34K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    use ppp from the command line. allows redial
    & launching of apps/daemons. allows locking
    port higher than 115.2k.
  • pppfk101.zip (5K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    pppfake v 1.01. this program replaces
    temporarily slip.exe or ppp.exe to catch the
    parameters sent to them by slippm. it saves
    the settings in a commandfile that will start
    the slip or ppp program directly for you.
  • pppinfo.zip (13K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    text file on configuring ppp for compuserve.

  • pppkill.zip (24K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    kill an active ppp connection.

  • ppprexx.zip (10K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    rexx file for use w/ppp 04/21/95. 3 rexx
    files for those users which have problems
    connecting to compuserve via ppp. the rexx
    files could be used as a sample.
  • pptp10.zip (1,985K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    a configuration for pptp(point to point
    tunneling protocol) v1.0. the required emx
    and the source are included(march 2001)
  • ppv10.zip (147K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    pingpong is a ping utility.  this utility is
    for keeping traffic going on an otherwise
    idle ppp link to circumvent an idle-time
  • pr2_pmm.zip (5K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    a simple rexx program to convert post road
    mailer messages to pmmail.
  • prep.zip (34K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    prep 0.91 free command line utiltiy that will
    read a text file and convert text chars to
    html character entities.
  • printurl.zip (31K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    pm app to allow loading and printing a
    specified url on the default printer through
    a single command.
  • priv2914.zip (884K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    privoxy v2.9.14 beta for os/2.
    see:http://www.privoxy.org/(may 2002)
  • prm2nsm.zip (5K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    converts post road mailer folders to netscape
    communicator folders.  the basic conversion
    program is written entirely in java.  this
    package requires that you have java 1.1.6 or
    later installed for os/2.
  • prmconv.zip (15K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    beta)converts pmmail and ultimail address
    books and folders to postroad mailer format.
  • prmtomr2.zip (13K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    utility to convert postroad mailer's address
    book to mr/2 ice's format.
  • prmtopmm.zip (67K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    pmmail v1.5 converter package.  convert both
    address books and messages/folders from the
    postroad mailer to pmmail v1.5.
  • prnr110.zip (1,062K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    post road news reader 1.10.

  • prnr120.zip (1,138K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    post road news reader release 1.2

  • prtscn18.zip (128K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    tcp/ip portscanner with portmapper support.
    scans your network for active servers (http,
    ftp, telnet etc). can even read out
    portmapper services. additional features:
    import/export function, report print, ping
  • psiftp97.zip (104K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    psion os/2 utilities (v0.97).

  • psion097.zip (375K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    psion os/2 utility v0.97 - text mode ftp like
    utilities for psion series( may, 2000)
  • pssdmon.zip (19K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    pssdmon.exe - a build from jan. 1st 1999

  • pwicq028.zip (309K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:14

    os/2 native pm multithreaded icq clone - new
    release with bugfixes and chat support.
  • pwws113.zip (315K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:15

    powerful multithreaded 32-bit os/2 webserver.
    supports post/get cgi, imagemap.
  • pyramid.zip (5K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:15

    animated icons for webexplorer, colors rotate
    on a pyramid.
  • qhtml035.zip (473K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:15

    QadHTML 0.35 - HTML editor for OS/2
    This editor is to help you tag your file.
    It has a toolbar and pop-up menus depending on
    your preferences. There is also a button to
    preview your output with the WebExplorer. To
    have the latest information monitor the 
    Qad Software Home Page:
    Shareware ($15US $20CDN MC/Visa/Amex)
    Qad Software (mcharet@qad.magi.com)
  • qlsort13.zip (39K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:15

    webex-quicklist-sort v1.3. a pm-utility to
    visually arrange ibm's webex
  • qmail11.zip (35K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:15

    mail local delivery agent, works with sendmail.

  • qnq_100.zip (381K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:15

    don's quips n quotes displays a quote, quip
    or tagline that is randomly selected.
  • qt-2-lib.zip (973K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:15

    qt.dll ver 2.02 need for running licq.

  • quot210s.zip (148K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:15

    quote manager, with quote-of-the-day and
    random .sig (source).
  • quot210x.zip (151K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:15

    quote manager, with quote-of-the-day and
    random .sig (binaries).
  • ra20set.zip (2K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:15

    easiest way to setup real audio 2.0 in webex.

  • ra_webpk.zip (13K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:15

    realaudio launch utility 96/03/26. program
    and command file to launch realaudio player
    from web explorer for os2. includes command
    file, examples of .cap and .ext files, and
    program launcher objst.exe.
  • radi116c.zip (287K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:15

    RADIUS version 1.16c ported to OS/2
    RADIUS stands for 
    "Remote Authentication Dial In User Service".  
    Multithreaded port made with IBM Visual Age 
    C++ with source code and additional utilties.
  • radius-2.zip (114K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:15

    this is an emx based port of livingston's radius daemon.

  • radius_2.txt (3K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:15

    descriptive text for radius_2.zip.

  • radius_2.zip (187K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:15

    radius port for terminal server
    authorization.  radius: "remote
    authentication dial in user service"
  • rdtelnet.zip (32K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:15

    redirecttelnet/2 v0.50 - a small, 32-bit,
    multi-threaded program to redirect telnet
    calls over any tcpip network.
  • readme.ppp (3K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:15

    readme for ppp01.zip

  • readmein.zip (6K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:15

    html form processor.

  • readsum.zip (44K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:15

    read summary reports created by uqwk. (rexx)

  • redir1.zip (34K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:15

    http redirector v1.0 - small, multi-threaded,
    command line utility which allows you to
    re-direct your http port to another.
  • redir2_0.zip (81K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:15

    ver 2.0. redirect local tcp/ip ports to
    another port on a local or remote system.
  • renhtml1.zip (39K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:15

    renhtml - rename html files to their titles

  • rftp.zip (21K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:15

    command-line ftp utility 95/08/15. rexx
    program to perform ftp file transfers between
    pc & remote host. requires rexx ftp api
    package supplied w/ ibm tcp/ip v2.0 for os/2
    & os/2 warp connect. unzip with info-zip's
  • rmtcpy.zip (95K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:15

    an os/2 command that allows the user to
    download, upload, delete files, and obtain
    directory listings from a remote host. it is
    based on tcpip and is compatable with tcpip
    for mvs.
  • rn38d.zip (84K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:15

    th bugfixed version of ibm's rn 3.8 nntp
    newsreader originally shipped with tcp/ip
    1.2.1; changes from version 3.8c: "sys3175:
    general protection fault" bug fixed and
    cosmetic changes
  • rneto100.zip (1,106K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:15

    racernet v1.00. hosts file manager. it makes
    the powerful capabilities of the hosts file
    easy to use.
  • roadmap.zip (139K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:15

    roadmap for the information superhighway
    internet training workshop," by p. crispen.
    six weeks of lessons in ftp, gopher, etc.
  • routing.zip (4K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:15

    how to configure the routing via tcp/ip and a
    lan via slip to the internet.
  • rp.zip (1K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:15

    ex file for lamail quote in reply

  • rproxy.zip (21K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:15

    a plugin for ibm webtraffic(ics,lotusgo)
    server to authenticate and authorise web
    access(august, 2000)
  • rsync221.zip (346K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:15

    rsync-2.2.1.zip) rsync 2.2.1. replacement for
    rcp that has many more features. rsync uses
    the "rsync algorithm" which provides a very
    fast method for bringing remote files into
  • rsync246.zip (99K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:15

    rsync v2.4.6a - a replacement for rcp with
    more features(nov., 17th 2000) emx and
    emxlibcs is required
  • rtf2html.zip (307K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:15

    rtftohtml v2.7.5 with rtftoweb support,
    hpfs/emxrt required.
  • rtfthtml.zip (105K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:15

    os/2 port of rtftohtml 2.7.5 (hpfs only).

  • rx_slip.zip (43K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:15

    set of rexx programs to monitor a com port
    running slip and kill & restart slip if the
    carrier is lost.
  • rxdecode.zip (43K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:15

    intelligent uu/xx-decoder.

  • rxdynd06.zip (18K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:15

    rxdyndns v0.6 - a  simple dyndns update
    script for os/2 rexx and a simple os/2 ppp0
    daemon(mar 8 2003)
  • rxftp.zip (84K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:15

    rexx function package providing access to the
    os/2 tcp/ip api as provided by the ibm tcp/ip
    product, version 1.2.1.
  • rxidentd.zip (3K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:15

    a *very* basic identd program.

