• 10unzs.zip (86K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:10

    os/2 pm front for zip files - view file in
    zip before unzipping, create directory for
    files and create wps folder for files.
  • 13unzr.zip (74K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:10

    pm shell for .zip files. view files inside of
    zip's by object association. create
    directories, start os/2 sessions. integrates
    well with the wps.  free.
  • acvt_o32.zip (35K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:10

    archive converter supports practically any
    archives types if you have appropriate
    archivers.  acvt extracts files from the
    source archive and packs them into the new
  • af0_32b.zip (265K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:10

    archive folder v0.32 - 32-bit multithreaded
    pm archive manager.
  • afe30.zip (514K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:10

    howie weiner's great pm tool for manipulating
    compressed files with full gui methods.
    includes ability to virus scan them.
  • afe_t11.zip (450K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:10

    AFExT version 1.1 - AFE xTINY
    OS/2 2.1x PM archive utilities that
    provide an object oriented front end 
    for the creation, updating, unarchiving,
    virus scanning, and viewing of archive
    files.  Supports running of internal
    archive executables.
    Shareware $15
  • ar002.lzh (43K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:10

    c source code and os/2 & dos executables for
    haruhiko okumra's new pedagogical archiver.
    header files compatable with yoshi's lhx.
  • arc201.exe (59K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:10

    os/2 arc programs.  100% compatible with arc
    and .arc files, os2 protected mode program.
  • arc521-2.zip (171K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:10

    arc program with source.

  • arcid122.zip (40K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:10

    archive identifier 1.22 - a utility for
    identifying arc arj hyp lzh pak rar sqz zip
    zoo gif jpg and bmp files by signature, not
    extension, including self-extracting
  • arcm30.zip (157K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:10

    archive manager 3.0: new version! now wps
    aware. create and maintain .zip files as if
    they were folders on your desktop.
  • arcp.zip (33K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:10

    ver. 6.01p of sea's arc program for os2

  • arj250.zip (269K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:10

    official release of arj version 2.50.

  • arj2_261.exe (186K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    arj/2 v2.61. finally an os/2 release of arj!
    supports long filenames, but not eas (yet?).
  • arj2_262.exe (192K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    arj 2.62 os/2 hosted add-on.

  • arj2_262.zip (155K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    ARJ/2 2.62.02 LX
     * compressed with LXLITE
     * smaller & better SFX-STUBS
     * runs on OS/2 3.0 and better
    if you need the utils to compress your
    private registered ARJ.EXE cantact me
  • arj2_270.exe (238K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    arj v2.70 for os/2.  now handles eas and hpfs
    long filenames.
  • arj2_271.exe (239K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    arj/2 v 2.71

  • arj2_273.exe (247K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    arj v 2.73 beta for os/2.

  • arj2_275.exe (247K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    arj/2 v2.75

  • arj2r271.exe (246K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    arj/2 v 2.71, russian national language version.

  • arj2r273.exe (254K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    arj v 2.73 beta for os/2 (russian nlv).

  • arjz015.zip (260K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    better arj than arj for dos, dos4gw, nt, etc
    and os/2. made by 3rd party guys in russia.
  • av182.zip (282K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    archive viewer, version 1.82, a 32-bit pm
    archive viewing, file/directory maintenance
    and program launching utility for os/2 2.x.
  • bau102.zip (33K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    rearchiver, tester, lister, archiver for os/2
    & dos. support from 1 to 65535 archives
    (os/2) and 1024 (dos), cardware
  • bdsap.zip (21K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    this program creates small and fast
    selfextractors using aplib compression
    library, executable overhead nearly 1.3 kbyte
    suitable for extraction from boot disk
    ramfs64.ifs drive.
  • booz.exe (21K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    os/2 protected mode zoo (test,extract, list)

  • bunzip.zip (60K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    bunzip.exe  - a tool to unpack files with bz2
  • bzip101.zip (231K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    bzip2 v1.01 compresses files using
    burrows-wheeler compression, and huffman
    coding. compression is generally better than
    that achieved by other lz77/lz78-based
    compressors - emx runtime 0.09d required
    (jan. 2001)
  • bzip2v10.zip (76K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    bezip2 v1.0 - a block-sorting file compressor(may 16 2000)

  • bzipv102.zip (49K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    bezip2 v1.0.2 - a block-sorting file
    compressor as vac version(jul 13 2002)
  • cabext06.zip (30K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    cabextract v0.6 - a program to extract *.cab
    files. emx is required(nov 30 2002)
  • compr412.zip (53K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    compress version 4.12

  • compre.zip (41K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    os/2 version of unix compress

  • compres.zip (28K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    file compression utility, compatible with
    unix compress/uncompress. includes c source.
  • crysaf.uc2 (51K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    ultrasafe and ultracrypt, protection
    utilities for ultracompressor ii. must have
    ultracompressor ii to unarchive!
  • decom102.zip (22K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    decomp v1.02 - the char-setup toolkit
    decompression utility (mar 15 1991)
  • diunp303.zip (29K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    disk image unpack utility.

  • diunpack.zip (27K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    an upacker for diskette image files(files
    with extension dsk). it works not for elder
    files of this format.
  • dropnzip.zip (379K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    dropnzip, a pm interface for zip/unzip.

  • drpnzip.zip (26K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    pm interface to zip/unzip (req. vrobj.dll).

  • dsk4pm.zip (136K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    ║     OS/2 DSK4PM/DSKWPS    ║
    ║          Ver 1.33         ║
    ║   A program to unpack or  ║
    ║     pack IBM diskettes    ║
  • dsk4pm96.zip (209K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    a utility to unpack ibm *.dsk files to
    diskettes(version 1996)
  • dsk4v161.zip (103K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    dsk4pm v.1.61 - utility to unpack ibm *.dsk
    files to diskette(sept. 2000)
  • dskarc11.zip (32K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    diskettearchive, archives and copies
    diskettes, saves compressed images into a
    file. os/2 shareware, not crippled.
  • dskpm422.zip (778K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    dsk4pm v4.22 - a tool to upack a dsk file to
    diskette(jan., 7th 2002)
  • dskwa422.zip (457K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    dskwarp v4.22 - a tool to build a diskette
    from loaddskf, emt, mif or diskimge
    files(jan. 7th 2002)
  • dskxtr12.zip (140K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    extract/compare files in dsk diskette images.
    the dskxtrct and dskcompr programs work with
    dsk diskette image files associated with the
    ibm programs, savedskf and loaddskf.
  • dxp234.zip (206K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    disk express 2.34. super diskette imaging
    program. 16/32-bit versions, data encryption,
    vmdisk extraction, and more. multi-threaded.
  • dxpsh10.zip (51K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    dxp shell 1.0, an os/2 pm shell for dxp 2.31
    or higher. requires dxp (dxp231.zip) or
    higher to operate. bring your disk image
    management to pm.
  • e_wise.zip (52K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    wise setup unpacker.

  • emt4pm.zip (1,698K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    the emt4pm unpacker for os/2 (sept. 2002)

  • emtpm422.zip (1,576K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    the emt4pm v4.22 ardi unapacker(jul 2002)

  • ewise.zip (107K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    the e_wise unpacker. see for information:http
    ://www.tardis.ed.ac.uk/~adq(jul 1 2002)
  • exe2zip.zip (30K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    a rexx tool to force an exe file(as sfx
    compressed) to a zip file(2002)
  • extract2.zip (41K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    decompression program for both .zip and .arc
    files.  contains both bound and protected
    mode executables.
  • fastlzh.zip (7K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    a "faster" version of lzh compression (src)

  • freeze-2.zip (82K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    freeze/melt compression program

  • funzip2.zip (35K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    infozip's funzip (filter unzip), os/2 executable/docs.

  • gnuzip.zip (75K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    gnu zip v1.24 32-bit file comp/dcompress
    93/08/18. gailly's 'gzip' command for os/2
    32-bit file compression/decompression
    utility. decompresses unix compatible
    compressed files and compression &
    decompression of '.gz' suffix gzip files.
  • gz124-16.zip (72K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    gnu gzip 1.2.4 16-bit executables.

  • gz124-32.zip (75K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    gnu gzip 1.2.4 32-bit executables.

  • gzip124.zip (260K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    gnu gzip 1.2.4 source code.