  • rxiutl16.zip (28K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:15

    rexx internet utilities v0.16. simple
    utilities using rexx sockets.  included are
    urlget for downloading files by url via http
    or ftp, and ngfetch for downloading a list of
    all newsgroups from a news server.
  • rxmir13.zip (58K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:15

    rxMirror 1.3 - Mirroring software for OS/2
    This program can serve two purposes:
     - maintaining a mirror site;
     - copying remote directory tree via FTP.
    Requirements: OS/2 2.x, 3.x, TCP/IP stack,
  • rxnew11a.zip (35K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:15

    rexxnews news reader (req. ibm tcp/ip & rxsock)

  • rxpop123.zip (14K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:15

    rxpop - rexx-utils for pop-mailing. check a
    pop account and automatically download
  • s390ftpd.zip (74K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:15

    the s390 endicott tcp/ip un2101 tco setup of
    ftpd.exe for un_2101 tcp/ip v4.21 for os/2
    warp(jan 7 2002)
  • s_pmmail.zip (2K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:15

    slrn_pmmail.zip) use pmmail as you mailer
    from slrn. (see slrn0956.zip).
  • sageconv.zip (8K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:15

    this rexx program will convert pieces of mail
    from ultimail to mr/2-ice format. after
    converting your files you can copy them into
    an mr/2 folder and ask it to do a reindex
    which will make the files visible.
  • sarg1221.zip (338K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:15

    sarg v1.2.2.1 - a squid analysis report
    generator(srg) to report "where" users are
    going to on the internet in html with: user,
    ip address, bytes, sites and times(oct 14
  • sarg13p2.zip (264K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:15

    sarg v1.3 pre2 -  squid analysis report
    generator allows to view "where"  users are
    going to on the internet and reports in html,
    with fields like: users, ip addresses, bytes,
    sites and times(jan 13 2003)
  • sasprops.zip (2K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:15

    properties used by the secure association
    services (sas) component of the websphere
    application server. sas executes on websphere
    java servers and client systems with java
    applications that access websphere
    servers(jul 16 2002)
  • satelite.zip (2K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:15

    animated icons for webexplorer, moving satellite dish.

  • sc-alpha.zip (293K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:15

    serverconfig/2 v1.4 alpha. os/2 configuration
    util for the apache web server, the
    inetpowerserver multiprotocol system and the
    ibm tcp/ip firewall for os/2.
  • sc100.zip (217K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:15

    SecureCom ver. 1.00 for OS/2
    Copyright (c) 1998 by Gary L. Robinson 
        SecureCom is a small and fast personal communication 
    tool.  It is designed to hook two people  up directly 
    (without using the IRC channels, servers, IP servers, etc.) for 
    a one-on-one  personal text mode chat.
        SecureCom utilizes two "Hailing features" to accomplish this.  
    One Hailing feature uses a built in seamless e-mail facility to send 
    your current IP address to another SecureCom user in a specially 
    coded e-mail letter.  The other user (who is checked into the 
    net and has SecureCom running in Monitor ON mode) will receive the 
    message and prompt him to connect or not connect.   
        The other Hailing feature utilizes the use of an internal TCP/IP
    server that listens on a preassigned port for direct connection
    requests.  One SecureCom user can Hail another user via the 
    Internet and/or a Lan directly by just knowing their IP address.   It
    sends the Hail (connection request) directly to the IP address and
    is handled by SecureCom's internal server that prompts the user to
    accept or decline the connection.
        Either of these Hailing methods can be used independently of
    one another.
        One button Hailing makes it a simple and painless way to connect
    on the Internet or the local network..
        No other servers, e-mail or support software are needed.
        This OS/2 version requires Warp 3.x or Warp 4.x with TCP/IP installed 
    (or the Warp 3.0 iak TCP/IP lite) and an internet connection with a 
    mail account.
  • scach049.zip (248K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:15

    scache049.zip)  java/smart cache 0.49 http
    proxy server, anonymizer and filter. good for
    offline browsing.
  • scach053.zip (253K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:15

    caching proxy (java) selectively block
    cookies and unwanted urls (ads, for example).
  • sconv02.zip (9K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:15

    converts email from ultimail to mr/2 format...

  • scott004.zip (611K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:15

    an interactive web browser home page of about
    21,779 alphabetized web sites in 110
    different categories.
  • sendip.zip (64K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:15

    utility to query your ip address after
    connecting to isp, and email it to designated
  • sendip21.zip (4K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:15

    sendip v2.1 - (rexx) use email to distribute
    your dynamic ip.
  • sendm201.zip (261K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:15

    sendmail v2.01 (from ibm).

  • sendm202.zip (148K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:15

    ibm sendmail 2.02 fix.

  • sendm893.zip (2,928K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:15

    sendmail8.9.3.zip sendmail os/2 port,
    built with emx 0.9d
  • sendma88.zip (219K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:15

    os/2 sendmail open-relay fix based on v8.8(jan 1 2003)

  • sendmai1.zip (174K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:15

    a fix for sendmail.dll in tcp/ip 4.3 (sept. 17th 2001)

  • sendmail.zip (56K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:15

    ibm tcp/ip sendmail 1.3.17.

  • set_tcp.cmd (2K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:15

    this batch file chooses the correct one of a
    number of given configurations for tcp/ip lan
    access from os/2 without using the bootp
  • setuptcp.cmd (2K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:15

    auto-select ip configuration when using
    different lan or modem connections.
  • sf11b70.zip (163K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:15

    safefire firewall, v1.1 beta build 70.

  • sfire.zip (292K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:15

      SafeFire 1.0 (C) 1999, Link Guard Solutions Ltd.
      Network Address Translation / Firewall for OS/2
      LAN-to-LAN types of connection supported:
      - xDSL
      - Cable modems
      - Ordinary LAN
      - Easy installation
      - Highly configurable
      - Network Address Translation (masquerading)
      - Full support for FTP and IRC connections, including
        built-in IDENT server
      - Port Mapping
      - Packet Filter
      - Unlimited number of users supported
      - High performance
      - Optimized for high load
      - Tested for 7d/24h operation under high load
      - 'on-the-fly' configuration
      - Number of supported simultaneous connections limited
        only by OS/2 TCP/IP stack
      - Up to 65534 packet filer rules
      - Aurora (Warp Server for e-business) ready
  • sfm12b2.zip (29K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:15

    smart ftp mirror v1.2 beta-2 mirrors files
    from remote host to local via ftp. long
    filenames, redial, reget support.
  • sfp09b59.zip (498K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:15

    SafeFire PPP 0.9 beta 58
    Copyright (C) 1999  Link Guard Solutions Ltd.
    SafeFire PPP is a new, powerful implementation of a PPP protocol.
    Most notable SafeFire PPP features are:
        - PPP over Ethernet
        - PPP implementation compatible with latest RFC
        - Callback
        - Dial-On-Demand
        - Modular design
        - Three TCP/IP packet filters
        - NAT (Network Address Translation)
        - CCP (Compression Control Protocol)
        - PAP (Passowrd Autentication Protocol)
        - CHAP (Challenge Authentication Protocol)
        - MS-CHAP (Microsoft extension for CHAP)
        - REXX API for connection script (copatible with standart PPP.EXE)
        - REXX API for authentication
        - REXX API for message processing
        - REXX API for message log processing
        - A set of pre-defined configuration files for most common cases:
    Refer to \doc\eng\index.html for more information.
  • sftp127.zip (232K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:15

    simple ftp v1.27. pm program that allows
    batch downloads from ftp sites. features
    storage of host logon information, easy
    viewing of .txt files, auto sorting by date
    of directory listing. easy directory
  • shackos2.zip (101K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:15

    hacksaw shareware v1.0c. this tool can
    retrieve files and headers from http servers;
    send email to smtp servers; check, retrieve,
    and delete email from pop3 servers; and has
    many very powerful functions for dealing with
    ftp servers.
  • showurl.zip (25K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:15

    exe to cause netscape to show a url.