  • ha0999b.zip (103K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    this file contains the ha archiver 0.999b,
    ported to os/2. the archive includes the
    complete sources, the original ha for dos and
    the os/2 version. the os/2 version needs the
    emx runtime dlls, v0.9a or better.
  • ha20999d.exe (104K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    the ultimate in file archivers is now
    available for os2 users. ha2, as of this
    release, is now a self-extracting archiver.
  • hpack79o.zip (167K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    archiver.  slow, but better comp. than zip.
    best encryption of any archiver, pgp keys.
  • imgar422.zip (640K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    img2ardi v4.22 - an ardi builder and image
    converter(jan., 7th 2002)
  • kazip1.zip (342K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    a utility to make zipfile manipulation
    easier. also includes a utility for creating
    selfextracting zips.
  • klzip107.zip (347K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    kl-zip 1.07 wps front end for zip/unzip.
    kl-zip is a workplace shell gui interface for
    the freeware zip and unzip package (included
    with kl-zip).
  • kzip099e.zip (340K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    KAZip 0.99e
    A program to help make zipfile management easier.
  • lh2_222.zip (112K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    lharc verison 2.22 (16 and 32-bit versions)

  • lha100bt.zip (101K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    quick port of lha for unix 1.00 with some
    improvments & fixes, requires emx runtime.
  • lhbreak1.lzh (14K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    lhbreak is a 32 bit utility designed to break
    multiple file .lzh archives into individual
    (compressed) archives.
  • loadram.zip (28K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    unpack rammed files os/2 & dos

  • loadram1.zip (15K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    newer rev of loadram unarchiver.  this file
    will be necessary to extract from
    fix21_01.ram and fix21_02.ram.
  • loadram2.zip (15K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    loadram2.exe - a source to disk target
    unpacker with many options (v2.0w)
  • loadrm2a.zip (14K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    loadram2.exe - a utility to load dsk files on floppy disks

  • lxlt120.zip (824K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    lx lite v1.20:  os/2 exe/dll/drv/fon/sys ...
    "on-the-fly" file compressor, ala lzexe and
    pklite. speed up big (1mb) files.
  • lxlt121.zip (384K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    ═══════ FRIENDS software presents ═══════
    ╖  \//        An  OS/2 executables packer
    ╜─╜//\  ╖     Lots  of  features, maximal
      //╖  ╖╫─╓─╖ compression, nice interface
     // ╜─╜╨╙─╙──               version 1.2.1
  • lxlt121s.zip (445K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    ═══════ FRIENDS software presents ═══════
    ╖  \//        An  OS/2 executables packer
    ╜─╜//\  ╖     Lots  of  features, maximal
      //╖  ╖╫─╓─╖ compression, nice interface
     // ╜─╜╨╙─╙──               version 1.2.1
  • lzhmvs.zip (82K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    cross-platform compression, from pcs to unix
    to mvs - and back.  compressed file transrer
    between pc and mainframe - lzhdos & lzhmvs.
  • lzhuf.zip (29K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    new file pack/unpack. for os/2. includes ms c 5.1 source.

  • os2arc.zip (27K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    sea's arc program for os/2!!

  • os2arc_s.zip (80K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    source for seas arc 5.12 converted o/2

  • os2kit1.zip (18K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    zip file utilities.

  • os2lhx.lzh (15K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    lhx modified and compiled for os/2

  • os2unzip.zip (19K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    un-zip utility with source

  • os2zipv.zip (8K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    os/2 pm zip viewing utility.  works with
    pkunzip but shows results in a pm screen.
  • ospmav03.zip (46K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    pmzipper beta ver03 extract and view zip,
    lzh, arj and zoo. also views os/2 install
    disk and cdrom.
  • otargzip.zip (284K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    email ware front end to tar.exe, gzip.exe
    unzip.exe support (objec rexx version).
  • pax20.zip (194K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    portable archive interchange; reads and
    writes tar and cpio format files under os/2.
    source included.
  • pkos2250.exe (302K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    pkzip 2.50 for os/2 runs as a 32-bit native
    application under os/2 version 2 or later.
    features include spanning, 32-bit crc,
    keyword encryption, os/2 self-extracting
    files, a new format of more intuitive
    commands and options, and more.
  • pkz102_2.exe (252K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    version 1.02 of pkzip/unzip for os/2.
    protected mode and bound versions of phil
    katz's famous pkzip and pkunzip file
    compression and decompression utilities and
    relating programs and documentation.
  • pm_zip.zip (293K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    os/2 pm interface for pkzip2/pkunzip2.
    includes a complete superset of the files in
  • pmzip01.zip (95K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    zipmeister v0.1 -- graphical zip/unzip utility.

  • pmzip100.zip (620K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    PM Zipper is a ZIP-SHELL and
    CD-ROM-MANAGER for Info-Zip's
    It's possible to view and
    compare multiple archives
    at the same time;
    included icon management;
    could view ascii and inf files;
    run programs inside an archive
    without unpack it;
    complete drag&drop supported;
    PM Zipper is a multithreaded
    32 bit OS/2-PM application.
  • pmzpr14.zip (654K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    pmzipper 1.4 zip,unzip,drag & drop,checkout.
    os/2 pm. add,extract,delete,create and view.
    warp 3.0 revision. archive utility.
  • pmztst.zip (89K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    pmzip 1.01 *beta* zip shell for os/2 that
    supports view, add, delete, and extract
  • polyxos2.zip (18K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    polyxarc 2.0, os/2 version

  • prar206p.exe (274K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    rar polish language version 2.06 for os/2.

  • pxos221a.lzh (37K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    polyxarc, un-compress everything, v2.1a.

  • rar250p.exe (259K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    rar for os/2, v2.50. rar is a general purpose
    archiving and compression program competing
    with/replacing programs such as pkzip, arj
    and others.
  • rar30b7.zip (334K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    rar v3.00 beta 7 - a tool to
    compress/decompress files with extenion
    rar(*.rar) - may 2002 this is a shareware
    version. see:http://www.rar.cz/
  • rar32b1.zip (361K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    rar v3.20 beta 1 - a tool to
    compress/decompress files with extension rar
    for os/2 and dos(mar 23 2003)
  • raread20.zip (42K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    raread v2.0 - a tool to copy an image to a
    diskette. the file size is up to 2.88
    mb(june, 10th 2000)
  • rarx260.exe (255K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    rar-32 version 2.6 for dos and os/2.

  • rawrit20.zip (49K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    rawrite v2.0 for os/2 and dos to copy a
    diskette image file to a diskette(jun 10
  • readdsk.zip (6K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    read disk utility, stores disk to a raw
    binary file. usage:  readdsk :
  • repack10.zip (24K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    repack.exe v1.0 - a utility for repacking
    packed segments of a module
  • savedskf.zip (5K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    the tool savedskf v1.14p to create disk images(1992)

  • sharos2.zip (21K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    hpfs tool for unix shell archives -
    supersedes os2shar.zip - (fixed mkdir)
  • stix.zip (49K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    stix  - a decompressor for stirling
    installshield 3 and selfextractors(jun 12
  • targ109b.zip (85K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    pm tar/gzip unarchiver early beta.

  • targz12d.zip (115K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    front end to tar and gzip beta.

  • targzip.zip (168K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    freeware os/2 32 bit archivers for tar and
    gzip archive formates.
  • tarzpm24.zip (304K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    otargzippm24 targzippm v2.4, pm front end to tar and gzip.

  • tdate140.zip (57K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    archive "true date" stamp utility, version
    1.40.  os/2 2.x only.  truedate will reset an
    archive to the "true date" (i.e., the file
    inside the archive with the newest or oldest
    date).  new archive programs can be defined
    and are fully configurable.
  • testzip.zip (60K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    mass-tests zip and other user-definable archives.

  • testzp13.zip (60K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    tests zip and other user-definable archives.
    tests all archives of the specified type and
    optionally deletes any bad files.  it can
    also log the results with 3 levels of
  • uc2ins.exe (167K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    ultracompressor ii - super fast new file
    compressor from europe! support ea's,
    32-bit,creates smaller archives faster than
  • uc2pro.zip (394K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    the ultra compressor pro ii for many formats.
    no freeware for commercial use(jun 1 1995)
  • unar2412.zip (45K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    arj unpacker.

  • unarj.lzh (41K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    an un-arj for os/2 from scott dudley.