  • shttpd.zip (486K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:15

    shttpd_0.06_os2.zip httpd with support for
    ssl, data compression, remote administration,
    cgi, more.
  • shuff110.zip (54K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:15

    e-mail separator/distributor for ibm's tcp/ip
    sendmail. separates incoming email by the
    userid in the "to:" field, subject to a list
    of defined userids.  separated userids are
    placed in predefined & specified
  • sidis100.zip (302K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:15

    modem dial-in server for ppp, enhanced pop3
    server, mail processor.
  • simsockd.zip (64K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:15

    a simple socks server for os/2 which supports
    version 4 of the socks protocol(aug 13 2000)
  • sinetd10.zip (85K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:15

    an internet "super server" daemon with
    enhanced domain security. sinetd launches tcp
    servers on an as-needed basis. unlike inetd,
    there is a check of the client address to
    determine if the client is allowed access to
    the service.
  • sinetd11.zip (141K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:15

    sinetd is an internet "super server" daemon
    with enhanced domain security.
  • siteat12.zip (514K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:15

    siteeater 1.2 demo, website downloader

  • sitec095.zip (1,064K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:15

    sitecopy v0.9.5 for easily maintaining remote
    web sites. the program will upload files to
    the server which have changed locally, and
    delete files from the server which have been
    removed locally(sept. 2000)
  • skull.zip (7K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:15

    web explorer animation -- no-no skull
    animation taken from white zombie's album.
  • skulla2.zip (6K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:15

    animated icons for webexplorer, dancing skull.

  • slip-cm.zip (49K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:15

    collection of rexx programs to manage a slip
    only tcp/ip connection.
  • slip20b1.zip (143K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:15

    better performing slip for ibm tcp/ip 1.2.1

  • slip2xv1.zip (142K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:15

    os/2 2.x slip driver for ibm tcp/ip v1.2.1.
    version 1.0 provides some additional priority
    queueing performance enhancements, disables
    vj header compression by default, and
    contains improved code for attaching to the
    tcp/ip kernel stack.
  • slipfree.zip (21K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:15

    requests com port from slip, runs a program,
    returns com port to slip.
  • sliphang.zip (14K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:15

    hang up the phone when done with slip, req
    ibm tcp/ip 2.0 os/2
  • sliphw.zip (55K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:15

    slip-home-work: connects home pc to internet via work pc.

  • slipmods.zip (2K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:15

    modifications to bolen's rexx script allowing
    redial, ect.
  • slipmsg.zip (2K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:15

    replacement slipmsg.exe for that shipped in
    iak. this version still pops up at session
    termination, but doesn't take focus.
  • slipwarp.zip (23K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:15

    configuration files, script, and
    documentation on setting up os/2 warp's
    internet software with a third party internet
    provider (in this case cris) for slip access.
  • slrn0973.zip (1,373K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:15

    slrn v0.9.7.3 - a text newsreader able to
    work both online and offline, using an nntp
    server or its own spool. see: http://
  • slrn957.zip (637K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:15

    emx port of the popular text mode unix
    newsreader.  supports score files, multiple
    news servers, offline newsreading, comm/2
    integration, etc.
  • slrp108a.zip (131K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:15

    passive nntp transport agent.

  • slurp108.zip (123K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:15

    slurp is an advanced passive nntp client. it
    will connect to a remote nntp server and
    retrieve articles from usenet conferences.
  • slurp264.zip (115K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:15

    sslurp v2.64 - can retrieve web pages from a
    http (www) server. it can be configured to
    follow all hyperlinks on the page that lead
    to other pages on the same server.
  • smarca53.zip (253K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:15

    smart cache v0.53 - a fully featred proxy
    cache server(may 1st 2001)
  • smehtm11.zip (192K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:15

    html extension for simple editors.  smalled
    html extensions turn smalled & e.exe into
    html editors.
  • smsgwv07.zip (194K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:15

    sms message gateway.

  • smtp11d.zip (82K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:15

    (v1.1) smtpd is SMTP server
    for OS/2. It uses IBM's TCP/IP v1.2.1.
    smtpd allows to use OS/2 workstation 
    as a multi-user system. It receives mail 
    according to RFC 821 and sorts incoming 
    messages into user's directories. 
    This package includes utility smtpdc.exe 
    which works with inetd. Demonstration 
    version supports 5 users only. 
    Andrey Iliynikh, ai@casper.che.nsk.su
  • smtp15.zip (53K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:15

    smtp v1.5 - a simple smtp client for os/2 (sept. 2000)

  • smtpd135.zip (110K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:15

    smtpd-1.3.5.zip) smtpd v1.3.5pro server
    component of inet.mail. updated for ebusiness
    (aurora). the problem caused mx record
    lookups to fail. may be used with any tcp/ip
    4.1 or greater, will not work with any tcp/ip
    stack prior to 4.1.
  • smtpd20.zip (55K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:15

    smtpd v2.0 - a simple smtp daemon for os/2(sept. 2000)

  • smtpp135.zip (126K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:15

    smtpd-1.3.5.pro.zip) smtpd v1.3.5pro server
    component of inet.mail. updated for ebusiness
    (aurora). the problem caused mx record
    lookups to fail. may be used with any tcp/ip
    4.1 or greater, will not work with tcp/ip
    stack prior to 4.1.
  • smtpsrv.zip (64K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:15

    (v1.0) smtpd is SMTP server
    for OS/2. It uses IBM's TCP/IP v1.2.1.
    smtpd allows to use OS/2 workstation 
    as a multi-user system. It receives mail 
    according to RFC 821 and sorts incoming 
    messages into user's directories. 
    This package includes utility smtpdc.exe 
    which works with inetd. Demonstration 
    version is FREEWARE, but supports 5 
    users only. 
    Andrey Iliynikh, ai@casper.che.nsk.su
  • sna2tcp.zip (3,889K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    sna over tcp/ip for os/2 v1.0 (apr 19 1995)

  • sndip120.zip (32K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    │              Send IP               │
    │           Versione 1.20            │
    │          16 Novembre 1996          │
    │                                    │
    │ Send IP, e' un programma OS/2 PM   │
    │ per inviare il proprio IP Dinamico │
    │ tramite Email.                     │
    │                                    │
    │      <<< F R E E W A R E >>>       │
  • snews-20.zip (352K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    news reader for os/2. tested with uupc v1.11k
    through v1.11q.  use "pkunzip -d" to recreate
  • sngsimp2.zip (27K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    easy to update headlines and messages for your web-page.

  • snmp.zip (189K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    a configuration to connect to an snmp agent(feb. 2001)

  • snmpd.zip (928K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    a snmp daemon(beta) and agent (oct. 2000).

  • snppd109.zip (74K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    SNPP server v. 1.09. Shareware.
  • snppd112.zip (90K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    SNPP server v. 1.12. Shareware.
  • snppd114.zip (97K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    SNPP server v. 1.14. Shareware.
  • snppsend.zip (15K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    snppsend as test for snpp. pascal source is
    included. this is shareware(dec 31 2001)
  • sock_002.zip (80K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    socket controller v0.02 alpha

  • sockd.zip (312K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    sockd for os/2 v1.19 - pm socks server]

  • sockperl.zip (190K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    perl 4 for os/2 with socket

  • socks5.zip (142K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    socks5-os2-980512.zip nec socks 5 server for
    32-bit os/2 (text-mode). it implements
    rfc1928 and rfc1929.
  • socks5v1.zip (2,100K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    socks5 v1.0r11 with pthreads v0.04 as os/2
    custom build prepared by vladimir anufriev.
    source is included(feb 15 2001)
  • socksdv5.zip (254K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    socksd/2 - a fully-featured socks server that
    implements socks v4 and v5 protocols with a
    lot of additional features. it seems to be
    one of the most powerful and versatile socks
    server today(apr., 27th 2002)
  • socktest.zip (55K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    a pm program for a general test of current
    open sockets(1993).
  • sokwatch.zip (11K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    sockwatch - scripts is to watch certain
    sockets where services should be running. it
    can be used with telnet or ssh(jan 30 2002)
  • sortwe2.zip (43K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    sortwebex2 96/03/17. corrected upload of
    sortwebex2, which sorts the urls in a
    webexplorer initialization file (explore.ini)
    into alphabetical order by title.
  • soup12.zip (13K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    soup - simple offline usenet packet format
    for offline reading of usenet newsgroups.
    this describes the format itself.
  • soup2sq.zip (50K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    Soup2Sq v 1.0 Convert SOUP To Squish
    (c) 1995 by S. van Loef
    With this program you can import and
    export SOUP packets into and from
    a Squish messagebase. This allows
    you to read and write Usenet articles
    and Internet Email with any message
    editor that supports the Squish format
  • souper15.zip (169K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    souper 1.5 is a network mail and news client
    program for os/2 warp's internet access kit.
    it transfers mail and news (win95 too).
  • soupg103.zip (358K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    SoupGate v1.03: easily configurable yet
    quite powerful Fidonet-Internet gateway
    software; requires SOUP mail/news client.
    Supports DOS, OS/2 and Windows 9X/NT.
    Public gamma version (1999-02-04).
                --- FREEWARE ---
  • soupinst.zip (5K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    easy install guide v0.02 for souper and yarn/2.

  • sox1217s.zip (433K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    sox v12.17 as source deck(dec 5 2000)

  • spam020.zip (86K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    spam 0.20 -- finds originating domain of spam
    messages and returns message to postmaster.
    automatically places mail in souper packet.
    output usable with other mail software.
  • spewnew.zip (7K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    rexx routine to upload files in a directory
    tree with the archive bit set to an ftp site.
    requires ibm ews rexx ftp module "rxftp".
  • spman090.zip (55K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    SpiderMan 0.90; retrieves Web pages
    from a HTTP (WWW) server; can be
    configured to follow all hyperlinks
    leading to other pages on the same
    server; images can be retrieved as
    well; retrieved data is stored on disk
    for later viewing; needs HPFS; Proxy
    support; automated (command line) mode;
    PM application; runs until 31.10.1996.
  • sprynet2.txt (7K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    matthew fry's detailed description plus
    script file for accessing sprynet using
    os/2's slippm program. 1st revision... fixes
    netscape dns problems
  • sqd23s1.zip (2,972K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    squid 2.3 stable 1 release - a http proxy server.

  • sqmgr212.zip (224K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    sqmgrlog v2.12 - a squid logs analyzer. emx
    is required(dec 14 2000)
  • sqrd10a.zip (616K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    a redirector as v0.10a for squid(lul. 1st
    2001) see: http://www.laser.ru/evgen/soft/sqd
  • squi211b.zip (425K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    squid proxy server  v2.5 preview v11b,
    compiled and fixed for vac with delay pools
    and basic nsca authentication changes (c)
    evgeny kotsuba (aug 18  2002)
  • squid23s.zip (1,265K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    squid23s3.zip) squid 2.3 stable 3 caching
    http proxy server.
  • squid25.zip (1,244K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    squid proxy server v2.5, compiled and fixed
    for vac(alpha-preview v6a)- mar., 10th 2002
    source is included.
  • squid25a.zip (883K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    squid v2.5 alpha 0.9b - a proxy cache server
    with documentation as a vac product(may, 12th
    2002) see: http://www.laser.ru/evgen/soft/squ
  • srev13g.zip (1,527K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    sre-http, version 1.3g. a highly configurable
    http/1.1 compliant web server for os/2.
    features include cgi support, remote
    configuration, virtual hosts, caching, server
    side includes (ssi), conditional ssi, more.
  • srev13h.zip (1,752K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    sre-http v1.3h - a  configurable, http/1.1
    compliant, web server for os/2 with remote
    configuration, caching, and ssi. the rexx
    based goserve api offers significant
    development. see: www.srehttp.org/sre2002(jan
    15 2002)
  • srvcfg19.zip (531K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    serverconfig19.zip gui config util for apache
    1.3.11, inetpowerserver/2 .085 and the ibm
    os/2 tcp/ip firewall.  features:  apache
    remote managment for both os/2 and unix, ips
    user and service managment.  ibm firewall
  • ssh1230.zip (431K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    ssh-os2-bin-1.2.30.zip) os/2 ssh + sshd, the
    secure shell client/server.
  • sslurp20.zip (76K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    Sslurp! 2.0 WWW mirroring tool;
    retrieves Web pages from a HTTP (WWW)
    server; can be configured to follow
    all hyperlinks leading to other pages
    (configurable); images and Java applets
    can be retrieved as well; retrieved
    data is stored on disk for later
    viewing; needs HPFS; Proxy support;
    support for user authentication;
    automated (command line) mode; PM
    !! Now with internal filtering proxy !!
  • sslway.zip (164K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    sslway is used in connection with delegate(jul 26 1998)

  • stardock.zip (9K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    animated icons for webexplorer, rotating
    atoms at stardock.
  • starwars.zip (93K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    animated icons for webexplorer, star wars theme ship.

  • steward8.zip (121K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    steward -- a mailing list server in rexx by paul hethmon

  • sticky2.zip (112K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    (v1.10) STICKY/2 - An OS/2 Program to send Sticky notes
    across a TCP/IP network.  Useful for interoffice
    messaging, and interFriend messaging.  Allows for up
    to 2K of a message, and 1500 names in your list.  All
    suggestions and enhancements will be considered!
    Version 1.10 changes
      - Auto Clear of Auto Reply messages
      - GROUP sends (multi host names per name entry)
      - Multi Threaded on SEND
    AB Software
    3109 Village Rd West
    Norwood, MA 02062-2542
  • stktr096.exe (752K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    emtec stocktray v0.96 beta. delivers stock
    quotes from the internet directly to a window
    on your desktop.
  • stky102.zip (70K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    sticky/2 v1.02 95/07/25. os/2 native 32 bit
    program to set sticky notes across a tcp/ip
    network. useful for interoffice or
    interfriend messaging (provided they have a
    static ip address). allows for up to 2k of a
    message, & 1500 names.
  • stky2112.zip (73K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    (v1.12) STICKY/2 - An OS/2 Program to send Sticky notes
    across a TCP/IP network.  Useful for interoffice
    messaging, and interFriend messaging.  Allows for up
    to 2K of a message, and 1500 names in your list.  All
    suggestions and enhancements will be considered!
    AB Software
    3109 Village Rd West
    Norwood, MA 02062-2542
  • stofsw03.zip (52K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    stofanet cable-isp connector.

  • stone20.zip (94K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    stone v2.0 - a tcp/ip packet repeater which
    repeats tcp and udp packets from inside to
    outside of a firewall, or from outside to
    inside. see: http://www.gcd.org/sengoku/stone
    - 1998
  • stop.zip (12K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    animated icons for webexplorer, rotating stop sign.

  • strob103.zip (60K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    STROBE V1.03 - ported to OS/2
    A super optimized TCP port surveyor
    You need gunzip because of the long
    file names in the archive.
  • submit11.zip (82K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    submission v1.1 is a site submitter.

  • suck-422.zip (410K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    suckos2-422.zip   suck usenet news from an
    nntp server (incl sources).
  • supern.cmd (8K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    warp internet connection script to hk
    supernet. connection script use in warp
    internet connection to hk supernet.
  • surfbord.zip (28K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    grab text that you find while surfing; grab
    urls and ftp  strings while surfing;  keep
    text fragments for writing e-mails.
  • swifgen6.zip (82K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    swift-generator-0_6_3-os2.zip) beta 0.6.3
    port of the linux-swift-generator from
    olivier debon to os/2. swift-generator is a
    very simple replacement for macromedia
  • swift112.zip (137K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    swift-1.12.pdf.zip) swift-generator documentation.

  • swish131.zip (267K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    simple web indexing system for humans - enhanced v1.3.1

  • synattac.zip (2K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    how to protect tcp/ip v3.1, 4.0 and 4.1
    against synflood and synattack
  • syslog.zip (114K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    port of bsd syslog to os/2. requires ibm tcp/ip.

  • syslog2b.zip (137K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    port of unix syslogd.

  • syslog3.zip (42K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    syslog for ibm tcp/ip.

  • syspage2.zip (236K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    syspage runs as a text-window process
    collecting process and module information.
    the information is formatted and emitted into
    specified html data files at given intervals.
    the html templats for this information may be
    updated on the fly.
  • sz18gos2.zip (330K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    scrollz v1.8g - client base ircii.

  • tac_plus.zip (170K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    tac_plus-f4.0.3-alpha.zip tacacs+ control
    server (tac_plus) for os/2, version
  • tagedi12.zip (46K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    the pm3 tageditor/2 v1.2 as a russian
    development with english text. includes
    mpeglib.dll as the audio mpegs maintenancing
    dll v1.2(aug 30 2000)
  • tagit105.zip (15K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    tagit/2 is a program that will add
    information to your outgoing e-mail messages.
  • tass34x5.zip (227K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    tass for os/2, a threaded newsreader.