  • unarj.zip (63K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    Unarj 2.41 with sources
    Note: unarj.exe compressed 
    by LXLite. Best wishes.
  • unarj241.zip (27K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    unarj 2.41 recompiled for os/2 with c/set++
    executable only.
  • unarj32.lzh (108K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    unarj with wildcard and extract path support.
    contains source.
  • unpak.zip (16K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    unpak - the uncompression extractor from
    borland - usage: unpak command archive
    [destination dir] [file ...] (nov 10 1994)
  • unshar.zip (26K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    unshar; explode shell archives. source included.

  • unshar2.zip (58K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    unshar2 extracts files from shell archives.
    c++ src included. freeware requires: ibm os/2
  • untar.zip (42K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    a utility to list/decompress files with the
    extensions *.tar and *.tgz. another option -u
    is for gunzip.
  • untgz095.zip (159K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    untgz .tgz (tar/gzip) extractor v0.95
    directly decompresses unix tgz (tar/gzip)
    archives under ms-dos. features automatic
    long filename conversion. includes: dos, dos
    386+, 32-bit windows 95/nt and also a native
    os/2 exe. includes complete c source.
  • untgzos2.zip (66K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    untgzos2.exe v0.95 - an extractor of files
    with extension tar.gz,tgz,tar and gz. source
    included (feb. 17th 1997)
  • unz511.exe (232K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    infozip's unzip 5.11:  os/2 exes & docs
    contains:   16- and 32-bit executables for
    unzip     (zipinfo now built in)   16-bit
    executable for unzipsfx (self-     extractor
    stub:  prepend to zipfiles)   16- and 32-bit
    executables for funzip
  • unz532.zip (387K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    info-zip's unzip 5.32.

  • unz532d2.zip (174K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    info-zip unzip v5.32 .dll support.

  • unz532x1.exe (215K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    info-zip unzip v5.32 16-bit os/2 binaries.

  • unz532x2.exe (231K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    info-zip unzip v5.32 32-bit os/2 binaries.

  • unz540d2.zip (177K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    info-zip unzip v5.4 unzip utility. info-zip's
    purpose is to provide free, portable,
    high-quality versions of the zip and unzip
    compressor-archiver utilities that are
    compatible with the dos-based pkzip by
    pkware, inc.
  • unz540x1.exe (215K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    info-zip unzip v5.4 unzip utility. (16-bit
    executables?) info-zip's purpose is to
    provide free, portable, high-quality versions
    of the zip and unzip compressor-archiver
    utilities that are compatible with the
    dos-based pkzip by pkware, inc.
  • unz540x2.exe (267K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    info-zip unzip v5.4 unzip utility. (32-bit
    executables?) info-zip's purpose is to
    provide free, portable, high-quality versions
    of the zip and unzip compressor-archiver
    utilities that are compatible with the
    dos-based pkzip by pkware, inc.
  • unz_os2.zip (16K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    an os/2 unzipper with c source.