  • tassos2z.zip (207K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    tass - a threaded news reader for uupc/tcpip

  • tc123.zip (16K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    tc123 v1.3.1 ircii script+helper applet which
    allows to  control z! and pm123 within the
    irc client console(apr 3 1999)
  • tcmv042.zip (210K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    a port of tcm v 0.4.2 for os/2 from unix.

  • tcpd34a.zip (303K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    tcpdump 3.4 port: network and protocol monitoring.

  • tcpdumpb.zip (362K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    tcp/ip packet filter/analyzer (requires ipspy132.zip).

  • tcphints.faq (15K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    getting the most from warp internet access
    kit, version 1.5.  explains how to set up
    elm, tin, popclient, and redial on lost
  • tcpled10.zip (16K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    tcpleds v.1.0 -- blinks keyboard LEDs 
    (Light Emitting Diode) indicating 
    outgoing and incoming network 
    tcp/ip packets.
    (source included)
    By Oleg Titov oleg.titov@bigfoot.com
  • tcps.zip (200K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    the demonstration of a simple tcp server
    behaviour with the timerset option. source is
    included (may, 24th 2001)
  • tcpsotes.zip (186K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    a tool as a tcp socket tester. source is
    included(june, 4th 2001)
  • tcpspray.zip (8K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    tcp speed meter (req: emx) (incl: source).

  • tcptest.zip (25K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    a tcp tester for os/2 - usage:   tcptest
    hostname [time] [large small wild] (jan 23
  • teamos2.zip (9K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    animated icons for webexplorer, team os/2 logo w/ stars.

  • telepo.cmd (15K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    ex: dynamic router and remote ip assignment.
    this script is used by the 'other provider'
    connection program to dial and connect to
    teleport.com, a provider in the portland, or
    area. handles the prompts and responses
    unique to teleport.
  • telnet.zip (234K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    a fix for telnet.exe, telnetpm.exe for tcp/ip
    v4.21(feb. 28th, 2000)
  • telnetd.zip (2K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    use the logfile from aplogin telnet programme
    to restrict processes by user.
  • telnetdb.zip (466K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    a debug version of telnet.exe and
    telnetpm.exe for tcp/ip v4.3. usage: telnet
    -d  (mar 18
  • telnetp.zip (9K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    telnetp, telnet pm replacement handler v1.0.

  • test-cgi.cmd (3K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    cgi test functions for goserve web server by frankie fan.

  • tf-35a13.zip (469K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    client for mud/mush/muse/etc, best there is!

  • tf35a10.zip (401K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    tiny fugue mud client for os/2

  • tftpd025.zip (60K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    tftpd - Terje's FTP Deamon for OS/2
    Version 0.25ß of 19:30 26th Jan 1997
    Multithreaded FTP deamon for OS/2 with 
    UNIX alike security.
  • thewl098.zip (36K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    thewall098.zip pm configuration program for
    tcp/ip 4.1+ firewall.
  • thumb12.zip (62K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    thumb, a simple yet configurable finger
    utility for ibm tcp/ip.
  • tiafaq.zip (24K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    faq for using tia with warp.

  • time868f.zip (102K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    time868 v6 - a pm time client/server will set
    your pc clock from a network time server and
    will also provide a time server.the program
    uses rfc 868 (time protocol). freeware.
  • timein.zip (20K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    constant tcp/ip pinging utility.

  • timezn_c.zip (6K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    william geiger iii's timezone utility for ice.

  • tin122.zip (173K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    tin newsreader version 1.2 pl2.

  • tinymush.zip (377K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    tinymush 2.2.4 ported to os/2.

  • tladd10a.zip (36K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    tagline add-in 1.0a for pmmail 1.5x

  • tlntd107.zip (120K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    telnet server for os/2.

  • tn2.zip (26K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    tn.exe - a better telnet for os/2(apr 9 2002)

  • tn_enh11.zip (123K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    enhancement for ibm os/2 2.0 telnet daemon.

  • tnaddon.zip (3K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    Add-On pack for mff's TN
        by Roman Korolyov 
  • tnef015.zip (222K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    This is an OS/2 Port of tnef-0.15, which is a program for unpacking MIME attachments of type "application/ms-tnef". 
    Due to the proliferation of Microsoft Outlook and Exchange mail servers, more and more mail is encapsulated into this format.
    ported to OS/2 by
                         TEAM OS/2 Russia
      http://teamos2.ru/, mail@teamos2.ru
  • tnl140.zip (915K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    tunnel/2 v1.40 from injoy. 30-day trial copy.
    build a two-way, dial-on-demand, virtual
    private network (vpn). use cost-effective
    local isps to connect remote sites to the
    corporate lan.
  • tnlogin.zip (97K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    telnet login replacement.

  • today.zip (16K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    animated icons for webexplorer, 'where i want to go today'

  • tpop103.zip (23K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    small program to poll pop3 mail server for mail.

  • tpopmnt2.zip (52K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    Tiny's POPMaintance v 1.1
    A very simple yet powerful program,
    that allows you to do maintance on your
    POP3 mailbox from any Windows or OS/2
    based machine.  Freeware!
  • tproxy12.zip (20K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    tproxy ver. 1.2: an http proxy server.

  • tracerte.zip (31K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    tcp/ip traceroute w/source.

  • transpac.cmd (10K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    ppp script ft-connect cis nodes. login to
    internet using cis as provider via local
    ft-connect nodes in many european countries.
    handles mode switch between 7-bit even parity
    during logon & 8-bit no parity during ppp by
    controlling com port.
  • trn36-2.zip (789K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    this is an os/2 version of the trn 3.6 news
    reader. it is based on herbert neugebauer's
    trn 3.5 for os/2, with a few additional
  • trn_12.zip (745K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    threaded news reader for use with uupc.

  • trn_197b.zip (987K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    port of trn 3.5 for nntp and uupc

  • tserve11.zip (80K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    terminal server v1.1b - os/2 dial-up ppp
    server. new version works with front end
  • tsrch100.zip (45K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    tsearch is a small www search engine entry
    field for the desktop.
  • tt2_099.zip (110K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    tintin/2 0.99 (mud client)

  • tton3800.zip (906K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    ---=== Templeton: version 3.800 ===---
    The Templeton Project, by N.A. Krawetz,
    contains a suite of powerful web tools.
    Templeton is a World Wide Web mirroring
    and mapping tool.  Using Templeton, you
    can bring remote web pages to your local
    hard drive for fast, convenient,
    reliable, off-line use.  Mirrored HTML
    documents include working links, images,
    and sounds!  Web browsers can easily
    access the retrieved files.  Minor HTML
    corrections (such as a missing quote)
    are performed.  Templeton is very
    configurable; it can generate web site
    maps, mailing lists, server lists, and
    much more.  It can easily be included in
    automated scripts and can be used to run
    applications on the mirrored files.
  • tvis1219.zip (385K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    the tvisor (trafficvisor) client as a program
    to trace and count ip-traffic in a lan and on
    gateways. the results are stored in the
    text-files or can be obtained via tcp/ip
    connection(dec 19 2002)
  • u2pm13.exe (55K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    ultimail 2.10.004 to pmmail converter

  • u2pmail2.zip (17K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    migrate ultimail text mail to pm mail.

  • ucei04.zip (115K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    ucei spam filter, for mr/2 ice. brandon
    allbery's spam filter has been completely
    rewritten. it now has a new name also, ucei
    (pronounced uzi). he has included many new
    and exiting features.
  • uconv111.zip (6K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    urlconv 1.11 - convert url folder tree to
    single file, either in plain text format or
    in html format. useful, for example, to
    import urls into netscape communicator
  • umr.cmd (7K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    rexx file to allow you to dial into
    university of missouri rolla's campus server.
  • umsmtp03.zip (41K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    kit for making ultimail/2 work with smtp.

  • un00067.txt (2K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    readme for un0067b1.exe and un0067b2.exe.

  • un0067b1.exe (1,406K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    wr08210 co-req tcp/ip 3.0 disk 1 of 2.

  • un0067b2.exe (1,294K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    wr08210 co-req, tcp/ip 3.0 disk 2/2.

  • un_2101.zip (3,909K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    universal fp un_2101 for wseb tcp/ip v4.2x as
    a prerequisite of wrx8620 for all
    languages(may, 25th 2000)
  • unh222.zip (39K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    UNH is a fully functional, OS/2 utility
    which strips HTML codes from saved Web
    pages leaving some formatting intact. It
    will optionally put the URLs found in a
    2nd output file. 
  • unhtml15.zip (70K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    utility to strip html codes.

  • uniserve.zip (5K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    login script and readme for slip connecting
    os/2 to uniserve in vancouver, bc, canada.
  • upc112b.zip (12K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    summarizes most changes made to uupc/extended
    1.12b since release 1.11w.  please contact
    drew derbyshire, help@kew.com, for
    information on changes previous to the scope
    of this document or other questions.
  • upc12b11.zip (178K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    uupc/extended 1.12b.  executable files for 16
    bit os/2 (version 1.x), 1 of 3.
  • upc12b12.zip (201K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    uupc/extended 1.12b.  executable files for 16
    bit os/2 (version 1.x), 2 of 3.
  • upc12b13.zip (58K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    uupc/extended 1.12b.  executable files for 16
    bit os/2 (version 1.x), 2 of 3.
  • upc12b21.zip (341K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    uupc/extended 1.12b.  executable files for 32
    bit os/2 (version 2.x), 1 of 3.
  • upc12b22.zip (365K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    uupc/extended 1.12b.  executable files for 32
    bit os/2 (version 2.x), 2 of 3.
  • upc12b23.zip (106K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    uupc/extended 1.12b.  executable files for 32
    bit os/2 (version 2.x), 3 of 3.
  • upc12bad.zip (317K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    uupc/extended 1.12b.  formatted documentation
    files for uupc/extended.
  • upc12bap.zip (311K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    uupc/extended 1.12b.  documentation files
    formatted for a postscript printer.
  • upc12baw.zip (137K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    uupc/extended 1.12b.  word for windows
    documentation source files for uupc/extended.
  • upc12bs1.zip (423K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    uupc/extended 1.12b.  source files for
    uupc/extended, 1 of 2.
  • upc12bs2.zip (48K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    uupc/extended 1.12b.  source files for
    uupc/extended, 2 of 2.
  • upcgi.zip (14K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    a cgi script for uploading files.

  • updsig20.zip (40K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    add the systems uptime to your signature files.

  • url_util.zip (4K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    slrn_url_utils.zip)scripts and a s-lang macro
    to enable different browsers and/or append
    urls to a bookmark.file. (see slrn0956.zip).
  • urlchk02.zip (12K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    urlchecker002.zip) url checker, beta 2. rexx
    script for checking urls.
  • urlget10.zip (6K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    convert urls in text files to webex url objects.

  • urltre03.zip (2,176K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    urltree v0.30 - webexplorer_url folders -> html converter.

  • us15.zip (74K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    url scanner 1.5 - watches your favorite
    websites and webpages for new updates.
  • use_t868.zip (64K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    norbert deys program time868 that
    synchronizes your system clock with a
    standard via the internet.
  • usercfg.zip (31K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    text mode application for inetmail to manage users.

  • usnetcmd.zip (5K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    this is a rexx .cmd file for use with the
    other internet providers dialer in the warp
    iak.  it is from us net.
  • uu_waf.zip (86K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    generate waffle compatible filenames with uupc for os/2.

  • uucd_pls.zip (70K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    uuencode/uudecode enhancements.

  • uucod101.zip (41K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    uudecode/uuencode with long filename & wildcard support.

  • uucode.zip (25K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    uuencode and uudecode for os/2. these
    utilities will convert a binary file to plain
    ascii (uuencode) and back again (uudecode).
    this is commonly used to send binary files
    via email to another site.
  • uucode18.zip (54K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    uuencode & uudecode, v1.8 fast, free, 32-bit,
    hpfs & eas-ok all the features expectable
    from an uuencoder/decoder tool should be
  • uudeco.zip (18K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    uudecode for os/2 (with source and .exe file)
    for recieving binary files as text  (popular
    with unix systems and  internet)
  • uudeview.zip (315K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    uuen/decode etc. with x11 front end v0.5.13.

  • uudevos2.zip (146K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    version 0.97i) powerful multi-file multi-part
    decoder for uuencoded, xxencoded, base64 and
    binhex encoded data. works with news postings
    as well as emailed data.
  • uudoall.zip (80K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    hpfs aware, multipart uudecoder. this is a
    port of the dos/unix uudoall uudecoder to
  • uudvd-2.zip (123K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    multi-file multi-part decoder for uuencoded,
    xxencoded, base64 and binhex encoded data.
  • uudvdos2.zip (124K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    (version 0.97) powerful multi-file  multi-part
    decoder  for uuencoded, xxencoded, Base64 and
    BinHex encoded data. Works with news postings
    as well as emailed data. Free but copyrighted
    (GPL). Includes encoding engine as well.
    WWW home at  http://www.uni-frankfurt.de/~fp/
    Frank Pilhofer fp@informatik.uni-frankfurt.de
    OS/2 Version by wherrera@lookout.com
  • uuencdec.zip (7K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    uuencode/uudecode (source only). needed to
    unscramble some of the nethack files
  • uuencode.zip (41K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    standard berkeley unix source for uuencode.c,
    uudecode.c, modified to handle text/binary
    files, and with patch by hiroshi ueno
    (zodiac@ibm.net) to allow  uudecode to skip
    blank lines in middle of file.
  • uupc112w.zip (3,725K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    uupc/extended 1.12w for os/2.

  • uupc2mr2.zip (45K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    uupc support for mr/2 ice (an os/2 mail reader).

  • uupc2pop.zip (25K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    uupc2pop "pops" a user's incoming uupc mail
    file to a pop3 mail directory.
  • uupc_fix.zip (621K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    a fix for the stdin of inews.exe, which
    reduces compatibility between uupc/extended,
    changi and souper.
  • uupcdiff.zip (8K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    only the changes that are neceaary to provide
    a fix for the stdin of inews.exe, which
    reduces compatibility between uupc/extended,
    changi and souper. for full package,
    including executables, see uupc_fix.zip.
  • vc2v1b1.zip (261K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    internet voice communication package (complete).

  • vector.zip (1,354K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    neocomm vector multicast file transfer utility.

  • vers308.zip (177K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    ircii v3.08 - irc client port - scripting.

  • vgahost.zip (148K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    smtp/pop3 host for vga planets.

  • vir2.zip (55K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    animated icons for webexplorer, rotating "v" symbol. cool.

  • vrml.zip (9K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    animated icons for webexplorer, bouncing shapes (upn?).

  • vrml2_1.zip (5,192K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    fully multithreaded vrml browser that
    supports v1.1 of the vrml specifications. all
    rendering is done with opengl v1.0.
  • vrml2_2.zip (1,779K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    vrml/2 v1.02 - vrml browser that supports
    v1.1 of the vrml specifications. all
    rendering is done with opengl v1.0.
  • vsoup128.zip (271K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    vsoup v1.28 - multi-threaded netmail and news
    client for warp. vsoup is a network mail and
    news client program for os/2 warp's internet
    access kit. it converts mail and news fetched
    from a pop3/nntp server to soup format.
  • vt_105.zip (21K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    let's a dumb terminal run telnet session
    through any tcp/ip connected os/2 machine,
    through available com ports.  can be started
    multiple times. this has a small command line
    interface for the terminal. yet another bug
  • vt_200.zip (38K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    allows a os/2 pc with a rs-232 port to
    "shell" a telnet session to a dumb terminal.
    this is a beta of a new version of
    vt_1xx.zip. ***beta***
  • vt_260.zip (37K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    allows a os/2 pc with a rs-232 port to
    "shell" a telnet session to a dumb terminal.
    small fix release before pm version, corrects
    telnet negotiation w/ os/2 telnetd.
  • vtconect.zip (553K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    attn all virginia tech students! os/2 warp
    connection script for d.o.i.p. and
    configuriation help.
  • vuhtml.zip (181K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    html view window. contains the .exe & dll
    needed to run it. if you have installed
    visual age c++, stop reading. otherwise,
    download this zip, & copy mym30lb.dll to a
    dir in your libpath. view html as it will
    appear in ibm os/2 webexplorer.
  • vwrproxy.zip (53K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    surrogate pgm to start dos/win/os2 viewers w/ webexplorer.

  • vxfsp-b1.zip (47K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    [VX-FSP Beta 1 for OS/2]
    [PM front end for FSP  ]
  • vxftp100.zip (623K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    vx-ftp, multi-threaded pm ftp client (req. tcp/ip).

  • w3grab15.zip (126K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    wwwgrab/2 is a utility for making a copy of a
    remote web site (or part of a site).
  • w3msql.zip (142K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    patched web gateway for msql 2.0.1b.