  • unzip51.zip (328K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    infozip portable unzip, version 5.1.  this
    file contains source code only for multiple
  • unzip511.zip (388K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    Info-ZIP's UnZip 5.11:  generic C sources
      Complete C source code for Info-ZIP's
      PKUNZIP-compatible unarchiver, for all
      supported compilers and platforms (Unix,
      OS/2, MS-DOS, NT, VMS, Amiga, Atari, Mac,
      etc.), plus lots of cool documentation.
    This is FREE (but copyrighted) software.
    See COPYING for details on distribution
    and reuse.
  • unzip512.zip (396K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    Info-ZIP's UnZip 5.12:  generic C sources
      Complete C source code for Info-ZIP's
      PKUNZIP-compatible unarchiver, for all
      supported compilers and platforms (Unix,
      OS/2, MS-DOS, NT, VMS, Amiga, Atari, Mac,
      etc.), plus lots of cool documentation.
    This is FREE (but copyrighted) software.
    See COPYING for details on distribution
    and reuse.
  • unzip52.zip (787K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    Info-ZIP's UnZip 5.20: generic C sources
      Complete C source code for Info-ZIP's
      PKUNZIP-compatible .zip extractor, for
      all supported compilers and platforms
      (Unix, OS/2, MS-DOS, NT, VMS, Amiga,
      Atari, Mac, Acorn, VM/CMS, etc.), plus
      lots of cool documentation.
    This is FREE (but copyrighted) software.
    See COPYING for details on distribution
    and reuse.
  • unzip520.exe (420K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    Info-ZIP's UnZip 5.2:  OS/2 exes
    Portable ZIP archive extractor; docs + :
      UnZip (ZipInfo built in)
      UnZipSFX (self-extractor stub:
        prepend to zipfiles)
      fUnZip (filter UnZip, for use with pipes)
    This is FREE (but copyrighted) software.
    See COPYING for details on distribution.
    Runs under OS/2 1.3 and later.
  • unzip531.exe (427K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    Info-ZIP's UnZip 5.31: generic C sources
      Complete C source code for Info-ZIP's
      PKUNZIP-compatible .zip extractor, for
      all supported compilers and platforms
      (Unix, OS/2, MS-DOS, NT, VMS, Amiga,
      Atari, Mac, Acorn, VM/CMS, etc.), plus
      lots of cool documentation.
    This is FREE (but copyrighted) software.
    See COPYING for details on distribution
    and reuse.
  • unzip531.zip (820K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    Info-ZIP's UnZip 5.31: generic C sources
      Complete C source code for Info-ZIP's
      PKUNZIP-compatible .zip extractor, for
      all supported compilers and platforms
      (Unix, OS/2, MS-DOS, NT, VMS, Amiga,
      Atari, Mac, Acorn, VM/CMS, etc.), plus
      lots of cool documentation.
    This is FREE (but copyrighted) software.
    See COPYING for details on distribution
    and reuse.
  • unzip532.zip (898K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    Info-ZIP's UnZip 5.32: generic C sources
      Complete C source code for Info-ZIP's
      PKUNZIP-compatible .zip extractor, for
      all supported compilers and platforms
      (Unix, OS/2, MS-DOS, NT, VMS, Amiga,
      Atari, Mac, Acorn, VM/CMS, etc.), plus
      lots of pretty decent documentation.
    This is FREE (but copyrighted) software.
    See COPYING for details on distribution
    and reuse.
  • unzip540.exe (440K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    Info-ZIP's UnZip 5.40: generic C sources
      Complete C source code for Info-ZIP's
      PKUNZIP-compatible .zip extractor, for
      all supported compilers and platforms
      (Unix, OS/2, MS-DOS, NT, VMS, Amiga,
      Atari, Mac, Acorn, VM/CMS, etc.), plus
      lots of pretty decent documentation.
    This is FREE (but copyrighted) software.
    See COPYING for details on distribution
    and reuse.
  • unzip540.zip (1,018K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    Info-ZIP's UnZip 5.4: generic C sources
      Complete C source code for Info-ZIP's
      PKUNZIP-compatible .zip extractor, for
      all supported compilers and platforms
      (Unix, OS/2, MS-DOS, NT, VMS, Amiga,
      Atari, Mac, Acorn, VM/CMS, etc.), plus
      lots of pretty decent documentation.
    This is FREE (but copyrighted) software.
    See COPYING for details on distribution
    and reuse.
  • unzip541.zip (467K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    info-zip unzip 5.41 as an exe self extraction
    file (april 2000).
  • unzipshl.zip (71K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    unzip shell version 1.2.  os/2 pm application
    expertly crafted pm front end for zip files.
  • unzp50p1.zip (245K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    infozip unzip code (portable).  (requires
    unz50x32 to unzip)
  • unzphist.zip (93K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    Info-ZIP's changes history for UnZip 5.3.
      This is the complete history of changes,
      modifications, additions, etc., for all
      versions of Info-ZIP's UnZip from 5.30
      (April 1997) back to 2.0b (early 1990),
      plus a few versions even before that.
  • uz_102.zip (13K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    front end for unzip to allow use of wildcards
    in the zip name. this version now allows file
    names to be extracted to be put on cmd line.
  • varc10b3.zip (10K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    archive utility front-end, requires vrexx.

  • warpzip.zip (898K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    warpzip v2.4. take the work out of
    downloading software. warpzip will handle the
    details from the first click in your browser
    to the archives' final resting place.
  • wpicreat.zip (781K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    the warpin script creator - a guide to
    configure wpi formatted scripts files(dec.
  • wpz001.zip (18K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    workplace shell zip file viewer.  dll
    installs into wps as new object class--view
    contents, read readmes.  version 0.01.
  • writedsk.zip (6K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    write disk utility, restores disk from raw
    binary file. usage: writedsk 
  • wuz131.zip (21K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    WPS UnZip is a front end for ARC,
    ARJ, LZH, TAR, Z, ZIP and ZOO 
    files.  Just double-click and WUZ
    will create a temporary directory
    and give you a command-line and a
    desktop folder for the archive.
    Shareware by Scott Maxwell.
  • wzprep.zip (93K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    updated netscape helper for warpzip v1.09.