  • wallcgi3.zip (30K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    cgi grafiti wall.  tiny's wall of babble cgi
    version of the wall for your os/2 based www
    server. personal edition *free*
  • warpbox.zip (9K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    animated icons for webexplorer, rotating warp box.

  • warploga.zip (3K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    animated icons for webexplorer, os/2 warp logo rotates?

  • watrfala.zip (5K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    animated icons for webexplorer, escher's waterfall.

  • wave.zip (35K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    animated icons for webexplorer, 3-d wave.

  • waveani.zip (24K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    netscape communicator 4.6.1 animation replacement.

  • wbi11os2.zip (1,599K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    the ibm web browsing intelligence agent is an
    intelligent agent to help people use the
    world wide web easier and more effectively.
  • wbmail10.zip (206K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    webmail10.zip) webmail/2 allows users to read
    emails via web.
  • wbspadmi.zip (145K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    websphere v3.0 - best practice for admin
    performance and scalability. gsview is
    required(dec 12 2000)
  • wcnewice.zip (28K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    warp center new mail notification, for mr/2
    ice. os/2 warp 4's warpcenter has a feature
    intended to allow cc:mail for os/2 to notify
    users of new mail via the warpcenter. it is
    possible for other mailers to use this
    feature as well.
  • wcslip.zip (367K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    slip updates to the warp iak that will allow
    you to operate the warp iak over a modem
    'shared' by another warp connect system. you
    must have version 1.45 of the ibm internet
    connection dialer.
  • wcst2url.zip (52K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    rexx scripts which build url objects (and a
    html index, if needed) out of warpcast 'new
    and updated' links messages.
  • wdn.zip (4K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    iak script to access world data network's  (a
    n. va bbs) new slip service.  a fast, cheap
    way to use webexplorer and other iak pm
  • we-url.zip (75K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    object functions for the web explorer.

  • we2xmos.zip (13K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    takes web explorer hotlists and merges them
    with xmosaic hotlists to create a new xmosaic
  • we2xmosb.zip (29K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    updated web explorer --> xmosaic hotlist convertor.

  • weasel09.zip (536K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    weasel v0.90 is a mail server supporting the
    pop3 and smtp protocols.
  • weasl101.zip (18K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    weasel v1.01.  posts dynamic ip
    address/hostname to permanent web site.
  • weathr03.zip (56K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    local weather data retrieval interface. (req.
    tcp/ip or iak).
  • web2-104.zip (870K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    os2httpd - world wide web server for os/2.
    (requires ibm tcp/ip base kit).
  • web213w.zip (78K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    web/2 v1.3w - 100% os/2 native web server
    (not a port!), easy to setup.
  • web213w2.zip (79K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    web/2 v1.3w2 - web server small in size very
    powerful. easy set-up, does not require hpfs.
    cgi, ssi, virtual domain support and more!
  • web60319.zip (1,322K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    java enabled march '96 ibm web explorer from
    ibm hursley park, u.k..
  • webalizr.zip (234K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    webalizer v1.30-04 binary for os/2
    (german/english). the webalizer - a web
    server log file analysis program.
  • webautoz.zip (3K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    extracts & opens wps window for web browser downloads

  • webcart2.zip (215K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    webcart/2 is an os/2-based internet shopping
    system ver 2.04.00.
  • webexadd.zip (3K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    script to easily add external viewer types to
    ibm's webexplorer .ini file.
  • webg022.zip (268K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    webgrab v0.22 - captures url pages with
    images into a new .htm file.
  • webkoi.zip (25K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    wpatch - patch web explorer to display koi-8 documents.

  • webloc10.zip (88K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    web=local synchronizer v1.0 (oct. 23th 2000)

  • webmail1.zip (11K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    webmail1b1.zip webmail is a cgi rexx script,
    allows users to read their emails via a web
  • webmod13.zip (644K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    webmodie13.zip  web modifier injoy edition.
    designed to allow a dialup user to dynamicly
    change a web page. modify an html document to
    include:  http, ftp, and telnet links to the
    computer running the web modifier.
  • webmod20.zip (549K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    web modifier version 2.0, dynamicly updates web page.

  • webmumps.zip (469K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    webmumps mumps subset language interpreter
    for os/2 web servers.
  • webn200.zip (315K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    webnavigator 2.00 for os/2 warp with iak. web
    browser w/ quicklist, mail/news, online and
    offline support and more.
  • webn21b1.zip (270K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    WebNavigator 2.1B1 for OS/2 Warp with IAK.
    Web browser w/ quicklist, mail/news, 
    online and offline support and more (BETA).
  • weborg.zip (259K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    weborg v02.00.00ga - organize netscape &
    webexplorer bookmarks
  • websl022.zip (217K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    web slider beta v0.22 - make use of the www
    to implement slideshows or other
    demonstration presentations.
  • websort.zip (270K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    websort v1.0 sorts webexplorer's url lists by their alias.

  • websortw.zip (271K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    websort version 1.01a. sorts your webexplorer
    quicklist by alias in alphabetical  order.
    list can be modified, deleted, added; printed
    in a report style listing.
  • websptun.zip (331K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    the websphere application server v3.0 se/ae
    performance tuning guide. gsview is
    required(4. qu 1999)
  • websvrev.zip (69K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    the webservices review in websphere
    enterprise v5.0 (oct 2002)
  • webtraps.zip (53K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:16

    configuration files for the web traffic
    express proxy server(apr., 18th 2001)
  • webwav.zip (305K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:17

    wav, mid player for webexplorer. simple,
    quick os/2 app that allows you to play, save
    and play or just save any mmpm/2 audio file.
  • webwrite.zip (1,078K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:17

    webwriter/2 v1.2 - html editor for os/2.
    multithreaded design allows editing multiple
    documents at once. support for all html 2.0,
    iso-latin-1 chars, & much of html 3.0.
  • webx103b.zip (453K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:17

    ibm os/2 webexplorer v1.03b updates.

  • webxlist.zip (6K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:17

    convert webexplorer quicklists to webextra bookmarks

  • webxorg.zip (352K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:17

    weborg v02.00.00.b1 - organize bookmark list
    in netscape and webexplorer.
  • webxv11b.zip (1,423K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:17

    webxv11b ibm webexplorer version 1.1b update.
    use pkunzip to decompress file.  read
    service.doc for installation instructions.
  • webxv11d.zip (1,424K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:17

    webxv11d ibm webexplorer version 1.1d update.

  • webxv11e.txt (7K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:17

    list of apar's fixed in the latest web explorer from ibm.

  • webxv11e.zip (1,661K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:17

    webxv11d ibm webexplorer version 1.1e update.

  • webxv11f.exe (1,451K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:17

    ibm os/2 web explorer version 1.1f.

  • webxv11f.txt (1K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:17

    text file describing ibm os/2 web explorer version 1.1f.

  • webxv11g.exe (1,465K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:17

    webxv11g ibm webexplorer version 1.1g.  self
    extracting file. see readme.11g for apar list
    and instructions.
  • webxv11g.txt (11K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:17

    webxv11g text file with apar list and
    instructions for webexplorer version 1.1g.
  • webxv11h.exe (1,465K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:17

    ibm webexplorer version 1.1h. complete
    replacement for the ibm webexplorer. the ibm
    webexplorer will be at the 1.1h version after
    the installation of this package. please
    review the file, webxv11h.txt before applying
    this latest version.
  • webxv11h.txt (12K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:17

    ibm webexplorer version 1.1h. installation
    instructions and a list of apars for the ibm
    webexplorer version 1.1h.  please review this
    file before applying the this latest version.
    you will also need to download webxv11h.exe.
  • wequickl.zip (3K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:17

    create url objects with rexx. needs web
    explorer version 0525 or later.
  • who001b.zip (34K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:17

    who 0.01 beta ** native os/2 warp textmode
    address manager.
  • whoami12.zip (12K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:17

    pm and text versions: display hostname/ip address.