  • x1os294h.zip (227K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    x1 archiver v0.94h for 32bit os/2 (req:386+)
    *beta* compresses several files into a single
    file. command-line controlled. compresses to
    many compatible archiver formats
  • x_os2_18.exe (79K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    poly uncompress pgm for os/2 - uncompresses
    .arc, .zip and .lzh formats
  • xarc2.zip (7K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    unarcer for os/2 - unarcs sea's kitten
    archives! this is version 7.12.
  • xarc_os2.exe (7K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    xarc plus 7.01 for os/2 and groupmail

  • xbin21.zip (88K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    macintosh binhex-format unarchiver v2.1

  • xbin23.zip (32K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    binhex decoder 91/01/13. a small dos file
    that will decode files sent over the internet
    using the binhex protocol, native to the
    macintosh. provided as is.
  • zam22h.exe (83K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    zam2 archivers desktop shell 95/08/29.
    desktop shell to create & extract/view
    archives of type zip, pkzip, lzh, tar, z &
    os/2s pack & pack2. archives of type zoo, arc
    & arj are extracted. run programs right out
    archive & more. needs vrexx.
  • zbkup131.zip (48K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    ║ Simple PKZIP UI version 1.31 with  ║
    ║ scrollable/selectable/sorted lists ║
    ║ ZBackup convenient UI for --       ║
    ║   - backup and restore using PKZIP ║
    ║   - looking at directory listings  ║
    ║   - looking at ZIP file contents   ║
    ║ New features- selectable colors,   ║
    ║   printouts, sorts, on-line help+++║
    ║ + 3 more utils w/$25 registration  ║
    ║ ZFF     - file find even if zipped ║
    ║ KillTree- deletes directory trees  ║
    ║ Compactr- zips then deletes files  ║
  • zc301.zip (158K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    zip chunker 3.01 - fast! zip file splitter
    for dos & os/2. splits and sizes all types of
    files, including zip files.  will split to a
    size to fit specific floppy format or to user
    determined size. files except zip files can
    be rejoined.
  • zcp301.zip (176K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    zip chunker pro 3.01 - fast! arc, arj, lhz,
    zip splitter for dos & os/2.  splits and
    sizes all types of files, including archived
    files.  will split to a size to fit specific
    floppy format or to user determined size.
  • zcrypt27.zip (15K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    Info-ZIP's ZCrypt 2.7:  generic C sources.
      C source code add-on to provide PKWARE-
      compatible encryption and decryption sup-
      port for Info-ZIP's Zip 2.2 and UnZip 5.3
      (and later).
    This software has been placed in the public
    domain (i.e., completely unrestricted.)  It
    may be imported into the US but NOT EXPORTED
    FROM THE UNITED STATES!  This is a violation
    of US law (weird but true).
  • zfv12.zip (67K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    views files in .zip/.arc/.lzh archives.

  • zip.exe (68K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    infozip's zip. recomplied to work with fat
    drives.  16 bit.  works with most mail
  • zip10x.zip (295K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    portable zip w/source.

  • zip19.zip (147K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    bit version of the project infozip "zip"
    archiver for os/2 2.0. it supports all of the
    latest "pkzip" compression formats and
    handles ea's and long filenames. freeware.
  • zip19p1.zip (199K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    infozip zip code for zip19. (requires unz50x32 to unzip)

  • zip19x16.zip (98K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    zip v1.9. supports deflation and os/2 ea's.
    *note: does not support imploding! use zip
    v1.0 to implode.
  • zip19x32.zip (143K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    zip v1.9. 32 bit version. supports deflation
    and os/2 ea's. *note: does not support
    imploding! use zip v1.0 to implode.
  • zip201.zip (240K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    zip v2.01 source code.

  • zip201c1.zip (127K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    zip v2.01 os/2 1.x (16-bit) executables with encryption.

  • zip201c2.zip (145K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    zip v2.01 os/2 2.x (32-bit) executables with encryption.

  • zip201x1.zip (103K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    zip v2.01 os/2 1.x (16-bit) executables
    without encryption.
  • zip201x2.zip (117K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    zip v2.01 os/2 2.x (32-bit) executables
    without encryption.
  • zip21.zip (425K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    compression and file packing utility for
    different platforms. infozip v2.1
  • zip21c.zip (306K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    info-zip zip 2.1 archiver (exe with encryption support).

  • zip21x2.zip (155K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    upgrade to the free zip-type archiver for os2
    (32 bit version.)
  • zip22.zip (596K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    info-zip zip v2.2 source code.

  • zip22c.zip (286K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    info-zip zip 2.2 archiver (exe, with encryption).

  • zip22x.zip (230K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    info-zip zip 2.2 archiver (exe, without encryption).

  • zip22x1.zip (113K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    info-zip zip v2.2 16-bit os/2 binaries.

  • zip22x2.zip (139K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    info-zip zip v2.2 32-bit os/2 binaries.

  • zip_kit9.zip (24K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    os/2 kit for pkzip utils.  contains chkzip,
    clnzip, zipcomnt, and zipview.  does not
    contain some dos counterparts.
  • zipbo111.zip (38K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    ZIP Brand FAST! v1.11. A (BBS) util to
    brand .ZIP files  in a whole directory
    tree SAFELY and QUICKLY with a comment
    or banner taken from a file. Typically
    processing speed is 20+++ files a sec.
    Advanced but very easy to use.Does NOT
    use external programs as PKZIP or Info
    ZIP.  OS/2 version.  US$ 10 Shareware.
  • zipbrand.zip (26K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    zip brand fast. brand your zip files with a
    comment. (of course, most people don't like
    receiving "branded" zip files.)
  • zipcomnt.zip (5K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    os/2 version of zip file comment editor.

  • zipct263.zip (812K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    rpf zip control 2.6.3--popular .zip archive
    manager. this release adds support for unzip
    5.40 and norton antivirus 5.02.41+.
  • zipdel.zip (5K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    rexx script to remove duplicate files,
    comparing unarchived disk directories with
    archive contents.
  • zipeng10.zip (44K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    os/2 front-end for pk-zip-like programs.
    requires vrexx. supports all features of
    pkzip 2.04g and more, view text files, etc.
  • zipicon.zip (1K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    icon for pkzip.

  • zipii.zip (21K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    os/2 clone version of phil katz pkunzip

  • zipme13.zip (160K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    pm zip shell for info's zip & unzip.

  • zippy.zip (10K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    interface to zip.exe and unzip.exe.

  • zipq050.zip (21K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    zip file viewer for os/2 pm. version 0.50.

  • zipshell.zip (33K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    simple zipshell 2.1. handful of tiny
    batchfiles & wp-objects for handling zip- &
    arj-files with wps. content & unpacking of
    zip & arj files. packing zip files. nice
    icons & rexx programs for installation &
  • zipv101.zip (20K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    previously zipview.exe.  with this program.
    all your .zip files on your hard disk will
    have a cute icon of a zipper. and if you
    double click a window will open show what's
  • zoo.exe (69K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    zoo archer/de-archer for os/2 protected mode

  • zoo20os2.zip (76K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    zoo archiver ver 2.0 for os/2 pm

  • zoo21-2.zip (292K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    zoo 2.1 (hpfs/fat aware) - 32-bit version.

  • zoo21-32.zip (278K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    zoo 2.1 (hpfs/fat aware) - 32-bit version.
    requires unz50x32 or unz50x16 to unzip.
  • zoo21e.exe (319K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    zoo version 2.1 ported to os/2 by k. u.
    rommel.  source included.
  • zoodoc.zip (53K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    doc's for zoo program above

  • zp192x32.zip (58K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    version 1.9 of info zip's zipper.  32 bit.
    now works with fat partitions.
  • zshellp.zip (78K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    character-mode front-end for pkxxzip2.

  • zview.zip (256K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    zip viewer is a program that displays the
    contents of zip files. system requirements:
    unz501.exe and 1024x768 resolution.
  • zz125.zip (422K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:33:11

    bit integrated program to handle zip/unzip
    chores seamlessly requires zip/unzip (free)
    from infozip