  • whois10c.zip (22K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:17

    whois client for os/2. whois client for os/2
    allows you to lookup users, hosts, domains,
    mailboxes and other information over the
    internet or on your own network.
  • whois11.zip (7K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:17

    whois client v1.1 : get info on a specific
    host. *freeware*
  • whois12.zip (7K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:17

    whois v1.2 : whois client: get info on a
    specific host, just like the unix one.
  • whois461.zip (100K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:17

    whois v4.6.1 - the whois client for detecting
    the full url name. emx is required. source is
    included(jan 1 2003)
  • whoiskg1.zip (6K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:17

    this whois client will automatically select
    the correct server for your query. no more
    need to specify '-h whois.ripe.net' on the
  • wilburo2.zip (69K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:17

    *    The Web Design Group's HTML 3.2 Reference     *
    * This file may be distributed subject to the      *
    * guidelines found at:                             *
    * http://www.htmlhelp.com/distribution/guidelines/ *
    *           Current Build: Version 1.6             *
  • winwi142.zip (757K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:17

    winwillow v1.42 - winwillow retrieves its
    list of available databases via http(dec 20
  • wmail04.zip (31K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:17

    warpmail 0.4b - a "mail like unix" for os/2.
    sends email via smtp from an editor, stdin or
    a file. perfect to create emails out of
    sripts or to write fast a mail.
  • wmos2140.zip (348K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:17

    webmirror v1.40. allows the retrieve of up to
    150 objects (html pages or images) only for
    each web site and one connection to the proxy
  • wms02b4.zip (135K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:17

    mail server software for uupc/extended.
    included are extensions for a simple
    fileserver & listserver.
  • woodcnt6.zip (16K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:17

    woodcnct" augments the "injoy" dialer for
    os/2.  it creates a log file of your
    connections to your isp recording the ip
    addresses.  the idea is to help your isp find
    bad modems.
  • wpbif094.zip (55K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:17

    wpbif092.zip simple WPS version of unix Biff v0.92 with sources
    Author: Vitaly S. Gumirov 
  • wpop3s1.zip (145K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:17

    wpop3server 1.0. compliant with rfc-1725 with
    remote management.
  • wrpdis20.zip (67K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:17

    nntp client and smtp client/daemon for use
    with warp iak or os/2 tcpip 2.0 written using
    rxsock dll. three rexx utils that collect
    news and mail, and/or deliver mail.  written
    in rexx using rxsock.  can be used
    interchangeably with ka9q.
  • ws5teser.zip (31K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:17

    the websphere v5.0 test environment server(dec 6 2002)

  • wsa5labs.zip (2,288K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:17

    lab files for websphere application server 5.0(nov 6 2002)

  • wsb2.zip (1,066K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:17

    pre-release version of a vrml browser

  • wsec4628.zip (7,668K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:17

    the secure webserver v4.6.2.8 as test version
    from testcase(nov. 2000)
  • wsuck099.zip (62K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:17

    websucker 0.99 retrieves web pages from a
    http (www) server; can be configured to
    follow all hyperlinks leading to other pages
    on the same server.
  • wuftp24d.zip (345K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:17

    port of wu-ftpd-2.4 (req: emx09b runtime).

  • www2htm1.zip (9K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:17

    convert webexplorer and netscape bookmarks to html file.

  • wwwcnt25.zip (201K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:17

    web page hit counter, date & time display,
    .gif manipulator and more.
  • wwwcount.zip (23K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:17

    wwwcount is a flexible hit counter program
    for os/2 web servers. it can produce either
    textual or graphical (.gif) output. wwwcount
    can be invoked as a cgi-bin script or as a
    "ncsa-style" #exec cmd= server side include.
  • wwwgrab1.zip (20K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:17

    wwwgrab/2 is a utility for mirroring complete websites.

  • wwwindex.zip (9K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:17

    wwwindex - a list of places to go while
    surfing the www.  excel 3.0 spreadsheet.
    makes it easy to track urls and spellings!
  • wwwmrg.zip (6K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:17

    wwwmerge v1.0 95/01/07. this will merge
    entries from multiple www explorer hotlist
    files into a single hotlist without duplicate
    entries. rexx utility, so source is included.
  • wwwmysql.zip (94K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:17

    www-sql 0.5.7 for use with mysql and apache

  • wwwos2.zip (596K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:17

    innoval's web willy watch, a (now) free os/2
    web filtering/offline browsing etc. package.
  • xbftp10.zip (23K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:17

    os/2 ftp-library version 1.0 for alaska xbase++.

  • xdown13.zip (656K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:17

    the x-downloader v1.3 for ftp and http file
    sources as xfree86/2 or hobb application(nov
  • xios222c.zip (452K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:17

    xitami 2.22c is a high-quality portable free
    web server. it is distributed with source
    code according to a liberal license
  • xmltools.zip (701K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:17

    the xml tools within websphere.gsview is
    required(aug 2002)
  • xmos2we.zip (38K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:17

    merges a hotlist from web explorer version
    1.0 and a hotlist from xmosaic from a unix
    machine into a single hotlist to be used for
    xmosaic and web explorer.
  • xport.zip (14K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:17

    this xport.dll enables exceed 3.0 to work
    with 32-bit tcp/ip 4.1 and higher.
  • xpress.zip (4K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:17

    internet express access script. contains
    xpress.cmd, a script to connect the os/2 iak
    to the internet express (usa.net). xpress.txt
    describes the other information you need to
  • xsos222c.zip (974K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:17

    xitami 2.22c source.

  • xtacacsd.zip (91K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:17

    xtacacsd201.zip extended tac access control
    server (xtacacsd) for os/2, version 2.01.
  • xxcode.lzh (21K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:17

    xxencode/xxdecode from unix - use to
    encode/decode files from internet.
  • yala094.zip (20K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:17

    yala (yet another logfile analyser) produces
    statistics from apache logfiles (and
  • yatla1.zip (12K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:17

    Yatla/2 (Yet Another TaLine Add-on/2)
    For PmMail
    Simple Quick and fairly full featured,
    adds tag line to the end of any message.
  • yccis.cmd (10K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:17

    script for ppp to cis with bit/parity
    handling. rexx script to log in to the
    internet using cis  as provider. handles the
    mode switch between 7-bit even parity during
    logon and 8-bit no parity during ppp by
    controlling the com port.
  • yep16.zip (259K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:17

    yep 1.6 - yarn editor pre/post processor
    works with the yarn offline mail reader.
    editor enhancer for yarn & other offline
  • ypmatch.zip (12K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:17

    this program implements the sun 'ypmatch'
    command under os/2.
  • yrn2_090.zip (428K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:17

    pc yarn v0.90 beta release. suite of programs
    used to store and read usenet news and mail
    offline. imports articles from soup files
    into a news database.
  • yrndl153.zip (173K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:17

    yarndial v. 1.53 - utility to automate
    operation of souper and yarn off-line news
    and mail reader/management programs.
  • ytalkos2.zip (114K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:17

    ytalk client and ntalkd daemon for os/2.

  • ytsg4.zip (119K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:17

    yarn grep utility outputs html links or soup.
    ytsg v4.00 - yarn-to-soup-withgrep. search
    yarn newsbase for text and convert messages
    containing search text into soup (uqwk)
  • zampa099.zip (39K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:17

    zampa beta 0.99. presentation manager
    application for os/2. zampa is a os/2 utility
    for configuring and enabling the firewall
    included with the 5x/6x versions of mpts,
    that is, tcp/ip 4.1 and above. [formerly
    named "the wall"]
  • zmap_s.zip (43K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:17

    tool to automatically reload and change the lmhosts file.

  • zoneedit.zip (89K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:17

    the  tool zoneditor is used for creating bind
    zone files. it also maintains the bind
    named.conf file adding and deleting
    domains(apr 5 2002)
  • zope222.zip (2,467K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:17

    zope v2.2.2 - a documentation about the zope
    contentmanager as application server. emx is
    required. see also: www.zope.org(oct 14 2002)
  • zope260.zip (6,730K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:17

    zope v2.6.0 - see: http://www.zope.org - emx
    and phyton v2.2.2 is required(dec 2002)
  • zope261b.zip (14,272K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:17

    zope v2.6.1b1 - a server in content
    management, portals, and custom applications,
    enables teams to collaborate in the creation
    and management of dynamic web-based business
    applications such as intranets and
    portals(jan 30 2003)
  • zopebook.zip (1,581K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:17

    the documentation for zope v2.6.0  - see file
    zope260.zip  - dec 2002
  • zxmail.zip (1,287K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:58:17

    zxmail e-mail server v1.0.17.  full pop3 and
    smtp server, supports optional pop3 commands,
    smtp authentification, multi-domain, pop3
    fetch and distribute to a domain, user(s),
    catch all mailbox.